Saturday, April 30, 2016

Revelations 101

04/30/2016 REVELATIONS 101 QUEEN C 101

WOW! The Mother Fucking things I have learned about myself and just who the fuck I really am? I'm pretty burned out. Burned out looking at all these pretty houses with all these ugly people inside. That's why God doesn't sit in any box and neither does his daughter. These people they invite you in with their smiley faces. They offer you cookies and milk. Oh they seem so nice, so sweet with all these good intentions. All these pretty little people sitting in the corner with their thumbs up their ass.

They bury their heads in the sand and while they aren't looking someone sticks it in and plugs you up. Then you turn around and blame everyone else for all your problems? You blame them for how you really feel inside? Then when you finally explode, you point the finger as you spew your poison, your venom, all that hate in your heart you blame. You become weak and selfish, you all think your so entitled, all you pretty little people, sitting in your ugly houses. Yup I see it, that is what I see. I see EGO running this house and that just ain't what it's all about. I don't give a fuck what house you sit in this house of cards comes down. That is just what this MOTHER FUCKING MOTHER SEES.

You blame sin, yet you encourage sin? Let me ask you this where did all you lil children really come from? How did this all get started? Pointing the finger at the women in the bedroom, really? I guarantee anything you do in that bedroom, your mother did it first or you all wouldn't be here right now. I can promise you when all this got started your True Mother wasn't laying on her back. I'm talking about Mother Nature. I mean really what the fuck, where do you think this really started? If your Mother and Father didn't play in all sorts of ways, all you lil Holy Spirits wouldn't be here right now. Just where the Fuck do you think you got those dancing feet? That rhythm you feel inside you, the rhythm of this one nation under one God's tiny feet? That's right their is all kinds of dances to get you moving.

Last night I was dancing under the lights with my black shadow. Trying to get my balance. I actually yelled out, "why can't I try this flat footed first? Just let me get my balance." I mean really what do they expect anyways? I'm a forty eight years old. I grew up climbing tree's and fences, not dancing. A woman pulls up, I remove my ear plug to turn down the music half way. (My IPOD got stuck on "Hanging By A Moment, Creed") I asked her if I could help her? I was informed that I was not allowed to be here and dance in this parking lot of God's house, that I need to go back with all the other black sheep. I replied, "I thought it was just that we can't smoke in the parking lot?" Due to security reasons I can't be here in this place under the lights dancing for my family. Who are these buildings and parking lots really protecting and what are they afraid of anyways? Now ask yourself, "What would Faith do?"

Yeah I know I don't look very Godly. What did I have on last night? I realized what I was wearing the night before last, when I was laying on my mat? My colors? This woman who claims to represent God and His land didn't like what she saw when she took a look at me. I must of looked a fright waving my right hand in the air, twirling all around, with my hips swaying to the rhythm, as I practice my moves upon my tipsy toes.  I mean I am all dressed in black, red coat, blue vest. Up on my dancing feet, I wear my universal vans. It might of been my scary hat. I'm really scary when I wear my scary hat. Out of all the hats that have came along this one hat is my very favorite one. It's a black hat with a skull and holes for eyes. Don't forget that flag, I danced with my red white and blue on my ass. I guess I'm gonna have to go back out to the corner. This HOPE church needs all the help it can get.

The other night I was listening to "Love The Way You Lie" by Eminem. Now that lil white boy can hit that rage in his music. Truth in all the lies and emotions. Yeah I like all kinds of music maybe not every song a group plays but for the most part all music hits a note of emotion in me. This one struck a cord a couple evenings ago. I knew just how she felt. That rage and confusion in Him. That is what is happening to our love. It seems to hurt and burn. We learn to like that kind of love. The other side of that pain is the rage. The rage in all that pain as it burns. We learn to tolerate and like the pain. All that confusion in Love? You thought all that confusion we are having is just in the bedroom?

The chord this song struck is that confusion in Love. That Love is not God's Love. It's Satan's idea of what Love is. That is another form of EVOL in the LOVE that I see. You see the thing about demons when they sit inside our minds and in our hearts, is the pain of LOVE and all that confusion of just what True Love really is? You see EVOL isn't just written in the bibles and all those big books. This is the EVOL I see in what was planted in each of us so long ago. Yup, my family dangled me over this fire a long time ago. They baited me when they hooked me up. Everyday I'm out here, I see a lot more than you do. Everyday I'm our here. I get a lil bigger and I get a lil stronger. You think this shit doesn't piss me off? Then you better think again. You think I don't know what's going on in my house? Then you better Mother Fucking think again.

That night I sat down for about five minutes and wheel of fortune was on TV. The word a name of a place. Guess what it was? I promise you I laughed my fucking ass off. It is "This Place Is HEAVEN ON EARTH." The word's after was Wonder Woman and precious metals. Yeah, I like my families sign's. I told you no one changes Destiny's path.

The other song's I found on my IPOD were, "The Reason by Hoobstank and Demons, Imagine Dragons. Yeah music moves me and moves me along on my path. It motivates me it drives me and that beat well it just makes me want to dance my emotions and moods away when I dance for them. The other night when I kept moving along with Pitch Perfect Two, I remember one of the songs got dark. I just shook it off and kept moving. Then the music got real spiritual. I remember this one part of what I was seeing and doing with my hands. It was a part of a song where I saw Kyle kneeling on the ground and I was moving my hands my finger tips straight up and down and I saw a white light in a lit up straight line of white glowing over his bald head, and the words in the song were saying, Father to Son. I knew then I was the Mother connecting Him with His Father through His Mother. It was a real warm feeling for me, happy and peaceful, until someone tapped me on the shoulder to make a comment, well a question really, wanting to know if I knew what I was doing? I said yes, I do, and I don't care what people think when I dance.

After seeing that I didn't care anymore and I understood then that I don't dance for you I dance for Him. I agreed to look crazy and for Him yes I will look crazy. Those baby girls are not going down. Not if I have anything to do with it. After what I learned yesterday, I now know the meaning of "over my dead body." That shit just ain't gonna happen. So when I laid on that mat and I looked down I realized I was wearing torn up white jeans, my red coat with my blue vest, and don't forget the flag on my ass. Yes, I dance for My Nation. I dance for My People. I dance for My Tribe and His Tribe not yours. I assure you when this hit's their will be a dance war for awhile. This is going to be a spiritual dance war.

That was when it hit me that night I cleaned that pipe? Well it's not clean I assure you that. I think they just had me knocking on it's door letting them know, I'm near and I'm coming in to get my souls. On another night I stomped on those grates all night long. I like to think I was stomping on that bitches head. Things are really dawning on me looking back about that apology, standing on that oil can? The one I thought was for Him but it turns out it was for me? I realize looking back the way I took off running like a gun went off behind me. I was literally running a race. It was July 12, 2015. It was the day after we spoke I think? I never did make it back. it was the day I heard "Sorry, their wasn't enough time."Timelines, family lineage, they go way back. So does that essence, so does that dew drop. What can I say MY FAMILY REALLY ROCKS.

What can I say my family got to the point finally of just what this really is all about. "Satan is in the house." Yup this is what they meant when I heard our nine lives are up? Don't you worry, don't you fret because I learned something else about myself the other day? Yeah this is the good part about learning just who you really are before they dropped this time bomb on me. You remember they let me know this very same day just who my daddy represents. MY DADDY REPRESENTS JC, boys and girls. So does my brother. Don't you ever forget it.

Yup! It's that special essence in this honey pots family. I got My Michael right here, I got My Brother Red right here on this ground. I've learned something else about my X? I learned just who's sixes those numbers represent? My X husband, my Father I chose he's got four sixes in that number he was assigned. Now when they said brother does not lie with brother, they never said anything about brother lying with sister? You know about those numbers and just who my other brothers and sisters are it's our birth dates all those 67 and 68's. I was born in 68 and Greg was born in 67. We are from two different schools right here in this Washington. I like that we both graduated in 1968. Don't forget about all those brothers and sisters we touched lives with over the generations?

I want you to remember something else about my X, he only has lived on this West Coast line also. My family doesn't take me down they lift me up. Yup that's right I figured out my four C's a long time ago. That brother carries the special essence also. Now you might be worried about this Lucifer fellow but I assure you I'm not. I mean just who the fucks son do you think he is anyways? That's right Lucifer's Mother is in the house. You think I wouldn't know his work anywhere? I am his Mother after all. Why the Fuck do you think my Demons Mother has such a sharp tongue? This Mothers tongue of Truth. If you think for One Mother Fucking God Damn minute, I'm coming back again for you all to fuck around and bury your heads in the sand, you got another thing coming?

Now I'm sick of this Shit that IC. Michael insisted a couple nights ago that we needed to buy brand spanking new cords to recharge my IPOD. I wanted to go to the pawn shop. I mean why invest fully into something you didn't even pay for in the first place? Total dollar for the cord and wall adapter was $37.50 something like that. I'm listening to the process just to purchase this cord at the Apple store in Kent and I couldn't believe the load of shit they were charging for a whole hell of allot of nothing but air. They offer you nothing in that high price.

Michael insisted and I had to walk out listening to all this bullshit. First they want his name just to make the purchase. Then they want more personal information and Michael ask for what? Apparently now just to buy cords they sell you a warranty in the price. Right off the top they don't even ask of you want to be fed this load of shit. It was for a three year guarantee that the product will do its job. The job it was supposed to do in the first place? Then before they ran his card they wanted to see his ID of proof that he really was saying who he really is purchasing this shit they were feeding him. I mean really? Call me old fashioned but when I was a kid you could buy a cord for a buck fifty and it lasted a real long time. Decade's even.

Now how many people really keep track of all these cords and carry or go back to return it in the first place? Lets not forget how disposable these cords are and all the garbage they put in the land fills? I couldn't walk away from this one and let Michael have his way. I asked him to return it. He did and when he came back out, he told me it would take two days for the money to be returned to his account. Imagine that? They can take your money and your life story to hassle you and try to sell you something all to pay a a high price to belong to their club? When you step out they hold your money? They punish you and cause you more stress because now you have to go back and check it. What if Michael needed that money to purchase a new one? Then we'd have to wait a couple days and they get to choose that path for me? We decided not to do business anymore. Yes Michael only had to pay ten ninety five to get me a new cord. Sometimes you might want to ask, "What Would Your Mother Do?"

Look what it really cost with all this mark up and high price? All this high cost of living at a low price? You do know that the Govt and all these corporations that feed off of us and drain our lives away are basically Multi Level Marketing? They are trying to make us tolerate our environment before Satan steps in so you won't see him coming. Now I'm here to take the pain out of LOVE once and for all. Time to get rid of this purgatory that someone else placed us in. Either in our bodies, our minds or our hearts. I assure you I do this for LOVE and I know who MY DADDY IS.

I admit it was hard bite to take myself at first. To be opened wide at first, but My Family healed me first. This system of books all filled with lies and rules they poisoned me. When they asked me if they could come inside me to save my family I said yes. I had no idea it was about my children. I certainly wasn't happy when it dawned on me when I wrote "someone is trying to take down God" what I didn't write was the last of that verse. Through the children he's going to take out The Mother. Yup! It was then that it dawned on me just what I had been writing all along "Satan is going after me and my children to take out the father and the rest of HIS TRIBE?

Well I'm here to tell you I might not know when or where exactly when this hits but I assure you it JUST AIN'T GOING DOWN LIKE THAT. I didn't do this journey for nothing. I didn't get stronger on the inside and out to be taken down. If someone really thinks they have one mother fucking clue who the real QUEEN CUNT is of this land is then you ain't seen nothing yet? My family has been honing my skills for awhile now. They have shown me just what a hard knocks life is really gonna be about for future generations. If I have lived the life I lived so I could suffer at the hands of each brother who ever crossed my path then so be it. Some lessons in life are just so you can see what not to do. If I have had to suffer and feel what my grandmothers have had to feel and endure then so be it. I'm here to say that ain't going down no more. I have learned that if you want some thing done right. Show them the right way the first time so you don't have to worry when you delegate.

All I see out here is a bunch of pussy boys. A couple of weeks ago I was standing outside the Work Source center in Auburn smoking as usual. And as usual someone wants a smoke. This kid comes walking toward me and he goes "hey give me one of those." My answer was, no. No attitude just a simple no. This kid walks past me with his bike cursing me out under his breath and calling me all sorts of names all because someone told him no? I walked over and I said "what's the matter pussy boy, you whiny lil bitch? Your mother raise a boy not even strong enough to take no for an answer? He started ranting calling me names. I said while you got your little bicycle, I got my tobacco.

It doesn't matter how gangsta or bad ass these boys and girls want to be. Their is a really big problem for any kid to treat a woman my age that way. They demand respect and they have no respect for there elders. Just where in the Hell are these Mothers and Fathers to these kids that we have lost the basic instinct of courteous behavior? We don't have to abuse our kids, we just have to be strong enough to make a point and draw that line. These kids push and we push back. As parents we have to be stronger for our children. It still breaks my heart to keep walking away from my daughters when they get disrespectful to me. It breaks my heart that every time I called Greg just to talk about what was going on with our children, no matter how I said something or approached it never one time did Greg answer me or even want to hear me out, but then he would go back to our children from a young age and make our issues theirs. Now they have a lot of fear when I speak to their father. Every time no matter what the point was he took it to them and then they would feel like they were doing something wrong for opening up to me about what is going on in their lives? That is an example of poison that we spread to our children and it shuts down the lines of communication and love.

It limits the Love and support I can give to my daughters at a time I need them not to fear me but hear me. Especially now I need them to have some peace of mind until this is over and I need them to have some support. Not from me but from their Father. Shouldn't any child have that when they see change or something that scares them? Another parent to tell them it will be okay, we will get through this. We will figure it out together as a family. Instead I have never done anything like this in my life and I can't even tell my children the good things like how strong they really are without freaking out and my X saying take a pill and turn it off you are hurting our children. That is what we do in society. Greg made fun of me and stood over me when he saw me taking Paxil at first. He didn't know how hard I cried when I sat in the car after the doctor told me I would have to take this forever? I didn't like pills and to be told just to have energy and function you have to take a pill for the rest of your life and I never needed a pill before to live?

I have learned I might need a pill every now and then for what ails me but truly I know who feeds me and I know who the BIG DADDY is right there on this ground. I have a job to do and well hell I'm going to do it. Yesterday David and Goliath popped into my head. If that is what my family wants me to do then I'll do it because quite frankly I don't work for you. I work for Him and this is my family, not yours. My family was here first and my family is here to stay. I'm here to tell you one other thing this Native Tinker Bell she ain't going down either.

 I'm friends with the Monster, Eminem. I have figured out why I wasn't afraid of that dark shadow the first time I saw it? I have figured out just why I didn't do anything with that shadow after I threw all my hate and rage into it? I have figured out just why I left it sitting there because I had a feeling it had something to do with me? I had a feeling that was my black shadow just waiting to be seen and filled so when that day comes I can bring it. I can bring my fire. My sharp tongue. I promise you Kyle raised ten lil beasties on all on his own. I promise you he knows how to get these demons back in line. I only had two, that man had ten? I promise you that man can speak the truth and he will know how to bring it. Me and Him that is all you need to keep this land going. To keep those river flowing. To feed our families from this day forward.

I wasn't happy at first about someone being picked for me and me not given a choice but I realized each day just what they want me too see inside Him? I don't need words anymore. I don't need His numbers. They gave me just what I needed to know when this goes down. They showed me that their really are two soulmates two people from long ago. We have crossed paths several times before. JC keeps coming back through the essence of man. He gets stronger every time he comes back. It was my Father who carried the burden for not only me but Him. You all never thought about the essence of the Mother that keeps coming back? You all never thought that in all these storms and that in the past when God's fist hit this planet that he had his wife? They have weathered a few storms and they will weather this one together one last time.

I wrote my father a poem long ago and I said maybe in the next life I can get to know the man without the bottle. I had no idea that our lives were going to cross over again right here in this timezone.

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