Tuesday, April 19, 2016

John Cougar John Deer John 3:16


It's heaven on earth you all want? It's heaven on earth you shall receive. I seem to of realized along this way that no matter what religious, spiritual, mental or emotional place inside yourself, that place that just keeps you moving forward that their really is one common demonstrator here. One answer to all that ails you today in this life. The answer is heaven on earth is pretty much the consensus I hear a going on all around me. It made me wonder if people have actually asked for this? Can't manifest it until you put it out there in words. Can't know what the next step to take if you don't know what is coming around the corner? Yes I said it. The corner right hear in your lifetime. If you can't even put it in words then put it in writing like I do. The more I write, the more I break it down all that I have discovered about my so called miserable life.

I think about this manifest word. I think about what I see has manifested over time? How we manifested the lies. Someone put it in writing. Some one said it and some else did it. For example all this fear we put in people if they don't follow the rules to be closer to the God? Then the fear if we don't follow the rules? Those rules effect our behavior and how we treat each other. It manifest in to emotions and it can create bad emotions. If it ain't working then don't do it. Some of these rules turn into principals then those principals turn into behavior and emotions. They aren't a true principal to base your life on. If it's wreaking havoc in your life as brothers and sisters. I mean with how we treat each other then don't do it. When we do this behavior out of religion or some kind of belief system that has been planted in your head somewhere down the line it creates distention. That is what this brother greater than sister created right from the start. Distention, separation of two parts. It weaken us. Weather in a marriage or at work just this behavior is and has proven throughout history to have a negative effect all around the humankind system of hierarchy that I see. Please people just stop giving power that separates us from each other.

One man, one woman makes a child and that is the natural state. This is where we get our essence throughout the generations that we pass along from upstairs people. The animals I see in people are your spirit animals. I mean look at yourself in the mirror. What animal do you see in your shape and features? Are you a bear, lion, dog or cat? Maybe your a hawk looking kind of person with a bear body. Maybe you have three animals inside you?

What about what is in your heart? I mean really look inside yourself and what do you see? Just feel whatever it is that you see and let the emotion of the movie you see playing inside your head. This is the good part I figured out about this emotion part of things. So if we are being controlled emotionally with prescriptions/drugs legal or illegal I do not care. You can be feeling controlled emotionally by a belief or something someone has said to you in the past that first we got to be brave enough to just feel safe enough to just feel the emotions. THIS IS THE KEY HERE, YOUR EMOTIONS CANNOT HURT YOU. Let them wash through you.

There has been so much fear created out of having emotions that we forgot how or we are made to feel bad like their is something wrong with us. When you first start doing this just keep letting the tears and emotions flow through you. Those movies you see are just movies. You might feel like you actually feel the impact if you are reliving the impact or scene of someone else throwing a punch at you. Pretty soon maybe not right at that moment when you see that movie again you won't feel that punch so much.

I have learned that when you clean up your lil messes as life hands them to you each day it's like a practice run for when the bigger things hit you later on in life that those great big scary things really aren't that big and scary after all. You have had by then a lot of practice at knowing who you really are. Pretty soon all those lil things that used to knock you down they just don't affect you any more. First we have to wash out the bad and pretty soon as you move along in life those bad things get replaced with good things. As you go along again you are getting stronger and you are getting fuller inside and it starts to show on the outside. Maybe a spring in your step, a twinkle in your eye. Maybe you stand a lil prouder and a lil taller. Time for out with the old stuff and in with the new.

We can start by stopping blaming each other. Quite frankly when we point the finger at someone else in that judgmental way we are empowering bad behavior again. Practice it in your head, what you would say in your anger at that person over and over, but not the person yet. Each time you do this you keep coming back and see that perspective differently. Practice out loud while you do this. Play those movies and just feel and let the bad stuff go. As you move trough each day practice not pointing the finger and blaming each other. I know, I know I still have to do my Greg rant. What I have discovered is pretty key to this, but I see the bigger picture right now. At least for today. Who knows how I will feel tomorrow. I need to get it out there in writing to let it go. I have let it go in my head and well today I am not so angry. Also my children are on the other side of this globe and I have had to have very lil interaction. I just get angry when I see the same behavior in my children in which I see in him. I see where some of the behavior comes from and I see the conflict it has created in my lil family.

I think I figured out a way to take the power out of all these lil demons that I see. You better hope I feel like still talking about it when I come back from smoking? I never know what direction they are going to take me when I walk away?

Now I want you to remember this part. I am the one who got the honors of living this hard knocks school of life my family has shown me. They have shown me to see things in a different perspective. When everyone, well pretty much everyone hears the word demon they want to go running. You all think it's catchy. It is not. Not like you think. These movies we watch they only show you the scary stuff. All the Hail Mary and FIRE and all. I mean that is coming on but I don't fear it. I don't fear dying. I have a complete understanding that I am just a shell of who I really am inside. Getting the honor of making this great discovery of what is really happening to my sisters I will always have gratitude for these women. Always my sisters.

Somehow, someplace long ago something came here and they planted a tiny seed. That was the seed of lie. Lie creates fear. This fear grew in so many ways oh so long ago, in so many ways. Throughout the generations those fears grew and well so did the lies. So we I mean mankind created stories to get you through the hard times. They fed you hope. I mean they made your life easier and you belonged to a community of like minded people. Things were peaceful for awhile. Then things started to change. With change came distention and more rules and more lies. Those lies are based on fear that really doesn't exist at all.

This purgatory and fear was placed and planted in mankind a long time ago. People wanted to just blame each other. Then they feared each other. Then no one wanted to share anymore. People got greedy and more rules came and came along and as these rules in our lives changed we started spreading poison to each other without even realizing it. We have a fear of money. Fear of losing it. What little we have that is and where ever it is going and things are way off balance. Hell I stood in a Burger King yesterday and I had to stop myself from slamming my fist on that counter and asking them what in the hell is up with this mess? What is your excuse for why I see this corporation look like shit? During lunch hour off a busy intersection and bus stop they have one girl taking orders, pulling the food orders, setting it up and calling out numbers all by herself?

I see this everywhere I go now. These corporations are literally pulling or short staffing the service and servers that serve the people. Due to cut backs they say. No we can't afford to pay that many employees to service people during rush hour right on the front line. As customers who are paying for this service we accept it. I didn't do this because I would of put the fear of God in my voice I was so angry. Truly it is not the girls fault. How can someone watch the door, give it pass codes to the bathroom door, gather the food and still give the customer her undivided attention that we pay for? There was gook smeared on the counters, not one clean table, dirty floor. The pop area is low and a mess. These restaurants expect us to clean up our own mess, then why don't you get an employee out here to clean up yours? You get nickled and dimed for condiments and napkins. Either way you shake a stick at this mess. What I really wanted to scream was how the fuck did it ever get this way in the first place? No I'm not saying walk in and trash on some poor kid to make yourself feel better. I'm talking about the injustice of the service, the prices and lets be honest the quality of this food. Is very low grade.

Now don't get me wrong I like a real big whopper every now and then. I'm talking about the quality of this food and meat. It's not really food people. We sure eat this shit up don't we. Things are way off balance. At the grocery store we can still get frozen dinners and snacks five for a dollar, (I like it at times myself) I'm talking about the quality vs. the price? How off balance this is. I felt like that at TA. I had like 9 hats all at once and I still had to clean up everyone else's mess before I could even start cleaning up my own. It was like walking into a tornado for four to five months. Everyone literally ran out that door when I walked in. It didn't matter if I was early or late. you never seen so many people staff wise run out that door. Bailed they did and they left dirty tables everywhere, tickets still out and they didn't restock one damn thing most nights. Even the hostess and assistant manager hit the clock and bailed. Man so many nights I'd stand in the center of that restaurant and want to scream are you kidding me? Who the fuck does this and what kind of manager would even allow it in the first place? All I heard was excuses and finger pointing. Cut backs and corporate. Jesus Mother Fucking Christ really?

I got an overwhelming sense of fear before I even got to the door. Before that a sense of dread of just what mess I was going to walk into that time? After awhile things slowly turned, but I ran my ass off setting up that front line for those women who came in in the morning. Most of this women have worked a shit or two all alone. Before you can change things have to change behind you so you can provide the service that customers deserve. Cuz the way I see it this just ain't working. People feel stuck. That is what is happening inside peoples minds.

We get stuck and when we look back that corporation ain't behind you. The one that assures it will always feed your children. What are we going to feed our children in the direction we are going today? So lets get back to those pesky lil demons that I see. Well after IP.

The insurance and the system is controlling our well being and our emotions right? Well so are these pesky lil demons that I see. They are controlling our emotions. They are controlling our emotions out of fear. Well these nasty lil buggers that I see they aren't going to like it when I educate you on this. They are controlling the emotions of the persons they sit over or in. Not the true emotions. They are just using their bodies. To scare us from seeing these people, God's children sitting under that dark cloud. This part pisses me off. They are hurting these people emotionally and at times physically. Our bodies reap what we sew this way. That cause and effect thing.

I can promise you Satan ain't going to like me very much. In society we can't handle our loved ones like this anymore. To much cost and responsibility and quite frankly these mentally ill people they see some pretty scary stuff. They get stuck in different dimensions in there minds. Once we get these demons off I can educate them on what they really are seeing. Right now the stuff they are seeing is pretty scary because it's close that is why all these demons on the mentally ill. We really won't need the pharmaceuticals so much anymore. So that pharmaceutical problem is going to fix itself. Oh yeah did I tell you these pharmaceutical companies and these investors aren't going to like me either.

I'm just the messenger. I can only show you what my family has shown me to make you stronger for the next few upcoming months. All this OCD to is based on fear of a seed someone else planted also. It's a smaller lil demon. That is what I have discovered when I get so angry. I smell demon all over this shit. We have spread the poison and placed each other in purgatory because no one ever explained to you what really is happening to your loved ones. We have never had so much mental illness and odd crazy behavior in our lives. It's pretty wide spread to. Well Hells Bells I'll just have to take the power out of these demons by diffusing them through educating you.

When we have looked for healing over time we have turned more to the physical instead of the spiritual. We are the human race and these demons don't give a damn what spirituality or religious sect you are. They want mankind. I don't know about you but I don't like this. I see a healing a coming on. After this Heaven on Earth brothers and sisters. My VISION THEIR PROMISE.

Signing out people,

Faith here

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