Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Let Freedom Ring


Wow! What a night last night. Talk about having a moment? Fucking pharmacy got an ear full from me. I called in my med's in the morning. The doctor refills prescriptions for a year and the pharma company will only allow refills for six months. Again these insurance companies, making people wait in long lines only to get up front finally and the haggling starts. I told the assistant when I called I don't care about that one right away but the rest yes, I'll be there this afternoon. I get there at 7:45, I walk inside and a long line, a woman upfront going through her haggling for her meds. I was fourth in line. I go outside and pull the car around to go through the drive through. The car in front was there about another five minutes. I get to the window and the same lady is still standing at the counter. Gridlock again.

The assistant working the window tells me some tale that I did not like one mother fucking bit. It seems due to the wait hearing back from the doctor it will be another forty five minutes. I was hot. I started in with the truth, I barely get the words out and he grabs the pharmacist. She starts in about the computers and a new system blah blah blah. I lost it. Not the first time. Not at this place anyways. Fucking corporations. I said, "I do not want to hear another word about your computer systems. I do not want to hear about the insurance company's. What I want to know is why when I call in a prescription in the morning, why it's not ready?I told your assistant, I don't need that one anyways but the rest I do. I will be in this afternoon and it is eight 'o clock. I want to know why the rest of them aren't ready in the first place?" I got them in four. Then the assistant at the window was curt and rude because they fucked up. Rite Aid is a joke.

I always wait until after all the ladies are up the three flights of stairs before I head up. I mean why stand in that mess holding three bags minimum? Last night things were slower than usual grid lock half way up. Just in time to watch a pit puppy try and play with a another small dog. The woman who had the dachshund over reacted. The one with the pit puppy lost it. I stepped in and I looked at Caroline our new lazy guest who uses the fact that she has a medical dog as an excuse to literally lie and do nothing because she doesn't feel like it?

I looked at Caroline and I said, "that pit is a puppy who was trying to play. It is not a full grown pit bull by any means for you to behave and over re-act this way." Caroline said, "don't pick on me, leave me alone." I said, "Caroline I'm not picking on you I'm telling you the truth and well truth hurts. You over reacted and wreaked havoc on someone else's life because you can. Now you leave that woman alone."

I met Michael last night to buy me dinner, I've hardly eaten in days. Where I live it's into the La Huerta for fruit. They don't really have a deli for sandwiches. I love this store. I like trying the different food and checking things out. Hot and spicy candy a beautiful display of fruit and meat. This store might be old but it is very clean and the people are really nice. They even keep the restrooms open to the public. I snagged his I pod that he found about a month ago.

Music to my ears I get lost in the rhythm and words on some. I didn't pick the music in the IPOD. I have never used one. If only I had known how awesome these are? For some reason I saw the group Mercy Me. I walked out side up the road from the church to smoke and I started crying and dancing with my hands in the air. It was called Coming Up To Breath. There I stood with my hands in the air just letting the emotions flow while I danced and moved.

Then I get back to the church with my IPOD playing This Life, Move, All of Creation, Only You Remain, Won't You Be MY LOVE. I literally stood at the intersection in the light of the church sign dancing some kind of ballerina, East Indian, Native Kind of Funk dance. I did this for a half hour outside. I mean I was pointing my toes and getting up on my toes swaying my back and hips. All while doing some kind of sign language for them. To tell you the truth. I am not a very graceful kind of person. Not one God Damn bit. But hey when your God's daughter you don't have to be perfect because quite frankly being perfect at everything is not possible.

Then I figured out something else listening to Blake Shelton, Sangria. I cried my eyes out with my hands dancing and swaying in the air, Something about Truth Faith and Destiny. I just let the words pour through me.

Through this journey,
I have found Truth
I have found Faith
I have found Destiny
I have found the One True Mother
I have found the One True Father
I have found my Sisters
I have found my Brothers
All the way up that line
My Brother and Sister Guides
My Brother and Sister Angels
My Brother and Sister Tribe
I have found Brother Red
Well Truth be told He found me
And I didn't even know I was lost,
Now I am found
I found my Soul Sister Kimmie
My Twin Towers
My Mother Zina
My Father Jack
My Brother Todd
My Grandpa John
My Grandpa Neil
My Grandma Lily
My Grandma Bishop
I have found some Great Grand Dads
and Great Grandmothers I never knew I had
My seven Bishops
His seven sister stars
My Four Square
His Four square
My Trinity
My Three are the perfect storm
His Three are the perfect storm
I found in me
My Four Fathers
My Four Horsemen
I don't know where my family is here
on this Mother Earth
I call MY HOME
I now have the answers to just how this goes down
I only need One Heart Beat
To give My Family LIFE Again
Just one last time
One lil spark
I assure you that one spark
As Hope slides into Faith
That ain't no problem for my family
To revive me
To ignite me
To light MY FIRE
One lil prick is all I really need
It's already been written in STONE
It's already been signed with MY BLOOD
I took the family oath in that Lords Prayer
My Mother yields her magic wand
My Father is the LIGHT
My Father yields HIS BIG FIST OF POWER
My Brothers the Four Horsemen
My Four Fathers
My Diamond Four Square
My Two Children and Me The Trinity
My Mother My Sister and me The Trinity
We Three go way back
I'm One Half of a WHOLE
I'm the One Half of His Spirit
I'm the One Half of His Soul
We Two we go way back
I'm The One Half of His Heart
As I stand here alone
I got MY FAMILY inside Me
You might not see them
You might not like them
But I do
I think I'll keep them after all.
I Choose My Family through thick and thin
I choose my blood
I choose their essence
I choose His DNA
I said it then and I say it now
Bring that man home
Bring that man home to me
That man, that man IS MINE

I have learned that demon aren't the only ones who don't like Truth
I have learned that people don't really like her either
Some people just don't like Truth
They say Truth repels
They say Truth Lies
I have Truth inside and behind me
I assure you Truth don't lie
Truth don't carry any weapons
Truth don't carry no lies
I have all I need to feed me each day
I carry it in me
I carry it on my body
and on my back
I represent LOVE
And so does HE
Everlasting unconditional LOVE

Now bring that man home
Bring that man home to me
That man is my warrior
That man is my Rock
Through that Brother
Through that family
I claimed my Rock that first day
I stuck that staff in the ground
That day I stood on the oil can and I heard the word Niece
I claim that fruit tree
All those lil seeds are mine
Just put your Faith in this Lil Mother
She will lead you to that promised land
She will lead you to heaven on earth
She will Honor Him
She will Honor Her
She will Honor All

We are gonna play
We are gonna love
We are gonna dance
We are gonna have a good time
Let Freedom Ring

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