Monday, May 2, 2016

I Can See Clearly Now

05/02/2016 Karma is a BITCH

 Music for the moment is Panic At The Disco, shuffle.

God damned tobacco anyway. I'm a lil hot under the collar today. I know things have been on the upside lately but really sometimes these ladies really piss me off. I had a secret stash of tobacco here on the site. Two women knew it was there. I told them to help themselves but remember that is my backup stash for when I run out. I start my job today. Well I am supposed to at two o clock. My crews for shoes won't be here until tomorrow and no one has a clue what time? I need those shoes for work today is just paperwork. I have three smokes left expecting to roll and all my tobacco is gone including my back up stash to that bag.

Do you think I am happy? I am up to here with this give an inch and take a mile. No one thinks about who is coming up behind you anymore? No one thinks about the mess they leave behind expecting someone else to clean it up? It was like that at TA. I'd ask a certain server every time I worked with her "if these were her dishes? Every time she said yes, and not one time did she walk out that door with those dishes cleaned up. I mean for God's sake you are a server. Your mother don't work here, clean up your own God Damn mess."

In this house these women know if I see you walk out of a bathroom and you left that toilet paper role empty I step outside in the hallway and I call you out. I make it fun a game. Just to make people think. I looked at both of these women and I said "you mean to tell me, not one of you thought about me when you saw it was low or when you used the last of it? I have covered you women for over a week and this is what you two do?" With their eyes cast down and head bowed they stuttered out, we will replace your bag of tobacco once we get paid. I said what do I do until then? Do you know how many hours it is going to take me to go get Michael's card to buy a pack of smokes? If I'm lucky enough to find a store that sells smokes in that area without going further out of my way? Now I don't want another bag of tobacco. I smoke Marlboro black longs and I expect a pack from each of you. They are just lucky I don't hold grudges.

In the last few weeks I found a pair of clear lens and clear frame glasses. I put them on and I could see so much clearer than the other pair that came my way. Those had three lil white rhinestones on the outside corner of each eye. I was just walking along and their they sat right on the sidewalk. If I had not been looking I would of stepped right on them. They were just my size. No fat head had worn these ones. They fit me just perfect.

A few days back I looked down and I picked up a nickel. It was a liberty nickel dated 2013. You know what I saw? I saw zero, one, two, three. I know what that code means. I mean really if you think I don't hold the keys to this code you better think again? I see zero king and me. Those numbers add up to one. Now I know I always got two more behind me and so does he. I mean really I know who my four kings are. I might not know what Brother Red holds in his hand. I might not know who Kyle's daddy is right here or on that front line, but to tell you the truth I don't need to know that? I don't need to know what that father of that trinity holds in his hand? All I need to know is that their is a very powerful four square on both ends of this family tree.

Talk about Karma. I remember writing a while back that for once I want to see Karma at work? I LMFAO when I realized yesterday or the day before that I did see it. The night that Demon Dog died in Fife? It might be just a scratch to you, a lil bite even but I assure you up there that is a lightening bolt. Strike one you are out of the game. I don't have to see the outcome. That Demon Dog made a choice when he touched me. Hey I can't help what my family is cooking up up there? All I can do is handle my own right here. What can I say Karma can be a real BITCH.

Know what else dawned on me? That I got the Right Hand of God. All this dancing that I am doing is getting me ready for the day when he comes. You do know he is coming? I get happy feet just thinking about it. I wag my tail every time just thinking about it. Time to get on your dancing shoes. This Tinker Bell shit is starting to kick in. I mean when you think about it my family comes from the land of giants. To them I am a Tinker Bell and I was dancing with my shadow again last night. I'm working on my balance on my tipsy toes. Some day they will be ballerina dancing feet.

You know what else I found out? The Truth behind Greg's lies? Good or bad he led me to the answers. Oh yes, and I'm certain I'll thrash his ass a few more times before this is over. It's a tough job but somebody has got to do it. It's not to take him down but to lift him up. The hits he is going to take when this gets out is nothing compared to what he is going to take when this goes down. By me finding the answers to the issues at hand here. You know this, Greg figuring things out? Picking the Mother? Not one time has he picked me. Not one time has he ever answered any questions, not one. Ever! He would tell me I'm just making excuses for my bad behavior and I recall from the very beginning he has not ever answered one question why Greg? Why can't you be here for me? Where are you Greg every time the chips fall? Why did you leave me to clean up your mess? When I got out of my first rehab looking back I apologized to him for my side of the street. I knew all along that he burned me out. He literally kept his right hand on the pillow on the bed. Do you wanna know what his response was? A curt nod and eye roll up. That was all. Why Greg did you always dump your dirty laundry at my doorstep and expect me to clean it up? For now on Greg you clean up your own messes. I'm done.

I got a list as long as my arm, easily. Want to know what else I have learned? I posted a few days back on my Facebook post a It a picture of Greg with Alex, and I wrote what was in my heart. That seems to be all I do is write what is in my heart at the moment. I wrote this is why I do this for these two people and Kiley. Never forget Kiley. I had just handed him back to them upstairs to do with what they want and I realized when I wrote that I took him back again. I wasn't happy about that.

I also learned what I got and I've gotten stronger in just who it is that I am. My family rocks what can I say? I like the way they teach better than any classroom I ever sat in. I found a couple days ago another nickel it was dated 2006. That is what IC. I see two zero's two times strong. The two you least expect? The two you didn't see coming? Who says two middle aged people can't bring down this house of cards and show you how it's done? Who says we aren't going to hit the ball out of this park the day we take down our brother from another place and time? Because with us two all we need is one six, one heartbeat and one lighting rod.

(For those that are following along I added stuff to the end of Revelations 101)

I was looking over something I wrote the other night. I'll share it with you all.

H.O.L.Y. Florida Georgia Line
This Cross this Holly Cross
Won't be full of holes anymore
This Cross will stand strong once and for all
With The Brother and The Sister
With this Son
With this Daughter
This cross will stand strong
This cross will stand tall
This Holly Cross will be full again
Full of unconditional LOVE
This Cross will represent
One God and One Mother
Once and for all
Because we all know behind every good man
Stands a good woman
This Cross will shine bright once and for all
Under this father
Under this mother
This is Faith
This is Destiny
And in them together
One heartbeat
Two drumbeats
Three chants
Four prayers
From the North, South, East and West
And all in between
We have One Truth
We have One Power
We have One Family
Once and for all
One everlasting Love
One everlasting Light
From infinity and Beyond
Now get the Fuck off MY Rock
And don't you ever come back
This family don't beg
This family don't dicker
This family don't dawdle
Most of all this family don't run
This family, well we don't ask twice
This is my Country Pride
These are my Children
I'm the Queen Bee
I'm the Queen Cunt of all the land
Bitch I'm ready to rumble
I've got courage
I've got a heart of gold

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