Monday, September 12, 2016


Yeah that's the song that came on Pandora radio. Weathered by Creed. Yeah I feel a migraine coming on. I wonder why? One more day until Kiley is back. SIgh deep breath. Alex is with Alex back at school, that's a good sign right? Two Alex's? SO far I have had my discussion with Mr. Dale. Brings up being raped then goes into the garbage I left in his pond. He can't have this stuff not here. They never even bothered to pick up the garbage that has bee sitting there for weeks. I let him know I put my time in. I followed the rules and now I am just a customer.

He gets ready to go off on a tangent after making two points and I said no go back to number one. The rape you brought up. He said I don't want to talk about that. I said you brought it up, and I do. His number two fizzled out. I told him it was more about the flag. The piece of garbage they threw out. Then the next morning I got Lonnie to deal with again. Another unhappy little man who for some reason is very angry with me. He walks into the gas station and see's me and freaks out. Trying to toss me out like I'm some piece of trash. I let him know also he couldn't I followed your rules in this corporation for one year.

Lonnie it seems forgot he was a piece of trash in this parking lot a little over a year ago. His wife died from cancer, Medical bills piled up. He lost his wife, he lost his life and well lets just say Lonnie ended up curled up around that bottle in the parking lot, homeless. When Lonnie first started here as a accountant, he wasn't really a nice man then. He was okay, but I remember that even though he was homeless with a job, he liked payday. It meant he got to eat a full meal. Even though he got fifty percent off during work hours it adds up. Toward the end of the pay period he tightened his belt even more. Now Lonnie who has since gotten a promotion, he is now the big man.

He couldn't tell me what his issue was with me being back around? Lonnie told me I am dumb and that it doesn't matter what that contract said. It only matters what he says. Premus was good with it, but he brought up Colleen stay out of the pit and don't go in that back corner. That back corner is a short cut to my storage. I learned two things from Premus just how that front counter conversation got turned around that night. I was asking about the protocol if it was him if I could leave a message. how would I do that? It was back then I was thinking truckers need a doorbell, not because I was going to go run away with the guy or get into bed with him. I wanted to talk to him because for some reason I got the impression it had something to do with him then. I didn't understand then just what kind of agreement I had made. I didn't even know his two wives were part of the agreement. A question about protocol turned into a nightmare. Why would I be so obvious about something if I was such a deviant?

Now back to Lonnie this morning right off the bat. We cross paths, he stops and turns to let me know I am right about that one year agreement and that arrangements have been made with the corporate lawyer to serve me off the property for one more year. Take note it's Monday morning and yesterday was Sunday. So I doubt Lonnie got a hold of a corporate lawyer. This is just my point, why should someone be able to make my life miserable this easily? I have put up with just this behavior this last year alone it's not even funny. It's all civil court bullshit. Cops can't touch civil law. I get stuck with the guilty verdict, the lawyer, the time, the penalty for a crime I never committed in the first place. Now I have to put up with some piece of shit saying I'm stepping out of line when I haven't. When does it become harassment? Lets say I am mentally ill then when do I get a second chance in life, like Lonnie got? Where is his compassion? Why should I have to pay for the poison in his heart?

Number two on Premus? Poison? What kind of man takes poison first then shoots himself? I mean that poison word again? Poison in our hearts. Poison in our bodies, poison in our words. Walking into TA store to get a pack of smokes, I was wondering once again just why am I here? Enough of the injustice bullshit already, there walking in front of me this morning was the one I was wondering about? I mean just where did he go? Is he even still around? Just when are we going to meet again? There he is, carrying ice. The Fallen Angel himself. He's really just a lil guy. Inconspicuous lil man!

Timing. I was wondering who was going to discover who first? I didn't go asking for trouble. I mean yes, I could of went to his house, but nothing wrong in seeing what it is they want me to see when they want me to see it. I wonder if this is just a drive bye? I need to find out when my father and brothers birthdays are? So now I got three men circling up and so far two down, and one to go. Now the stakes just went up a lil higher.

I'm pissed because I found out my left arm pain is the knots in my back and neck spasming. The med's aren't working and I don't want to sleep and be tired. Now I have to try and contact a lawyer and I got other shit to deal with Lonnie deciding weather I get to eat and have my life be a lil easier until I don't know yet.

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