Thursday, September 1, 2016

Momma I'm Coming Home

I can only hope. I mean really I am so tired of them leading me along like a horse with that Gold Carrot dangling in front of me to keep me moving forward to my next destination. I'm tired of the lifting me up making me feel secure about who has my back? Dole out a lil courage here and there then they hit me with the truth, just a lil while longer. Just a lil while longer.

I realized as a child I never really knew where I was waking up or where I was going each day. In my life no one ever told me and no one ever asked. I'd just find out as I'd go along with my day. Usually the answers came through someone else. A conversation going on around me for instance. Not eaves dropping but a few words would catch your ear and well you'd tune in too. Who wouldn't if you never knew. Always just along for the ride pretty much my whole life. I hate it. I hate this Dejavu life. Been here done that so many times over, they take me around and around, spin me around, lift me up and drop me back down and plant me right where they want me.

On that road trip with Michael a few years back so many storms that year. Driving along the highways. Yeah you may get an idea of the landscape but what do you see from a highway? Not much as far as I can see, I'd rather be on the inside. You know where the people are doing their own thing. To watch and maybe experience it. That is where the fun is, different food, different cultures, different people in their own environment celebrating life each in their own way. I never did understand why people would get themselves so stuck in their own boxes and classifications? You get stuck, life gets boring, even your own colors get boring, your own food, your own family. You don't have to walk away from where you came from. When you step outside the box you might find a new horizon.

Your eyes may open, you can realize "hey their isn't just one way to live." Look these people over here are happy, and over there those people are hilarious. Just when you look inside someone else's traditions and ways you can learn something more. Maybe pick up something good, a lil talisman or memory to get you through the bad times. A spark of life, a little life in a different way. You don't have to agree with everything, take the good and leave the bad or something maybe your not ready for just yet. When we stick ourselves in just one box we limit ourselves and we close the doors. After that we get afraid of change. I agree some change is bad, it doesn't mean ignore the bad. Ignoring the bad does not make it go away. Awareness is always good. The song now is "Knocking on Heavens Door." I hope the ground shakes tonight. I'm ready for an earth shattering explosion tonight. Where and how that happens I never know anymore. Explosions and time bombs.

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