Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Knotty or Nice

This definitely determines my moods. Am I just a knotty old tree? I always seem to forget about the knotty phase of scoliosis. I have realized this last year that for years I have been in pain and I was in so much pain I couldn't even tell you where the pain stemmed from anymore. Until I started healing. Like a frozen slab of ribs thawing. The pain coming in closer and starting to get more direct. To where I could actually pinpoint it and describe it. Your brain has a function right? Well so does your spine. Look at each disc in the spine they are each individually protected and cushioned in the middle. Going up through your spine are tentacles and those tentacles have tentacles. Each tentacle works a part of your body, including your brain and heart. It would suck to just function as a brain and a heart right? Not very pretty, incomplete you might say.

Years ago had they discovered I had scoliosis the pat reply is to quit chiropractic it can cause arthritis. I have met so many people out here with arthritis of some kind its not even funny and they didn't have scoliosis. Now they say arthritis in your spine is a sign of aging and its natural. So then why can't I choose to get chiropractic care as a preventative and massage? Yes I have been in many car accidents but I have scoliosis so why do I now need to strengthen my spine with physical therapy? My spine is as strong as its going to get today. It is not just one area it is seven disc. All at the flexion and twisting points. This is what happens when your spine has to compensate for what is going on between those shoulder blades all these years.

Then I have to retrain my muscles to stop pushing my spine in the old direction. For twenty years I have been given these pat drugs, cyclobenzaprine or flexeril. I sleep three hours and I feel no better. Not something I take before I have to do something. Gavipatin, this is for nerve damage and nerve pain. I went to four neurologist who said you get cardiovascular and muscul-skeltal migraines. I do not have nerve damage. Migraines or scoliosis. It knocks me out and I hurt worse and why should I build a tolerance to another one of your drugs I have had many reactions looking back over the years.

Not happy. It seems the doctors could only accept part of this story. I don't care who I am I have a right to be pain free or as close to it as possible and still have a life. Imagine what my life could of been if we had known and made better choices in my healthcare all along. Either way, migraines or scoliosis you can't just treat part of the problem and hand me a bill anymore for services. I don't care who pays for it. I'm tired of these games in this healthcare system with these pat doctors writing pat prescriptions covering the system and their ass. So why bother to become doctors in the first place?Your the malleable ones. I understand their is a middle ground but to the doctors who are only part doctors go home. Your job is to treat people and not judge them. Everyone has a right to work and options in healthcare. We are the client and we pay you. You want to count on this system to pay your bills, you just go ahead. Lets see how that works out for you.

Methocarbamol. A synthetic Motrin, ibuprofen or Tylenol mixture not meant for long term, but I took it for long term. Burning stomach and intestines. Fuels the liver too. What I see are doctors prescribing pat medication that treats no pain. It isn't even a band aid. Its a cover up. Like so much more I have discovered in this healthcare industry. Life insurance. We are paying higher and higher prices and when we use it we get dropped or find a disclaimer, a loop hole somewhere. This system is the same system everywhere. Whatever you do, don't re-act to the pain. Then their is something wrong with you. you need  bio feedback therapy or a psychologist. Here take the blue pill, no the red, no here try a green one. Lets just shut down your emotions. The gauntlet of hell in these pharmacies and corporations in this justice system. You have no idea. Google Chrome you are not going to own my world. Yeah funny the conversation I had with that guy by the pit. I never knew their was a name behind google chrome with a plan to take over the world. All those small things you find and hear, only to find out its true.

Like at the chiropractor yesterday. No he doesn't charge me. Because of this I rarely go. He just happened to bring up in the 1960's about the sugarcane. I found the stuff on the sugarcane being stolen. The doctor just happened to mention something about someone being bought out again, admitting to something. Still looking that up. Funny how things just fall into my lap. More poison to add to my sugarcane.

I still need to go over Greg and his food issues with me. I understand how daunting all this may seem. It's allot of ground to cover. Quite frankly it pisses me off starting it all over again. For someone else to decide my destiny. It's not like I can walk in to Obama's office and say "hey, ya know that entity in the back of your big book, well it's in the other Washington. Oh yeah and you know that other book? The one with Revelations? The one I don't want to read? Well that brother is coming back. Oh yeah did I say he's my brother somehow? Don't worry I got this."

I've decided I have to much to do today, more appointments. More plans to make getting in and out of town for a night. These nights kill me. On the go the whole time. Backpack filling up with the stuff I need to get through the week. Batteries and all that heavy stuff. Just getting back into the valley is a long process. I have been a hurting unit for about two weeks now and I have to start it over. By the time I get to the Hotel I pretty much crash with the t.v. on. It's like a working vacation with a bed. So yeah I get a lil Jacked Up when I have to make appointments and get errands done. I'm hoping my Knotty gets turned into naughty. That's one way to turn this around. It's tough job having to pay my dues to Michael for living in all this luxury. Like I say if it ain't broke don't fix it. Michael for now is one lucky lucky man. Michael has the keys to the code. For those of you who think you got just what I need? Think again. Grow up. Just because I tell you this stuff, I use it as an example for you to educate yourself, so you don't feel so guilty about what is in your own heart. It is not an invitation. As a grown man or woman you should be mature enough to understand that by now. I don't need to hear or be impressed with your sex life or the fact that you can get laid. I mean how tacky. My point is mankind not your lil dick people.

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