Sunday, September 11, 2016


Not a very good start to this nine eleven. Controversial with corporate america this morning. I do no crime still take the heat and do the time and its still not good enough. Trying to wrangle me in. Set parameters and guidelines on me once again and each time I was not doing anything. Fear. Just what is it they fear? Am I really a liability to this system? We will just have to wait and see.
I feel that burning out mother nature and poisoning her so that Satan can take out that Sun and his ring of fire override any system any day. People forget this is mother nature's Sun and ring of fire. Mankind does not get to choose this families Destiny.

What if I'm right? As usual nobody bothered to ask. People want answers and they want the truth and when they get a chance to get it they walk away out of fear. They act all indignant and put out when you call people out on their own behaviors at all the injustice you leave at someone else's doorstep. This is exactly why I dont like rich men
They behave the same way and this is the truth of why I wanted nothing to do with him. Money buys the ego and entitlement. No heart no honor rich or poor. Truth is I'm done with the heartless. So yeah I'm ready. I hope the ground shakes I hope theirs fire then the rain to wash away all the pain. If I'm to filter the poison then bring it. Lets see what ya got. You ain't got it. You know heart courage pride your family your children your heart your soul then step away.
Truth is those two's, I never know if its two minutes two days two weeks or two months that I'm ahead. Someone asked me why I don't read revelations? In the fourth grade I threw the book because those four horsemen terrified me. Those four horsemen are my brothers my family. What can I say my family can be pretty scary even to me. I like my families numbers allot better from where I stand. I have Faith in the bigger picture with what IC from right here. Even if this family down here has no Faith in themselves what is important is that I have Faith in them up there no matter What I have to suffer here.

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