Thursday, September 29, 2016

This Angel Smokes

When I was eight years old I was living in Kelso Washington in a lil pea green house on Ross street. It wasn't until later on in my life that I discovered my older brother was in a juvenile detention center literally in my neighborhood up above on my left, or is it my right? It depends on what direction your facing. He had escaped with three other boys and ran right in front of my mothers car. She did not recognize her own son running across the road with three other boys all only dressed in their tidy whities. Living right up the road and well apparently it had been awhile since my mother had seen her son.

I hadn't seen my brother in awhile. I'm not even sure if I knew just where he went all this time or how he came to be with me for another lovely brief encounters moment with my brother. We were hanging out under the house. More like hiding you might say. Looking back that is usually what we did. We hid, hung out and well my brother spoke. I didn't say much. I just listened and followed along. He must of been about seventeen.  He was smoking and as usual I was watching. He said "Colleen if I ever catch you smoking, I'll kill you." Irony in just this issue alone in my life. So if you have to ask why I call this "This Angel Smokes" after the answers I have received in the last few days. Let's just say "I don't give a fuck what white horse you ride in on, ain't no brother on this planet worth all this pain."

I had to live it
I Had to feel it
I had to see what they do
I had to experience it
Walk with the burden like my Father JC
My Brother Todd before me
I had to see her children put in boxes
Outsourced, Written off as trash to society
The ones burdening your Wallet
You treat your Mother like a liability
Like she can't put out no more
No more energy
No more life
So the day you point your finger at me
The day you judge me
For being this families fucking tobacco fairy
Fuck yes,
This Angel Smokes.
When you sit in that gold field crying your mothers tears
Thankful no one can hear my screams over the roar of those Truck engines
Thankful only those that fly above can see me
When you feel my mothers pain and suffering of a broken heart
"Fuck yeah, this angel smokes"
When I sat crying in that gold field and it finally dawned on me
This went from my sisters
To My Family
Being slammed in the Garden with the big Dog
Not three times but four
Fuck Yea this angel smokes
Finding out, it is my big Brother
Whom is the Biggest, Baddest, Angel of them all
Fuck yea this angel smokes.

You try it. Truth be told I still don't know how I do it some moments of some days?
I just keep walking through all this insanity
Wondering why all this bad behavior?
Having a conversatoin with someone
I go to jail now. One way or another the slighest reaction from me and I go to jail.
It seems you mention the word corporation to a lawyer and they shut down
I find out they want me to take a stand.
Now how in the fuck do I take a stand
I need to go back and read Stephen fucking King
Fuck yea! This Angel smokes.
I don't give a fuck if it's brown tabacco or green weed
If it's from my family I smoke it and if you don't like it.
Get to stepping.
My family, My medicine, My families tears I shed.
If you don't like it
get to stepping.

Back to that conversation I had this morning with my family when I said ain't no brother down here on this planet worth all this pain. they agreed.  I think I'm entitled to vent my rage at my sisters choice of a honorable man for me.

Thank you all very much
It seems I have no family here
Quite frankly I'm not happy about him
I'm not happy about any of it
but because of that family upstairs
I now have a primal instinct
To protect a man and a family I don't even know
A man I never wanted
A brother I never knew I had
All for a life i never wanted
Or did I ever bother to ask

Or even like today
Fuck Him,
Ain't no man
Ain't no brother
Worth this much pain

I'm going to smack you upside that big bald head
Kick you in those golden eggs they tell me your packing
As soon as your big egg head drops low enough to reach you
Right hook to the jaw
Let me stomp on your heart a few times
So you can see how it feels.
Taking the hits to the heart out here.
You thin skinned
Yellow bellied
Big Pussy Boy
Great Big Monkey Man, my ass
Why this one right here really chaps my ass
Get me the Mother Fucking rope
Tie you up by the mother fucking ankles
Attach you to that horse saddle
Slap it on the ass
Send you packing
Wash my hands of you

No I don't care what my sisters say upstairs
Their ain't nothing I see out here worth all this pain either.
They showed me upstairs the answer to why aint no man down here is worth all this pain and suffering. Truth is they aren't. That brother that father is upstairs is however.
Fuck yeah this angel smokes
The day you walk in my shoes
and feel my mothers pain
You'll understand just why
This Angel Smokes

Shape Of My Heart

WoW! What a song to come on today. I had no idea which way to go today. I have discovered so much about who I truly am. I hate this family sometimes. I hate this families bloodline you have no idea. I have been through every family member that is what I realized. Actually I'm still not sure. My Mothers pain. Are you fucking kidding me. Who the fuck hears when mother nature screams? That is the question. You talk about the fucking trees don't you?

Did it ever occur to anyone that Faith hurts? Try feelings Faith's pain. I don't know who I hate worse or which family member up here or down there. You try being torn between two worlds. Actually I can't even say two anymore. I heard the word metaphysical. So I decided to look that up. Are you fucking kidding me? How do I explain this without someone wanting to kill me?

I guess the point was to make me feel the strongest side of my families pain upstairs and downstairs. Kind of like feel it Colleen. Feel it all. Feel your Sisters Pain. In so many ways I have felt this one. Upstairs and downstairs. Truly I'm not sure if me and Freya one are even finished even tangling yet. Yeah I'm learning to identify them now. I love her but yes some sisters are a real bitch. When you have to feel your sisters heart. They are gonna make sure I hurt. Tear me down, Knock me down, kick me in the ribs. Stomp on my chest with that horse hoof then tell you to "get up bitch." You want it your gonna fight for it. Your gonna bare your soul and give it all you got. Now get up.

You know what I heard today. I said ain't no brother worth this. Not down here their not anyways. Wow! I got a good support for that one. I wasn't even sure why? The answer hit me and I cried again. God Damn answers to Faith I guess. Actually I have been having Conversations with God. That big Dog in the sky. This one is complicated. I was sitting in the Gold field a couple days ago. I wasn't sure what was gonna happen. Why I was even there. My shoes that day and today are the brown suede moccasins with faux fur I got at the thrift store. These ones were just my size. A six,

After I went there and screamed for the first time out loud, I realized hey this is a good spot to cry. The irony where I sit. That Gold field with the red rock road. Behind me that Big Daddy with a broken Heart. I face that TA sign. Or some times I stand in the middle and I drop to my knees. I was wondering when I was conversing with my Mother. Feeling her tears and her sorrows. I didn't know what for this time. I just let the emotions and tears flow. I realized looking back that I was down on my knees this time. Screaming, PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! DON'T HURT MY CHILDREN OVER AND OVER. I Cried and screamed! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! DON'T SCARE MY CHILDREN OVER AND OVER.

I realized coming into town today that I look like the Clash of Titans today. My girls would be a bit embarrassed today. I can only where what I got. Whatever is clean. Whatever the weather. It's cold outside this morning so I need my scary hat. My red and black flannel with a splash of white. My size zero Angel jeans. Eight buck's. Thank you very much.  knew when I saw them they were meant for me. Of course my grey and red bloody and underneath my light grey sheer t-shirt. Of course the usual wife beater and down to only two sports bra's. This one is purple. On this last leg, My belt has disintegrated. Yeah that flag I wore, Well lets just say my grand daddies blue flannel night sure I have worn since about the age of five is in better shape than that belt.I got my answer.

I am flat ass broke. Pack of smokes well not that even. I got lucky I had I think four thirty three on my EBT Card. Somehow I made it work. Two boiled eggs, A Naked Green Machine and I'm sick of these bananas. Got eat them or my feet get real crampy. When this happens I know I'm not only low on potassium which is for my heart, but I've clued in that the rest of my vitamins and minerals get low. Lucky for me, another man from A.A. ran into me out here waiting for the shuttle and he found out I used to cut hair. So far things are looking up. Michail gets paid tomorrow. What can I say it ain't cheap being homeless and a girls got to eat. If this is my Arch Angel then I need to hang in there.

A couple of weeks ago when that moon thing and my blood moon was back, it started to Dawn on me I need to pay attention. Not really sure why yet. Fucking brothers. Then while I'm looking up apartments on line, because you know it really is a lottery out here. I'm looking at a apartment available add for a apartment called "The Red Carpet." That is when it dawned on me what my mother used to call it? The white horse with the red saddle." I happened to be right on it with that moon sitting in these woods learning about mother nature in mother nature. Not happy.

Now of all places that it will be a really really big miracle if I get in by this point. Truth is apparently I'm not even a good person in society for seven years. I don't have the right to live or put my name on a lease until I pay the fine. Well I have made it this far. I'm pretty angry. No system is going to decide if I am a good person based on a fine for being a human being. Being told if I am even worthy to eat is enough bullshit. Where and how. Is enough bullshit.

The pain this last month, is enough. This system is a joke. Well I can see my anger and rage are coming back. Time to drink and smoke some green and brown. Come back to the next phase of what I have been through in just these last few days. I may have to go back to my journals for these.

Monday, September 26, 2016

September Rain

Oh you have no idea the deep sorrow and pain in our true mothers Holey heart. If its not a word lets just say it should be now. What a tidal wave of tears pouring out of my eyes. Our mothers heart runs deep.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


I realized the other day is the sad part for me personally is that I'm going to live. No matter the pain and suffering I have gone through trying to get quality medical care in this system that has overlooked ignored and denied my pain for over twenty years is that it is going to hurt me physically and emotionally even more just to have to open up my personal life, stand out in the open exposed so you all can open your eyes to the injustice in this healthcare system. It is set up to make me fail or look like a failure no matter What I do. I need alternative choices to get me through what quality of a life I have left. If I have to take these pills for the rest of my life then give me what I know for a fact I need. This system is set up to cover one thing and one thing only and that is the system.
It is a illusion to think that every muscle disease needs to be treated with physical therapy. That is primarily a treatment for a accident or injury. Well it was and now because this system says so it is now the main alternative healthcare choice. I have met several people out here with injury or some kind of ailment or disease in the muscle and spine and years later they are still having to go. These people are at the maintenance point of their ailment.
Stretching is one part. I met another woman who needed knee and hip surgery young and the system told her she had to wait fifteen years between surgeries. She could of and wanted to be a functioning member of society years ago.
It is like this no one can see this entity but you all serve it don't you? I was just like you, clueless. We are all serving and bowing to a system, but we can't serve a invisible God? What about mother nature where you see everyday and you ignore her. Pretending she is not there so you can feel better about yourselves with all your hurt feelings.
Wether you believe it or not when you really think about it this God and JC thing certainly has been theorized and even claiming facts of his word in different sects. I guess the interpretation of part of a story. Even in the stars their is actually a symbol of the sun/son in the center of four stars. Theirs got to be something to all this religion right?
Instead you choose to allow God to be removed from our nations traditions everywhere because of religion. I dont want to be a part of any religion or nation who can't even use my father's name. My father's name is love and You just toss him out like the trash along with mother nature.
You can't use the word Christmas with children anymore. That one really chapped my ass. It pissed me off when someone turned my family tradition into christianity. Someone decided that and wrote it somewhere. Christmas only applied to religion now. Apparently all the fantasy and fun holiday traditions are all wrong. Allowing my child to be creative is wrong. Teaching her to dressup and play make believe is not allowed. Must be those masks? What about the mask and illusion you serve each day? What mask is someone wearing in a suit?
We have surpassed the ego in this system. We have surpassed humanity with mankind's dependant on this system. This system does not have a heartbeat. It is not real but mother nature is. God Damit when I say I hurt somebody had better hear me. To think I apparently chose to come back here for this and truly its just not worth it to me. All this pain in my body and my heart. Just because you refuse to look at it it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Remember pain is invisible in your heart body and mind. Why does something that doesn't really matter like money get to decide my destiny? I know why I want to go back to heaven. There is no money and there is no shit only love. I almost said pain free love. When you go through that shadow of death and you go through that clearing. Love hurts. I'm tired of hurting and being misjudged by a society who only dances for the system and not the heart.
Sad is its going to hurt and continue to hurt until this hits and who knows after. Sad thing is because of my family upstairs their baggage and mankind's choices is I am left to suffer the indignities and injustice of just trying to live a quality life all to make a point for you.

God is all about family and traditions. I mean how could he and mother nature have all these different children's of different races in different nations if it wasn't the love in family and their traditions? How can any one nation or any one sect be so arrogant enough to think they are the only ones? So righeous enough to tell their children weather they are worthy enough to live a quality life? I have discovered that we not only castrated ourselves centuries ago we allowed a entity that you don't even see put a price on love. Even our original coin came from mother nature. Mother nature has provided. Humanity chose to put a price on her love. Put a price on how she feeds or heals. Mankind decided how mother nature functions. Truly how can anyone truly tell mother nature or God how to love and care for their children?
I wondered how all these years no one ever really knew how badly I hurt inside and out. Truly no one ever asked. I realized that even if I didn't smile my norm was to be courteous. To be polite. Maybe not always right on with the pleases to someone closer to me. If I didn't say please it was formed as a could you or would you? My norm no matter how badly I hurt is not to be rude. Truly I'm not the type of personality to start shit or hurt someone because I can.
Truth is for a couple weeks of pain I can handle it and no one would ever know but when it extends remains and escalates I have a right as a human being to say I hurt and be heard. Not for a system to tell me I'm lying. It's all in my head. Make me feel guilty and unworthy of care because I didn't do enough or I should of.
I dont like this systems love. This system can't feel love.  You call this love? Love is free evol is costly.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

I'm Not For The Faint Of Heart

If that's not the truth I dont know what is. I mean I had not one clue the burdens I carry inside me. I wrote a letter in the beginning appologizing for my fears about money and placing my burdens on someone else.
The list is pretty overwhelming for me too. I understand for myself it is what it is and there is nothing I can do about it. I mean even I wonder why would my family put me through this? Why wake me up and feel again show me what they wanted me to see and experience only to plant my ass right here?
I am broke I live meal to meal. I live smoke to smoke everyday. The part I hate the worst is this system. Even at fifteen an hour which Michael makes. Which is the standard cost of living now. Not ammortized out over the years for people at minmum wage to be able to live Then instead of now. It is all these landlord tenant regulations that no longer add up. Since when does any fee to any State block you from renting? Michael is a vet and at two and a half percent always an excuse for how they do the numbers. Never an issue anywhere we rented before.
I'm an empath clairvouent and clairaudient and a scribe, who happens to have scoliosis and migraines and constant sinus allergies. I from day to day don't let any of it stop me from living. Broke yet having to fight for the right to try and get relief from the pain naturally through chiropractic and massage instead of all these pills. Then I'm told this insurance doesn't cover it. Then I'm made to feel guilty when I have a bad three weeks. The knotty stage which happens about every three months. Wouldn't a preventative be better and cheaper than the gauntlet of another neurlogist and other doctors who missed it in the first place. Doctors who treat the system and not the patient. If I had a job and a home I could afford my own massage and chiropractic.
As far as that heart goes and me seeing the bigger picture, I understand the fear but I cant be a victim much longer to others fears. I dont know what that family upstairs has in store for me but truth is I dont want to be with anyone who doesn't have a heart. If no one can see by now that my heart rules my life then I dont have any other defense than that.
Does love really heal? Does healing the heart really heal the mind and body? I wouldn't know myself I've never experienced a no strings attached kind of love myself. If it wasn't for that family upstairs I wouldn't be where I am today. Some days Even I want to go home up there because down here I have no home. Down here people get to decide if I get to eat out of there own fear. What a pore excuse for not just doing your job.
If you really cared youd care weather I ate or weather I hurt inside. My mind my body and my heart are all part of one package. So no I'm not for the faint of heart.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A Pair Of Wings Behind This Nations Flag

It seems I have caused quite a stir sticking this flag where that entity is going to rear its ugly head. I haven't been noticed roaming around and servicing this location until I stuck this flag in the ground. Any excuse for the wrong power and wrong behavior in peoples heart's. They fear the loss of money instead the loss of love and life.

Knotty or Nice

This definitely determines my moods. Am I just a knotty old tree? I always seem to forget about the knotty phase of scoliosis. I have realized this last year that for years I have been in pain and I was in so much pain I couldn't even tell you where the pain stemmed from anymore. Until I started healing. Like a frozen slab of ribs thawing. The pain coming in closer and starting to get more direct. To where I could actually pinpoint it and describe it. Your brain has a function right? Well so does your spine. Look at each disc in the spine they are each individually protected and cushioned in the middle. Going up through your spine are tentacles and those tentacles have tentacles. Each tentacle works a part of your body, including your brain and heart. It would suck to just function as a brain and a heart right? Not very pretty, incomplete you might say.

Years ago had they discovered I had scoliosis the pat reply is to quit chiropractic it can cause arthritis. I have met so many people out here with arthritis of some kind its not even funny and they didn't have scoliosis. Now they say arthritis in your spine is a sign of aging and its natural. So then why can't I choose to get chiropractic care as a preventative and massage? Yes I have been in many car accidents but I have scoliosis so why do I now need to strengthen my spine with physical therapy? My spine is as strong as its going to get today. It is not just one area it is seven disc. All at the flexion and twisting points. This is what happens when your spine has to compensate for what is going on between those shoulder blades all these years.

Then I have to retrain my muscles to stop pushing my spine in the old direction. For twenty years I have been given these pat drugs, cyclobenzaprine or flexeril. I sleep three hours and I feel no better. Not something I take before I have to do something. Gavipatin, this is for nerve damage and nerve pain. I went to four neurologist who said you get cardiovascular and muscul-skeltal migraines. I do not have nerve damage. Migraines or scoliosis. It knocks me out and I hurt worse and why should I build a tolerance to another one of your drugs I have had many reactions looking back over the years.

Not happy. It seems the doctors could only accept part of this story. I don't care who I am I have a right to be pain free or as close to it as possible and still have a life. Imagine what my life could of been if we had known and made better choices in my healthcare all along. Either way, migraines or scoliosis you can't just treat part of the problem and hand me a bill anymore for services. I don't care who pays for it. I'm tired of these games in this healthcare system with these pat doctors writing pat prescriptions covering the system and their ass. So why bother to become doctors in the first place?Your the malleable ones. I understand their is a middle ground but to the doctors who are only part doctors go home. Your job is to treat people and not judge them. Everyone has a right to work and options in healthcare. We are the client and we pay you. You want to count on this system to pay your bills, you just go ahead. Lets see how that works out for you.

Methocarbamol. A synthetic Motrin, ibuprofen or Tylenol mixture not meant for long term, but I took it for long term. Burning stomach and intestines. Fuels the liver too. What I see are doctors prescribing pat medication that treats no pain. It isn't even a band aid. Its a cover up. Like so much more I have discovered in this healthcare industry. Life insurance. We are paying higher and higher prices and when we use it we get dropped or find a disclaimer, a loop hole somewhere. This system is the same system everywhere. Whatever you do, don't re-act to the pain. Then their is something wrong with you. you need  bio feedback therapy or a psychologist. Here take the blue pill, no the red, no here try a green one. Lets just shut down your emotions. The gauntlet of hell in these pharmacies and corporations in this justice system. You have no idea. Google Chrome you are not going to own my world. Yeah funny the conversation I had with that guy by the pit. I never knew their was a name behind google chrome with a plan to take over the world. All those small things you find and hear, only to find out its true.

Like at the chiropractor yesterday. No he doesn't charge me. Because of this I rarely go. He just happened to bring up in the 1960's about the sugarcane. I found the stuff on the sugarcane being stolen. The doctor just happened to mention something about someone being bought out again, admitting to something. Still looking that up. Funny how things just fall into my lap. More poison to add to my sugarcane.

I still need to go over Greg and his food issues with me. I understand how daunting all this may seem. It's allot of ground to cover. Quite frankly it pisses me off starting it all over again. For someone else to decide my destiny. It's not like I can walk in to Obama's office and say "hey, ya know that entity in the back of your big book, well it's in the other Washington. Oh yeah and you know that other book? The one with Revelations? The one I don't want to read? Well that brother is coming back. Oh yeah did I say he's my brother somehow? Don't worry I got this."

I've decided I have to much to do today, more appointments. More plans to make getting in and out of town for a night. These nights kill me. On the go the whole time. Backpack filling up with the stuff I need to get through the week. Batteries and all that heavy stuff. Just getting back into the valley is a long process. I have been a hurting unit for about two weeks now and I have to start it over. By the time I get to the Hotel I pretty much crash with the t.v. on. It's like a working vacation with a bed. So yeah I get a lil Jacked Up when I have to make appointments and get errands done. I'm hoping my Knotty gets turned into naughty. That's one way to turn this around. It's tough job having to pay my dues to Michael for living in all this luxury. Like I say if it ain't broke don't fix it. Michael for now is one lucky lucky man. Michael has the keys to the code. For those of you who think you got just what I need? Think again. Grow up. Just because I tell you this stuff, I use it as an example for you to educate yourself, so you don't feel so guilty about what is in your own heart. It is not an invitation. As a grown man or woman you should be mature enough to understand that by now. I don't need to hear or be impressed with your sex life or the fact that you can get laid. I mean how tacky. My point is mankind not your lil dick people.

Who Knew Mt. Si. Has A Broken Heart

Honorable. I looked up that word because it came up in the beginning. Having or showing honesty. A good moral character. Characterized by integrity. Fair and proper not deserving of blame or criticism, with marks of honor or respect. I see a hand print. I see a triangle with a circle, I see a heart with a great big crack down the middle. I have lived here in this valley for over twenty years and I never noticed this before. It's hard to see but at the bottom right of that cracked heart is a crescent moon and at the bottom to the left of the heart is a planet earth. Further over to the left you can see a whole complete heart. Is it a Dakota and Lakota thing, heaven and earth, mother nature and God. Either way I shake a stick at this side of my family, these are the beautiful parts of my family tree. 

Monday, September 12, 2016


Yeah that's the song that came on Pandora radio. Weathered by Creed. Yeah I feel a migraine coming on. I wonder why? One more day until Kiley is back. SIgh deep breath. Alex is with Alex back at school, that's a good sign right? Two Alex's? SO far I have had my discussion with Mr. Dale. Brings up being raped then goes into the garbage I left in his pond. He can't have this stuff not here. They never even bothered to pick up the garbage that has bee sitting there for weeks. I let him know I put my time in. I followed the rules and now I am just a customer.

He gets ready to go off on a tangent after making two points and I said no go back to number one. The rape you brought up. He said I don't want to talk about that. I said you brought it up, and I do. His number two fizzled out. I told him it was more about the flag. The piece of garbage they threw out. Then the next morning I got Lonnie to deal with again. Another unhappy little man who for some reason is very angry with me. He walks into the gas station and see's me and freaks out. Trying to toss me out like I'm some piece of trash. I let him know also he couldn't I followed your rules in this corporation for one year.

Lonnie it seems forgot he was a piece of trash in this parking lot a little over a year ago. His wife died from cancer, Medical bills piled up. He lost his wife, he lost his life and well lets just say Lonnie ended up curled up around that bottle in the parking lot, homeless. When Lonnie first started here as a accountant, he wasn't really a nice man then. He was okay, but I remember that even though he was homeless with a job, he liked payday. It meant he got to eat a full meal. Even though he got fifty percent off during work hours it adds up. Toward the end of the pay period he tightened his belt even more. Now Lonnie who has since gotten a promotion, he is now the big man.

He couldn't tell me what his issue was with me being back around? Lonnie told me I am dumb and that it doesn't matter what that contract said. It only matters what he says. Premus was good with it, but he brought up Colleen stay out of the pit and don't go in that back corner. That back corner is a short cut to my storage. I learned two things from Premus just how that front counter conversation got turned around that night. I was asking about the protocol if it was him if I could leave a message. how would I do that? It was back then I was thinking truckers need a doorbell, not because I was going to go run away with the guy or get into bed with him. I wanted to talk to him because for some reason I got the impression it had something to do with him then. I didn't understand then just what kind of agreement I had made. I didn't even know his two wives were part of the agreement. A question about protocol turned into a nightmare. Why would I be so obvious about something if I was such a deviant?

Now back to Lonnie this morning right off the bat. We cross paths, he stops and turns to let me know I am right about that one year agreement and that arrangements have been made with the corporate lawyer to serve me off the property for one more year. Take note it's Monday morning and yesterday was Sunday. So I doubt Lonnie got a hold of a corporate lawyer. This is just my point, why should someone be able to make my life miserable this easily? I have put up with just this behavior this last year alone it's not even funny. It's all civil court bullshit. Cops can't touch civil law. I get stuck with the guilty verdict, the lawyer, the time, the penalty for a crime I never committed in the first place. Now I have to put up with some piece of shit saying I'm stepping out of line when I haven't. When does it become harassment? Lets say I am mentally ill then when do I get a second chance in life, like Lonnie got? Where is his compassion? Why should I have to pay for the poison in his heart?

Number two on Premus? Poison? What kind of man takes poison first then shoots himself? I mean that poison word again? Poison in our hearts. Poison in our bodies, poison in our words. Walking into TA store to get a pack of smokes, I was wondering once again just why am I here? Enough of the injustice bullshit already, there walking in front of me this morning was the one I was wondering about? I mean just where did he go? Is he even still around? Just when are we going to meet again? There he is, carrying ice. The Fallen Angel himself. He's really just a lil guy. Inconspicuous lil man!

Timing. I was wondering who was going to discover who first? I didn't go asking for trouble. I mean yes, I could of went to his house, but nothing wrong in seeing what it is they want me to see when they want me to see it. I wonder if this is just a drive bye? I need to find out when my father and brothers birthdays are? So now I got three men circling up and so far two down, and one to go. Now the stakes just went up a lil higher.

I'm pissed because I found out my left arm pain is the knots in my back and neck spasming. The med's aren't working and I don't want to sleep and be tired. Now I have to try and contact a lawyer and I got other shit to deal with Lonnie deciding weather I get to eat and have my life be a lil easier until I don't know yet.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Fate! Faith or Destiny

Who the fuck knows. Eenie Meanie Miney Moe you pick. All I know is I dont want to be here in this place at this moment in time. It dawned on me a few days ago that here I am living in a tent in the woods in a sleeping bag Kiley gave me and it took me back to where I got my first tent and sleeping bag?
I was about eight years old and well me and my mother just had a row? She was sending me out the door to spend quality time with my old step daddy. It seemed I wasn't daddied up enough. I mean come on for a woman who just made decisions for me without a thought or discussion even I knew their was absolutely know reason in hell for me to still even have that man in my life. They were getting a divorce she was supposed to be done with this one
My mother had hope still to prove to her father and family she wasn't a failure. My mother still had daughter number two to prove how much she still trust this man. She is out to prove my sister is lying. Kimmie just doesn't want me to be happy. She's making it up. She just wants to go live with her father. She's making it up.
I'll prove it. I'll prove to you all how much he's lying I'll send in number two. I'll send Colleen off alone with him to prove how much of a good daddy he is. How come Doris can have her pervert and I cant daddy?
Lucky for me he was a Jackmehoff kind of step daddy and well the way I see it no spilled seed here. I mean the guy was a real winner from the start.
What was I like three barely four and my first dinner that my mother prepared at his house as a family well lets just say he proved himself alright. Just the kind of man my mother needed to keep us unruly children in line. I dont like slimy food and that includes cream of corn.
So to prove no disrespect to my mother I got turned upside down by the ankle and whipped. My mother jumped on this one.
I hope to God it was Jim that I projectile vomited chilli beans all over that day My mother served me her last chilli bean. In the beginning I knew this was about organs not just Oregon that kept popping up.
All this erectile dysfunction and testicular cancer that men are experiencing. Karmically and spiritually for all the stress and system this pressure creates. All this good intention good and healthcare options all going in one direction. Wow! Ya know I'd really like to give some of you brothers your balls back but right now I've got bigger fish to fry. It seems the East Indian man that works and lives behind warrior number two and he just realized I live in those woods. My mind keeps going back to what the other employee said as I walked out the door. Be careful he's real strong.
Irony coincidence karma Faith or fate? When I was eight years old as a kiss off our lil secret appology gift Jim bought me a tent and sleeping bag. It was the woods I was running through when I told Greg I want to run because something was chasing me through these woods. Someone always wants to test fate. Overpower takedown. Yeah I'm a pretty easy target. Bullies are everywhere. Someone always trying to take something that doesn't belong to them. You know what they say? Everything starts from one tiny thing. Maybe a cause and reaction between two people.
The story just keeps growing about that demon dog who raped me. Pre us told me that he poisoned himself and shot himself in the head. He seemed horrified like it was my fault he did that to himself. That not was damaged goods before he crossed my path. If it took my big girl words to come flying out of my mouth to get me out of that truck. I knew one thing for sure I cant be any kind of mother if I'm dead. I told my daughter I'm not leaving until you do.
Yeah I've been through hell and back in more ways than one in the last fourteen months waiting to take on the anger and rage. Today I dont care. First comes letting it go. Then acceptance of whatever comes down the path. No matter how weird. Then well comes willing. With willing you find able. Each day I go from there. After tonight whatever happens I'm really thinking about tent city. Product of this mothers society. Mother Nature people. Not alien. Not foreign. Well I'm tired.


Not a very good start to this nine eleven. Controversial with corporate america this morning. I do no crime still take the heat and do the time and its still not good enough. Trying to wrangle me in. Set parameters and guidelines on me once again and each time I was not doing anything. Fear. Just what is it they fear? Am I really a liability to this system? We will just have to wait and see.
I feel that burning out mother nature and poisoning her so that Satan can take out that Sun and his ring of fire override any system any day. People forget this is mother nature's Sun and ring of fire. Mankind does not get to choose this families Destiny.

What if I'm right? As usual nobody bothered to ask. People want answers and they want the truth and when they get a chance to get it they walk away out of fear. They act all indignant and put out when you call people out on their own behaviors at all the injustice you leave at someone else's doorstep. This is exactly why I dont like rich men
They behave the same way and this is the truth of why I wanted nothing to do with him. Money buys the ego and entitlement. No heart no honor rich or poor. Truth is I'm done with the heartless. So yeah I'm ready. I hope the ground shakes I hope theirs fire then the rain to wash away all the pain. If I'm to filter the poison then bring it. Lets see what ya got. You ain't got it. You know heart courage pride your family your children your heart your soul then step away.
Truth is those two's, I never know if its two minutes two days two weeks or two months that I'm ahead. Someone asked me why I don't read revelations? In the fourth grade I threw the book because those four horsemen terrified me. Those four horsemen are my brothers my family. What can I say my family can be pretty scary even to me. I like my families numbers allot better from where I stand. I have Faith in the bigger picture with what IC from right here. Even if this family down here has no Faith in themselves what is important is that I have Faith in them up there no matter What I have to suffer here.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Rejected By Thy Father

I didn't know what love was but I knew what love wasn't. Looking back on my life with my father I realized one thing that he didn't acknowledge me either. Not as his daughter. I remember few things about my father. He never had a problem sitting on the John with the door open. Really people shut the door. I remember being about three years old and standing on a rocking chair to unhook the chain on the door to let him in in the middle of the night.
I didn't really see him again until I was five. Divorce and well collecting that child support after my mom remarried man number three was my sister's responsibility. That is why they always fought my mom and my sister. Jim would pressure my mom and my mom pressured my sister. I remember waiting on the hood of his car waiting for him to come home on my last night's visit to see him. I waited until after dark on the hood of that car. No one came out to explain he wasn't coming home. It was pay day and the bars were a calling.
I had spent the summer before at my grandmother's. I got sent home early. It seems I didn't measure up to my sister in my grandmother's eyes. Me and the two neighbor girls snuck out and went for a walk in the park after dark. My grandmother screamed at me. She wanted to know why I couldn't be a good kid like my sister. I was like fourteen or fifteen then. Even I knew then my sister was no angel but it wasn't my place to tell my grandmother that.
The following summer I popped in for a surprise visit unannounced. Nothing has changed in that year appearance wise. My grandmother just had eye surgery and she couldn't see. I walked into the center of the living room and yelled surprise. My grandmother asked my father who this was? My father looked at me and said he had no idea. He had never seen me before. I walked in with like ten of my friends behind me. I went next door and told my mother what happened. She went over and introduced his youngest daughter to him.
The second time was a family dinner in Othello. My father forgot his teeth at home and couldn't eat. My father was talking about my sister being his daughter who looked just like him. I said no dad that would be me. I have your nose and build. Kimmie looks like mom. He told me no I was wrong.
It was about the age of nineteen or twenty and I was talking to my dad on the phone. He told me how he comes to Seattle allot and that he looks my sister up but not me and I live like twenty minutes off the freeway. It was then that I wrote the poem to my father about getting to know my father in the next life. It seems we missed each other in this one. Rejection by the father seems to be a common theme in my life.

I have learned that because I shoplifted alcohol it seems I'm a liability to landlords and employers. If something goes missing during that seven years that it sits on my record they are responsible. It seems I am a liability to this system that tells mother nature how to work eat and live. I'm tired of someone holding strings to keep me in control. It seems I'm not worthy to live a quality life.  I'm not good enough for food or worthy enough for love. Looking back and today I still wonder why do I have to work so hard for love? Truth be told love shouldn't be this hard for anyone. I want love to be free. I want to be free to be me. I want to be accepted for who I am. Sharp edges and all. I want to be loved for what's inside my heart not what someone else's misconceptions of what love is. Not be judged for how I look on the outside but loved for who I am on the inside. I want to be truthful and not condemned out of someone else's fear. I want my heart back.
I realized all these gardens dreams where my dad shows up to get my answer from what's truly in my heart. I've been getting tested my whole life on the choices I made. It seems regardless good or bad of what people think they see. I always choose my children. A mother's love for her children. That is why I sit here at this truck stop. Waiting for what I don't know. I have accepted that no matter where my children are. It is my essence and my blood these two poisonous seeds want first and foremost. While my children are out there spreading their magic. I'm hoping this new York thing is just Kiley making a appearance before this goes down. I'm ready to kill these two Son of a bitches once and for all.  I just have to figure out how to poison it without killing my rock this planet or creating the wrong kind of war.
People think rocks are dead and that they have no energy. Has anyone considered this rock we stand on is full of energy and life?

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Greg Blamed Adam

What a piece of shit spineless little weasel that I married. You think you marry a kind caring man with a good heart and oh what a surprise did I get. I even said in a counceling office one day I thought I married into a Leave It To Beave Family. I was wrong, what I saw in Greg's mother and father I did not get in this man. Not as a husband or father to my children. Nope people I got the product of society. I got a mothers good intentions and a fathers compassion for a husband.

Greg's mother grew up in Hawaii on a farm. She was so poor they chewed pitch off the tree for gum. It breaks my heart to tell this story. It's hard when you type in public and the emotions poor through you. I am never alone. Elaine's father was Hawaiian and Elaine's mother was Japanese. When Elaine was born she was the oldest out of two daughters. Her father signed her over to her mother Leatrice. Her mother had a second daughter from a different man. Well things didn't pan out there either. Leatrice's family was huge. She got a job as a maid and could only take one daughter so Elaine stood and watched as her mother and little sister drove by ducking down in the car. Not only her sister but her best friend too.

Greg's dad's family was from Germany and somewhere out west he grew up. Their were three two brothers and a older sister. I'm not sure what happened in this family but I got the impression Phylis the older sister was left in charge of these two boys. Bob and Phylis don't really have much of a relationship with their other brother. Bob has a trigger hair temper. He went onto the service and that is where he met Elaine.  They met in Hawaii and moved here to Seattle and started from ground zero for everything that they had. Elaine worked as a word processor at a Law firm and Greg mixed paint for the Boeing airplanes. They both retired from there jobs.

They bought a house in Seattle and they scrimped and saved. They eventually bought more real estate, fixer uppers. They purchased the lot behind them and they built a house. It was a round house on a hill surrounded by the strangest vegetable gardens. A lil bit here of something, and well the same thing over there too. Wherever they could plant a seed they did. Yes their was the basic gardens for the bigger stuff. They ate out of those gardens and they shared their food. I wanted that for my children. To learn about and experience the outdoors. Mushroom hunting, crabbing, smelting, fishing, and well I learned allot more from there.

I didn't know the man I married, the father of my children was a product of his society. The wrong society, the wrong garden, my children's father is the poison seed. After I filed on him and he came back to me and said I only married you because I thought you'd be rich someday." He took my families poison and he placed the blame on me. He spread lies and he blew them up because who in today's society doesn't want to take the easy way out? Apparently loving this mother was to much to ask. No matter or how much I did it was never enough for Greg. I could never measure up to Greg and he forgot where he came from. All because he got the degree and I didn't. All because his family lived in a prettier house. His family never even knew I lived in a trailer park, truth is I never thought that much about it.

When I met Greg he had stocks for college. I did not marry Greg because I thought his family had money. I thought he carried the same values as his parents. Work hard when your young and build your life around your family. I thought Greg knew about investments and money. That is a good asset right? Knowing what to do with money. Coming from a family who had nothing and didn't get anything handed to them. Integrity, moral's and a family to value. You do it together, rich or poor, thick or thin. That would be the support system you have in your partner. When someone drops the ball the other picks up right? Loyalty to know that no matter what you have one common goal. Your family, each other. What happens when you marry someone who didn't understand any of it? What happens when you marry someone who truly has no concept of what that really means? Actually a misconception has been created right here.

Looking back when me and Christine were wondering what was wrong with these two boys? They didn't really know how to do anything. When I asked Bob, why he knows how to do everything in a house, a car, a garage why don't these two? He explained that Elaine didn't want these two boys to have the life she had. Working a farm, working pretty much all the time, so they didn't have chores. I was horrified because it was Greg's idea to buy this fixer upper and he could barely hold a hammer and a nail. At least I had my background and not allot of fear to tear into this house because truth be told Greg didn't care that my refrigerator sat on the other side of my kitchen counter. Greg didn't care that the windows were so old that that is where all of our electric bill was going, or that I had three separate sections to this house to heat.

He had literally no concept of even how a checking account works. I had to explain to him when he had his own account that the checks you wrote haven't gone though yet. You can't just call a bank and ask how much money you got today? Why Greg looked at me and said "really?" After I said to him "Greg you have to maintain a house for the season's and well we live in a fixer upper." You see Greg just wanted me to pay the electric bill with no concept of where this electric bill is going. He wanted to blame me for a high electric bill and tell me we should only turn on the heat when we use the kitchen. I'm a mother I'm always in the kitchen. Greg always had a better way but it was not realistic, or it was more work for me to do. To live his low quality life but expect high quality service.  He just didn't want to fix the problem in the first place. He wanted me to fix the problem and not spend any money doing it. You see Greg didn't have to because he had a work horse of a wife supporting his laxey daisy unrealistic behavior and expectations.

I mean really after ten years of marriage and that man is sitting next to me in bed telling me how he wants to get a RV and retire just like his mom and dad. That was when I explained about how hard his parents worked for their lives, and then when I asked him where I fit into this retirement plan? His answer was, "I don't know, I never thought about it." When I'm sitting at the sleep clinic and my doctor said, "Colleen you do the work of three people everyday, you are gonna die, if you don't sleep." Still I thought about Greg and my children. I told him what Greg had been telling me for years, "hold on for just a lil while longer. That I only have to hold out for just a lil while longer." I assure you Greg made sure I didn't get any sleep. All those years of being married and I had not dropped the ball one time. With Greg it didn't matter what it was that boy never took responsibility for anything. I mean why should he? He has never had to learn how. Not even how to love or just what love is. Nothing grows without love and light and well neglect is the most invisible abuse of all.

When they showed me the other day in that Gold field I screamed and I exploded just how Greg made my children live the life I did with him. The Cinderella children he handed over to Ann to clean her house and ours. Kiley became paranoid to have anything out of place in her room for fear Ann would walk in and tell her she has to clean something up. It is out of place. Especially when Kiley had company and Greg allowed it. He just ignored it. Hell she had her own daughters and somehow it becomes my children's responsibility to clean up his new wife's mess of her own family. When Kiley was five years old she started throwing up in the mornings at six thirty a.m. on the dot. I asked her doctor about it, I thought it was a odd flu then when he said "no Colleen your daughter at five years old has anxiety." That burning stomach that I grew up with. I let Kiley's doctor after that know that sometimes I give her part of a zantac.

Kiley's favorite thing was for me to do trigger point work on her back. For a child of only six to eight she already had knots up and down her spine. She like the deeper tissue work and she'd beg for me to do adjust her back. Here she is her father is a chiropractor and just like her mother her daughter can't even get her back adjusted. So yes I adjusted Kiley's spine and Irony is that it was right between the shoulder blades that heart chakra, just like me and I was so focused on my children I never knew I had a broken heart. Truth be told it's always been broken, I just never knew. That is why I walked my self down the aisle in Hawaii. I never had a father and well by then I knew I never would. My dad was drunk in Eastern Washington, my mother I didn't need her poison and behavior at my wedding. Especially after she pulled what she did, yet again. I wanted a new start in life a healthy father for my children and I hate my fathers children and I would never say it out loud.

I wouldn't put it in actions or words. Today I don't care if he dies I hate him so bad. I have tried so hard to give him the benefit of the doubt. What he did making Alex sit down with Mary Stone just like he did me. She is twelve years old and Greg was sitting at his desk doing his files. He decides he's going to let Mary Stone tell Alex how its going to be at her office. Her families business that her mother started. It seems Alex wasn't going to be doing clerical work anymore but custodial work now, because well Mary has to pay her two sons now. Something about her pay and hours. She's twelve. When she exploded Greg told her not to be disrespectful and rude. He just allowed this.

He did the same thing when he decided he was going to Mary Ann. They were deciding that one of Anne's daughters was going to get the master room with bath and all this other stuff. Ann wasn't even living there and he allowed Ann tell Alex it's her house now not hers. Then expected Alex to take it and not be rude. Isn't that amazing in this society too, it is set up just like that. If you re-act to the smallest thing, swear or get angry at the injustice, you are the one labeled and fined. The cops come and they say "oh well pointing a finger or swearing is abuse you got to jail." You go to court and the system is already set up that you are gonna pay the fine or fail in this society. Not allowed to raise your finger at all the injustice. You can't re-act or respond with any human behavior in this society.

What about all those emotions in this marriage that I was told to squash. A influx of voice and I'm out of line. Get's the lines crossed between what aggression and assertive behavior. You have the right to assert yourself when someone tells you to eat garbage and that this is all you are worth. Every time her got angry with me he literally destroyed my house to punish me. He couldn't even be bothered to clean up the laundry I placed in a neat pile when he brought that fatal rabbits husband into my home. He couldn't be bothered. It was my job to clean up his mess. Is that the way you treat the mother of your children?

The one who was at every family function and funeral. Stood in every kitchen with the mothers. One who had to meet every demand when Greg wanted to go out of town like every weekend. From the very beginning I had to after the first two years of packing up that car and revolving my work hours, grocery shopping, cooking loading doing the laundry for Greg to go on one of his excursions. I had to make a deal the third year every other weekend because it was OCD. When Greg told me to hold out just awhile longer it didn't have anything to do with my mental health it was Greg always having to go out of town.

Even after we had our house if we happened to have a weekend home Greg wanted me to pack the car so we could go to his parents house. He didn't get I had my own home to tend to. I was tired of packing and unpacking the car on top of everything else. I never one time told Greg he couldn't go out of town the reason why was because I knew if I did he would resent me for it. I felt that as a grown man after all these years that if I have to tell him I need you home to be a part of this family, that he would sit around pout and put his ass in front of the computer and tell me it's his time off.

Greg is so good at not answering people and placing blame back on people that this is the perfect example. We were on a ski trip and my sister and me were in the back seat facing each other, Greg was driving and he had just gone down a steep hill of ice and he stops at the bottom, knowing full well that Adam is behind us in his car. So Adam on a decline sheet of ice can't stop and he rear ends us. It took me and my sister out in the neck. I wanted Greg to adjust me, I had a huge knot on the lower left, he told me no, to get Adam to adjust me. He made Adam feel guilty for causing the accident. Number one Greg didn't even check me out or touch his wife or his sister in law but he sure collected on the insurance.

He had me cash out the insurance claim. I thought my sister had her own insurance claim from the accident. Since we all filed a seperate claim I thought we were all paid out of the same claim. When Greg had me cash it out it closed my sisters claim. I didn't find out until like two years later. That accident that she could n o longer receive chiropractic care, massage care, and medical care closed for her because it was paid out of one fund. Truth is I didn't get treated either. For me to even get a adjustment it was usually minimum three days wait to get me in. If I tried to lie down on the hydro bed, it was me who was expected to give up my place. My sister who already got migraines was doing full time daycare out of her home supporting three children on her own. She lost her house and her life because of this accident and Greg couldn't be bothered to look at the bigger picture.

Now Greg decides to test fate again after I told him the truth. Just like I did when I tried to get him to talk to Alex and quit that job, before I knew what was in some of those trucks and that I was looking at more than I thought I ever knew. I told him flat out, that I have a major dealer from another country watching me. I wasn't paranoid, I was aware because I had just been questioned by another undercover. It doesn't matter what I knew the point is when I went to Alex's father and I asked him to back me on this, he blamed me for even getting her the job in the first place.

I got Alex that job because she couldn't get grocery money out of her father. I thought it would be a good place for her to make some quick tips when she comes home for holidays from college. Then the other servers who are mothers can take time off, it was just the timing. He basically told me to sit in it. So I did and that is why I wouldn't leave that truck stop, because if any drug dealer wants this mother come and get me, I stand out in the open outside my daughters door. I told Patty why I quit. I didn't know about the other stuff that was going on. I did not lie to anyone including that other man I met at that red rock, that I was there for my daughter and no one can see that I still am.

Greg has sat me in his purgatory again because I told him the truth and I gave him everything I had again, and he doesn't say anything to me or Kiley about going to New York at this time on this date. Testing fate again? Truth be told I don't care if the father of my children lives or dies, I'm done giving him respect and the benefit of the doubt that he is going to do the right thing by this mother for his children. I don't appreciate being tested by that family upstairs and making me beg for that man's life three times. I don't appreciate any part of this mans ego's or fears today. Quite frankly now I know I have bigger fish to fry and he just left me holding the bag once again. Not one time looking back has he ever offered me a helping hand not even when we were married. It seems again every one was focusing on him and not the mother. If any of you think I like any of this think again. So yes I hate the father of my children and I will leave it up to my brother upstairs to deal with him.

After Greg got his DUI at sixteen he didn't even get grounded they felt it was punishment enough to lose his licence. He hit another woman in her car.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Back To Those Twin Towers

I hate today. I have had a migraine since Friday. Its coming from in between my shoulder blades and my sinuses. To tell the Truth I'm pretty burned out. I was okay with not seeing my girls, but only in the way that some things I just don't want to know. They fear what I am going to say as much as I fear what they are going to say. Only I can't re-act to the bomb going off inside me. Sometimes I think my family upstairs hates me. They know my hands are tied. Alex to Thailand of all places and then Kiley L.A. and then Spain and Germany. Alex was even traveling in some places on her own. Seeing the bigger picture isn't what it's cracked up to be.

My first conversation with Kiley and she just couldn't wait to tell me she's going to New York City and of all dates. This is the other part her father could of told me. He knows how I feel about this date. I have handed him everything and he still won't look me in the eye. He can't look outside himself for a moment and put himself in my shoe's. I mean where is the compassion? It is true what I said and I have a deeper meaning now when I said to him, "Nothing grows without love and light." I didn't know I was talking about Mother Nature.

Even I assumed someone was taking care of Mother Nature. Yes I respected mother nature but over the years how it is being taken over and controlled by the state was not and is not good. More taxes fees and fines, timeline guideline and standards for people to enjoy mother nature. Other than that I guess I assumed their was some guideline and standard set up by the system that of course would have mother natures best interest at heart. You would think the state and federal Governments all around these nations have made allot of money already poisoning mother nature, draining her resources dry, poisoning her water, taking her oil, poisoning her dirt, her seed and water, her air all to create panic and fear in the hearts of mother natures children. I mean isn't that where the money is going? To supply all this good service to my planet.

Your priorities are money, not mother nature and you lost the focus of her even more when religion was brought to the natives. You supplied and mass produced a book, or several books that focused on the Father and the Son. So even more Mother Natures spirituality, and overtime essence has been stripped away and it seemed no one noticed. No one in religion even bothered to figure out that God's wife is Mother Nature. In return she got taken for granted on both sides. The ones that came in and took over and created standards guidelines taxes and fines these are the ones you trusted right? To take care of your planet, to have its best interest so we can eat. Well that did not happen so now you are being made to feel guilty for the poison in the drugs and the food. Well the rest of you stood around took her for granted, you ignored her and spit on her, you trashed her, you assumed because someone told you so that Mother Nature is pretty much a waste.

I had a writing that I did called Taking Back My Rock. I can't remember the night I went out and built a rock wall and I stuck that flag in same place I stuck that staff. I put a pair of lil fairy wings behind it. My goal was that when lightening struck that flag pole would send a bolt of electricity into the ground and kill that big ant. It sat there for two nights. I can't remember why I chose this day or time that I chose, I just wanted this thing whatever it is that it's not getting my nation. Truth is I'm not hurting anyone and it sits low enough no one see's it. Except the asshole tattle tail truck driver who just couldn't keep his mother fucking mouth shut. People who could, shouldn't and this is the prime example of that. It was a peaceful protest. It was a National Flag and the maintenance man was mad because he was put out that he had to get the garbage out.

Yes he called it garbage. I noticed all the other garbage lying around still that he didn't pick up. Truth be told, I feel put out that I have to even do this. That now again I have been left with a sit in with this Entity just waiting for it to rear its ugly head. Electrocution from in the ground is not gonna blow up this gas station like a bomb would. Even to gas this thing would take to much poison. I don't know how to poison it but I know I have to figure it out because yesterday Kiley told me she's going to NYC and of all the dates and times. Love is poison to Satan but I don't know about this Entity. How do you just find love? I put those star spangled wings behind the flag to represent that you have a pair of wings behind this flag. They might not look very big here but up there with my family they are huge. So I sit and I wait, for what I don't know. I agreed to take the poison on and well I'm not sure what that is this time around.

I just know that I would rather face Satan and this Entity on my own than have this conversation with the Father of that ring of fire. Awareness is key.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Momma I'm Coming Home

I can only hope. I mean really I am so tired of them leading me along like a horse with that Gold Carrot dangling in front of me to keep me moving forward to my next destination. I'm tired of the lifting me up making me feel secure about who has my back? Dole out a lil courage here and there then they hit me with the truth, just a lil while longer. Just a lil while longer.

I realized as a child I never really knew where I was waking up or where I was going each day. In my life no one ever told me and no one ever asked. I'd just find out as I'd go along with my day. Usually the answers came through someone else. A conversation going on around me for instance. Not eaves dropping but a few words would catch your ear and well you'd tune in too. Who wouldn't if you never knew. Always just along for the ride pretty much my whole life. I hate it. I hate this Dejavu life. Been here done that so many times over, they take me around and around, spin me around, lift me up and drop me back down and plant me right where they want me.

On that road trip with Michael a few years back so many storms that year. Driving along the highways. Yeah you may get an idea of the landscape but what do you see from a highway? Not much as far as I can see, I'd rather be on the inside. You know where the people are doing their own thing. To watch and maybe experience it. That is where the fun is, different food, different cultures, different people in their own environment celebrating life each in their own way. I never did understand why people would get themselves so stuck in their own boxes and classifications? You get stuck, life gets boring, even your own colors get boring, your own food, your own family. You don't have to walk away from where you came from. When you step outside the box you might find a new horizon.

Your eyes may open, you can realize "hey their isn't just one way to live." Look these people over here are happy, and over there those people are hilarious. Just when you look inside someone else's traditions and ways you can learn something more. Maybe pick up something good, a lil talisman or memory to get you through the bad times. A spark of life, a little life in a different way. You don't have to agree with everything, take the good and leave the bad or something maybe your not ready for just yet. When we stick ourselves in just one box we limit ourselves and we close the doors. After that we get afraid of change. I agree some change is bad, it doesn't mean ignore the bad. Ignoring the bad does not make it go away. Awareness is always good. The song now is "Knocking on Heavens Door." I hope the ground shakes tonight. I'm ready for an earth shattering explosion tonight. Where and how that happens I never know anymore. Explosions and time bombs.

Trust in the Big T

Truth be told I don't have faith in mankind. I don't have faith in society. I don't have faith in my kings. Not these four kings. The four kings on this planet anyways. The ones who are mother natures and God's children who are here this time to represent this nation, this planet, our mother. You know the only sister who stands in the middle of this triangle. The three doorways the three pathways all in this place. I truly hate this shit. It makes me wonder just where the fuck are my four jacks? I mean half the time I'm lucky to find one jack let alone two everyday just to hook me up. I'm so tired of being tied up to all these cords and batteries just to have a life line here on this planet. I remember when I was young all you needed to get music was electricity and a cord or battery. I'm all hooked up and Pandora can't even play a request. At least when I was a kid you can call in and make a request for a song. I didn't have to rely on all this technology to get music. I'm all hooked up and the internet doesn't work or Pandora can't hook up. All this shit I pay for pisses me off. All this garbage pisses me off. Now the head jack in my phone doesn't even work.

When you are homeless you have no peace. None. I had a woman named Meg in the shelter. She left her husband and bottle behind. Just packed up her car and left, somehow she ended up here. I never could of gotten sober living in that house. Not for one God Damn minute of any day. I drew a name out of Mason's lil bowl. I never knew if it was Gem or Meg. When Meg screamed and yelled every night over any speck of noise. One lil peep. No one even noticed what Meg was yelling about, but I did. Meg wanted peace and well when your homeless no matter where you go you never have peace.

In these woods, I've got Gary always moving around me or if he's not I don't have choices when I do. Hell I can't even make a peep in my own tent without him asking me what it is? How is that peace? My music that no I don't choose even today, but I can at least choose the genre, kind of like I could as a kid. Not really because now I need all these components to hook up to everyday to make something work. Yes I feel tethered and like a puppet to the wrong society and I don't like it one God Damn bit. I don't give a fuck who pays for this, it had better work when it is offered, I am so fucking burned out of shit/products and garbage that can't even do there job it pisses me off.

All these titles of power out there and not one in the service industry anywhere because of these titles and sense of entitlement, it has made mankind lazy and acceptable of this service and this garbage. It gives mankind a good excuse for bad behavior in any title today. The money and the title is what its all about. I don't see a whole hell of all of humanity in these titles today. I see allot of people with allot of indignant behavior for these titles. When Gary told me he saw a Spynx Cat in the woods. Here comes Egypt back around again. Lone wolf sitting out here in these woods? Lone Spynx Cat? I truly I don't give a fuck anymore about these spiritual animals or spiritual signs today. I am burned out and tired.

I signed up here to receive food at a food bank last week. It pissed me off like you would not believe. I had everything ready all signed up and ready to go and I get to the counter, the first thing the lady said is there seems to be a problem with your address? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm homeless I don't have a address. I made that pretty clear when I registered. My EBT card is out of dollars. I have pretty much a liquid diet trying to get all the nutrients I can. I am limited by what I can even get at the food bank. I have to carry it and store it at whatever temperature and I don't have those options. I'm still in king county however, a recipient of this good fortune I hold in the palm of my hand. The irony telling mother natures daughter how she is gonna eat? The irony is I'm hungry and everyday it is a chore not a choice for me to eat, how I'm gonna eat, what I'm gonna eat or what I need to survive everyday. I am mother nature and you are starving me. This system is deciding for me how I'm going to eat. Truth is we are all mothers and fathers. I don't like the way this system feeds us or decides for us how my children are gonna eat.

The way I see it because my only options I have here is to let my family decides who lives and who dies. They see the bigger picture of what you really hold in your heart. Man kind always wants to test fate. I don't have faith in mankind to accept their fate make the right choice and move forward. Mankind really is just to trigger happy for my taste. Truth be told I don't think anyone in society can handle the truth no matter who you are or who you represent. Everyone is always looking for the truth, and when you get it your run or point your fingers because of your own fear in your heart for your own behavior. I hate the part of being a mother.

You know the part having to hurt your children and watch them fall to make a point. No mother ever wants to hurt there children. I assure you now that I know I don't only have a family of five, you know a mother a father a sister a brother upstairs and well its just lil ole me standing down here alone. I know I have another five in me. Don't forget five pregnancies. One Son, One daughter. Two daughters, my daughters Irish twin, my brother again. Lets not forget my lil Jimmie Jane her father was a twin. A James Wayne and well his brothers name is John. That would be five babies times two with two sets of twins. Even then my five and those seven times two well you do the numbers.

So no I have no faith in this brother john or my kings today. I have no faith in mother natures son. I am sick and tired of waking up with the sun rise, most of the time just before dawn. Hell I'm a night owl by nature. Most nights I'm out like a light at times between five thirty and seven. I don't know if its my food or my fuel intake or just the burdens I carry inside me for that family upstairs but I'm tired of being tired and depending on society for anything down here. Everything you have on you when you except anything is a barder. It is always gonna cost you in some of way. If you just put anything down for a moment it can disappear in the flash of an eye. Always searching for something everyday out here and I hate it too. Everything just to get anywhere is a chore, just for the most basic needs, to even use the facilities its gonna cost you someway today. All this injustice on just the basics in life that others take for granted everyday. Complacency/ Laziness or fear. I'm burned out of sacrificing my time and my life away from family here on this planet for that family upstairs. So yeah I'm ready to get jacked up and shut this place down.