Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

I Love A Rainy Night/ER
Where to begin today? Right here is where I will begin Anew today. I re-watched some of the American Gods Series. I ordered Starz so Michail could watch it. I explained to him Shadow Moon is exactly how I felt. Like I was no longer imprisoned. Like I was released and yes I went back to the Familiars? Just like Shadow Moon said to Mr. Wednesday, you are Familiar and I don't like it. Sitting behind Shadow Moon in big lights "Jack's." M. said Odin, you mean Odin. I looked at M? What you mean Mr. Humpday, Mr. Wednesday is Odin? M. said yes, and Thor these are Gods of the Norsk mythology. Inside I'm thinking Holy Shit I got another Big Daddy up there? Holy fuck I want off this rock. Thor is the first name that came up on the beginning of this journey.

It's A Heartache/BT
Last night I messaged M. "so whose Death? He said whose Death are you talking about the names of the horses of the Apocalypse? I said, What? The Four Horses have names?" I mean I knew in different sects I found different names but not this. This morning I looked up "names of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse? What did I find?

Break It To Me Gently/JN
I screamed inside as I read the words. "The Lamb of God, or Lion of Judah (Jesus Christ) opens the first seven seals, which summons forth four beings that ride out on white, red, black, and pale horses. (Now that part I knew) Although some interpretations differ, in most accounts, the four riders are seen as symbolizing Conquest, War, Famine and Death, respectively. Then looking back I realized I have written about just these four things. Revelations is my families revolution and Genesis. War, Ares, the God of War the red planet, Mars. Famine I clued into that word with Fatima when Mary Magdalene made her presence in front of three children. One name was Lucia, and the Catholic church taking credit and holding back the Truth once more.

When You Say Nothing At All/Ak
Last but not least Death? M. explained that death is a servant to God. Another proof of life I didn't want to know as each piece of the puzzle falls into place. I figured out so much more from finally getting to watch Davinci Demons, my brother, my son, in arms that stands above me. His mother was a seer in chains being held hostage while her two children (one named Sophie) are out there on their own searching for the Truth. Who wouldn't want to get their hands on someone like me and mine now? The Sooth Sayer and the Book Of Vines is inside me. Then it sunk in Davinci just like on the Magicians they are looking for keys. As well as I.

We Belong/PB
I just didn't know it, right along with all the names of Jesus Christ, her son, my brother, my husband. The Author the finisher, The Chosen One, First Atom and last Adam, and the C in my name, what it really means as my names and labels pile on me? So many names for C and yet I wrote it, I recon I claimed it. C is for your Creation. A Creation of your own making. Whatever that Creation as your Creator that depends what side of Love, Faith and Family you stand on? Then the O is for Oracle. That families Oracle, another name sunk in, "The Messenger."

Blue Bayou/LR
Makes me wonder at what stage of this game we are at before humanity gets the message? My two L's? All those coins I kept finding, and New York City where this started from? I'm Lady Liberty then I turn into Love and Light. Another name sunk in on that list Judge/Ruler. That is why my family is back for Justice this time. I realized I have used these names in my writing and my conversations with that man upstairs. It sunk in some more when I said, "it's your namesake. I do not want your namesake." 

Half The Way/CG
For today I will call my two E's you elite and entitled. Off my rock and out of humanities hearts you go. All the guilt and shame you created inside humanities hearts to feed your machine. Your high cost of sin you created on my rock? Well the letter N will be for Nephilim. I'm the other big A standing inside this half pint size body. This rocks Angel.

Here You Come Again/DP
The dream I keep going back to lately is when I was standing at a huge work site that was chain linked and had security by day so you couldn't get inside. It was about a man's tools. I was trying to give a man back his tools. I realized that is what I've been doing in this writing. Giving Kyle back his tools right along with the rest of humanity.

Hopelessly Devoted To You/ONJ
Does that make me a bad person, to speak the Truth and release humanity from all the chains that bind? That we come from two, and no one stands higher or lower. The Con Of Man. I'm ready for my beast so I can play in my Beasty Garden Of Eden with all my fruits and wares to feed my children love and light forevermore.

Tracks Of My Tears/LR
Everyday inside my heart and outside I shed my tears for all of humanity, not just the few, whom have stolen everything making a high cost of living that does not exist in my heart of love and light.
Sunshine/Juice Newton
I'm ready for my son shine.
Angel Of The Morning/JN
Everyday we rise, we begin anew.
Looking For Love/Johnny Lee
I accepted and stopped looking for love long ago. I didn't believe love would ever find me in this my life in my lifetime.
Let Me Be There/ONJ
I will always be there. All you have to do is open you heart to love and light.
Drivin' My Life Away/ER
You better that's all I've got to say. Our wheels have replaced humanities horses.
I Never Promised You A Love Garden/M. MCBride
Oh yes you did God. I rise from the Lilies to the Roses. 
Total Eclipse Of The Heart/Bt

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