Friday, March 30, 2018

Take Back Home Girl

Take Back Home Girl/CL
Oh I plan on it. This diamond that lay upon my hand? I'm the Atom the creation, the 01 of your own making? "LAUGH MY MOTHER FLOCKING ASS OFF"
The Rose by Bette Midler
Today I'm here to make my X and Mary Stone bleed. Back to bloody hell you go. I'm here to make this boy hurt. Justice is mine. Whats your Achelous heel boy? Nothing but credit, fame, money, fortune and greed. Taking credit for something you weren't capable of doing in that short frame. Is it that special K you want for free? My royal crown? My light? My honey? My apple? Burn me out to take the blame? Throw me out with the trash, slander my good name? No you are unworthy of eternal life. You know I have figured out something else between religion, spirituality, mythology, and folklore. The Truth buried deep IC? Don't worry I got this one people. Their is a club out their called the "Golden Dawn." Another Alistair Creepy Crowley, Bram Stoker the Vlad. Thomas something he wrote sci-fi. I hear we had a nuke go off from Russia? Back to Vlad I go. The day my brother lay in a coma, on his deathbed that is what my mother said, he looks like a vampire.
Bad Moon Rising/CCRW Malevolence come's back 2 light.
Do you know why mother? You sucked the life out of him right along with his father. This is what happens when you don't feed a child love. They go inside and hide and they don't grow up. Turn into little fucking demons. This is what happens when we have children to feed us love. Not the other way around. This is what happens when we objectify someone. Humiliate and belittle for our own entertainment. You mother fucking people. I'm done with the lot of you. Here try this one on for size? Compassion of the Stone. Hey what can I say, sometimes you have to be stronger than your children to save their lives. This time I am so happy you have no idea. I get happy feet and my lil' wings go all a twitter.
Take It To The Limit/Eagles
You objectified him, you jailed him, you beat him and you blamed him. Then he earned his own keep working for the lawnmower man sleeping in a room off the back porch. Bore a child at about 7 to 8 years old being made to flock little girls in Marvin's garden. Got a problem with that Truth Bitch? Now get up and fight. Here's your chance to fight. Here's your chance to be a bully now. Let's do this. You feel big now Mummy Dearest? Then you handed the gauntlet and blame off to my sister as a little girl. Dishes every day in fourth grade? Fuck you. Don't think I haven't figured out how come I had Anubis standing at my window? Lakota on my bed? The white wolf in my closet? Oh yeah how about those rocks I dragged under my bed? Have to have that much coverage with a mother like you, don't we? Wanna hang me over the fire and yank my chain some more bitch?
Real World/MB20
Should I just release my dog's? Get this dance started? Show them why you and Dad had a black Onyx square stone with a diamond for a wedding ring? Show them just who your two daughters really are? Why we put up with this bullshit for so long for all these generations? Why it's the women who stand at the door in our family tree of life, not the men?  Let's show them just what kind of Sun worshipers this family really is? Now put that mother fucking right hand in the air and you give it all you got. Hell they don't care, mummy dearest, light it up. We're back for that son in this family tree of life. Your son my sun, Aten. Athena is Justice. Now let's get this shit done. I didn't marry this piece of shit for nothing. When you see the size of Kyle and that he is the only one who has the power to remove that Gin, that Beast of the 666 off from Greg any way he can?  I'm Justice to boot? It makes me laugh, really. Justice why he lost his 2 mothers? My first broom a dirt devil? Well it was you and uncle Marvin who taught me to polish those rocks right up. Then my rock collection got bigger.
In A Little While/UK/No Stranger To Shame
Hilarious I didn't even change the station. I love it. Walking along this morning it started to sink in just what the human race tried to do to those two angels? The father said no I'll offer up my two daughters. Hey ya know who I'm gonna offer up? My X's and Mary Stone's O ring. Oh NO I DIDN'T? Oh yes I did. I mean really who wouldn't wanna fuck this pretty boy up the ass? The true fallen angel at that? Over and Over for all those mother flocking lies? Hey they said in the beginning their is two? Mary Stone you adrogynous little flamer. Hey they made their bed. I mean Mary Stone to think you kept my children home from soccer to teach them principles and values? Shame Shame! Down you go. Every one of them you will pay for. Don't worry Mary Stone I got a Mother Mary for you, bitch. Nine layers down into that fiery pit of hell. The rest can go home to my families AA. When you go through my families Attitude Adjustment you may come back. Only when you can deal with reality and knock off the bullshit of making others carry your bullshit, your cowardice, your fear. How Does It Feel/Sugarcane
You Raise Me Up/Selah
Peace, Faith, Family, Love and if it ain't enough for you go home. I mean that in all walks of life. Go home. This mother doesn't want your bad attitude, and good excuses for your bad behavior here on my rock anymore. If you can't stand for Justice, peace and joy for all at this high cost of sin? Then get the flying flock off my rock. You see you have no idea how much this mother is done. If any of you think your gonna get by me with all you games, all your blame games you place on others, to make you feel bigger, then let's Jew down on this nigger loving Jew whore of Babylon? Let's see how well that works for you all? All your paranoia and fear of something you claim to of worshiped and loved? You know Jack is right, "you can't handle the Truth." Seems pretty crystal clear to this mother.
How Far Is Heaven/Los Lonely Boy's? Closer than you think. HEEE HAWWWW!!!!!!
Listen To The Music DB (Whatever you groove they don't care)You see I'll tell you a little secret? It turns out God is the creation of everything. Right down to our colors and our music. Even if you see something as bad, sometimes you can see the Truth. Like how spirituality, has family. Religion has man and everything else is beneath it? Ego in that is atrocious. Where's your family? Your wives are beneath you? Your children are beneath you? Hell even mother nature is beneath you. Your doling out your own Godly justice to those you see as the down trodden? All you got is your book. You know what I got? I got a rock. If you haven't figured out the answer that JC was here for Truth and Love his children, his mother that feeds you life? Gods green earth is a creation of the trinity in all walks of life. The sun that gives us life or the son that lights you up inside, that golden pot of honey at the end of the rainbow. Funny how it comes after the rain? What is behind that rainbow? The sun. Total Eclipse Of The Heart/Bonnie Tyler.
Already Gone/Eagles
I was going to change the station but it's the Eagles. I can't and when you see Kyle you'll see why? Job the Pilot light. The dawning of the new son with that ring of fire? With hair like women and teeth like lions. Take your pick? Poison Ivy? That Fiery pit to death if you touch disregard, disrespect. U touch 9 layers down into that fiery pit of hell you go. Tell them your mother Hell Mary sent you there. The Fiery One gets to be the creation of your own making. Laughing this morning, thinking I was about 7 to 8 years old crocheting those white collars like Judge Judy? I thought I led such a boring life being locked in a box by someone my whole God Damned life? Stay in the box Colleen. Back inside Pandora's box you go. Bad kitty! That I am. I like myself just fine thank you Sam I am.  little Bewitched humor for you. What you don't think I'm funny?
She Talks To Angels/The Black Crows
Yeah I do. I talk to angels, you got a problem with that? Got a problem your mama taking her rock back? I mean you have all in each your own way destroyed it all to holy hell. So you claim fighting all these holy wars? This part makes me so angry, it makes me cry. How the flying flock could you ever believe your own mother, your own creation would ever destroy Gods green earth that feeds you life? This is how you choose to profit off your losses? The ones sitting at the bottom? Your Veterans, your disabled, the ones you put in a box and label to make a living off them. Shut them down because you don't want to open your eyes and look at the Truth? Your mother who gave you those walking feet? Your mother who you have done nothing but turn a blind eye to? Cause her bloody pain every mother flocking day.
Move/LB Turn Off The Lights
All this infighting and rape of my land you fed the wrong profit. I admit some day's I hate you. I want to walk away. I want to end it all. I don't have to like my children everyday, but God Dammit weather you like it or not I sure do love them. You think its been easy looking at all this destruction and all this garbage? Your labels you place on your weak? It is these people that hurt God Damn you. You know what else I learned? Know matter what God they pray to they have one thing in common and that is Faith. They have walked many deserts. Lived through a few storms. They are worthy, my slaves you profit off from with your high cost of sin?
Night Fever/Bee Gee's
Hey Congress you were supposed to feed your people, make sure they have decent jobs and make a living but no you turned your job over to Corporate America and the Insurance industry. Hey Big Brother I got a Big Brother for you. His name is JC, he's back for Justice. Gotta problem with that? This Mythological fellow? You heard of him? The one's whose flock you were supposed to be feeding not making a living off their suffering? Handed it all over just like my X. Dumbshits!
Good 2B Me/UK
They have carried their children on their backs many generations. Weather you like it or not it is your mother that gave you those wings to fly no matter what wings you think they are. If Leonardo Davinci and some of your other inventors can create beauty from mother nature then so can you. It is you humanity whom chose to profit off that destruction. Not your parents. You people with all your white collars, you know God Damn well who I'm looking at up there? The way I see it. You don't get to pick nothing. From this mothers perspective. You can thank God for that. To the rest of you GO TO HELL.
Never Be The Same/Christopher Cross
Baby I'm A Want You/Bread
Gypsy/Fleetwood Mac/Mirage
Wind Beneath My Wings BM
Sitting here with my J. My cherry scented candles. The other day, Dave just happen to hand me a black candle holder with a gold snake and green eyes. A few days before a blue butterfly lay in my path. A blue heart gem a few days before that. 2 days ago M. Hands me a purple hot rod that says evil twins.  Universal signs?
Only Wanna B With U/H&HB
Ol Quaran 19:19
Sister Golden Hair/America
To think its my job 2 put the fear of God in my children 2 wake them up? Lil ole me?
Sail On/Commodores
Hotel California/Eagles
Let's see how strong you and Mary are now bitch? I'm the God Daughter this time. A creation of your own making. Here I stand, just like I told my in laws in the beginning after that rape. I wrote them a letter three years ago. I told them the Truth about what their precious son did. She calls Alex and here we go again with you people right here. I told them I don't want to hear one more negative word about about this mother come out of your mouth, I know something you don't, I still stand. I know what side of love I stand on. I know I'm coming back, do you guys have faith inside where your going when you leave Gods green earth? You know? My diamond, my rock. Well it turns out Elaine, this mother is welcome to make all the God Damned waves I want, because without this mother you wouldn't have life. To bad you threw it away when you had it and took it for granted. You should be proud of yourselves, you taught your precious son something? How do be a thieving lying little man whore. Ask and you shall receive.
Lonesome Loser/LRB
Oh poor Gregory Allen Boo Hoo. You stuck this little mother in a backwards L piece of shit little house. Ignorance is no excuse. You do know the difference between right and wrong that I think everyone can attest too?
Set Fire 2 The Rain Adelle
Peaceful Easy Feeling/Eagles

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