Saturday, March 17, 2018

The Purge

Johnny Jump/Morrison's/JG&GS
That explains the Gaelic music yesterday which took me back to the beginning of this vision quest. St. Patrick's Day is back again. Another pagan holiday I enjoyed with my children. Back to my four leaf clover family I go. Back to those Irish roots they take me. You know that nice Irish girl side of that Catholic family tree I descend from. Just an old fashioned Irish girl. With old fashioned values.

The Bold O'Donoghue -Saddle The Pony/Sibin
It seems I have discovered those closest to me are not going to like this little mother and my Truth very much. I mean what was last years St. Patrick's Day, title? Happy Bloody St. Patrick's Day. Gee I don't know, could it be that P.O.L. I learned that day? Discovering who that black shadow really is? That faceless man I do not see in my dreams. Another answer to a question I put out there. After all the grief and pain this man has caused me how come I have never seen him in my dreams? He is the one kicking me in the ribs letting the sheep out of the barn. 

The Regular Army O/Mick Maloney
Back to that O ring I go. Literally so it seems. In more ways than one in all walks of life. I posted yesterday a picture of Kyles tat. Hoping and praying that this is the serpent I have to wrangle and laso. For once in my life can't something be easy? Noooo! I got the real deal to contend with. That black cobra underground. Cause and effect with this entity and Corporate America. That black oil pipeline working its way through my Lakota tribe. That black cobra insurance ruling our nation. 

Clancy's Wooden Wedding/MM
Noooooo!!!! It gets better my X is the black cobra from that Garden Of Eden. A sociopath and sado macccist whom will do anything to silence this little lamb. All for a crime he and Mary Stone committed 19 years ago.

Poor Paddy On The Railway/TP
Now its up to me and Kyle this mother that this family labeled the shrew, the whore, the mental case to cover their own failures. Hey you labeled me. Should of thought of that before you wrote off this mother. Hmmmm what to do with this family and their beasty boy son? Now I ask are they worth saving their pathetic spindly cowardly deceitful little souls? Will their bodies survive the removal of these demon's I picked up when I married into this Little Leave It To Beave family I thought I married into?

Marie's Wedding/The High Kings
This wedding thing kept coming up. I saw a black square on that cooking line. I knew one thing that it did not belong there. Then they took me back to all those dreams in church's on trains and one was on a boat. Somehow all the doors would get closed and some conversation would take place about a wedding? What wedding? Then I hear "he's looking for a bride." He needs a bride to close this four square, and I had that dream of three brothers, the wrong three brothers looking for a bride to close that four square. Here I am with a daughter that I just got a job in the same place?

Tell Me Ma/The Young Dubliners
Did I tell you that as usual they let me know this after I walk out the door. Just like every thing else on this journey. Then make it about my daughters, my children after I make this agreement? Talk about incentive? Talk about feeling like JC hanging on that cross? Yes today I have that answer why I tore that choker chain right off my neck and said "I'm sick of this cross. Get this cross off my neck. It's choking me this choker chain"

Armed Tribute Services/Semus Kennedy
Should I remind you on this journey I went to church because it was a Church Of Angels and I wanted to hear Patricia King speak? It was in one of my old stomping grounds growing up. Coal Creek Road. Talk about the discoveries that day? Talk about Eden's Grove and that garden coming back around? What's up with this God Damned garden? Then they bring up some things that kept coming up that first month? The alien's, the demon's and OH My Mother Fucking God what is up with this God Damned Bride thing?

Kitty The Rose Of Kilrae/The Irish Rovers
Then one of the speakers sits in the chair talking about some bride? He pulls up a chair and he sits down in that chair. Like that's his chair? Isn't that just my point you men talk about the man, the son, the God? I want to know where is that queen's chair? It seems we're waiting for some queen, some bride and yet what you think she's standing behind him? Just waiting to serve him? Is she sitting down at his feet washing them? Is she in the laundry room? Is she bare foot and pregnant in the kitchen serving up his highness' dinner? No you dumb shits that is just my point right there? The queen does not serve the king.  The King does not serve the queen. They serve each other.

No Hopers Jokers & Rogues/Port Isaac
They feed each other love and light in all walks of life? They are balance, they not only feed but they get fed from each other in all walks of life. How can they not being whom they are? Someone wants to kill them, one or both for the wrong kind of power. This is the first mistake you made between Adam and Eve. Between Jesus Christ and Mary. You turned the women into servants to the Lord? Weather you like it or not it is a two way, especially in this walk of life. This is where two people whom are committed to each other let their emotions go physically. In all their passion, in all their drive, in all that frustration each carried in their own way just getting through the day. The way this mother see's it, it is a healthy marriage. It is a healthy way to freely give and take right here.

Tell Me Ma/Gaelic Storm
To have the Trust in all that passion and drive that no matter what it is? It is private just between you two and it is for no one else to judge how we feed each other love. What goes on in a King and Queen's bedroom or in your parent's bedroom ain't any of your busy bodies beeswax anymore. You all need to get the fuck out of each others bedroom. How your parents choose to freely give each other love? Those whom came b4 you and brought you into this world? 

The Devils Courtship/Battlefield Band
You think you are gonna be the ones to rise above it and decide another human beings value? All they had been through in this life, including the things you do not see? The things this human being walked through their whole God Damned life? You think God and your Holy Mother would ever let you decide? Only the ones causing the oppression for the wrong power like this. Yet come judgment day you think it doesn't apply 2U and your own justice you doled out to another? You thought the meek?  It ain't none of your business this feeding time.

Preacher In A Pony/Boiled On Lead
Don't any of you take it off balance by using it as a solution for the rest of your lives or all that ales that bleeding bloody heart you carry inside either. Your all are big boys and girls you'd think you would of had this part figured out by now? No still even in our Government this is being kicked around and decided? Weather you like it or not you got bigger fish to fry. You are not just Gods flock, not just the Holy Mothers you are mother natures little beasties. You don't get to decide nothing about love and what sits behind that O'ring no more.

Tim Finnegan's Wake/DG
Weather you like it or not, you will honor your mothers, your other half of that heart whom ever that maybe to you. This mother is done with the games. If you can't follow the rules, then don't you step in that garden if you push to far and take to much? Don't you bother to step in the garden and play the blame game. Don't you put it out there and change your mind when you know its to late to go back on that agreement you made. You will just have to learn your lesson when put you put it all out there, then sale the other short? Your gonna put your truth out there from the start or your not welcome in this mothers garden to play. I don't give a flying flock whom you are.

The Roving Trade/The Irish Rovers
Don't you ever predator or prey on another child. I don't give a flying flock your garden or door. This is not welcome in any walk of life anymore. This rape of man woman and child is done. You got your rules. You little teeny boppers with all your raging hormones will get back into your own garden with the rest of all your other little raging hormones. We are going to stop this denial and teenage sexuality, the labels and the abuse. The value on it and how it has been abused is done, right along with children playing doctors and those labels. We are as parents are going to get educated about this. When it is okay and when it is not and what age these young little beasties really start to feel that hormonal push between?

Rambling Boys Of Pleasure/ The Irish Rovers
As the children you are done judging your parents and what they do behind closed doors. I promise you I am the queen B of this rock. Queen B, Queen Bitch. Babylon, that mother Bishop of those HOLY seven. So you the catholic church this mother is back. This Mary. I don't give a flying flock what Mary you honor. I don't give a flying flock what Mary you pray to.

Lovers Wreck/Gaelic Storm
I don't give a flying flock if it's Mary Jane you use to ascend, because weather you like it or not. This mother is taking this HOLY ROCK back from all you deceitful, sinners and judges out their stirring the pot. The Con Of Man is over. I know one God Damned thing that you don't know and that it is the mothers. It's always been about the mothers. Why the flying flock do you think the name of this rock is Mother Nature? Gaia? The yin and yang of balance. I know what you did? You used this rock, you fat bastards wearing the wrong white collar. I want you off my rock. You know what I have learned about white collars and the ones I like the least. No it turns out it's not just the one's preaching ego behind that big book.

Down To The River To Pray/Alison Krauss
No you see it's the corporate America white collars I like the least. The one's controlling all the money to stir the pot and create these wars. No good business for the economy than to create a war to take the focus off of what it is you did. You know who you fat bastards are out there? I kept being taken back to. Man and his machine right here controlling all the economy. The big Dick of the Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde behind the system IC right here? The control of the DOW and this stock Market created on marked up banking fee's on marked up loan's, on marked up lot's, all to build your marked up tiny boxes from the ground up.

Scolding Wife/Great Big Sea
Right here another marked up industry that stuck it's hand in the kitty. That insurance industry along with these carpenter's that came along and created itself in every god damned industry out there. Don't worry I know one other thing you don't? You don't own none of it. None of it. None of you. You created it all on lies. Right down to mother natures children's body parts. If that wasn't a huge mistake. You will now learn the lesson of if your mother ain't happy ain't no body happy.

Rocky Road To Dublin/The Dubliners
You put yourself in this justice system, you used the insurance again and that revolving door of insanity to pay for your marked up insurance. You put a high price on sin. Using your weakest people to feed these labels and these institutions all to feed you war machine. Your banking machine to wipe out mother nature. You rewrote the system when you made the lots smaller in cheaper shit houses, and now you changed the eye of the community.  Now the families have to send their children down the road to play? I learned this at Beaver Lake Park. Back to that beaver I go. All those beaver shots? I guess I have a name for that body part after all? Truth be told for such a playful mother whom looks forward to play time in that garden with my beast, I never had a name, but then again I am mother natures daughter after all. I can label it whatever I like from the heavens and those stars, right down to this rock, that belongs to me.

Loch/ Lochmond Ireland's
Now this mother has been rolling over in my mind just what it is I have discovered about myself in this family tree of life I carry on my back? For example that serpent? Whose and what's the serpent that I have to wrangle this time? Which son is it that this mother is here to save? 

The Dublin Pub Crawl/The Irish Rovers
Family, benefits, and the judge? My mothers right hand in the air? When my mother would put her right hand in the air, and repeat over and over "family?" Family like we're some kind of mafia or something? Balance my X's birth sign and Kyle's birth sign? Just why it is my family is back to take this rock back? Why we're going back to love and mother nature to feed our children in all walks of life? 

All 4 Me Grog/Black Irish Band
Their ain't no balance in this justice system. From what I have learned in all these history lessons going back, this justice wasn't built on a foundation of fair justice either. Just looking at it from this mothers perspective and just whom it is I married? I married Justice and for this mother to come back? For this mother to discover I'm here and that my whole life has been a set up all along because of that mother flocking garden and that mother flocking red apple that seems to be written in every folklore, and Disney show? That poisonous apple? That big eye in the sky? The watcher the brother? The discoveries that I'm the inoculation for all these institutions? Yup that's right I'm the Big A. This little Atom is the 01 and we are about to learn just how 01 plus 01 make three in this family tree of life I wear upon my back?

Shall I go back to those storms I was seeing in the beginning? Shall I take you back to that number 7? Shall I take you back to my brothers middle name LaGene? That would be the Lakota God Son. Now what would that make this little mother? Would that be the God Mother? Would the J that stand's above me stand for Jesus Christ or would it be Justice in this mother. You know if I am the creation of your own making well let's just say some of you I'd run. Yes don't think I haven't learned a thing or two from watching Davinci Demons and that family curse I carry upon my back that Ozmond curse? That if you don't repent to our God you will become another Martyr? You will be put to death, raped, sold into slavery we don't give a fuck? We will come in and steal it all, or off with your head it goes if you don't repent?

I have seen this story line over and over. How many time's in my life have I prayed for peace? All because someone else has the God the one and only name of God? From what I can see God has many names just like her son. Just like her sun. Why would any God or Holy Mother, your creation destroy the very foundation you stand on to feed your children everlasting life? Why do you see your other half as less than and unlovable if she doesn't become your servant and your slave? The other half of you that gives life. Your children.

The Raggle Taggle Gypsy/The Chieftains
God Damn You. You make me cry right here? How you have treated your mothers in all walks of life just with that ego alone is a disgrace, for such an advanced society? Right all you assholes filling my land fills with that revolving industry with all this technology? All this instant gratification that you think you need to raise and keep an eye on your children today? What happened to you? Ye have little faith in any higher power if you need this much insurance to live and protect? If you think you need all these cameras and all this protection on all these over priced boxes.

Long Time Traveller/The Jennings
Yes Elaine, my mummy dearest, Gregory Allen, Robert, yeah that's right I got my eye on you four right here? I've been looking at things from this mothers perspective? Just what I have put up with you, being the daughter? Being the daughter in law in this one hot mess that you four created? The way I see it I was the daughter and you were the adults in this hot mess all along?

Haul Boys Haul/JC&DW
I swear to all of you I'm standing in the center with my chains on and I am so done with this you have no idea? I am done with all of you? I am done with your judgment? I am done standing in the center of your fears? I am done standing  in the center of your label's to hide your secrets and lies. To hide your own crimes. Your own guilt and shame you carry inside your heart. For your own crimes of the heart. Talk about crimes of the heart? How your son stole it? Not this mothers. Weather it's of my checkbook, my heart, or my children I am finished with all of you. You are going to answer and atone, you are going to repent, don't you think either one of you whom have been doling out your own Justice to get this job done will go unnoticed with this mother come judgment day? Come right or wrong?

Whiskey In a Jar/DB
You were the adults? You were the one's whom have never taken any responsibility for any of your mental illness weather of the heart or mind? You on all sides have done nothing but lie cheat and steal to cover your own crimes, while you dole out your own virtues and justice on this mother? This mother is done. It is so done on both sides. You are all cowards. The way this mother see's it, you haven't repented and owned up to anything any chance you have been given. You have taken for granted, my forgiveness after your apology Elaine, and well mummy dearest you haven't even done that? When it comes down to either of you, grandmother's or grandfather standing on this rock, I would never leave my children with either one of you. Come hell or high water. Ever. Not one God damned, minute of one God damned day. You have never taken any responsibility for any of your failures for anything. I repeat, not one god damned day of one god damned minute any day, ever. I'm going to go down my list I'm going to dole back to you all my rage, of all the injustice I have had to walk through, sitting in my institutions and jail cells for the curse of that Gin I carry on that back?

Let's not forget about that curse I carry from that Mary Magdalene side of the family line? Hey let's not forget about the curse I carry upon my back?  The choice the Romans and Jews made to serve that gold coin to not ruin the party? Sound familiar Bob and Elaine? You know the day they tied my husband, my son up whom I sent down here to die for all your sins? Hey someone's got to carry it right? No better person to carry that you know the one Bob and Elaine, the one your pathetic piece of shit son married? I am going to go down just what it is you put this mother through with all your lies and deceit, as well as my children?

The Irish Volunteer's/MM
Don't worry you all it seems Alex reminded me yesterday that I handed her and Kai their first Dirt Devil too. We're just here to clean up this sins of thy father. Their father, My X, your son. Standing in the center of you four? Their is nothing Truthful and Honorable about either side. All I see is deceit and lies to feed yourselves? Don't you worry Bob and Elaine don't you two worry your pretty little heads? Sitting their in your Ivory Tower passing down your own Judgment and just how it is you used my babies in this hot mess you two created?

Independence Trail/Galen's Arrival/Alasdair Fraser/Dawn Dance
Let's not forget Bob and Elaine this mother standing on my side of this family tree of life I carry on my back, wrote in the beginning that my mother and my family is a filter to your little black ten back you carry on your back. You know your son and that curse of the Gin you all carry? The one that they brought the original Atom, the Original Angel, yeah she's got a name it makes me laugh this one, The Seriphim, The Fiery One. Well does that shoe just fit not only that marking, it fits this mother and how pissed I am at the lie and the illusion your family really is come Judgment day?

Greenfields Of France/The High Kings
Well I'm not even sure if it's worth it to me to even try and remove the number of the Beast off of your precious sons head. I mean a Beast, The Beast, The Real true Gin sits inside that little piss ant son you bore. The way IC it Elaine and Bob, you might of fed your little piece of shit son food. You may of taught him how to survive and plant a garden, but you didn't teach him anything else. For the life of me I couldn't figure out how your son behaved toward me like he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth? I mean from this mothers perspective you two came from nothing. That is just what you are to me nothing. Not when it comes down to my two daughters? Not one minute of one god damned day after the way you treated me to my face and behind my back? The way you disrespected me? The way you used me? The way you nit picked the fuck out of me?

Tramp Sand Hawkers/Old Blind Dogs
I will never forget my eight year old daughter, behaving more honorable than any of you three? Ever. As she sat there and told me of the weekend you spent together bad mouthing me in front of the two of my children? Sitting there planting your labels and doling out your own justice in front of my children? I never asked Kiley or Alex one question in all those years. I never asked any one of my friends to step forward and choose between me and him. Not because of the labels that were planted on my children. This behavior right here? Using children to make yourselves feel big. You poison the mother, your own daughter. Your own daughter in law, the four of you. Whom claimed what my whole life? I believe. My own mother made sure I attended every church growing up, yet she walked in one, in all those years? I was surprised as a teenager, that the church didn't burn down that day. You got lucky Casey Treat.

Fiddlers Green/Marley's Ghost
My mother as a teenager every time I'd stand up to her and call her out on her bad behavior, like the tendency she has to humiliate and belittle someone else, publicly even one its public because she gets off on being a bully she thinks its funny. I pointed it out to her and she told me I need therapy. I need God. Well Elaine the way this mother see's it you need therapy. All of you need therapy. After following through with the long term game plan to come back and live down stairs? For Greg and I after college to finish saving to buy a house.

The Mermaid/Great Big Sea
You remember Elaine? Just like that wedding in Hawaii that in the beginning you made it sound like ten people, then right before I find out 100? Let me take you back Elaine, right before we moved back from Sunnyvale California, you spring on me that you added two more people to the mix downstairs? My issue was no one knew her? Then you don't even bother to tell me she's bi-polar? All the while I had no issue with the bi-polar? I had issue with you? The way you handled it? Which was hand it off on me?

Devil In The Straw Hat/Tamlin
The whole time regardless of Christine not following through with the agreement she made with me about that Christmas photo, that I had already told her okay I will set this up. If I do you had better show up. Do not cancel and leave us hanging? I am not going to keep re-doing this if your not going to show? My point was her using work as an excuse to get out of any responsibility. Including that ringing phone that she wouldn't bother to get up to answer right outside our door all through the night? Let's not forget she had her own phone installed on the third floor and she still monopolized the home phone. When she went back to bed right after your custom Christmas morning champagne toast. Lets remember again Elaine, I didn't have alcohol in my house growing up and none of my family customs ever revolved around that bottle and a game? In both of these examples Elaine what is the common denominator and what is the difference?

The Other SIde/JD
Christine made an agreement with me and tried not to follow through at the last minute? Standing in Bellevue when we all lived in Renton late one night 3 of us are standing there waiting on her? We are out of time and I rescheduled it three times already. That is exactly what I reminded her of on the phone? Not my issue due to her being bi-polar or immature. Weather you believe it or not Christine and I got along just fine because I don't hold resentments like you do. I am a compassionate person. Whom only asked for anything from Christine no matter what I ask from anyone? It's called respect. You couldn't give it. You always had an excuse for someone else's bad behavior in your home. You would tell me to sit in it or I'm the one making waves? The one making waves all along is you.

Barrette's Privateers/Stan Rogers
Christine nor I could figure out the logic or common sense you had to move four people into two bedrooms and not empty the closets or the dressers? Then when we look in the storage closet downstairs we see it is packed full of garbage? Whom was left with the decision of having to go through someone else's garbage and decide what to keep? What is of value or maybe of value to you someday? You know what Christine and I did is we bonded. You didn't like that you were afraid we were talking about you. Yes we were. Once again not in a spiteful demeaning sort of way. Just like the conversations I had with your son, the conversations I had with my own sister, as well as that piece of shit son that you raised and handed off to me? It's called observation in the odd behavior and how things just don't add up? 

Tamlin/Devil In The Strawstack/Airdance
Mary Stone I want you to know as the mother standing in this hot mess that you just walked in and stole in 90 days. I want you to know right up front? I am not your saving grace? You are nothing to me? As far as your sons are concerned? Well let's just say from this day forward they to will make their own choice on any justice they think they are going to dole out on this mother for a crime you committed about nineteen to twenty years ago. 
I'm Shipping Up To Boston/Dropkick Murphy's

Red Is The Rose/The High Kings
I wrote earlier in this blog about how everyone is willing to come to God. Yet those that feel they are worthy IC aren't willing to take that those two steps to heaven. Those two steps name's are Alex and Kiley. I'm not going to ask what do you want on your tombstone? No, I want to know what kind of legend do you want to leave behind?

Misty Mountains - Song Of The Lonely Mountain 
This is just my point to all of you parents whom have come before me. You had your chance for a life and instead you chose to steal from me and mine. To late for I'm sorry. Don't bother. It is mine and Kyles' turn for life with our children. You whom have come b4 made your bed with me and mine long ago. It is you whom is unworthy to live anymore life on my rock. After that last conversation with Kyle, I fully understand whom it is I'm here for? That man, with love and light in his heart to feed our children, the good example of what a father and a man is. Well truth be told it is only him that I have for eyes. It is his heart I want to feed. I'm not wasting anymore of my time feeding those my love whom want to take my forgiveness for granted. At the risk of my babies? No thank you. I love all that I see inside one man. As far as I'm concerned this father and this mother have been through enough carrying the load of the parents whom come before. My heart belongs to him and no other.

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