Monday, March 12, 2018

Follow Your Heart

Boot Scootin' Boogie/B&D
Music today Thumbprint on Pandora's Box. This is where it plays a little bit of everything I listen too. That way I don't choose my emotions they walk me through when I write. What you don't know is being an oracle and a scribe I have to hit just the right emotion for a few days. Being the tourmaline rock and all? Energy in process it, spin it around and around processing all my emotions and discoveries I have been walking through? Then I hit the keyboard and let it go and let God.
Peaceful Easy Feeling/Eagles.
I love it. My bald eagle headed man. The representation of this nations bird. Justice, freedom, this slavery comes to an end. That Thunderbird whom just happens to be living in the land of hawk's? The beavers? All my whity beaver jokes from my past and just what I figured out in this man in the last couple day's? My Kryptonite and just why he's like a dagger to my heart? That man breaks me every time. I now know how he got his middle name? The meaning mountain and music. He always seems to hit just the right note in just a few conversations. A few key words I need to hear to keep me getting up, and coming back.
Lady/Little River Band Isn't that just the note the lyric, look around you? That is just what they had me doing throughout this journey. Turns out throughout my life. Just watch, listen. Learn what you can learn each step of the way. Stand not in judgment. Have compassion. Take the good leave the bad and move it forward in each day. What would be the word for that? Not compassion, but righteousness, humility and grace. Are those bad character traits to carry? One of my favorite things to do in life was to watch mother nature, and mankind in their own settings. Their character traits, in all walks of life. Listen, watch and learn something new every day. That is why I like a diversified group of people. and being a hair designer and waitress you have allot of sit downs with people from all sorts of life. I learned from this part as I would listen to someone telling me their stories. Showing me their true heart, their true character. Nothing better than to bend someone's ear whom you do not know. You really don't care what anyone else thinks, or they don't. Because I am a stranger and they can turn and say, behave anyway they want for that two dollar tip and no one would know any better. As a customer your always right, right?
You Are The Woman/Firefall music from the heart today IC? The Truth is yes you are. No better way to show your true character and who you really are then when your alone with a woman at a 24 hour truck stop? Truth be told I learned to see the true character behind a man long ago. I learned to dodge those bullet's put a smile on my face, or a frown and a good tongue lashing when I'd call them on their bad behavior their true intent. It's my life on the line not theirs. It's my lively hood. You think I didn't wish the one thing this place had was camera's to protect me and not their money?  Being told you cannot defend yourself while being attacked in a place like that for this?
Dist In The Wind/Kansas
It was at that truck stop at Ken's truck town when a story got back to my manager about a scene, he said you tell them what ever you want just don't use a swear word. You don't have to take that. That is support from your boss people. While I'm standing at my computer literally every table full and a line at the door. No bus boy either. Some rich asshole waves a five dollar tip and yells across the crowded room that that five dollar tip was mine if I'd just come and sit on his lap. How many jobs and how many times have I had to put up with this bullshit right here just to earn a living? I have learned in the last five years, I have put up with just this shit and bad behavior from male counterparts I have served in all walks of life in one form or another.
Tequila Sunrise/Eagles
Especially in my own home and my own marriage. That is exactly how that man would make me feel and he'd allow others to behave that way. How disgusting to discover just why that black snake crawled under my lawn chair the day I tried to have a moment lying alone while my daughter was asleep? The day I looked up from my book and my X is sitting in a boat full of men and they are all staring at me. I knew one thing that whatever was being said about me and the way it was being said, was not very honorable? That was just the thing with this man is he got off on it. It curdled my stomach. He'd just laugh it off every time I asked him about anything. He deflected it back as a joke, it's all in my head, I'm crazy.
Pink Houses/JM
Figuring out the one all those years who really needed therapy? Who really carried that black cloud? Whose really that black cobra in that garden is my X? Who was marked for this life? The cause of desert storm? Learning Kyle was in the service and he was an honorable man in another way? Kyle's two mothers because of this man? Learning my X. is the Truth behind all this depression, this system and the pharma hell system we got sitting in every institution today? For example our schools? Just ready to drug you up and shut you down from ascending and finding the Truth any way they can? First the ADHD and now the depression? Let's label and drug them up some more to take the blame. So this system can get humanity to adapt to this new system of numbers to follow? To feed this Matrix?
Old Time Rock & Roll/ BS
The Truth behind this system is just that keep the human body suppressed, hurting and tired for as long as it can until you break and develop an auto immune disease like Lupas? Keep you hurting and suffering filling your institutions and pharma hell system? That wolf disease and my disappearing wolf kingdom? Cause and affect over time in mother nature. Anything we do to her and her children in all this off balance our systems are gonna pay in one form or another it doesn't matter and it doesn't care. The reason why their is no alternative healthcare? They put a high cost on just getting a massage and adjustment long ago? It's a luxury to not hurt today, isn't that right?
I'd Do Anything For Love/Meatloaf how prophetic this group is.
Keep the one's whom can't speak for themselves taking the hits for all this depression and that curse of the Gin. This depression for that depression. Lack of food.? Don't feed the lepers? Put them on their own reservation? Didn't you do that to all these other indigent ones that you stole from long ago? That scarlet letter A that was unjustly placed upon my back? Just how you the insurance is making a living off of humanities suffering and that high cost of sin in those court rooms with all your blanket label's and laws placed on mankind's heads? To feed your monopoly game using humanity? Keeping them suffering and hurting? I cannot wait for Justice to prevail and shut all this slavery down in all those institutions you created when you put a high price on sin. Hiding the Truth behind all those closed doors in all walks of life? Stopping humanity from evolving inside their hearts? Is a crime in all walks of life. It is a crime on my passion. 
Stairway To Heaven/Led Zeppelin
To hide the Truth of Jesus Christ and Mary? Yeah I figured it out yesterday just what this family did to me on this journey? Standing in my doorway yesterday it finally dawned on me just what this man did that stands above my head? He brought me right back around to my heart. The Truth of that apple in that garden is standing inside that man. It is his heart. It is that apple of Gods eye I see standing there inside that man. It was the day Eve gave Adam her heart, that sacrifice she made when she picked that poisonous apple off of the wisdom tree of life? The reason why I am not afraid to bleed for him, isn't just that brother, that husband, that father that stands above me with all these holy mothers? No it is why he was chosen that struck me in the heart when he said, I'm not dead yet. You carry your Faith inside you. Just as I have my whole God Damned life I lead. It was the day I said to Kiley, "oh honey you don't need to stand on a soap box to talk about or find God. You carry him inside you each day. It's a matter of morals, integrity, values and principals that you can carry inside you to serve God each day. Only to discover that even though every thing was stolen from me by Mary Stone and Greg now I have one question for my son, my brother, that black cobra from the garden whom feels that I owe him anything for this heavy fine and burden for his families pack of lies? Which door brother? 
Bring On The Rain/JDM
I have discovered a thing or two? Their is nothing wrong with learning what love is by living what love isn't. At least my mother didn't cripple me. She taught me something? She taught me to survive. Hell Elaine your son couldn't balance a bank account. He knew nothing about insurance or even how to pay a bill. He couldn't change the oil in the car and process how you need to change the filter every time too. That clean oil just washes through that dirty filter and clouds everything up again.
Set Fire To The Rain/Adele
Even after chiropractic school learning from that organic chemistry with that Vitruvian man on the front? Who wrote the book on organic chemistry. That filtration system, that framework, that bone structure, that he to learned from mother nature. That Tree Of Life, and all those nerve endings and all those tentacles if cut off from any blood supply it is going to affect the central nervous system.  The day Jim and I are standing there looking at Greg explaining over and over in many different ways, the frame, the structure, you have to build it first. He did not bother to finish or do one job. He did not meet the terms of any agreement I have met with that man, not one mother flocking time.
He is the liar and the sociopath. He is the black heart. He is incapable of speaking Truth even if it came up and bit him on the ass. No Elaine not your precious son. I mean that is something you always lacked right there was common sense. Common sense about anything?Common sense about money, how much things really cost? You see Elaine my mother may have had money issues not debt.  It was when JC flipped over the table at Passover. All those gold coins? The verse the enemy sits at the table? It was all those parties? Why did they kill my husband, my father, this mothers son? You wouldn't want to ruin the party now. Hell Elaine it was you whom couldn't even stop those parties with your friends, all those gatherings on Friday nights when your son played football? You couldn't be bothered. You raised a sociopath son and you taught him how to do nothing but to keep up the party. Keep up the show. Don't stand in the way of Greg's Gin that he hides behind.
It was my duty to drive his drunk ass around for ten years. It was his Royal crown I took the blame for. It was his weed under the mattress not mine. One of our many fights to get this shit out of my house. What did you say to me after divorce court about that weed? Yeah bitch it turns out the day your son walked in the door strutting his stuff in all his evil glory and pride, the day he said he only married me for the money. He thought I'd be rich one day. Isn't that just the point if he had just given me a moment to breath and catch up. If you all had just stopped pointing the fingers, nit picking the fuck out of me for anything Blaming me for every thing in this marriage, this planet would not be here today, in this condition.
Girl Crush/Little Big Town
He poisoned my Molly, he poisoned my Kraft, he stole the very best parts of me. My heart. You just stood by and allowed it. To hide your failures as a mother. What kind of mother doesn't know how to spell her own sons middle name? You couldn't answer one question, without your deflection of blame right back onto me. No matter how I asked it. Not even to save your own grand daughters life. To hide all your failures and fears. You couldn't or wouldn't tell me that you were allergic to eggs. When I let you know I'm asking for Kiley who is screaming in writhing pain around a nine month inoculation. You couldn't even tell me if your son ever had chicken pox or Measles. You couldn't or wouldn't bother.
Something Like That/TM
Now Elaine you are a coward, a liar and a dishonor as a mother, a mother in law or grandmother. Now I know I don't always like Truth, but today I love me some Truth to destroy that little girl you turn into every time. Me and Steve your own son, that you would turn into a little girl anytime we tried to have any sit down conversation about your lies and bad behavior. No Elaine I look at it this way. What kind of mother would I be if I didn't tell my children the Truth? That you fucked with the wrong mother, with the wrong brother. the wrong wife and the wrong mother. You Bob and your little black ten back you hide behind right along with that Gin son of yours are not welcome at this mothers table.
Where I come From/AJ
Nope you will not eat from this mothers tree of life. You will not ever play in this garden. No siree Bob. You are a disgrace. I mean Bob how you could even allow this is astounding? Who in the hell raises their children with no chores? Not even to learn the just reward of creating and building something with your own hands? You did not even teach that boy a skill in any walks of life. All he learned, was deception, how to hide behind the parties and all the fun while I pick up the pieces and clean up your mess. You did not teach him what work is and the value of work. How things really get done, and the time it takes? How much back breaking hard work it is? No little lady. You raised this little beast and you are gonna clean up your own mess, the both of you.
My Baby Loves Me/Martina McBride
All I ever asked in this life was for Truth and I have given you my child all of you more than enough time to clean up this mess and get this bounty off my head. I ain't stepping through any door with any man carrying your curse and lies. You are nothing but thieving cowards, you are the lie. You are the illusion. Wow how Illusia has been so illuminating on this little family and all their little lies. Whooo WEEEEE!!!!!
Meet Me In The Middle/DR
No I didn't dirty up this mothers slate. You see I knew one thing in my life growing up and that I was the child. I always carried a voice inside me that got me through any door I walked through, and no Elaine it was never your son. So I'm a Sooth Seer, proud of it. You my little lady get to pick a door from this day forward, in each thing you say and do about this little mother, because I learned something else too that I heard in the beginning and that is Greg can not eat until Ahmed feeds him. That turns out is me. The entity, in the Quran, is me this mother. Your son can't eat nor feel love until this mother removes this Gin off from his head, right along with the rest of the human race. No this mother does not want to hear one more spiteful malevolent little lie for all the daggers you stuck in my back covering up your failures not mine.
Where The Green Grass Grows/TM
You know like that anything you say to me I give it all right back to you? Point that finger at me you point four back to yourself. Funny thing about me is I've always pointed my finger up. I'm not the blamer or the game player. I'm not the black snake, or the bad seed. No siree Bob, whom I am is, Justice, and that is my tell all about you and your deviant little black family IC hiding behind that Gins door. I give you back your Gin. I give it all back to you threefold, nine layers down with Mary Stone and Demon boy. No their isn't a court high enough on this rock for what you got coming down on your head. That's right Jump Jap. I kept meeting people with the name Storm, and wouldn't you all do have a storm coming down on your heads. You see Elaine it turns out the C in my name doesn't stand for Klean like you pronounce my name. Since I'm the Atom the original creation of this rock, it seems what that C really stands for is your Creator. That's right a Creation of your worst making if you don't get this bounty off my head. The way this mother sees it, your precious thieving son will be sitting in a cell for a long long time. Weather on this rock or nine layers down with Mary Stone.
How You Remind Me/NB
Eye for and eye in my family. Blanket Justice, blanket blame. I wouldn't want to be any of you whom thinks your getting by me to get into heavens gates. You see Elaine it turns out I am the Lost Anastasia. I am royalty. Yeah that's right Blasphemous little old me. You know That Babylon Jezebel whore that sits with ten big horns in a purple dress and chalice in her hand is this mother. Now I heard Babylon falls in one hour. I'd beat feet little bitch to get those babies back home to me. I don't ever want to hear any poor pitiful stories, of poor Colleen, I hope she gets help.
The Reason/Hoopstank
I never needed any help, not from you anyways. Which is why I never asked for it except one time to show up and you couldn't be bothered you coward. You are a disgrace to mankind and motherhood. Guess who I am in all this under JC's name, I'm the Judge. Well this mother has judged you 9 layers down you and your little ten back go. I will never allow my children to ever to think anything about you is honorable. You are a liar and thief. You bitch are the Babylon whore with money issues not me. My job here this time around was to break all these chains that bind. All these lies you carry behind all your institutions. It was my job to break down every wall on this rock to begin anew for a clean slate for everyone.
She's A Rebel/Green Day
I am the diamond in the rough. This poor little rich girl, owns this rock and I hold the keys to heavens gates. It seems God had me following my heart all along. The blue heart on a rock, in the rocks, in the dirt and in the clouds. Can your mother and father do that? No, but mine can. Then onto the Cheshire cat I go all those numbers in of 3,6, and 9's in his addresses?
Holiday/American Idiot
Whose the fool now bitch and who has egg on their face now? That's right. You can't hide nothing from God come judgment day. Not even the lies you carry in your little black heart. Nothing in your closet, nor under any rock will be left this time around and this mother does mean that.
Better Man/LBT
Now what's in a name? Volumes. I have a Michael Gregory. I have a Steven Michael and I have standing over here your son. Gregory Allen. You see how these names go round and round right here? I have my Arch Angel Michael who carries that Gregorian name? Your son. Over here I have your son Steven Michael, the one whom gave me the book Conversations with God all those years ago? Another Arch angel just in name. What do I discover in this little 10 black family curse you carry? The missing link, the GAP in all this? My brother, my X, that I met in that garden of Eden? No bitch he's not Adam but as usual he blamed Adam to justify and get a pay out for his idiotic behavior. Who paid Adam? Who suffered and lost their lives and lively hoods? Me and my sister. Who collected the check and didn't earn nothing? Your son.
Hell Of A Night/DL
Since I'm looking at two brothers and one sister and my brother my son Michael, and out of the four of us I have two question's to ask you? What's the difference between these four people and what is the same? Come on now I got take you back to sesame street for this one? IC three of us whom have hearts and I know what side of Love they stand on. Over here I have the one with no heart. The one whom you taught to keep the party going to cover your deception and lies. Now Elaine I'm gonna have to ask you now when it comes down to my children which son do you think this mother is here to destroy once and for all?
I Wish It Would Rain Down/PC
I assure you no one wants that Gregorian to fall out of the sky more than this mother. Don't you worry your pretty little head over this one Elaine. I got this, UC not only am I Babylon but it turns out I am the Bishop. You know that other Big Bishop from that Catholic Church that I have taken down in my book of justice. You know those seven little Bishops I carry inside from those twelve little red Cherokee's those seven little Navajo's? Hey how about those original 7 that when mankind was created descended from those stars? Or those nine's? You know those nine principals of the universe this rock couldn't even abide by for the good of mankind? Don't you worry yourself none, it turns out this mothers first broom was a dirt devil. This little mother is here to clean up all those little lies you carry as you sweep your little mess that you two created on your own. Now the way IC it. They didn't bring the Original Sky Mother From Beyond to lose this fight. No siree Bob.
The Boys Of Summer/DH
Who is still showing up all these years at your age to party with these young children in their 80's? That would be you whom showed up at a frat party getting liquored up with my daughter. Now if you think I'm going to let you serve it up to my daughter to carry the blame and label of that scarlet letter A that was so unjustly placed upon my head. You know the one that made it so I could never speak with out being told, I'm lying, minimizing, blaming every time I tried to speak about anything? You might want to think again. I learned the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath too? That one gets you to put the weapon in your own hand to pull the trigger and the other enjoys the hunt. The game and doing it themselves. Either way all you little black hearts, and curses are going bye bye. Go ahead, say one word against me.
Tonight, Tonight/Genesis
One word of label or blame toward me when you beat feet bringing my babies home with not one dot touched on their heads, I found it clearly written what will happen to you of you speak against this mother from this day forward. Ashes to ashes dust to dust bitch, up or down you and your little black ten back curse go off my back and you ain't coming back until you sit in my families A.A. and serve up your time. Upstairs or downstairs, I really don't give a flying flock. I'm taking it all back. My good name, my dignity and yes while I'm at it my pride, my family, my children. Not yours you little cunt. Never yours. Tick Tock bitch your days are numbered.  Go ahead make my day bitch. Pull the trigger. I look forward to this dance. I found my heart, my happy ending and my man. The one True father that roams this earth and well Thank God he ain't nothing like your son.
Jesus Take The Wheel/Cu
Now that last day I spoke to your son, I told your son, nothing grows without love and light. Like Oden said at the end of American God's not until you pray for it. Yesterday I turned on one of my favorite movie's once upon a time. The Stigmata. Your Savior or your Stigmata, the Sphinx, this mother doesn't give a flying flock, it came on to the verse and the truth of why this was my favorite movie?
"The Kingdom of God is inside you and all around you. It is not in a building, made of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood, I am there. Lift a stone and you will find him."
Chasing Pavements/Adele
I did I found Him. He like I have Faith, and we carry it inside us. It turns out the day I walked myself down the aisle in Hawaii, Round Top park you remember? I didn't walk alone after all. I walked with my one true brother, my one true husband and my one true father all along. Well he's never left me, he never will either, this father, this man with heart has one thing you don't? That's unconditional love. You can't put a price on that, if you do it's not love it's possession. You didn't invest in family. You invested in your Gin, your friends, your games. You didn't feed love, teach or guide anything. You did not set a good example. You are not love, family truth and honor. You are a curse, a liar, a thief and a coward. You are the unforgiven right along with Mary Stone.
Little Do You Know/Alex & Sierra
Little do you know I love you and only you Kyle. I have had and always will have just one heart for all of eternity.
Song Of The South/Alabama
Hey I can't help whom I am. You know what I like myself just fine. A simple woman with heart. This rocks Holy Mother. HEEEE HAAAAWWWWW!!!!!!!!! Irony in all this my first song ever written, fifth grade, Keep On Trucking For The Lord. Just family business Elaine, nothing personal. Sorry Elaine once again you invested in the wrong profit and the wrong stock it seems. You fed the wrong flock. You fed yourselves, your ego, your elite and entitled behaviors to hide that your mother left you on a farm and drove away with your sister to go work as a live in maid. She didn't even give you the love or courtesy to tell you. These are your abandonment issues, not mine. My family didn't abandon me you did. In doing that you did permanent damage to my daughters to feed your petty childish behavior. You didn't invest in family, love or light. You made your bed bitch and you are gonna lie in it. Their will be a party when this is done and well you Bob, your precious son and black ten back are not invited. I will not have any more poison in this mothers garden or at my table.
Just Got Started Lovin' You/James Otto
Please God now do get what I screamed out at all those river and rocks with feathers in my hair? Bring my man home. Bring my man home to me. Not another day. Not another minute without my heart. Some of you might ask what is my stance with God today? Let's just say I'm not standing and I haven't been for over a week now since our last conversation. No this little monkey turned back into a mother. I have a hold of him by his shirt with my knee's planted in his chest. Asking when is enough? Hasn't he been through enough? Haven't we been through enough God?
Friends In Low Places/GB
Boy do I ever. Just roaming around down here in my mothers animal kingdom, with all the rest of the fallen angels? Just waiting to all rise up out of these vessels. From the Lily's to the Roses I rise, no more bed of thorns for this mother. Oh no not any more. This mothers gonna turn all those Toads back to handsome princesses, and the rest of you get to go back to the farm 9 layers down. What If God Were One Of Us? Should of never judged a book by it's cover.
Little Bitty/AJ
The Best Of My Love/Eagles
If Jesus Mother Flocking Christ is my cross to bare then so be it. For this brother, this father, this son, you don't have to ask twice. Of course I'd swim through a sea of sharks for him. Just to howl under that man in that garden once and for all. To feed our children love and light once and for all. So all my children can begin anew with a clean slate, no more label's. No more burden's, no more fine's or fee's. Out with that high price of sin which is all a lie. You bet my sweet honey peachy ass. I can see very clearly this mothers gonna get her happy ending. The day of my surgery I received another universal sign. On my way to surgery, I looked up and a white van drove by with the word Berge on the side.
Sail On/The Commodores
Lonesome Loser/LRB
I Love You/CB
I'll never be, Your Beast Of Burden/Rolling Stones
Proud Mary/Credence Clearwater Revival
Their we go my Q. That I cast my little spell of Truth and love. That I put it all their on the line. For today this mother is done.
Lips Of An Angel

Isn't that what the key right there.

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