Sunday, March 18, 2018

The Highlander

Against All Odds/PC
Like I don't get this today? Having to stand against whatever the human race throws at me with all their fears? Knowing full well what it is that I am today? Whomever would want to be this? God no, never. Not me? To be the assassin the destroyer, the Vishnu God of destruction all so that our children and our grandchildren can begin anew?
Cool Change/LRB
WTF? Just what the fuck? Who would ever want to be the one to have to save my abuser's life?  Truth be told he's just a shell. An organic shell. A lie. The most inhumane being that roams this earth is your father? He is a droid with no heart. How do I convince my children of that? That your father is not real? He's a organic machine with no heart. Look at this mess they left me with? They turned me into the shrew. This ten back black family turned this mother into a shrew? Nothing that I am inside. How am to I tell my children their father is a sado masochist not only in that bedroom where no one see's but in all walks of life? That is what no one else could see is that he's not just hiding a crime he takes pleasure in my suffering. It is incarnate that hate and fear of me. That that was his true intent all along. To make a living out of all the gifts I carry inside me. To make a living off of me. To burn me out and all I ever wanted was to do was have my family and help others. This bastard's family I hate them today. Yes I hate you. Oh my mother fucking God how do I explain this? That I married the real deal and he is my children's father?
Rocky Mountain High/JD
Take your JD and your songs that I loved once upon a time and shove them up all your asses. How do I tell another man that universally certain beings want us dead? Others want us to live. Does anyone have compassion for what I have to go through? Telling my babies whom it is I really am? Standing over I-90 with my arm's out to the side telling my rock, my sunshine, "I'm sorry but this is your mother. This is who I am." The destroyer of your father? The destroyer of your grandparents and that ten back black family that they represent, so everyone can begin anew not just a few? How do I tell them I'm not just the God daughter but mother natures? The Holy Mother of this rock? Holy fuck!
Right Down The Line/GR
How do I tell them that everything I ever said was a premonition and Truth? Like when they were little I'd tell them everyday, "you are the apple of my eye, the beating of my heart, the air in which I breath. You are my mini mes." How can they do this? I'm bawling with my hands crossing my chest. Why does everything have to be so hard for me? My whole God damned life. Now this just to get back to my heart? What a test. For the past three years you have sent my babies all over Gods green earth. The answer to why their is devastation behind Mona Lisa is because of my dreams? Roaming around the highlands on my own.
Southern Cross/CS&N
Now I know why Kyle grew up in the UK and I in Renton Highlands? My schools from fourth grade up Highlands elementary, then McKnight, then the Hazen Highlanders. The answer to why I saw a viking when I looked at him? God Damn you? Then I find out he grew up there. Mother flocking United nation's, the UK? I've only been around the world in my dreams. How many nations have I been to God? Only to discover after going back to a dream over and over I meet a man? You said four years? We go down in a plane in four years? You bastards. It's been three yet it has been four in the changing of that last digit in years? How much longer? What more can you possibly put two people through? What kills me the most is that others have had it far worse, not just here on this rock. No they to have been alone walking through these dimensions alone right here and they either don't understand or others don't.
Stairway To Heaven/LZ
Now you want me to give my X back his life? He is unworthy of life. I don't care the injustice he put me through. My children are going to have to adapt to this Truth? I'm gonna have to put him down like the rabid dog that he really is. Their ain''t no saving your father baby girls. That when my angels and my guides said above me, we're sorry but he was deeper than we originally thought. That they were speaking of your father whose basic instinct is to kill your mother. That when it said in the bible he is going to make her sound crazy that is your father? Make her sound crazy and shut me down? Then it says it's a brother and sister this time? Yeah from that garden. It is more than that. It is much deeper. Their ain't a Catholic Priest high enough to save him. His body can't take that. My God have you seen an exorcism? The acrobatic moves and contortions they put the human body through? How can I tell them that in order to save mankind I have to let him go? He has to have the will to live and fight this demon. How do I tell them he was born for this? That he made his bed long ago?
Unchained Melody/TAC
NOOOO!!!! They are all going to look at me? It says clearly in the bible that this is between a sister and brother this time. It turns out it is between me and my X for this rock. This crown in order to save humanity. He is the reason for that man's two mothers that turn out they were twins like I thought. This is what I have to begin anew with? Because he's a sado macochist this is what I couldn't see but kind of see? His basic instinct wants me dead to steal my children. My heart and my soul. Yes today, you are bastards. No when that day comes I have no problem throwing down with this man. I don't give a flying flock if he's bigger than me. You aren't making and taking more from me anymore.
Pulling Push Ups/CH
Copy Halo
Flock your halo's.
Best Of My Love/Eagles
Kiss my ass. Now you add my soulmate into this mess? Whom already is carrying that universal curse and he doesn't know it? Do you know what is offensive to me? Why I couldn't just say the whole Truth? He like all these other men roaming this rock is only thinking of his heart. He says he wants me? What man wants a woman on sight today? What man wants a woman whom makes this agreement? That is what is so scary to me. Then he wants me to tell him how I feel and all he can talk about are planes, houses and boats? Fuck that. I have bigger fish to fry. How do I tell him all of his dreams are going to come true? That he shall receive whatever he wants. I can't change destiny, after our last conversation I don't want to either.
Island In The Sun/Weezer
I'm actually asking him to step up above it and look down from the bigger picture? The bigger picture he see's is his heart and not mine? The thing I noticed was he was asking me to give him not just the milk but the whole cow right up front?
Thank God I'm A Country Boy/JD
What because he doesn't see the whole Truth like the rest of the human race? Here let me quit my life whatever you think that may be and come and serve you and yours? Be left high dry and labeled. Like beef jerky all dried out lying in the sun? Fuck this. I don't care what you show me inside that man? My heart? Whom carries his? Me? This is exactly the reason why I was done. Between the high cost of living to survive, the high fine and fee's for any little mistake? This deep need to want love and Truth? When you have it you don't like it? Have to do your part? I'm done loving and getting nothing in return for my heart. Now you want me to save my children's father's life? The very life he stole from me? Why? You know God enough is never enough with you, this system, Job or Satan? I don't give a flying flock no more.
She's Gone DH&JO
I had a conversation with my own daughter at the beginning of this journey. My new little christian daughter just like Sue Noon and all of her Godly judgment? What are the rules to get into God's house? What are the rules to get to live under your rituals and rules to connect with my higher power?
Wonderwall/The Oasis
More slavery and rules to my higher power that it clearly states is inside you. She basically said to me "why you mom?" My answer shockingly so at all of her judgment of her mother and this God she prays to whom claims to love all of his children? My answer to her "why not me Kiley. I've had everything stolen. Why not your own mother? Am I lesser being of God because I don't belong to your cult, your club?" What makes me sad is "I even have to ask that to my own daughter?" That my own daughter from all this brain washing thinks this mother is so unworthy of Gods love?" 

It was just her father and his family that convinced my children I am unlovable and that is just the way they treated me. I had my high school friends all those years. I never had to defend my childhood against anyone ever until this family came into my life. It wasn't until I came into this family that I was nitpicked and judged for everything I put in my mouth. None of this having to defend myself over choices and decisions that were my healthy choice's for me to make and no one else, but I married into a family of judges, deflectors, finger pointers and blamer's. The whole time they didn't take responsibility for any of their bad behavior. It just got swept under the carpet.
Peaceful Easy Feeling/Eagles
I'm Sorry/JD
Flock you all. It's to late for I'm sorry. Fifty years? You did this to me for fifty years? You call this love? I have to work for love? Like I haven't put my dues in?  I don't give a flying flock about my numbers or my twins. How could you do this to me and call this love? How could you possibly lead my children to believe that their father is love? How many years have I had to stand and listen to others tell me what a great guy he is? If I spoke the Truth, I'm blaming, minimizing, making excuses or lying. No God I still haven't been fed unconditional love. Just like my children. When you gonna get around to that? That promise of unconditional love? GOT ANOTHER POSTPONEMENT? A FEW MORE BEAT DOWNS TO PROVE MY SELF WORTH? KYLE HAVE A FEW MORE BEAT DOWNS TO PROVE HIS SELF WORTH?
Wishing On A Star/Rose Royce
Let Her Cry/J&TB

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