Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Seraphin, The Fiery One

Where I Come From/AJ
Not sure on the music today? Oh ladies what I have discovered just in the last two days as the Truths keep moving in closer? Their were some common denominators on this curse that Kyle and I carry? How we are each carrying it in each our own way? The same yet different? It's that red carpet that keeps getting pulled out from underneath us? His curse is the cancer to keep him down. His curse is the location. Every time he finds love or thinks he does something comes along and pulls that too. Mine is this tree of life and all the injustice I have lived through from the bottom up. The only thing both of us ever wanted all along was our heart. The rant I had in my head to my x-mother in law and cause and effect what she caused? The lie of just what this family represented to me?

How Forever Feels/KC
I can't wait for that anger and rage to come back for that rant. I realized something else? I'm just cleaning out my closet. Today I want it cleaned out. A clue was when my mother said to me about tween age, "that my grand fathers side of the family wouldn't bother to cross the street to feed them food if they were starving. I never understood that until this last week? You see my grand daddy married a pappoos. It was also when I went to look up the history behind Sacajawea because of the location I grew up at, and ending up by it again. Danielle handed me a handful of Sacajawea dollars a couple weeks ago. I realized being a One With All Life that this was very relevant to what is happening today? This is where I found out that Janey was married to Toussaint. That she was a slave to begin with and well once your a slave your always looked down upon as a slave in all walks of life.

My Best Friend/TMG
Then it was the strange things that happened to me the last family reunion I attended? The fire work that flew right by my left shoulder and caught the cabana on fire? Lake Sacajawea. Let me see another big clue to my family tree of life was the Charbonneau name? Carey's X-wife's family and she is cursed with Crohns disease. The curse of the septic system high tax and poison in our bodies. I am literally cursed with The Crone. The high taxes on land and water? Cause and effect? All the poisoning in our water and this system? Cause and effect over time and how they come back around with that high cost yet you pull humanities industry over and over to make a living? Going into my land fills? Why should you get to run any thing? It was the name Janey that hit me. It was the nickname Toussaint the explorer gave his little papoose tracker wife.

Against The Wind/BS
Lewis And Clark and my twin the other fool in this family tree? Whom I am today to represent all those Mary's? What is this free sprit of a mother back for? My families green. That makes me the Mary Jane this time around. My weed that the Lakota's use to transcend? This is my point system you don't get to choose. IC in this system that they are intentionally shutting down all the higher beings on this rock, so we don't ascend to our ancestors to find the Truth of our ancestors and what we are here to represent today?

Meet Me In The Middle/DR
I realized that in my family tree it seems the white man has a tendency to marry or mate with the darkies in one form or another. Secret love or rape? A life was created. In my family it was a push for me to show up at the front door with a mixed Asian American. Truly I didn't think anything of it. Remember I thought I married one time for love and family. That was my intention all along and I was willing to work hard in my life to attain that because well it was just the way I tick. This is the epitome of this family right here? I thought I married a family with love and values. Instead I married into a family that the only thing they taught their son to do was go play in the woods, or continue that party, because well Greg worked. He brought home the bacon. He deserved his time whenever he damn well chose. If he didn't get it. I'd pay. He'd make me miserable. He was now the educated one right? That is what his family did not see was that I worked and I never got a pay check, but boy did I have to account for every thing with these people.

Just Got Started Lovin You/JA
They nitpicked the fuck out of me for every thing they were doing. How I ate? Having a new car at a young age that I worked for? So I wouldn't have to worry about my car breaking down and leaving me stranded. Choices and logic and I could afford it. I did literally every thing these people expected, and in the middle of meeting the terms of the agreement we made in order for us to do that, she made it hard all the way over petty bullshit nothing behavior. She was the one causing the mess and telling me to sit in it and don't speak about the injustice or defend myself against the blatant disrespect, humiliation and embarrassment they were to me. I never did anything wrong or show any bad behavior. When I read these papers it was literally the truth of every thing I had been through. The counselor, and paying for it? Trying to have healthy non blaming sit down conversations about the disrespect and disregard to me as a human being?

What I Got/Sublime
The wedding ring? I never cared about the diamond or the size. I loved the one I created. I had a elegant blue stone, because I like color, with a bridge of diamonds. When we went to buy a house we tried to get them to come with and they wouldn't. Do you not think this would of been the time to tell their pregnant daughter in law that their son knew nothing about how to do any of this? That was what both Christine and I talked about? The illusion and lie that we married? At least Steve had heart and sense enough to leave to find himself, because he said just that in one of our analyzing yet not judging the odd behavior we are both experiencing, yet couldn't see or explain it. Steve said it, something is missing with Greg? I knew that, hell I was living it and couldn't explain it.

I realized that all those clues I have picked up on in that big book isn't just universally so. The entity/enemy sitting at the table? The enemy and Greg would always be sitting at the enemies table for something he created every time. It sank in those dreams I had trying to get my way back into this families house and I mean that whole family to get my children out? The garden that attracted me, the family and the food and it was the enemy closer in, that curse. Just like Greg.

Hey There Delilah/Plain White T's
Then it hit me when God said he wanted the Jews that were practicing being Jewish gone from his flock, that he meant in all walks of life. The liars, the deviants in all walks of life gone. Those representing to have a heart and they don't. This family is the biggest lie of all. When Mary Stone and Greg did this, they just jumped on board. It's easier to make her invisible to hide our own deception and lies so this party never ends. I am so done with this. Elaine what you do not know is by the time you met me, I had a special Ed aunt that I spent my summers with. I worked with the special Ed. I was already a CNA for the elderly and that I took care of my grandparents while they took care of me the older I got. I had my beauty license my senior year. Went to the ATC was the youngest person there and managed a salon.

I'm In A Hurry/Alabama
That even if my family had issues, like the war between my mother and sister? Which was my mothers doing because my sister was just a child as well, it is my choice to step away and love them from afar and not allow it in my house. That is my choice to make. You never thought about how hard it was on me to grow up in a family with this war between these two and still walk out with love and compassion? You and Greg held that over my head like it is my issue and it wasn't because I was the youngest and the child.

Wake Me Up When September Ends/Green Day
You handed me garbage and you treated me like garbage. Truth is neither of you had any room to speak. When I walked into your life and put us all in counseling, then I wrote a seven page letter to you before Kiley was born because I wasn't going to continue the stress or the bad behavior from you this daughter in law. You still went right back to that bad behavior. The one whom looked up to you and yet whom was still more mature and stronger than you. Remember I was still the child to you? I never wanted your house or nothing from you. I didn't see quality, I saw family that was a deception and a lie.

Any Ol' Barstool/JA
In my family the grandparents went to the children on pagan holidays, but you wouldn't. Nothing would stand in the way of your timeline and your travels but we were expected to keep packing and hauling my two children back and forth and all around to meet your unrealistic demands and needs and still no credit. I'm standing in the woods with you mushroom hunting, did I eat them or make a dime? No. Did I care? No. You put a dollar and unrealistic value on literally every thing, those were your issues not mine. Yet I got Bob nitpicking the fuck out of me about my diet. I had a healthy clean diet. I had an explosive father in law that did nothing but judge, explode and blame. All you taught your son was ego. You condoned the crime he committed. You wrote it and me off, spread the rumors and lies. What happens when you aren't fed love and light? You die and this family did not feed me, they demanded and depleted me. 

Your son has never had any consequences for any bad behavior because you justified it and wrote it off to keep your party going. Truth is in my family homes growing up all of them, including family functions we didn't have alcohol or drugs. We had traditions revolved around food, family and fun. Every occasion was for the children. You nit picked me and my mother and spoke spitefully behind our backs about our traditions. Nickel and dimeing every thing and it was my stepdad and mother whom paid for it, not you. No you are the ten back I want off my rock and all the lies you carry in your heart. If you go to my children to make them ever feel guilty about the Truth I have spoken to you two for your bad behavior, I want you to remember whom it is I am?

Crash And Burn/TR
What did you think was gonna happen come judgment day? You didn't even have compassion toward my mother or me for the brother and son that we lost. My sister and I had that. Even in the middle of all the hell. We believe in second chances and my mother blew it, not us. She's the mother but do we wish her ill will? No. Now their may not be purgatory in heaven because it is right here on this rock. The two in purgatory being raped over and over is Adam and Eve. Elaine, I got a real man to get to with a real heart to guide my children for the rest of their lives. I look at it this way, you may not know that we all make an agreement with our higher power before we come here to live, so in that spirit world whomever you are to me, you are no longer.

Somethin' Like That/TMG
I don't care about that shell you wear or that curse you carry. Well I want you to remember being mother nature and all? I understand how this animal kingdom works? Whom are the bottom feeders and all? That circle of life that I will send you back to to be the bottom feeder for oh I don't know 7 sounds good. Over and over. I'll pick the zero's later. Kind of like Poseidon, being chained to a rock getting his liver eaten out each night for disobeying his father. That circle of life in mother natures animal kingdom and just how I will decide how you donate back to it? How you feed and how you will be the prey over and over? Remember purgatory isn't in heaven it is on this rock.

Southern Cross/CS&N
You need to focus on one thing and its not that sad pitiful malevolent cowardly soul you carry inside you, I want you to think about those two girls and what will happen to them right along with the rest of this rock with any choice you make this moment forward. The shit you pulled after my rape when I asked you not to tell Alex because I didn't want her to blame herself? You picked up the phone and did just that. You are not an honorable grandmother, you use my children to hide behind your failures, that is an unforgivable sin. Using my children just like you have all these years. This mother is done carrying your garbage. At least I speak Truth. I will not dishonor my family to keep your secrets and lies no more.

Round Here/FGl
You knew judgment day was upon you? All of you? To bad you didn't expect it to be this mother. Like the song says "What If God Were One Of Us" Your Original Sky Mother From Beyond here to get rid of the immoral pieces of shit deflectors all you little Loko's, the real riff raff off my rock this time. I know that for you to be this close to the line with whom it is you are to me and whom I am to you? You must of been a higher being with faith in your heart once upon a time, but I see you nothing more than a little LOKO just like you taught your son to be. The both of you. I suggest you push that little girl ploy you pull when someone calls you out on your bad behavior, I suggest you tell her to fuck off. Stand up be the mother you were supposed to be to that son and the grandparents to my grandchildren from this day forward, the choice is yours to make. Pick a door up or down and tell them Mary sent you. Hell Mary or Hale Mary the choice is yours. I want the Gregorian to fall out of the sky. I want to go home to that man.

Simple Man/LS
What kind of mother would I be if I didn't tell my Truth to my children, you and Bob? Just what you have coming down the pike? Elaine and Bob you might have a wallet but I got a rock. I got the brother of all brothers. I got the real big brother here to take down this system this big brother, this entity that was told not to sale the human race off to. Lets talk about energy? That atom your creation which is science and spirit, the atom or the Adam it don't matter really what you believe, as long as you love respect and honor the son, the sun, the creation God its all the same when it comes to love. Love is an energy. Love is an exchange of energy good and bad. Energy in to feed and energy out to feed others. It is a cycle of love and balance. Now when you take the human body we all have to agree that something makes you run? Something makes that heart beat and keep going? What humanity doesn't know is whether you think it's fate or Faith it's all the same atom that comes right up to that heart chakra, that atom. Your creation has that power to just turn you off. Your parents giveth and they taketh.

Holiday/Green Day
Universally things don't happen by accident. It just makes me ask who told Mary Stone after I told your son, to not interfere how she knew I was up there to come up and take photos of me praying peacefully by myself on native land then calling the police? Who told her? Why, is she still doing a character assassination like she and Greg did to me in 90 days after 12 years of marriage? I saw her twice, once in the afternoon praying by myself on a back corner with my hair in a braid, crying with my right hand in the air, (I am that right hand to God. I am the God Daughter, or the God Damned Daughter you choose) she took the photo and called the police. That is just it, why can this woman or anyone be able to pick up the phone and say whatever they want and I am left to defend myself? A peaceful woman. Then she shows up in the middle of the night, took my photo and told the police I was laying in the road? What is it Mary and your precious son are hiding? Could it be the crime that they can still both go to prison for?

She's Every Woman/GB
Could it be the documents I found the day after I disassociated? Or was accused of it. The ones your son stole and I had to steal them back. The one's I just found this last year and have sent copies to my family. Anything happens to me my family knows just where to point that finger. Being the Oracle this time and knowing what happened to the Celts when they tried to steal Gods Oracle, yes this little angel with the crooked halo, that smokes is me. You bet your sweet ass I'm back for Justice, Truth, Honor, and Love for that family upstairs and this one down here.

Bring Me To Life/Evanescence
Don't you two think suicide is a way out for you this time. Nope, you are not leaving my children with the guilt and lies of your bad behavior, ever. Not in front of them or behind me anymore. Don't you dare try to buy your way out of this either, don't you pay that bill to the State for him. I want a full confession from your son then I will decide or my brother will decide what to do with your son? When humanity figures out who it is I married and whom he represents? What he carries inside him? Lets just say he will have a target on his back, just like he pinned on me long ago.

In The End/Linkin' Park
I might be the Joker the Fool in this family tree of life I carry, not death. No with in laws like you deflectors immoral inhumane cowards such as you two I assure you I'm not foolin'. I got thirty years of hell being married to your son and you will get minimum. I learned just whom else it is that I am
When I woke at 4 a.m. I turned on the TV to Angels and Demons. I closed my eyes then I heard this, "Let the angels guide you on this lofty quest. In the beginning I used my angels." What book did I go get when I didn't know what the 3, 6, and 9's mean? Angels 101. I kept hearing Aries. Who else would know about the numbers and colors but Gods creation right up front? The angels.

Earth, air, fire and water number five the two keys? Alex is this rock. Kiley is the water and I am the ram, the lamb, the rock, the sun God Aten, That fire sign for a reason, oh yes I can't wait for Justice to reign. Ponenete West wind an angel blowing out fire streams of air. Might want to stay ahead of that storm you got coming down on your head. Being mother natures daughter and all.

Paralyzer/Finger Eleven
Seraphin the fiery one, point of spear of fire. No Elaine I have invested to much time in you and yours having compassion and all. Dove angel looking East. What did I do and still do when I go home? I look and pray to the East. At the end of every cleansing dance and prayer? I'd look to the East at the man with the Bruno beard in the mountain and I'd sing with my hand in the air that man is mine.

You're Gonna Go Far, Kid/The Offspring
Now IC very clearly why he's the chosen one? The chosen father and just why I gave him my heart in that garden? Adam didn't have love until he had Eve. Jesus Christ didn't have Love until he had Mary. I know blasphemous lil' ole' me, to say that, but I'm talking crystal clear physical love with your wife, your life, your soul mate. Why would God not have JC experience love and life in all forms? It is you Pope Greg the first and all your pious pieces of shit whom just jumped on board and it is you this system and religion whom set up the lie and the unrealistic expectation on that lie. The unrealistic value that JC placed on his wife? He was her equal in all walks of life. Adam and Eve were equals as well. It is you mankind whom placed a value on sex and love between man and wife, not God.

Invisible Touch/Genesis
Justice is back. Now Bob and Elaine I want to make something very clear to you about who it is I am and that 1000 year timeline that God was going to keep the gates of hell closed? In case you hadn't noticed whom the real crypt keeper is with those keys? You know that 6000 year agreement I made in that garden, then that 2000 year agreement that I made with JC? What about ISIS and Osiris my family lineage?

Everybody Wants To Rule The World
How no one can ever figure that mans timeline? Truth is things move quicker up there, that 6 number right there, since I'm the little dog and well every year we live one year here it's seven for the little dog and six for the big dog? Well I am the Atom, that 01, the Creation. I am the little dog, cursed with Big Brother up my ass all these years. It's going to be 7000 years, not that measly one thousand.

(I Just) Died In Your Arms/Cutting Crew
The other part that makes me laugh, is when I saw the heart being placed on a scale with that white feather, which is related to your over all balance that you created here on this rock, you'd fail miserably, because of all the deception and lies you carry behind that kind little face. I mean take a look at your sons birth sign Elaine? Balance and since I'm not only Eve but the original Atom I'd have to say we are way off balance. How did we get that way?

Carried Away/GS
You two and your creation of your own making. I'm giving you back all your dirty laundry and that curse you carry the curse of the Gin and the depression, and that your son and Mary Stone are the reason for ISIS the very first word I said when I stood on that oil can. Hey they called me forth. What did they name this war?

Roll On/Alabama
Here I stand, Mary Magdalene the Queen of this church, the queen of this rock and that man. From what I can tell looking at all this history of what these past queen's went through all these centuries being raped, beaten and beheaded for the sake of their babies and their country? The way this mother see's it having to come back and carry your sons dirty laundry and curse I understand why I'm back to get rid of this piece of shit son of yours once and for all. I know why they brought the Queen Bee back for this fight? Yeah, you fucked with the wrong sister, with the wrong big brother. You fucked with the wrong daughter with the wrong father. You fucked with the wrong wife with the wrong husband. You certainly fucked with the wrong mother. That 01. The Atom. A creation of your own making.

If Tomorrow Never Comes/GB
Don't you even try to guilt me with your elderly behavior if you can still make a frat party and serve up the Gin at the age of 82? I want you to remember you had a lifetime with your children, mine were unjustly stolen and I'm taking my children back and keeping what I have left.

Fishin' In The Dark/NGDB

I Want To Know What Love IS/Foreigner


Small Town Southern Man/AJ

Love Without End Amen/GS

Forever And Ever Amen/RT

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