Sunday, April 1, 2018

In Color

In Color/Jamey Johnson
Anna? How Do I feel about my discovery of Anna? Angry! Angry! Angry! It's to high. It's to close. I sit crying with my hands crossing my chest. It's to much. One more thing I didn't want to know? All these Anne's, Anna's and the little Annie? The reds? What's up with the reds? Then they hit the nail on the head two days ago.

3 Wooden Crosses/RT
Bloody Mary! Bloody hell are you kidding me? How could you do this to me? It makes me so sad inside my heart. The story was so sad. An older baron couple. They tried and tried to conceive a child, As soon as they excepted and gave up. As soon as they let it go and let God. He granted them their wish. That tiny seed of life. Of hope. The fathers name Jowakeen and Anna. Born without the stain of original sin. That seeds name Mary Magdalene. Catherine Anne, my grandmother. Zina Marie, my mother. My grandmother the Lily.

Tell Me I was Dreaming
Greg's X's name Ann with two more under her and one above. So what am I supposed to do with this? I had wondered once upon a time but I let it go knowing I will be told when they are ready. Boy did you ever. Of all things the topic and timing? After I was raped first thing, that name came back around. It was the boy across the way. His arms and legs didn't work. He couldn't speak. I asked the nurse do you know what he's saying? She said no. Well I do. I recognized the way he was pushing his head into the pillow with his own hand. He was yelling for Annie.

Bleeding Love/LL
She lay defenseless and helpless. Locked inside her body, hoping someone else will hear. Someone did, he did. Who heard him? I did. What did I tell him? I will put a stop to this. He was telling me he loves Annie. Annie is his friend. He started pulling at his legs. Saying I want to help Annie. I can't my legs won't work. He started doing circles around his private. Troy/Roy is messing with me too. Would you turn this voice off? So I can speak for those that can't speak for themselves? So I can speak to animals? Does that make me a bad person? To speak for those that are locked in a shell. Locked in a box. No I will not turn it off. I don't want to either. It is you the human race whom will have to adapt.

Someone sent a few days ago, four numbers, 11:11. Make a wish? I joked back, "well Bob, peace on earth. Later that day I thought about what I said in the beginning about time. I had just heard we go down in a plane in four years. What did I say after I walked away? Everyday that I am out here, hopefully it will give us more time to spend with our children. Our grandchildren, not just in spirit, but in the body.

The Long Way/BE
You think Mother Nature and the son can't put out no more? The human race thinks we're all tied up in taxes and that high price of sin? We'll just have to see about that?

Somewhere Out There/JI
Record Year/Eric Church
Blue Skies/UK
Let Her Cry/H&TB
Give Me One Reason/TC

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