Friday, September 1, 2017

Love Bites

Rock You Like A Hurricane/Scorpions
Is it Hope or is it Faith that's locked in a box God? I mean look who came out with Michael and ISIS? It's Lady B herself. Turns out she's supposed to be here. The story of the groom who gave his bride a gift? A box and he told her not to open it.

Back In Black/AC/DC
Well she did and as it turns out God, all the good things came out, except Hope. Humanity God they each have their own perspective of Faith. Within their own way they have Faith. Using God and Ignorance as a good excuse to lock you inside is not Faith. God if you have Faith, you have courage to look outside that box. Humanity feels it's hopeless to look outside that box.

Comin' Under Fire/DL
Hopeless each in their own way about what to do about this one issue for all of humanity. Humanity, the human race, they can't look outside themselves. That shell that hides who they really are inside. Actually they can God, they just choose not to. For some it is not fear, fear of your Faith in your God? In any religion, Faith stands tall, no matter how small.

Hit Me With Your Best Shot/PB
Faith, God who is Faith? I mean inside me? Faith is just that, Faith. You can't move Faith if you have Faith. Hope God? She's a calling that's always reaching and it seems never ending to me inside. I don't feel like I'm striving for Faith God. I feel like I'm striving for Hope. Oh God, this is exhausting.

A hopeless need in something that never ends? Sounds like hopelessness, not Hope God. I have Faith God but do I have Hope? How do I take something that sounds so hopeless and turn it into Hope? Who is Hope God? How do I get Hope out of the box God?

Every Breath You Take/Police (Here's to you Patty, ICU)
What brought this topic on this morning? Thinking about "The Wizard of Oz" it's characters? The roles they played? What was the missing link in each? What was the cure? What was the fear? The Tin Man feared rain, he needed oil on hand to release his joints. What did he need from Oz? A heart.

Then we had the lion and he lacked courage. He had a low self esteem, he was pretty spineless. Cowardly. He needed a courage to be brave.

Then we have the Scarecrow. What did the scarecrow need? He needed a brain. He thought he was brain dead, that he didn't have a mind. He needed to be stuffed to stand up, for his structure and framework. He feared fire.

Who's Crying Now/Journey
What is the heart of the story, once they got to the Emerald City, the man was a fraud. He was nothing but a human being with a machine, putting on a show. These three had everything they needed inside them all along. They had Hope and they had a will. They just didn't know they had Faith all along.

What about Dorothy God? What did Dorothy have? She had Toto and she seemed to possess all three things that her family needed to accomplish her journey. No God she did not have a man, she had three.

What is the crux of the story? They all had what they needed inside them all along to brave this journey, to be smart and work together. To talk things out to get to the next step.

They had a heart, mind and courage all along. They faced the fire together. They weathered the storm together. Together they were stronger and Dorothy got to go home. What does humanity have God? They have you, they have the sun God and they forgot about Faith. Without Faith life seems pretty hopeless. To have Faith in something. What does humanity put their Faith in God? It's certainly not the whole package. The whole heart.

Looks That Kill/MC
"OH MY GOD! YOUR KILLING ME." Like that's not an issue? When I saw people re-act to Damian and start jumping out windows and off bridges? I don't want humanity to jump ship and commit suicide. That's not a good God?

 I don't want a human being to suffer in slavery to pain physical or emotional to pay a bill. Yes, I want them to have their retribution whatever that may be inside them. I want them to have freedom to choose without all the purgatory in Faith, Family and God. Is that so bad God?

Here I Go Again/White Snake
Then the other part that pisses me off God is I have never in my mother flocking life planned to be you nor speak for you? My career path has been picked for me already? My life once again for this rock? Are you mother flocking kidding me? For all this shit? My, what a blessing this family has been. To think this is my inheritance? A shitty diamond. Talk about getting the short end of the stick?

Who did God pull out? The slaves. Who did God call home? His Flock. What are you enslaved to? What is holding you down? What is holding you back? What is your fear of the Truth?

My answer, "that he won't love you." Is that my fear God, is it humanities fear, or is just one in the same? It's getting confusing inside me.

Who Made Me/AC/DC
The emotion I've been feeling inside me? My tears God? Who and what are they for? This rock? This Sun, or is it that man? Is it just another one in the same? That emotion again God? This is what gets me angry? The crossing and confusing emotions that keep waving through me? This object a rock? Is a living being, a life. An energy and a connection.

Why Cant This Be Love/VH
The pain and suffering in each their own way, and I don't like it. Who wants to feel that? Is that what he feels inside Him or is it just inside me? The feeling of the pain and suffering inside this rock? This planet? The human race or one man God? Whose tears do I cry inside me?

Home Sweet Home/MC
You make me laugh, you make me cry. Here you are answering me through your music. God, what would I do without you? Some days I get so mad at you for all this misleading you have done, the deeper it goes into all those P.O.L.'s out there. One little thing God and it turns out to be my ass? "Sunny side up."

Send Her My Love/Journey
For this one I am going to make you pay. You bet your sweet ass, your ass is mine. Hey you taught me what is good for the goose is good for the grander. I plan on taking it all out on you in that garden. It's coming out of your hide this time, not mine. How do I let this go God? My best friend? Our conversations, our banter to roll me along. I admit change can be hard, but I am so ready to end humanities suffering.

Talk Dirty To Me/Poison
Let's take the poison out of this God? Dirty talk can be fun. Fun lovin games, the fun lovin way again. The way love was meant to be, in that "Beasty of A Garden Of Eden." No light. No Love. Nothing grows without Love and Light. They go hand in hand. No Mother Nature and the Sun they do not go in a box.

Is This Love/Whitesnake
Love Bites/Dl Tempting God, tempting.
Fallen Angel/Poison. Hilarious! Pretty much.

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