Friday, September 8, 2017

The Crone

Godzilla/Blue Oyster Cult
God, wait a minute here. Why is the love circled around me so black? Sean said  "while I am sleeping, no one can get close to me. My dog's. My dogs were nothing like he had ever seen before." So for heavenly dogs those were some pretty scary dogs. Look what they are protecting even in my sleep? I've been thinking about my Crone back. Michael said a couple day's ago, "Colleen your Crone sits up high on the right. The one no one can see, that is unless your really close to me, no one knows. I mean I stand tall and I look normal.

Learning To Fly/Pink Floyd
Then that intestinal disease Crone's disease? Then just at T.A. as usual somehow all the rich people who live behind there don't want to expand that truck stop?  Hence the name "Truck Town" people. Yet all along I noticed tree's being cut down behind Warrior Number Two. Low and behold we just got one issue settled and their is already a city plan in place for a septic system to go in right there. HHMMMM?????? Then I learned something new on one of these shows, did you know hell had a sulfur smell? Yeah! Turns out me and that smell, don't sit so well. Learn something new every day out here just roaming around don't I?

Over The Hills And Far Away/LZ
I ran to the Interstate in 2015 and their just happens to be a staff with black tar oil on the end. I ran out into the road and I drew a line with it, straight across the road. Now God whose hand is in every cookie jar? I got an entity on one side stealing lil children's souls. On the other side I have a Satanic being stealing the children's souls. I saw in my dream 3 brothers. One was older the leader. I gotta a human on this rock playing both side don't I God? I got a black star sitting behind the system running the show. "He is at the door. He is here for the sun." This rock to take down God?

Break On Through/The Doors
It was the faceless man. I said that to my friend Dave Mayor. Hence the last name Mayor. You are the faceless man. Then I learned something new a couple of months back? Did you know that they call Seattle "The Jungle?"  I just happened to of been roaming around out there all on my own in the jungle? Then when the group who sang "Welcome To The Jungle", the Mayor held off for them to play and the next day removed all the homeless. Let all the extra money for the travelers come in first, then kick out the wildlife I see.

The Reaper/BOC
Humanity in their own jungle? God why is everyone flocking to the Pacific Northwest. I mean there are two P.N.W. and all along I met so many people travelin' to Washington and fro Oregon. It's about the organ's and how this healthcare industry set up the addiction, to create all this hell on humanity through the system. Our Healthcare system. Leave all homeless to take the blame. To create this healthcare industry we never needed. All to get a hold of humanity in more ways than one. Keep the suffering suffering, don't you? Leave them unable to speak for themselves while they sink lower and lower to pay for an insurance to live on Gods rock? You know with my family, you don't need insurance. Not like this we don't. With my family you have assurance that whatever role you played in this Monopoly, I promise you. You get to go home.

Sweet Emotion/Aerosmith
Now where that home may be. I just don't know. I'll just have to leave that up to my family. The first family. ISIS and my brother, OSIRIS. Then well straight up this JC family line. I see nothing but men. Then over here, I got my "Rose Line." These ladies, they are some heavy hitters. I got all these closer ups. You know that Atom family Line I got. Newton, Davinci, Einstein and Tesla.

More Than A Feeling/Boston
Well then I hate to get all Political, but George Washington he's a regal one. Lincoln my brother what a giant you be. Brother Todd always so near. Mary and well Miss Ross, it's been a pleasure. It seems my Grandma Bishop well she is in line here too. Well ladies and gentleman is this what IC blocking me from Love? Not God, but a Crone? I have that Crone on my back God? She's blocking me not you?

You Shook Me All Night Long AC/DC
Why do you put me through all these human emotions? Why do you just let me go off? It's like you want to drain every human fear I have right out of me? Just how in the hell do you propose I get this Crone off my back? No God. NOOOOOOO!!!!!! He gets a lil' monkey to carry around and I get this? A Crone? That is why Carol is really mad at me?  She has the curse of the Crone's disease. Humanity, well some, are mad at me for their suffering, the curses and the demons they carry for this rock?

No One Like You/Scorpions
Their diseases in there bodies, that I am seeing as a curse. This systems creation God. This system in many walks of life have come in and taken over this rock. It's their curses and demons that are re-acting to that thing I couldn't even see. Hell I never knew I had it or I would of gotten it back in alignment long ago. Well I would of, yet I've been stuck in a H.C.S that has determined my value. How I will suffer. How I eat. What box I get to sit in for one of their cures. You know that one size fits all? All these BJ"S that stopped me from speaking. Oh yes, and I called you a Harp. Is this those H.A.A.R.P. clouds I keep harping about? Well you.

You make me put it all out there again? My innermost deepest fear? I mean who like's rejection? Who likes to be set-up? I am so mad at you again for this. Gotta another tear drop you'd like to eek out of me today? JESUS MOTHER FLOCKING CHRIST. Who knew that's my calling? Oh God your killing me. You have put me through the ringer. Blasphemy that's me. Thanks again God for all your labels. I just can't wait to thank you in person.

Jet Airliner/SMB
That name Narcissist? I did say some Angels aren't about Judgment. The name they carry is their job. Plain and simple. All this Narcissism God? Got one in every family it seems. Used to be a fun wayward uncle out there at Thanksgiving. IC Narcissism in many people out there God? Whose is she or he? I know your Androgynous light in true form. Crystal clear energy and light, which makes you and yours androgynous. Neither male nor female, you are here nor there, yet you are every where. It is your rock that runs this universe. Your energy. It seems it's true after all. Your parents giveth and your parents taketh. Pretty old fashioned that way. You abuse it, they pull it. As parents you gotta be stronger than your babies.

Cities On Flame With ROCK AND ROLL. Hey Illuminati! Meet my family. I love my Ma'at. Justice. You know God, I got just "The Cure". Well it turns out this system and hell aren't going to like my cure. I learned something else new too. That JC is a demon slayer. When do I get to sleigh some demons and lift this misery off of humanity God?

Black Dog/LZ
Take Me Away/Blue Oyster Cult. Don't Fear The Reaper. Sweet dreams my pretty. Whose your sandman? Whose your tooth fairy?

Twilight Zone/Golden Earring
Why can't you just come out and speak? You are a cryptic God, that is what you are. Why all the cryptic codes God?

Are you trying to tell me I really do have some kind of old crone witch's curse on my head from eon's ago that is blocking me from love? Like a real old fashioned some kind of witch, like in one of your fable's. Are you kidding me? An Actual witch cursed me? Their is really an old hag dark witchy black magic curse on my love? What the fuck is the curse? My love is cursed or his love is cursed? I mean going in vs. what comes out? That opposites thing? That shade, that valuer is that what I call it? Shit. Which way is she blocking me? She doesn't let me speak. My God no one sees me do they? It's words. Key words, she twist it, she turns it or she blocks it. She's got a system blocking me and she uses this system. SO GET HER OFF ME.

Look what's on television? The Shaman's on Ancient Aliens. You know what God? I don't feel her on me. I started to become aware of a blackness pushing up against me. At times a wall of black that was right behind me and another time I felt it approaching a big wall. I swung around before it reached me and told it to fuck off. Then I became aware of the heaviness on my spine and the pain. I did a white light spiraling down and I haven't felt it since. Is this what all this shape shifting on my tree of life all about? The re-opening and expansion of me expands my channels? Then what an expansion into the universe? A portal? If I realign do we all realign?

Yeah, I just tried again. I don't feel any darkness around me.


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