Thursday, September 7, 2017

Jades Heart Of Stone

Iris/GGD Nice try God, not this time.
I was so happy to have my very own beasty to play with. Oh, happy feet with my wings going all a twitter. I'm so e3xcited to get to go play, and he's mine. Then I don't really know what to do with this beasty after that? I thought well he is my beasty, I'll just keep him in the garden until I'm ready to play again. I don't even no why I bother this rock is my garden.

Loving Arms/DC
I mean isn't that how we got here in the first place? I don't have the heart to leave my beasty behind, I just don't know what to do with him God? Then later that evening I saw Kyle and me standing next to each other on top of a big white square, and when no ones looking I step over and slide him right over the edge. I take three steps to the left, like nothing happened. Then I catch myself saying to myself, "my God what's wrong with me? Why can't I get past this? I must have a jaded heart after all." I catch myself tapping myself on my third eye with my left hand.

All American Girl/CU
This morning I caught myself with my baggy jeans on, hands in my pockets walking around this huge blue egg shape rock, kicking it. Pulling my shoulders like a munchkin fairy I'm so mad at it I don't know what to do with this blue rock God? I don't know how to get around it and then I lost it. That's my stone heart isn't it God? Just how did I get this heart of jade God? My picker as it turns out wasn't my picker after all.

It was your picker not mine and you betroth me to a man God? Everything I am against inside myself. You want me to trust you? What the flock set this off today? Oh I don't know God, could it be t5hat other Big I brewing? You know, storm Irma. Hell you named her. You. You want to keep kicking around this Jaded he3art of mine that you gave me? Don't I have bigger fish to fry right now, like some kind of training for some kind of super power I'm supposed to have? You know training day? You want to go around this again? I won't do it. I've seen enough. I've got a crystal clear  picture. I GOT IT GOD.  What a HARP YOU ARE.

Come On Get Higher
I see the clear picture from each man that I had a long term relationship with. I see the roles and the issues and I don't need to see how each time it was an outside source affecting the inside. Each time I was told to put up with it or take it. Be the bigger person Colleen. What split up every relationship, money and power. Their ego, their time and how I was going to spend it on them. So fuck you, I don't need to see no more. The Truth why I was never picked. They were cowards and couldn't take care of their own issues and left me to be the door mat. I didn't tell them the Truth because I felt if I had to tell them the Truth then it isn't love. I can't help how a man values love God.

Ahead Of Myself X/A
What more do you want me to see? That every time they stole something precious from me, even if it was of no value, just to punish me? Fuck you. You know what the Truth is I don't give a flying flock who is God and who is the son. It's always been one in the same to me anyway. It's to confusing being a O.W.A. I can't tell them apart inside myself.

Born In The USA/BS
Then the Sky Mother and ISIS, Are You Mother Flocking Kidding Me? I was so mad I stomped away. Telling him to leave me alone. Then I turn back around,

Human C.P.
It's the experiment isn't it God? What's the experiment, the human race? I get it you've been watching all these centuries, and like battleship, they make a move, then you make yours. Step by step. Chess comes to mind God and I'm the pawn once again in your game of life. I've got two girls on both ends, my nieces God? My Jordan and my Jillie Bean. OMG, my other Rae. I'm so angry, I feel forced. What is this God another test of my Faith? Trust or Faith today God?

Proud Mary/CCR
So what's the experiment God? Does love conquer all? Does love rule out? Like I need some strange mans pity party for me God? That is why I don't like to talk about my past. I don't feel sorry for myself, yet others like to use it against me. The whole time I spoke the Truth. It is that blind eye of justice God?

Beast Of A Burden/TRS
I have never been a victim to my life inside my heart, it is others whom placed me their. Only in this system they tell you it's all your fault. To look back, yet when you do this system never lets it go. I'm going to shove that label Character Defect up there ass. Find out I never got to speak, nor did anyone ask. Whatever the legal system says, well it's justified right God? How is this justice God? What do you want me to do about it? I tell him to analyze this and I storm off again.

The Sound Of Silence/Disturbed
I finally make it into the bathroom  door and this asshole plays this Blown Away by Carrie Underwood. He makes me so mad, with all this proof of life. Just can't leave one stone unturned can you? Then he goes and does this. He played,  Almost Loved by A Fine Frenzy. I catch myself doing this all over whole body shake at Him. Sneaky Bastard, somehow in his own way he gets the last word.  Why can't we just skip the next step? Hell your God for Pete sake. Just skip every thing and get to whatever those lil' beasties are that are running and playing on some mountain. I just don't understand why, I can't stay mad at the guy? Can you? He makes me laugh, he makes me cry, but always the right note every time.

Knocking On Heavens Door/Guns N' Roses
I finally read the report on my stomach. The same patchy rash in my stomach that is in my intestines, somehow I healed my own issue. Just took a year. Thank God for this poisonous apple of a health plan I got going on inside me. I have been thinking about how the pain spots on my back match all the crosses with snakes out there. In different stages. I've been thinking about my spine re-shaping and the pain being in the shape of a Z. It say's in this report that I have a Z line in the lining of my stomach. God, I am so going to kill whomever is responsible for this tree of life. Then my right index finger tapped the ball of my nose.

The House Of The Rising Sun/The Animals
Push/Matchbox 20
Live Like You Were Dying/TMcG
Really God? I yelled that earlier. I mean isn't that what you've been having me do all along. Live like I'm dying? Do I even get a life after this? What of my children God? If I'm going to be a seer on this rock as well as my 12 plus beasties then I want them to be living guides. Live God, Love God, Live and Learn God, not be in a bottle such as myself or a box. Please don't put them on a pedestal or lock them in a chamber or tower.

So Far Away/Staind
They can't be all they can be to pass it on inside a box God. I was thinking earlier, what makes humanity think that God isn't a open minded being? As God and the creator of all you'd have to be a pretty open minded being right? Why do people claim to be like God, Walk with God, Use God as an excuse for anything if you don't have your Faith and Convictions to hear others? Not very God like or open hearted. You can take Faith and God anywhere with you, but you can't really learn about life with God till you have the courage for your Truth inside you and what the Truth is outside you.  I mean they have a family inside them God. I see a cross and a five star family inside humanity.

Through Glass/Stone Sour
Behind Blue Eyes/Limpbizkit

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