Friday, September 8, 2017

There's Your Trouble

There's Your Trouble by The Dixie Chicks. Hilarious God, such a funny guy. Calling it like you see it? Oh your such an asshole today. Sitting here thinking about what to call this post and this songs comes into play. That is just the point. God's way of getting to the heart of the matter. Walking to the candy store I pass a man who looks like he walked right out of another country. Huge crooked walking stick, the dress and head cover, a white beard and olive skin. Like one of the three kings-man I recon.

Bless The Broken Road/ Promised Land by The Boss you choose.
I woke up pondering how do I have a blue heart named Jade God? Jade is green. An envious green, and well I'm not in envy of nothing at this moment. It's that sky blue rock. I feel like he's trying to make me adjust to something.

I mean really God, I have bigger fish to fry. Earlier walking along I saw petulance and the sight of petulance stomping her impatient foot with her hands in fist. Pointing her finger and she's not budging with her fist at her hips. Funny lil' character really. I just wonder what God is trying to show me about myself today?

Just A Dream
Then I'm standing with a black wall surrounding me. Like I'm standing inside a black pipe, and boy am I mad at God for this. I am maaadddddd!!!!! I got my red t-shirt with my black and white stripes, my arms are crossed, and my nose is in the air. My back is to Him. I will not budge. I had no idea how stubborn I can be. Of all the things I have let go and let slide in my life? I will not let this one issue go. Accepting God's gift of Love. I mean I know, how assinine right? I am so angry. I got a long list of names standing over my head and of all things that I will not budge on, is my own fathers gift of love?

Born On The Bayou/CCR
He put me through a tear fest standing in the A-line box. Feeling the oppression and the suffering of those around me. They have no one to defend them. Their is no Justice for these people out here. This has been going on a long time and they are boxed in. From all walks of life. The Injustice of this sends a rage right through me.

The Lips Of An Angel/Girl Crush
The last stand of slavery and oppression. Fucking assholes, and God pulls this shit on me? Here I am being stubborn at a time like this? Here I am, I'm supposed to be a leading example of a higher being, and standing here with something so human as love? Something that everybody wants right? The answer to every ones prayers right God and I won't budge. I never realized how close I held that wall in or how strong it is. I mean that it's the color black. That's a strong wall. That ain't a good wall to have at a time like this

Over You/ML
Such a human emotion Love. I'm supposed to represent Love and I can't let this picking issue I have go. Like what God? Am I supposed to bow down to Him? What the flying flock? I feel like Pippy long stocking that's for sure. Little Orphan Annie, been there done that. Ah hell Raggedy Ann and Andy? Living in an Orphanage for lost mothers? Knowing full well this is the end of the line. The second time I heard the word family, by then my third set of seven, sitting at earthworks park, seeing three rings? Oh you'd think I was smarter than this?

White Horse/TS
I get it. I get it. I just can't get it God. I can't grasp this. I want off. I want out. I am so mad at myself for being so stubborn about the acceptance of Gods Love for me. It's the gift God. A human gift God? What am I the Trophy Wife? Fuck that shit. I feel so diminished and so small right now. Mad, defiant but small. To find out somehow I am expected to accept this gift of life? A strange man I don't even know? Aren't I supposed to get to know someone first?

Dream On/Aerosmith
I can't just fall in love with a human being I do not know God. I don't like the take over either.

You And Me/Litehouse
Drops Of Jupiter/Train
Free Fallin/TP
Paint It Black/The Rolling Stones
When You Say Nothing At All/Alison Krauss
Something To Remind You/Staind
Fortunate Son/CCR
Born To Run/BS
Kryptonite/3 Doors Down

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