Monday, September 11, 2017

The Assassin

Tell Me I Was Dreaming/TT
I ammm soooo mmmaaaaddd at you for this one. You had me chasing my tail. You kept sending me off into these tail spins around this son or sun. It was that feeling of dread I get when I pull myself back into the fetal position. This time I pulled a black cover over me. "Ooohhh GGGOOODDD!!!!!! What is it your not telling me this time? I heard that name for the second time. The Original Sky Mother from beyond. When I looked over it was the picture of ISIS holding that disc in her hands. Then the camera flashed to the sun. The original ball of fire in the sky? Aten.  I lost it inside.

I was pounding Him on his chest with my fist. I was punching Him in the arm. Screaming at Him, how could you? How could you do this to me. I'm the assassin?

All day I went through different phases of emotions. Hyperventilating not only in my mind. Going from Horse Shack mode swinging back into Amy Winehouse. Then back to my mantra. "I am so mad at you for this. I am so mad at you I don't want to speak to you ever again for this one."

You're Gonna Miss This/TA
Yet I can't walk away from this one. I can't let it go. I'm bending over hyperventilating telling myself to breath deeply. Then the music playing in my ears, Just Breathe. I'm so mad at you for this one. Then I'm siting in the Lotus position with my head turned to my right. Not wanting to look. Going back to the beginning with my grand dad. "Knot Head, it's A O.K., then the Hindu woman dressed in yellow, her mother from 12 sisters telling me " don't worry, it will be okay."

Walk With Me/RT
Then to the Davince Code movie. The Davince Code daughter and the divine? I am still, I can't move. Trying to cope with this tid bit. OH OH OH. Then I hear "Colleen are you okay?" I do a slow drawl, "I'm AAAA okkkaaayyy. Oh! oh! oh! I am so mad at you for this one God." The movie twister my tailspins? I didn't even think the flying cow was funny God. Dorothy that Tornado, why I don't find none of this funny? I'm just adapting to the storms God. I am soooo mad at you for this one."

What She's Doing Now/GB
I force myself to go out for a walk. Here I go back into a hand off. Back to the barter stage. Oh please let me change these terms of endearment I do not like? I catch my self pushing this big heavy invisible thing straight out in front of me. I got God on my left and Kyle way off to my right. I change directions and I slide this one over to Kyle. I tell God,

Don't Take The Girl/TM
"Oh no you don't. This is not the family trait I ever wanted to have. He is the son, not me. He is the Arnold Schwarzenegger Twin to my Danny Devito. You give this one to Him. Not me God." Then I'm on to the barter stage. My bullshit stage. Okay God, I'll stop pushing him off edges. I'll stop tossing him back in to the river. I know you caught me a big one this time. I know, a King Size Salmon. I'll keep it. I'll accept it. I won't let it go. I will even be nice to him. Oh please God no not this?"

Why Don't We Just Dance/JT
Take this back. Then I get a flash of a celebratory photo where there's this big King Salmon in front of me and everyone else is happy. The look on my face is horrified. Then I look at God and I say "oh who are we kidding? You know I ain't gonna behave and stop tossing Him back until this is over. I mean why ruin all the fun? Oh I'm so mad at you for this.

Better Class Of Losers
This morning I'm walking around still feeling disbelief. My same mantra in my head. Oh God I am so mad at you for this one. The music I hear with no music on, "forgiveness, forgiveness, even if you don't love me anymore." Nice try God. I'm still so mad at you for this one. All I know is this ain't coming out of my Hyde this time around. Unfortunately having you as a husband, you'd enjoy it.

I had been wondering, how am I going to turn this swastika back into a four pane window? Just trying to leave that part up to Shiva over there. I was wondering just how are you going to tie ISIS and the Shiva in together God? You just had to do it? This is something I did not want to know. Why couldn't you just come inside me and get this over with already? I saw a picture of the Swastika in my head with a big hammer right smack in the middle. "Oh please God let that be Thor's hammer?" Then I see a great big fist sitting right in the center. I gave Him a small 'thank god." Okay I'll give you a small thank god for that one but your not getting nothing else out of me until this is done and over with. I cannot believe I am married to you? I cannot believe I'd volunteer for this? What do you do, where do you go when you find out your married to God? I could use my Robin right now.

Look Heart, No Hands/RT
If Your Reading This/TM
The River/GB
Baby Blue/GS
She's Gone Country/AJ
Here Me Roar/
From the beginning and the end I am from that five star family. I'm either in or I'm out. In it to win it. Live or die. We started this together and we're gonna end this together. Come Hell or high water we're in this together, no matter where we end up God. Now I know why I felt like mighty mouse with this huge circle of guns pointing right at my head?
Let's Do It
Open Arms/Journey
You were not kidding how mad I am at you for this one? Now I know why I keep seeing inside my head every time you drop a bomb on me, I grab Kyle by the throat and I shove him through a steel door so hard it leaves his imprint? I won't leave him chained in the garden. Without food and water. I won't leave him chained to the bed post either. Well, not without some food and water. That is as far as acceptance as I go on this one today. Don't you ask nothing more of me today as far as acceptance goes.

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