Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Emerald Ring

Round And Round/Ratt
Up since three and I have had quite an eventful day. On my way to Orthopedic surgeon, I miss the first bus. This is not the day for my back to run. This is par for the course. The next A-line 6 minutes early. It's going to be one of those days. Be lucky I don't have to go into a phone booth to change? I'd get lost stepping out every time. Hell the bus driver dropped me off in Twin Lakes. Every Mother Flocking time I get lost in this neighborhood. I have no beacon. It's a cloudy, no sun to guide me. No Mt. Rainier to give me some direction. The phone says go East. I am clueless. No highway and no water to guide me. I am flocked. Lucky I'm blind and I'm an hour early. Things just happen to work out.

Before  I go any further I missed four buses today. 

Southern Cross/CS&N
I get to the location early I sit down to light up before I go in thinking about the signs I noticed on my way in? One said, Amethyst. It made me think of the Amethyst I wore around my neck the last couple years of my marriage and after. Then the tears started rolling and I grabbed my chest, the reason why I always wanted an Emerald ring? The Emerald City and Seattle, the Evergreen trees. That is why I love green? All the different colors of green in the forest. Who wants a diamond when you have all these colors? For as long as I remember every one else made a big deal about the diamond ring, but not me. 

Sweet Child Of Mine/Guns and Roses
Sitting in the doctors office I started laughing at the doctors names? Clifford - The Big Red Dog. My friend Debbie. Red Head 5"10 180 lbs. Lost her life to another hospital getting away with their bullshit. She drove a tiny green car, with the biggest oldest red dog you have ever seen.

Dr. Cross, well that's a given
Kirk Douglas/Actor
Dr. Franceschina, Got two countries in that name, I'll take that.
Last but not least, Dr. Hunter. How fitting.

It made me think of my friends and the names of their children? Haden and Thomas, boy have I got a fitting story on these names. I didn't even know their was a Hades. Sierra and Aspen, then a Hunter. We can go further out and we Have Kane West and the name of his child, North West. Then we have Gwyneth and Chris from Cold Play and they named their little one, Apple. Talk about a calling in their own way.

Nothin But A Good Time/Poison
The last couple of walks I went on I saw a few different versions of dead black birds in my wake. It's been upsetting because I'm not sure what it means. Another neighbor noticed them too, plus I found a bullet casing.

Bad Medicine/Bon Jovi
Today I got some good news from the surgeon. Don't change what I'm doing. He agreed with my philosophy of keeping moving, not getting tight and locked up. He said "you need a chiropractor." You think? I told him about what the Physicist wants to do with the rest of my micro-facial tears along my spine and ribs. I asked if he thought we could try it in this area too? He agreed.

Rock Of Ages/DL
The tears and cyst are in my tendons and muscle going down layers. A couple other things, but yes, no surgery. Just a hell of allot of pain until God knows how long? My next doctor appointment not until 9/11. Back to pain being all relative. All I have to say is someone is gonna pay for this. Retribution comes to mind.

The Stroke/BS
Yesterday it dawned on me "hey wait a minute you guys aren't going to let me gain my Independence until this is done?" Isn't that just the mother flocking point of this? Back to the A's and B's I go.Your all Assholes. Then on to my B's. Your all a bunch of mother flocking bitches. What you don't like my A bombs coming from up above? Truth is me and mine from all the way up, down and around this rock don't like your's either. Flock you all. I'll be nice when this is done and over with this. Whether you get it or not, that family upstairs loves to yank my chain and send me into a tail spin.

I Hate Myself For Loving You/JJ
I can't wait for the day they let me go because DEATH, I'm coming straight for you this time and this mother will take nothing less than the whole heart. It's enough messing around with this half hearted bullshit. I mean isn't that how we got here in the first place? Half a heart.

Girls, Girls, Girls/MC
Paradise City/Gun's N' Roses, now who says God doesn't know how to rock? Just so happens that Illuminati sign, is the rock sign and my grand daddy's I love you hand signal. Then I'd get the peace sign and the O,K, sign.

Livin' On A Prayer/BJ
After I made the agreement to look crazy and did the Nameste bow, I heard don't worry, it will be okay.

Cum On Feel The Noise/Quiet Riot
My other great find today? A CD case that said "Indigo Girls, Shaming of the Sun. Then I got stuck at a bus stop in Twin Lakes across from a Hart Ins., since 1967. A fruit sign with a lemon, peach, strawberry, pineapple and an orange. The intersection I got stranded at was 13th place. I passed an Omni sign 336. Then at the end of the line written in big chalk letters, JC Loves you. We wonder why these crazy people do the crazy things they do? Who's really guiding them? Faith.

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