Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Smoke On The Water

Smoke On The Water/Deep Purple
I'm finally coming down at my anger with God. Oh this last label sent shock waves right through me. That is the best description I can give myself. Especially yesterday. I could barely speak I was so mad. I went from "Oh oh oh's into my no no no's, I'm so mad at you for this one." Onto yesterdays re-action. OOOOOOOOOOOOOO. OOOOOOOOOOO. OOOOOOOOOOO.

I'm walking along talking to God. "Okay you want to play this. Your boy you got picked out for me is no longer in my house God. Nope he's outside. Chained to a tree. In the rain. He ain't coming back in until this is done. He's my tool to barter God I'll barter him through hell and high water if I have to.  No God, the children aren't a barter."

Stairway To Heaven/LZ
"Nope! I don't give a flying flock what you do with Greg. That is between you and Greg. You gave me this tool, and the way I see it he's mine to barter. Hell God he's my only tool to barter. Don't worry God, remember he's a beasty. He can take it. I'll let your precious son back inside when this is done and not a moment sooner."

Heart Shaped Box/Nirvana
I'm on the bus and I blurt out loud, "Get me off this rock God." I walked around lost for hours. Wrong buses in wrong directions. What was supposed to be a easy three hour trip turned into six. Lot's of walking and venting. I swear this man does this to me every time until I tire myself out and cool my jets.

The House Of The rising Sun/The Animals
Well I got my answer to "God, why am I so mad at you?" I usually do about two days of debating and venting my shock and rage at all this injustice. I kept trying to shake my anger off for this. I tried to just let this issue roll off my back. I couldn't do it. I was speechless aside from a few side conversations, my hand was in front of my mouth in shock all day. "I kept telling God, get this anger off me.  I hate being angry. Get me to acceptance so I can deal."

Blurry/Puddle Of Mudd
I turned to God and I asked, "how many more shoes you got in that closet of yours. I can't take another shoe drop. This shoe God, OH! OH! OH! is just the biggest shoe I have ever seen, aside from yours of course. Got anymore tricks in your bag God?"

I realized a couple days ago that the pain in my spine turned into the shape of a music note. Going straight down. It curves back up to the left, then curves right, back to the left and down it goes. When my neck and shoulder act up, the pain goes from my left shoulder to my right then from my right hip to my left hip. Those lines intersect from my lower left back to my upper right shoulder.

Iron Man/Black Sabbath
Don't get me wrong I love God. I love His son. Hell I recon I keep marrying Him throughout time. I must keep coming back for more torture from the big man up stairs for a reason? Being His wife, I question that reason some moments of some days myself. I have been yanking myself off this chain gang. Kicking and screaming all the way on this last go around.

Free Bird/LS
Then it started to Dawn on me, wait a minute "are you testing me? Things have changed I see." About once a day I get placed in a situation where Kyle and I are standing off somewhere. No background, we are on a huge platform, at times a grid. I get some kind of question asked emotionally, and it seems to me God, your testing me about this guy? I am failing miserably. Well God, at least he's chained to a tree out in a yard this time. Not being pushed over an edge, or tossed back in the river. I must be getting better about this acceptance?

What About Now/Daughtery
"Nope! I recon at the moment I'm still mad at you for this one. You get this done, and I'll be nice to that man. Maybe." I did make an awesome discovery. I said in the beginning it's about the fault lines. Those fault lines are about to shift, and oh boy are they. I feel a little bit better now God.

Never Gonna Be Alone/Nickelback
I'm so mad at your for this and the symbolism of that ring of fire pisses me off too God. Just get this anger off of me. I hate being angry at you. This family tree you have walked me through, with all these branches?  You all are killing me. You all have put me through an emotional ringer. Some moments of some days I feel wringed out.

Island In The Sun/Weezer
Bohemian Rhapsody/Queen
Fly/Sugar Ray

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