Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Who Made Who

Who Made Who/AC/DC
Who made who God? Now that is a good question? Who came first? Now that is a good question too. ISIS/ or Mary? The heavens and the stars? This rock or the garden?  I watched the first part of Ancient Aliens Origins. A refresher on family lineage. This document in which early Christianity wanted you to turn a blind eye to.

Wanted Dead Or Alive/BJ
Oh my Angel you kill me sometimes with just your selection of music. Back to the A.A.O. me being a O.W.A I gotta accept this. It started out with two names again Mary and ISIS. Whom I am as ISIS is finally sinking in. I know her husband isn't Atum it's Osiris. I admit I'm a bit slow at times, going back around around in all this history all the way around this globe? In all these centuries and dimensions? Then figuring out OH! OH! OH! then I go into my NO! NO! NO! faze and spin out for a few into I can settle back in.

Cum On Feel The Noize/QR
I have to remember God has already walked me through the scary stuff. It's the walking back in that as a human being it can be scary. I caught myself looking down at the ground and the words that popped in my head? "Dante's Inferno" nine layers down boyz. Talking to God on my walk home from the candy store? I looked to my left and I said to God, "Oh yeah God, I don't see standing with one foot in Heaven and the other in Hell, does Heaven make." (I saw myself standing over a wooden fence with one foot chained in hell) Why I say "Heaven make" I have no idea? Hamlet comes to mind. Another descendant from the angels. In speech alone. A higher being that's for sure.

Heat Of The Moment/Asia
Back to the A.A.O I go. The Serpent Elite a descendant from David. Left behind seeds and tools. That roaring lion I saw in my head? Anger for what you have done to my tree of life doesn't even describe my families hell for you. The way IC it I'm done with second chances. What do you say God and Mummy Dearest, 1/3 do2wn and 2/3rds up? The other reason God let you over populate my rock.

Who's Crying Now/Journey
Oh I'm going to send you on a journey alright. All these mother flocking games you got going on inside the human body and my landfills? My family is going to enjoy ping ponging your ass all around this universe, before I put you back behind that door. You know the one you've been slowly oozing out of for centuries? To figure out that God's plan is my calling? All those names I have crossed paths with over and over? You know the ones you allowed another human being decide for you what is a myth and what is truth? Yup, I'm going to drive you staright to hell. Go ahead draw first blood. I got so many names and faces inside me you bet your ass those that deserve this in my families eyes, Final Recall.

Love And Affection
Guess what else I found out after discovering more answers to that Emerald ring? I kept feeling a lil' green inside me. I had no idea why? I mean a human beings colors are red, brown, black and yellow right? So why do I feel so green God? Then it hit me, I am a "Lil' Jew" after all. Then a description I would use to describe the color of someone else's skin was olive. I had just watched on another episode of A.A. that Mt. Olive is split in half. Do you think God? Split the heart right from the start. All that ego in one lil' kickstand? All that entitlement? No God is not going to let this entity re-create the human life form into a droid.

Crazy Train/Ozzy
Love this brother. To live on this rock it will always be two to create the bread of life. You were given the technology to give life not re-create the human life. This you have abused, have you not? Don't BULLSHIT me anymore. You in this system have created the propaganda and poison in everything God ever gave you for everlasting life. It is you as a human being that gave God one name, and from my perspective looking across this globe throughout places and time he gave you a God with many names. God is the creation people, he gave you choices not boxes.

Addicted/Saving Abel (Oh God, you are my favorite mistake, you are my favorite addiction)
This system along with religion, that ego part that says the male is superior. Truth is whatever God has said in the past you missed something, who are you to judge? Who are you to go against Gods plan and judge his flock? Your not putting your Faith in God if you judge others. Your job is to lift another being up leave the rest to that family upstairs people. You have no business judging anything until you know the Truth of the whole picture. Well your blanket justice system made their choice to. The way IC it those on top judging knew the difference between right and wrong, yet you set up a whole flock that can't defend itself against all your bullshit injustice you have doled out. Your making quite the living off of them though.

Why Can't This Be Love/VH
You didn't even know that you are still enslaved. No one knows your agreement you made with God before you came here to live. The cave in Africa in the shape of a Serpent. It's in every religion and myth. The serpent, the tincture, ultimate Wisdom and the Elixir of life. My spine needs to snakes around it for balance, not just one anymore. Hell you fell it, hell you will pay. I have no mercy inside me today. I hurt and I'm out here floating on my own waiting for all the red tape, while I fight off this crone off my back, Just pisses me off to know end.

Fallen Angel/Poison
"That day forward Serpent will control the human race." Two snakes wrapped the cross with wings. We are off balance between good and evil God. I'm seeing this now God because it turns out the S curve is back in my spine, it's just going the wrong direction. Then I thought about God making me come back and marry the wrong brother? I mean I just figured out that God had Cain as balance, and if that Ass wipe is my X. The timing alone? To hear someone else say it's a brother and sister this time. It turns out to be the brother and sister from the Garden Of Eden? Oh God are you there? It's me your God daughter.

Looks That Kill/MC
The Serpent and the Bull Of Fire? I felt from the beginning a bull. Then I find that golden bull over and over? Kim in Korea, I mean God Dammit, how many times has that name came up God? Not so quick on the draw their am I? Aten again? The sun wrapped with a snake? Then the root word Easter? My grand daddy's last name means Easter and well he married the native Lily that descends from that royal Mother of twelve. Her daddy? A native Royal Bishop of seven.

Here I Go Again/Whitesnake
Serpent Lady, life, death and re-birth? Holy Moses. Then I hear the name I have come across before, Astarte, her name once again in conjunction with ISIS and Mary. I marked the viewing on this documentary at 11:55 it said, "The cover up by the Christians didn't want the human race to know that it's own deity came from the serpent blood line." I know how you feel. I hate snakes with a passion, yet looking back, I can tell you the snakes who have crossed my path and who killed them. "The Nostics called Christ the good serpent." Why do Christians want to follow a new Truth God that was a lie in the first place. Truth is you can't undue Truth, you can hide it but you can't sale it. If you have to sale it, it ain't Truth. I can't wait to tell these brothers just how I feel about their Truth.
Bad Medicine/BJ
The other reason I feel a lil' green God? Is it the reptilian race? My issue along with humanity God, is how do I separate out the bad eggs from every pod. I know a pod is a seed and well we are the game after all, being played from up above. Don't believe me another A.A. a few chapters back the Tibetans were right on about this part. Do you know why I have gotten cue's from all religions? God is our creation, remember you named him. Hilarious! Every time we say "God particle" and well that's me and mine. You named him within the other Truth? "The Big Bang" Where the flock do you think you get your science? It's all the same living energy people. What makes me sad God, is that on this rock we judge first and kill it off before anyone knows the Truth. This system hides the Truth to control evolution to make humanity pay for things that God and my family gave you for free to run this rock.

Comin' Under Fire/DL
"Body and blood of the ancient serpent race." Hey it is you humans whom put a label on Gods love. It breaks my heart that you truly are like every other parent. Of course you get mad and walk away, just like your son who came before me. Just as I do. I'm stepping out, I'm gonna blow God. Do you know what makes me blow? The part humanity doesn't know about, is my clue that there is no money and that as a nation we are broke.

I'll Wait/VH
They keep making it harder and harder to get your money from the State. IC over and over how this system already owes so many of these people down here and each step of the way, you change the guidelines and parameters on how the human race is gonna get their money back. You mother flocking dole it out and you are telling the wrong class of people to hold out or hold on while you assholes get it together for the greater good? Four hundred dollars to rent a room for your crazy people, you just made the weakest being in this country the most vulnerable. Shame, shame, shame.

Livin' On A Prayer/BJ
What else do I have on my mind today God? Weeelll, I did start dancing in what is considered the East in this Pacific North West. Then the fires in the East God, and for the last couple of days looking at that red sun and the red moon. I can't even call this one a blood moon yet. I'm due for the blood moon. Follow the fullmoon, follow my blood moon. It was due yesterday.

Back In Back/ACDC
My dreams God finally seeing the ending of some of them, it's the one I went back to my father and grandmothers home in Othello. My friends God? The ones who sat in cages humans dressed as sheep and God's pain, at his sheep being slaughtered, like he's wielding the ax inside his own heart every time one of his flock goes down. The walking under the Lincoln pass and all the feathers God? I called it a slaughter, a feather slaughter God.

 I didn't know. Hell I barely remembered using the word Apocalypse but then again why should I? In that scribing it was the only time I heard a mans voice gambling with my life? Asshole! It was you all along. You have put me through hell. Yes God, I figured out another friend and the Truth behind his suicide? Todd Near. That poor family God and he was one of the good guys. It was the conversation I heard him have outside the Galaxy, when his friend said "so when you gonna bend Marla over the arm of the couch?" Todd was standing just like Kyle. He did that breathy chuckle under his breath like my grandfather and father would do. He did a chuckle and a shake of his head and he did not speak. Integrity God.

Trying to catch up and I have to look back some in my journals. I turned on the television early Sunday morning. It was Matt Hagee Ministries. It actually came on at the part about George Washington, I caught my hand going in the air saying YES. He is speaking the Truth, George Washington's family came from farmers, in the 1600's. He didn't do the war for greed, nor any other false illusion. Sometimes it's about our future. As it turns out he had to make a choice for this nation and his family to move forward. You can't just stand there and not defend your nation people. Where's your convictions? Where are all those Godly convictions you have judged others under, even in your minds you do.

This human race came here to sit in these boxes for you to be here today, for this rock and that family. Your fallen. Your children in your gangs and clubs looking for family. Hell people they wouldn't be there if we had just taken a moment to realize in this life some people are fighting wars inside boxes for you, because things are so off balance. I would say a good half of these people in whatever cell you think they sit in are not mentally ill they are conduits and receivers being made to sit in jail cells and purgatory for a crime they did not commit.

Is This Love/Whitesnake
What in the hell are we doing labeling people mentally ill and sticking them in jail and fining them in the first place? Assinine comes to mind and I like my spelling better. Yeah that's smart, lock a mentally ill human being and lock them in a box and tell them to deal. Who loses in this game. Plus they have fines to pay on top of that. This industry is all about the insurance. The liability insurance now. Whose gonna be liable to pay? Whose gonna pay for this tree of life? Do you know why someone has to pay this liability now? You created the insurance industry and the justice system to serve it up. Watching Scully, that was just the issue at hand. You created a machine to make the human being liable for error. I loved when Scully pointed that out, you base it all off a recreation of a machine over and over to get to where he got to at that point? We are human beings. We do human errors, that is Gods plan. Not artificial Intelligence to think for you and create a buy and sell marketing plan. You do not need insurance to live and die on my rock. With God and my family you have Assurance. How much do we really pay into that insurance industry compared to the pay out? How many people paid into it for years and got nothing back in return do to some other unforeseen accident not covered under an insurance plan?

Stone In Love/Journey
 It stays right where you put it. All those extra green backs goes to them. This is your scam and industry. Almost everyone when they get older from an accident in a car, at work, at home, a trip or a fall can take you out of the game. This insurance runs you around and around, giving very little help, and no matter the insurance company this legal system approves this behavior in the insurance industry. very little service one way only or the highway, just a little bit of help, then they harass you to close the claim and later in life or six months later your still hurting or it's always going to hurt and get worse as you age. That is reality in almost every human beings life.

The Promised Land/The Boss
Now get me there already and stop drawing out this pain. I don't know who the worse torturer is some day's God, you or this system? Your making me feel like a real ass sometimes. The more of my family lineage you show me, makes me cry. It gets heavy all these names and labels you placed upon me. How come JC got 40 days and nights and I got 49 years? Never mind, I know the answer, because I'm the mother and it's all about your precious sun. You know what I knew you were gonna do this and I don't want it? Not this way I don't? After all this asshole talk about his Highness, you got me eating crow once again? Yeah! It's sinking in, I'm the Sun. I represent the Sun this time. How many years? How many conversations? How many times have I said it and read it God?

Blurry/Puddle Of Mudd
I don't want to talk no more. You make me mad. I don't find your humor funny either. I am the Joker and The Fool this time around huh? It turns out my soul mate in the sky is a pretty witty guy. I'm gonna miss you when your gone. I have no idea whose ear I am going to bend after this.

It's Been Awhile/Staind
When do these lil' piggies get to role in the mud God? Why can't you just come out and tell me what you want me to do about all this?

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