Saturday, September 16, 2017

Not This Little Monkey

Take Me Away/BOC
Lets just say it's been an interesting couple of days. Just where my lil' monkey thinks she's gonna hide? As this sun issue comes up with God, I spy out of the corner of my eye, my little monkey running right up that tree line. Oh no, just where does my monkey think she's gonna hide?  I don't blame my lil' monkey for this one. Standing at the bottom of the mountain I watch my lil' monkey stand on top of that mountain wag it's lil finger to and fro at God, chittering and twittering away the way monkeys do sometimes. She's pointing her index finger up in the air and she says,

Long Cool Woman/The Hollies
"Oh oh oh, no no no, not this lil' monkey you don't. This lil' monkey don' t wanna play with you no more." Just where my lil' monkey thinks she's gonna hide, I don't know? Let's just say my Curious George side of me has flown the coop. This lil' monkey is done. She's spinning in circles looking for a place to hide. Standing under that great big blue sky it's sinking in their ain't no place for this lil' monkey to hide. Not in no tree, nor under no rock that's for sure. Yup it seems, I know just how my monkey feels. This isn't the first time my lil' monkey wanted to run away. No matter where this lil' monkey goes, she always seems to get brought right back to the same spot. Standing at the foot of God.

Simple Man/LS
Here we go as my lil' monkey pro-testeth away once again, she looks up at God, determined to give Him a piece of her mind, with her finger pointing up she shakes her finger too and fro "oh no no no, not this lil' monkey you don't. You can go find yourself another lil' monkey. My lil' monkey spins around and around, she don't know which way to go. She gives a heavy sigh. A sure sign of resignation.  She shakes her head looking down at the ground, knowing full well, she's been here before. Their ain't no mountain big enough to hide from this hot mess. She scurries up Gods left leg, back over to the right shoulder. She tucks her head down behind Gods and she whispers in His ear "oh no you don't, not this lil' monkey you don't." It seems God's lil' monkey ain't coming back out until all is said and done.

Comfortable Numb/PF
I catch a glimpse of myself leaning with my face buried in my arm, against the bathroom door. What caught my eye was that pose and what I happen to be wearing? My overalls with the broken left clasp. It was the lil' doll Deana used to make. I just want to go somewhere alone outside and scream. I can't help but to feel lately like God is wanting this blue egg to hatch. I ain't hatching no dragon egg, I know that. That's what he thinks anyways. Now if theirs anything I have learned about this man, he somehow gets me to come around to his way of thinking. Even if it means, he's going to stand my ass in it. Can you believe the gull in this man, he called me impetuous? I mean the gull in this one.

Crazy Train/OO
I mean come on God, at least I point my finger up. I am a creation of your making after all. I don't know Big Daddy, maybe I do need a lil' spanking? A lil' pop on the cheek, like the day I was born. Naked as a jay bird. Might be just the medicine I need? Perk me right up for my morning feed. One red hand print on my right cheek? Make my Heidi Hoe? How do you take your eggs, sunny side up or over hard like myself? Go ahead make that almond drip it's sweet oil. Oh hell, Big Daddy, I don't care what your hungry for today. Come on what do you like, is it the clam? Is it the taco that your hungry for? The sweet nectar of that honey almond? My peachy lil' ass sunny side up, just begging for you to take a bite out of me? Come on what do ya' say, morning wood, makes honey dew in my family line? Hey Big Daddy I'm a creation of your making. I was put here just for you.

Baba O'Riley/The Who
Come on Big Daddy, I'm waiting to be milked. Roll me over and over, bring the hot waves crashing down inside of me.  I feel a build up coming on and this lil' mother's gonna blow. My kitty cat is just itching for a fight.

The Mona Lisa/BP

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