Thursday, September 21, 2017

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

Conversing with God through my music this morning. Let me give you a little run down of that conversation.
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked by Cage The Elephant, Oh God he better know how to lay a pipe.
She Hates Me by Puddle Of Mudd. Oh Greggy, Oh demon boy your dead to me and mine.
Yes I fucking hate you. With good reason. Your a liar. Well demon boy, you have had plenty of time to speak the truth of your lies. What about the principal of your actions as the father of my children? Oh yeah, it doesn't matter does it? You were entitled. Hey did anyone know I was forced to continue to live with a man who sabotaged this mother from the start, and stole everything to hold onto a crime for 17 years? You have no moral code. You have no integrity. You have no honor. Demon boy, I know for a fact you ain't got no heart. Yup so it seems it's time to flush this royal piece of shit and all his lies right down that pipe.
I'm coming for you.
Beverly Hills by Weezer. Hey demon boy you ain't playing in this mothers beasty garden, nor are you eating from my families tree of life.
It's Not Over By Daughtery. Yup I'm the joker, this families last laugh. Am I the fool demon boy? Nope it seems I am your creator over and over again after all.
Give Em Hell by The American Rejects. Oh Big Daddy I plan too. Can you believe Michael took offense to how my Big Daddy trained me to be his little beasty? He took offense to me feeling like a marionette puppet for that man upstairs. I mean the ego in that alone. I know one thing, I'd rather be that Big Daddy's Lil' Beasty than what you got coming down the pike. Yup, you can keep all your pedigrees that you think humanity needs to make a living. Oh Gregory, you forget I don't need your measly 666 after all. I only need one.
Brain Stew by Greenday. Oh you don't know what my families got in store for you? You see all this pain I carry in this lil' body, ain't nothing but this rock's lil' mummy. This rocks Orphan Annie. You see I carry the stigmatisim of all this rocks lie's and curses, crossing paths all the way down my families tree line. So yeah, demon boy, I am a creation of your making. Since I married you the 666, this lil' mother, it seems things are off balance. So yeah baby brother, I'm The Stigmata you piece of shit. This Mother Board ain't broken after all. Casting my lil' spell. Got lost the other day and guess where I ended up Todd Road in Kent. Did you know Kent is the Gateway? Learn something new everyday.
All Or Nothing by Theory Of A Dead Man. Hey God, Hey Big Daddy, I heard it said that God is dead. Did you know that? That Big Bang Theory. It seems God has answered your prayers. You know God I thought you were the creation and the heart beat of this rock. I thought it was your animal kingdom that surrounds this rock? Wow! I see your point. I see it very clearly is a matter of fact, even in my sleep. You know as a druid and well this families angel with the crooked halo, even when I'm asleep I got trains to catch.
What It's Like by Everlast. What is it like being a beasty? It's the best thing ever. Who wouldn't want to be a beasty? It's the bestest thing ever. My wings go all a twitter. I get happy feet. My twinkle toes light right up. Well they would but the ones I just bought the left foot died the next day. Sorry no returns on our garbage, but thank you for your services. I do not think so. This business practice is gonna stop. Remember all you corporations ruling my rock to wipe out humanity? No returns.
Meet Virginia by Train. Who's the big bad Virginia Wolf?
Wherever You Will Go by The Calling. Yeah I know it's a tough call, being with Gods son for the rest of my life, but somebodies got to do it. Might as well be me. It's a tough job, seems we don't do take backs in this family tree. Trust me I have tried
You Don't Belong by Daughtery. No you Corporate America, your business practices and all the injustice you have served up, standing humanity in your dutch ovens, telling them to drink your Kool Aid? You don't belong here. Pill hell to oppress a humans beings emotions to draw out the suffering and pain?  Nope I like my man's idea of getting stoned better than your families. I like my families constitution better than yours, because my families constitution stands for family. Not your brotherhood. So you can just get the flock off my rock.
One Headlight by The Wallflowers. Oh I wish I could go back to being a wall flower some days. Do I ever get that. It will be okay baby girls. Your mother will be AAAAA OOOKKKKKKKAYYY. Peace out my rock and my light. You are the very best parts of me, each in your own way. No matter what you say. No matter what you do. My love for you never dies, even if I do.
When I Come Around by Greenday
Savin Me by Nickelback. So I'm a half pint. I can't help who I carry inside of me. Take me or leave me. I know one thing you are going to accept all my family for now on. You will accept all of me or none of me. It's your choice what door you go to. You made your bed of thorns, now you will lie in it. You believe its black and nothing when you die, then that is what you will receive.
Hey Soul Sister/Train
Half Way Gone by Lifehouse. Yeah I know. I sound half crocked. Maybe I need to go back to the reservation. Back to the box Colleen. Get back to your box, until you can fit in. Nope Colleen it's not good enough. Back to the box, back to your black sheep herd. Oh I got a sheep for you. Meet my Lil' Ram. Did you know I gotta a brother in my family tree? Yup sure do his name is Ramsey.
Sorry by Buckberry. Actually God, I'm not sorry. This has been a long time coming. From what I can see it is this system and society that made a mockery of Gods raining day. The Apocalypse. The Sphinx right Daddy? I'm The Sphinx? Aren't their three different kinds of Sphinx in my family tree?
What I Meant To Say by Daughtery. To those of you judging others. Persecuting and using Gods name as Justification for your good intentions and bad behavior. I got this to say, let's see you stand for your convictions now? Mercy me, it seems I get to choose after all. I feel my temperature rising God, is that the mercury rising inside me? I knew this had something to do with Mercury, is it that Merca God? Oh Mercy me oh my. I wouldn't want to be you.
Your Beautiful by James Blunt. That depends on your version of beauty, I recon. Personally I just felt fortunate, not beautiful. Yet looking back, I can see clearly the prejudice other women in the work place and friendships that has been placed upon me. All because of spite and jealousy. It didn't matter my size others felt it okay to come up and nit pick me, telling me how cute my pooch is and touching my tummy is rude. No why? Your jealous it was all muscle. This nit picking me is gonna stop. If you don't like it, get off my rock.
Santeria by Sublime
3 A.M. by Matchbox. Come on let's light this night sky up.
Fly by Sugar Ray. You think I'm not ready to fly. I'm not your pet bitch. I belo0ng to another family. I belong to that family.
The first family. This rock, this sun and this moon are my trinity, right along with my family hidden in all those twinkling stars that surround this rock. You know that animal kingdom you all descend from?
Yeah Bitch, you want a piece of me? You see I don't dance for you. I aint jumping through anymore hoops meeting anymore of your impossible demands and unrealistic expectations that you have placed on this T.O.L. I got something just for all you nay sayers, how about a Lil' Tender Lovin' Sea for you today. Lets see that fault line in California split in half like Mt Olive. Hey it's so clearly stated out there, that these fault lines are about to shift. Why Greg if you don't mind my families just gonna re-set this rock back to right, burn out all the poison and erosion you have created on this rock and in the air. Then after some ground shaking, well we're gonna have to bring on the water, to wash all this poison out of my rock. The soil and land. You know my well's, rivers and creeks? The ones you had no right to treat with all your synthetics, because you think its good for humanity in the long run, is the biggest crock of shit I ever did here. How is turning mother nature into a synthetic to feed humanity, organic beings a good idea?
Everything Changes by Staind
Time for a New Day, Time for a New Dawn, because all I got to say is you depleted this rock with all your fracking, your mining, and you black tar oil that you got running through my rock? No this mother does not think so. As it turns out My Daddy, My black shadow, my horsemen don't think so either. Go ahead, My trigger finger is just itching for a fight. Ye who cast first stone, ye who draws first blood, strike one, your out. I got the consequences of those seven deadly sins standing over my head. I got my ma, lady Justice. Come on Ma'at, yes it's been a long time. A long time coming.
Hotel California/Eagles
Well Lady B, and ISIS, thanks for coming back for this one. That Mother From Beyond? Now I admit, I about came all undone when ISIS pointed to that Sun, that fire sign? Hey it's my family tree, and well this is their animal kingdom, from all around this universe. It seems the only ones in this universe that want the human race dead, are here already. That Trojan Horse is in my house, my land of freedom? No I do not think so. My house bitch, my rubies, my emeralds, my silver and my gold. I recon this diamond, well it just comes with the package. It seems my families mind is made up. They have been making a list, they have checked it twice, and well what these ladies got brewing upstairs? Lets just say you aint ever seen a storm until you meet the big storm. You know the sin of Assume? Heaven on earth and my beasty garden.
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked by Cage The Elephant
I'm going to play in my garden with my beasty everyday. Then I'm gonna wrap a rope around his ankles and tie him to a horse and send him packing. Just joshing Big Daddy. I'll be nice, I'm just not always gonna play so nice. Are you sure he's up for that Big Daddy? Do you think he can handle lil' ole me? So I like my Mary Jane's to be 4 inches high.
Never Gonna Be Alone by Nickelback
Centuries by Fall Out Boys. Yeah you always have a fall guy for all your poisons. You always have a fall guy for your solutions. You prey not just on the weak, you prey on the naive, you prey on the vulnerable, You brainwash them with all your clubs and cults to eat.
All Star by Smash Mouth
Who Let The Dogs Out?
You Found Me by The Frey
Higher by Creed. Love me some Creed. This man's music speaks volumes. 

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