Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Stoning Of Thy Mother

To think a couple of weeks ago I watched the stoning of the rat. It got horrifying especially the timing and the topic. One child saw a rat, picked up a rock and threw the first stone. Then it was incredible to watch all the little children circle up. I stood in my doorway praying to God to "please make it stop, make it go away." I knew just how the rat felt. I mean the rat did nothing but be a rat. What was so horrifying was this rat might of been named a rat in general but it wasn't doing anything ratty. You know like ratty behavior? Chase people, give them rabies. Dig in our garbage to eat a meal or two. I mean hey everybody is part of the food chain down here.

This little rat wasn't frothing at the mouth with a disease. It wasn't chasing the little children, or even sniffing around a door or food. Is a matter of fact it was just sitting under a bush waiting for traffic foot traffic to pass and not make a scene. Hell it wasn't even rat hours yet. The next little girl picks up a stone and encourages the other to do the same, she paused the second little girl picked up a stone. I said "are you sure you guys want to do this? This rat didn't do nothing to you?"The second little girl paused and said, "I don't know?" Her little friend encouraged her, "go ahead throw the next stone." I walked away leaving her to make her own choice.

I went back to the doorway, and it got worse. It got louder their exciting jeers, yelling if anyone got the rat? Is it dead yet? Screaming with glee and laughter. They were having so much fun at destroying another life. The rocks flew faster and the children ran around and around the bush with excitement each taking aim at the scared rat, that never did nothing to them. I was so angry at God for a moment. I knew I was being tested. I just wanted it to stop. I wanted one child to stop and think about what they were doing? To them it was just a rat. To me it was a life. A being that in this case did nothing to no one to deserve this. "The Lord Of The Flies, taking place right outside my door?" Coincidence? I only wish. I couldn't believe the parents just allowing it, they didn't even take a notice.

I stepped up to the bush in the middle of the children running around me. I put my hands in the air and yelled firmly, "Stop. This is not okay. You are behaving like bullies. One rat, who did nothing to you, it's still a life. You are all behaving like bullies acting like this. Go home and leave the rat be." I turned to go back inside to get a smoke, shaken at the sight. I turned and the neighbor man came out, he said, "thank you for stopping it. For a few minutes there it was feeling pretty biblical. If only he knew.

Then this evening in the laundry room the next stone thrown.
I can't make this shit up. A pregnant woman ran up behind me picked up a rock, screaming if I wasn't pregnant, I'd destroy you. I would kick your ass. I stopped on the steps I said, "once again, you proving my point, and once again I'm walking away." She picks up a rock and throws it at me as I turn away, it hit me in the center of my back. I was so angry, I turned and I looked to my left and another man is watching this, I turn to look at her, knowing she made the first strike, yet if I go after a out of control pregnant woman, all her behavior before this would go out the door. She would now be justified for her actions. I am so angry wanting to nail this woman my adrenaline is pumping. "She goes look the old woman is shaking."

How did it start, I asked her if she was was leaving the door open because I have to do laundry? I don't want my stuff stolen. She goes well I don't have a key. Then she said, "why are you such a bitch?" I couldn't believe it once again. Why are you so offended and calling me names? Her reply, because your being a bitch that's why. I sigh, okay look when I do laundry and someone else's laundry is in here, I make sure the door is locked so it doesn't get stolen, however when I do laundry, I come back and it's propped opened. I would just like the same consideration, like the sign says.

She goes off in her litney threatening me and my stuff. I'm outside waiting for her to finish. I step into the doorway and I said, look I went ahead and explained something, which I shouldn't of had to do in the first place, and your still offended. She continues with her banter and her threats. "You have to threaten me and kick my ass because I'm calling you on your bad behavior? You could of waited to do laundry until your mother returned with the key, but you chose not to." She's getting angrier and she's gonna get me, I don't know who she is? Blah Blah Blah. I said okay you want to threaten me hears my truth, looking back in my life about five people have died tragically or had a tragedy befall upon them. That is called Karma, and I don't have to raise a hand. It is your choice.  I walk out with my basket I'm halfway down the path, she's at the door yelling now. I'm even leaving my stuff behind to walk away.

I have learned walking away I get no where, and my stuff gets stolen, or I get fucked in the ass. I'm always in the wrong. I'm just done with it. For me to walk away and say nothing with this behavior, this bully won't stop coming back. I can't even ask a question in purgatory without offending someone or I'm told I should of handled things differently. My whole life, and Truth is, I am aware of the bad behavior and I have walked away, this is how I got here. I'm still not really angry just more in shock, once again at the absurdity. This woman is having a baby and she can't handle a question? She keeps pushing and going on the attack. I'm sorry people not everyone is gonna walk on egg shells around your bullshit behavior and your good excuses for it.

She's standing in the door way following me out screaming at me if I wasn't pregnant, your lucky I'm not pregnant pregnant." I dropped my shoulders and head I said "Oh great another good excuse for your bad behavior, just what society needs." Only words people. Sticks and stones. Still she's following me over a question? I was matter of fact about it. I get to the steps I turn to take the second step up and she throws a rock and it hit me in the back as I turned away. I look to my left and all around me people are watching her, and I am angry now, because I know I have free reign to go after her. If I do I look like the out of control woman who attacked a pregnant woman. Always in this position. I do the right thing once again, I call the police, I said to her even out here in front of everyone you just made my point.

The 911 operator asked if there was a weapon or drugs. I said just the rock. She said, well your not injured so they'll be out when they get there. DaKing my neighbor said, "Since when is a rock not a weapon? I know right?"

Finally the cop comes, I'll go talk to her, there's nothing I can do. I loose it. "I said, "as usual, it seems you guys always have an excuse for why you can't do something. Always a new law to help you do nothing more than be a babysitter. I do what I am supposed to, and you are a waste of my time. I am a woman and after a policeman stood outside my tent, he goes that wasn't me. No it wasn't but it was your system and how it works. I know why people don't like cops.He is walking away, I said, your useless. I shut my door.

You know what I got from all this, something I'll have to remember when the day comes? "A rock is not a weapon." I'm sure I'm going to get to use it to my advantage someday. I do feel sorry for the cops too, but all this hand tying is really pissing me off. I'm still only human after all. You know God, wasn't there something JC said when he was getting tested, its not my Kingdom yet? Yet is up God.

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