Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Sky Mother

All Along The Watch Tower/JH
After I returned from the doctor's yesterday I was shot. I had to get my own ride home. Luckily I grabbed a bus pass before I walked out the door. Been awhile since I've done this ride and today really isn't a good day to keep moving. On the other hand keeping moving when I hurt is how I got this far. In the beginning I said something about "walking through the pain." Little did I know then that this was the plan. Acceptance and being willing has helped me through some days, and others it's the anger that drives me. My other saying, "I ain't dead yet." My pain literally is all relative.

Born On The Bayou/CCR
I know anger is a bad emotion for the body to carry.  Bullshit, I call Bullshit! It depends what you do with your anger. Does it drive you? Does it push you to keep moving? That is the good anger. The bad is spite, vengeful behavior. Being a bully to someone else whom you know is less than you in that moment just to make you feel better and bigger is wrong.

Lips Of An Angel/Hinder
It doesn't mean this human being is less of a person. It doesn't mean they are of less value to this rock. What do you think happens to these people whom walk up to these counters and they once again get rejected in society? How did they get here in the first place? Your treatment and rejection of other's you pious piece of shits. I can't wait for the day I get to tell you, "no you may not eat from this families tree of life." No I'm not talking to anyone standing on each side of these counters. I'm talking to the creations of this hot mess, that apparently I have been chosen to come back and clean up. I'm not happy about that either,

Come Together
Then yesterday, I stripped down ready to crash curled up on my heating pad. The television is on. Background noise helps me shut down. It's on Ancient Aliens. The answer's to my questions? I grabbed my pen and pad tired. Yet laughing. It's so funny, it's not funny.

These two "The Great Flood and Aliens & The Civil War" Yes, I needed a refresher and I'm having a hard time tracking the Presidents and these wars. Nothing like starting out from ground zero, literally on everything. In the beginning I heard the word Bush, I knew this had something to do with "the Bush'." I just didn't expect it to be my bush that's at stake.  The White Stain on the black dress that came my way. I knew it had something to do with "the Clinton's" It's washed away don't worry.

Cover Me/The Boss
I hadn't a clue whom Freya was at the time. As far as ISIS is concerned the only ISIS I knew of in 2015 was the war. I had no idea their was another ISIS when I heard the name standing on that oil can saying "The Lords Prayer and singing This Land IS My Land." Then of course the oil pipeline running it's way through a Dakota/Lakota tribe. Thirty people to stand ground, one a pregnant woman attacked by dogs. I am so sick of this Shiite. All your illegal backroom antics and it's now in court. Truth is it never should of happened in the first place. They as in this System, wants humanity to stay separated. Tribe by tribe. Mountain by mountain they try and stake their claim. Well boys that's what I'm here for.

Something To Remind You/Staind
I do not understand how humanity can turn such a blind eye to your rock? I watch these shows I get pissed at the illusion and lie that Mother Nature can't put out. Mother Nature is right here. This System slowly over time tied it all up and took control, to create the illusion that we are meant to go live on another rock? Judge Judy, here's to you. "Your IDIOTS." That felt good.

I Won't Back Down/TP
Ancient Aliens and their documentaries are Truth. Not all of what they see, but remember the Egyptians and other life forms were here first. Those souls did not die. It kills me this is still labeled Myth. It's absurd people. Atom, the creator, then Atum, then the Adam's family do we ascend. As long as you have love and light you have a place in heaven, it's that simple. It's what you do with love that counts upstairs, in your home and that animal kingdom in the sky. It's our kingdom people, right along with this rock that feeds you everlasting life.

Wish You Were Here/PF
Not the droids, not the banks and not the heartless machine. I want the cloud gone. It was never meant to be on this rock. That I do mean. You as humans, letting machines control you, are here to experience life in all forms. Not to have a system and machine keeping tabs on your character defects. I want the droids gone in camera and human form. Not on this rock you don't. It is a humane rock with us, human beings. Can't be imperfect human beings experiencing heaven on earth with a machine controlling humanity.  I know we are just shells, but as these shells, we are human beings needing to be fed humanely. Do not litter up my rock with your machinery and garbage again. Don't you ever label my humans and beasties as garbage again. Don't you ever try to replace or overthrow my human beings again.

Beast Of Burden
"Mt. Hermes and The Watchers", my tribe too. Not as mad about this family branch today. I guess I'm the Hermit in this story line, this time around. Undercover Angel. Hope locked in a box. Yup, that's me, The Truth Seether. Yeah!!! Now get me out of this box.

How can I explain this? Let's turn it around, We are the one's being played from the outside in. It is written in these books of hope all across the globe we are not the highest being. In prayer and religion we pray to a higher being. That is what I mean Sloth comes from out going in. Your Truth is the light inside you.

Cherry Bomb/JM
We placed higher beings in the wrong box from lack of knowledge and education. The whole plan is to shut down the human being from evolving, through the ego in religion, misdiagnosis/labels and pharma. Kill off the planet with the machinery and garbage. We created blanket laws and blanket insurance to feed the human race. Purgatory and Hell's creation on my rock? I don't think so. Your partner is not less than in Gods eyes and they shouldn't be in yours either. That one is lower, the other higher? Just the challenges and unrealistic expectation in that? This system likes it. This mother does not. Teamwork and village people. It's not the organics that cause the schizophrenia and it's not schizophrenia, its your guides, your guides are the Angels and other beings. We are not the highest beings on this rock. You can go as high as you wish, don't destroy humanity and other beings.

One Last Breath/Creed
The man whom ingested the bath salts, here in this Washington? It's the synthetic poisons in this, that brings out the wrong primal beast in the human body. He started eating another human being. It is the synthetic drugs and food creating the poison in the human body. It brought alive the primal beast that we all carry inside us. Here on my rock, you behave like humane beasties or you can get the flock off my rock. In the long run we become dependent to the poison.

Night Moves/BS&TSBB
It's the buildup of all the synthetics in our organs overtime.It's the poison and the anger that brings the emotions of the primal beast inside the human body. If human's had already known about this we wouldn't be here today. They used Manson and the murders to create the wrong propaganda on the wrong drug. He was mentally ill. Anyone whom thinks murder is an awesome solution is not a healthy being. We are not mentally ill, we are tired and oppressed inside and out.

The Night/The Boss
It's hurting us from the inside out. The human body is overworked, over stressed and overtired. That is why all the uppers, all the high caffeine and sugar drinks, littering up my rock. It is keeping our human bodies suffering in one form or the other. If this isn't the other C.I., IC Criminal Intent and murder at, mass production. I am angry about this. All across the globe.

The Midnight Special/CCR
During the Civil War, soldiers reported seeing George Washington's ghost guide them in the right direction. Yes, back to the apple I go. I knew this had something to do with this Washington and well that Washington. When I was a lil' girl when I looked at the Bishop family line especially my Grandma Lily, she looked like George Washington.

Sweet Home Alabama
Abe kept seeing two faces in the mirror. One old and one young. Hilarious! Mary Todd as well as the other founding fathers, including Ben Franklin believed in a polar universe and that they got their information from higher beings. Now before I go any further, you cocksuckers, you know who the flying flock you are, good luck thinking I am an illegal Alien on this rock. Neener, Neener, Neener suck my big wiener. I found something else that just lit my fire? Another P.O.L. yes, I feel empowered, her name "Sky Woman." I call her "Sky Mother" because of her description.

Free Fallin'/TP
Kiss my Lily White Ass those that want to kill me and mine off. She is described as "The Mother of the first human beings." Abe Lincoln insisted during the Gettysburg to still create this statue of a native woman on top of a dome shaped building. She's carrying fringe blanket over her left shoulder.

Savin' Me/NB
Yes! Why is there a blanket over her left shoulder you clock flocking sons of bitches? You Idiot Beings from higher up didn't want humanity to know that the man is on the left, His Son (not yours) and the female to the right. It is the Mother Of All Mother's whom has the right hand of God. No mothers, no bread of life, no milky way to feed you and all you lil' beasties IC inside you. You think you've seen Bridezilla? You ain't seen nothing yet.

Pink Houses/JM
Whose your mama now? I freely admit, I gotta lil' black in me. Feelin' a lil' cocky, struttin' my stuff. I'm thinking because, it makes me cry, Rosa Parks, I haven't had an actual introduction. This isn't racism God, it's oppression. God your such an Asshole for all this. I might be nice to you when this is done. Don't think I didn't notice all those storms bouncing across my screen. Hilarious! The storms a brewing.

Wild Horses/TRS
Let It Be/Beatles
Against The Wind/BS&TSBB, Bring it Big Daddy, I'm ready to dance. The way I'm feeling today, to destroy this being with the wrong plan. I will dance on my feet. I will dance on my knee's. Hell God today, I'll even dance on all fours. I'm just a making of your creation, Big Daddy. Tink, dancing in the land of giants.
Hotel California/My Eagles
Jack and Diane/JM
Far From Home/FFDP
Born To Run/The Boss


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