Tuesday, August 29, 2017


I'm sad. I'm tired and I am burned out walking through this health care system. It is exhausting. My new Osteopath couldn't get my lower ribs to adjust. I'm to flexible for that technique. She didn't even read my chart before she met with me. It was Michael that got that crone back to finally adjust last night. It was Michael who got the knots at the base of my neck down. It hurts so good.

As I'm screaming in whispers, inching my body like an inch worm, trying to move away from the pain. I know I have to go through this or I'm stuck. I get locked out of alignment, then my muscles spasm, solidify and form the knots. Here I sit once again, between appointments and red tape. I just want a Chiropractor that can rack me and crack me. Not this passive aggressive slow process technique of a solution. I cannot wait to destroy those who put me in this hell hole. You want this mother to pay for your blind eye in any service in which I have paid? Never any help from this system. I am so angry for what you have put me and mine through. Payback is gonna be a bitch.

I couldn't find anything on television to watch the other day. I hurt and needed to wind down. I thought it would be a good idea to re-watch Bible Conspiracies. I got all comfy on my heating pad. I do three circles before I get things just right. I'm kidding. Actually in my own way, I do do that.
Highway Don't Care/TMcG
I had my purple blanky and little pillow ready to fall asleep. I think I've only watched this one once or twice. Hard to say because I don't sit still long enough and if I do, I crash. I think my body is still re-cooping from what ever intestinal infection I had. It was when my doctor said I had dark spots like gas bubbles on my left hip x-ray. I told her, I don't have gas. Is a matter of fact gas isn't even a symptom. It was when the doctor who did the procedure said, you have dark patches all in the lining of your stomach. Must of had it a long time. I know one thing, I didn't start out in this last go around of this poisonous apple I see inside me.

If I Die Young/TBP
This bullshit is all new and once again, I'm left to suffer. That's the whole point right God? You take your H.E.N. and all your service and labels it entails and shove it up your ass. The ones you give the worst labels, you give the least service too. Your mentally ill. Your disabled, your veterans and elderly you run and run them don't you? Making a nice living off of the weak ones aren't you? You politician's, lawyers, banking and insurance all made a living off your weak by creating a bigger healthcare industry. More schooling and less service. You allowed your schools to serve insurance didn't you? You passed laws to serve it using humanity all to make a profit off the wrong stock and prophet?

Say Something/CA
Finally got a pain contract, did the pea test. I have passed all my pea test with flying colors and their is no excuse anymore for this bullshit. Still told to come back. It will take 48 hours, it turns out it was back on Friday. I call back, I don't know what the next step is? The receptionist said, you have another appointment in mid September and another in October.  Even then I'm not even sure if we get to start the rinses in my muscles. This is what you get, I have done nothing to deserve this tree of life. This label that has been placed upon me. The fallen angel. You will see just how far I have fallen. Don't know what's on the other side until you've been there? I do remember. Five more days for this rock and you assholes got five more years? Nine layers of hell I sent you back in 2015, and all I had was my book of Angels 101 to guide me along. I didn't even know then their were nine layers, hell I'm better than I thought. Learn something new every day in this hard knocks school of life I lead.

Almost Lover/AFF
Touched by poison to create a new inoculation and yes it turns out I am exactly what you made me. A product of your society. Just like you did to humanity with all your war games because none of you grown up educated people can put it all together for the greater good.

Change Would Do You Good/SC
This rock, peace and serenity inside. I hate you all for putting me through this. Upstairs and downstairs. My angel's, my babies, my beasties, and just what the flock did you do to my rock? What were you thinking? Do you know what you have done? Do you know what you have created with all your oppression and suppression, which is just a fancy word for slavery. Slavery comes in all forms. Slavery comes in all shapes and sizes. You hold food, water medical and shelter over another human beings head and it is slavery. This system has lots of negative labels to place on you when you stand up and speak truth, or hell they just kill you and the whole damn lot.They don't care, your money is as good as gone. Gods not gonna take it because these assholes already control it all.

Like I'm Gonna Lose You/JT
I had been thinking about ISIS lately. I don't know who she is, well I didn't. Sitting here crying with my fist balled out to the sides, then my arms cross my chest and I cry. The emotions and all these honorable women who are here for me and mine. I didn't know anything about these ladies. I'd have to say these ladies are the big hitters.

Once You Loved Somebody/DC
I'm torn. I don't know what they want me to with all this enlightenment. I'm tired of others not knowing what they are talking about try to give me advice. Their is no service people. It's just a system. A machine of numbers. I'm getting that this isn't just the last throw down between the Angels, Alien's and Demons, it's the machines you all created and gave life too. Permission to run and rule this rock. Humanity is enslaved and I can't stop this. They have gone to far long ago and Gods been taking names and checking numbers this whole time.

Strawberry Wine/DC
Right at the beginning of  Bible Conspiracies it said two names, Mary and ISIS. Remember I only pick up stuff here and there. My little head and ears sprung right up. Then Acts 2:14, it makes me cry actually it's a hard day I recon and its only 8:30 a.m.

Loving Arms/DC
 "A VOICE OF ONE CALLING IN THE DESERT I PAVE THE WAY FOR GOD. MAKE STRAIGHT FOR THE WILDERNESS A HIGHWAY FOR GOD. MAKE STRAIGHT FOR THE WAY FOR THE LORD" Well I recon it started in the desert and the other P.D.L., I was wondering whose God this time around? There is my answer Mr. Big Daddy himself sitting down I-5, that rose line to paradise for this rock, I still don't know how I feel about this betrothal. I as a human feel bought and sold. After all the oppression and the labels placed on every walk of life trying to escape or make a change, to this Monopoly right here in my land of freedom? I do not think so.

Little Do You Know/A&S
I got my other answer too. Uhm!!!! I'm JC this time? Are you nuts? Have you seen the size of this rock? Then Virgo and the virgin? Me and Kevin. He is a Virgo, like my brother and father I believe.
Mt. Olive the fault line runs East to West. Started in the East and it's going to end in the old west this time around. You all have not figured out that JC was here for his mother his rock, is so ASININE. You mother flocking Idiots that think your gonna pull this shit off? It gets better.

Assassin that will assassinate. Amir means 1995. Back to my panther pride, and this mothers cougar pride IC God. Includes the assassination of Kennedy's. Couldn't buy my families loyalty could you? Old Jews didn't believe JC was the Messiah? Wow! God sends his Son here for you, and you abandon him, and had Pilate kill him for you?  You couldn't figure out we are all his children, all his beasties? All so we don't ruin a party, selling all your bullshit and propaganda over that mother flocking gold coin.

 I Love The Way You Lie
This is the part that makes me cry? How humanity values an object over life today. Fear for survival in your heart? Whose hand have you been eating from all these centuries? Where did it get humanity God? Back to the beginning. Back to the same old fight. Over this rock, to feed humanity. Where's your faith in your Father, Your Son, your Higher Power that walks inside you. God sends you another angel to stand in front of you, whom put it all out there on the line for you all to judge?

So Small/CU
No finding out the whole story of the Messiah and this universe is me? Quite the quandary some moments. You all think you have problems. Today, I got bigger fish to fry. Keep moving.
ISIS and Horus, the Orion Star, those three stars and another Alex. I found my other apple from way back too? Appleoneuis. Yes God they were Jew Giants. Jesus Is the reincarnation of Elijah. My brother Kiley's Irish Twin. What's in a name? Volumes.

Gunpowder and Lead/ML
Sweet Child Of Mine/Guns and Roses, baby girls. Guns and Roses baby girls. You give it all you got. You bring it all out.
Longview/Greenday makes me cry. I hate you for all these tears in this family tree. Pay. Pay you will. Now stop holding me back God.

Want To/Sugarland
Come on "make my day."
Then yesterday this Hurricane Harvey, 30,000 lives? You assholes, look what you have done to humanity. I want you to remember what God said, you shall burn and turn to dust. Ashes to ashes dust to dust brother.

Cowboy Take Me Away/DC
Tin Man/ML
Your Side Of The Bed/LBT
Amazed by Lonestar
Here Comes Goodbye/RF
Set Fire To The Rain/Adele
Here's some food for thought, our animal kingdom, our domestics in life that chose to come here to this rock to help you. Look how you have treated them? Stop turning my carnivores into rabbit's.  Stop altering the animal kingdom. Stop abusing them. Stop hunting them for yo9ur trophies. They don't belong to you. They belong to my family and if you can't treat my family with respect and part of your pride, then get the flock off my rock. I don't give a flying flock what enterprise you come from, your bad behavior is no longer welcome here.


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