Thursday, August 31, 2017

Jar Of Hearts

Record Year
It had better be a record year after the day I had going around with these guys? The second day after Michael got the left side of my rib cage to adjust, and day two did not like me none. It sunk in how long I have needed that part of my spine to adjust. It didn't matter how much I pulled and twisted my lumbar the pain couldn't release all this time because of those ribs right by my solar plexus. I paid, right along with my left wing kicking back in.

One Of These Nights/Eagles
On top of that I looked up the actual results, I mean what they meant on my MRI? Surgery? I was hot on and off all day about this. I did not care the outcome it's this date of 9/11/2017 coming around? Every year I do a spiral around this date and these headlines? The thought of fighting with one arm behind my back? For this fight? Future Trip?

I'd Be There/UK
Do you think? Still I worked out, no real drugs, I got heat and ice and I don't give a flying flock? I had to do my usual tirade fighting with this family tree upstairs?

Pass by Country Roads/JD I don't have it in me and now Faithfully by Journey.
Assholes, I can't write with my emotions and have to stop and keep going back to this bullshit. Earlier same station and it is kick ass, at home it this lalala love shit. I'm so sick of this love shit playing in my ears.

A few things sunk in yesterday that it was my Uncle Chambers who got me to change the direction of my rocks. True story. One thing Mummy Dearest mentions every time are the bag of rocks I'd drag under my bed.

After a few years you get used to hearing your parents mantra's. It dawned on me the conversation at the time? My mother as usual never asked me why I did this?

Without You/DC
Like Alex said, it's the right hand and you two? My mother would just go off in her tirade walking by me but never asking, just telling other people.

The scene usually went something like this. She'd be down on her hands and knee's pulling all the crap I usually stashed under my bed, she'd be cussing and swearing away all pissed off. Same thing every time.

Leave The Pieces/The WRECKERS
Out would come the bag of driveway rocks in whatever bag I'd get my hands on. I wasn't picky about my rocks, not then anyway. "God Dammit Colleen" there you go with these rocks again, as she'd go stomping by with her right hand in the air, still yelling on her way to the garbage can. After awhile my Uncle Marvin said "Knot Head I hear you've been having some rock issues?" It was news to me but okay.

Someone Like You/Adele
He got his hands on a rock polisher. Hell my Uncle had a huge garage full of this kind of shit. Old cool stuff, that's why I played in the attic and garage. He taught me about polishing rock's. He started out teaching me about different kinds of rocks. As it turns out I can still swing a bad situation into good one after all.

(back to present time)
Bless The Broken Road/RF
Then by the end of the evening my tirade winded back down into "Oh come on. Your God's for Christ Sake, you can just stitch me up? Do a little white magic with the needle and threads? Come on after all this all this work in rebuilding my tree of life, your gonna make me start over again? Your gonna lay me up and put me through pill hell? No mother flocking way, you can't put my body through another thaw out and re-build. I can't do it, I don't have it in me. I don't have it in me physically, I don't have it in me emotionally, to do this again and get nowhere. Please God, don't make me do this again. How much more can you guys put me through?"

I started watching Damien on Hulu. Thought it was time to see who this 666 bitch is? What is this 666 beast all about? The first episode and look at her name?  Another Anne. The other thing that I didn't like to hear was the word Trump? How many times have I said "When trumpet's blare? You bet I want this done. I see all to clear how this system with the insurance have repressed, suppressed, and oppressed all these homeless. The ones taking the blame and the hits from all families and all walks of life. No help for the pain, just more blame and hell. Your veterans, your disabled, your elderly. The rest landlord tenant and economy bullshit. Your family, your sisters, your brothers from all walks of life in those heavens. I kept doing that Sentry pace yesterday. The pace Antoinette pointed out to me that I do.

Just A Dream/CU
These people can't speak for themselves. They have no representation. The abuse of this over time pisses me off. The abuse and rejection and some with the label addiction, and the rest are assumptions from you, with all your blanket justice system wiping out humanity by the herd. Whose gonna pay for the liability for these people? In my country? Rage.

Don't you ever let slip from your mouths that these lepers carrying all your poison and your lies for this rock, that they are unworthy. Don't you ever let me hear out of your mouths that they could of done better. Don't you ever say to me what they should be thankful for. That I do mean. I'm sure that fortunate man that works with Michael as a delivery driver is doing his job for his health. To keep him motivated? Motivated to do what? Eat? Literally he walks bent in half and their is no excuses for what I am looking at. Nor is the homeless woman in the wheel chair that hangs out across the way, or her friend who cares for her.

I hope you dance/LAW
I watched a impoverished gentlemen today offer another woman his seat up front to another woman. Do you know why he was up front with the elderly? He had a wheel chair, a walker and a mother to take care of. When I see this, I cry. This man has integrity. This man is a man. I see respect and honor in how he treats another human being, which is more than I can say for some of you entitled younger generations. Don't ever let me here these words come out of your mouth when you speak of my family from all walks of life. The ones who had Faith that God had a plan for his flock and this "Lil Bo Peep didn't lose Gods flock like you think. I don't care what walk of life you think they descend from,

(One more interruption and I'm gonna cut someone's tail off behind their ears)
I know one thing for certain? Humanity as a whole is making a living off this countries homeless. Let's pick on the weak and defenseless right? You feel good about yourself?

Make You Feel My Love/Adele
These people that you label have more Grace and Honor inside them because they had courage, they had heart. You take a look around our Nation and at all the other Nations that have been living in this hell hole of a life for centuries, right up that family line. You might want to take note that I said up. You wonder why God is back with His Sunshine this time? Slavery to the gold, the green, the food and all your electronics filling this rocks land fills. They created a industry out of humanities suffering in the treatment centers, justice system, the insurance, the banking system, the employment and the education system and all the mark up and high cost on all this, especially humanities gardens.

Whiskey Lullaby/AK
IC very clearly how we value not only the coin, but an object more than humanity. Look around you I'll just bet that business for this economy and this rock could be done allot smarter for all, not just you one percenter's and their minions?

You bet your sweet ass I'm watching Damian for some pointers. I realized one thing right off the bat, I don't have none of that dark energy moving around me. That old Crone his whole life? Flock that shiat. I did not find it hard to believe that the Catholic Church knows the Truth and handle's it's business quietly. They to are in the same position, the lower ones that have to report to the higher ups, who turn a blind eye to the Truth of whats going on. It's in every sect, fear. Others holding fear of God and damnation over your head. Hilarious they don't know all of it. No I have no Trust in this sect, I have Faith and Trust in God and that family upstairs, but not any one sect in this life.

Burning House/Cam
Not sure whats up with the seven daggers?  I get the impression that it has something to do with my childhood. Sleeping with my arms across my chest, feeling like those black things want to stake me in the chest. I'm not sure what is up with that Wisdom episode? I don't see any Wisdom in believing any dark energy in Satan's sect is going to be loyal? Keep his promise after all those years served? If I had to choose, I choose up, no matter whom is up, not anything from down below. YUUUCKKKK!!!!!!

Then I remembered Blasphemous? The Beast Blasphemous that comes up out of the water with I think seven heads and ten crowns. Where is it again God that all this blasphemous writing comes from? Then yesterday it dawned on me why I look to the water when I get lost? What do you think God, is that Beasty mine? I'd have to give it a yes. Yeah it seems God is playing both sides.

You And Me/Lifehouse
Ya know God, it's pretty ironic how humanity chose to see things from two perspectives? Considering all these different perspectives an how they really do add up? It's sad really how some of us want to sit and suffer instead of lift themselves up and out? Sure do talk a good game however.

I'm Movin' On/RF

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