Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Holiday/ Boulevard Of Broken Dream by Green Day

Woke up at about 2:30 to 3 a.m. yesterday past M. on his way to bed. Scrolling through Hulu looking for something boring that I could fall back to sleep to. Look what I spied with my little eye? Another number 9. Not science fiction this time. It was on the rise and fall of Spitzer, New York City's Attorney General. It looks like its going to be another work day. I admit I have a love/hate relationship with my job.

I go ahead make my coffee and start my morning. Pull out my note book, get my weed, make sure my smokes are close by. I admit I only got part way through, it said the names that gave me a spark in my heart. Coincidentally, because you know I have allot of those, while M. was getting ready for work on Sunday, I needed to turn my mind off so I turned on a comedy. Something to lighten me up. "Mr. Woodcock" and on this show they just happen to mention Sodom and Gamara. Not even sure on spelling yet.

Helmet/Wilma's Rainbow
I look at Michael, "what's Sodom and Gamara? You don't know the biblical story of Sodom and Gamara?"  He gives me a quick run down on Sodomy, and how God destroyed these two cities. My mind went to the truth and confusion about the sexual behaviors? Rape, and boy did these boys fuck this nation in the ass? Rape is rape. Rape of this rock not only affects your mothers, your bread of life, but hey men, let me yank your chain some, because its my turn. Rape is taking something that doesn't belong to you. You are a thief. I watched the documentary on Bill and Batman, I loved it when the attorney said, "just because you have it in writing saying it is true, it does not make it true."

Kryptonite/3Doors Down
Where to begin? Morally? What all this high handed attitude about power and money has done to our economy, humanity, and this planet? All these wars? All this stress? Working two jobs to survive, all this high cost of living adds up to nothing but bullshit. All your cock fights about the wrong kind of power, and it all comes down to money, instead of mankind? Take note you assholes with a kickstand, including those in the closet fucking everyone else in the ass from one way or another, behind the scenes. Eating at my table? I think not.

They don't give a flying flock. Hell you even allowed them to take your life. Survival of the fittest? Since when does survival about the fittest become about money and not mankind? Hence humanity, in case any of you derogatory assholes want to plant another label on my head, I'm not a liberal. I'm not a feminist, because you assholes have taken everything good from the start every time someone steps forward to represent what freedom really is? Freedom is humanity, freedom is this rock. freedom is one for all, and you have issue with this, well you know what you can do? You can get the flock off my rock.

D.R. Horton take that Washington State Basic Building Standards that you really work under and get the flock off my rock. Your basic standards is a lie right along with that flag you place on all your signage. You create more garbage than your worth.

Back to Spitzer Number Nine, when I saw an awesome A.G., lose his job over sex, I about lost my shit. Using another moral character assassination on sex? This is between him and his wife. You all hold yourselves to such a moral high standard sexually and you lock yourselves in boxes. It is okay for a Corporation to get all indignant about stealing humanities money, yet a man has a sexual relationship in which he is paying for? Frankly not stealing anything, free exchange. No don't think what he did to his wife, all those years invested in this marriage? The embarrassment she was put in is not okay. You should be ashamed. Shame on who? Shame on you, where's your faith? Where's your higher power? WHERE'S YOUR HEART?

Losing MY Religion/Out Of Time
Whom really did this? You vultures, all of you trying to make a dime on a photo opp and destroy a heavily stressed out man. You reading it, enjoying someone else's suffering. Pointing fingers. His life changed and so did his needs. Yes he should of discussed it with his wife, but deal people. Sex is a healthy outlet for stress for both sexes. Look what you have done with all your legal ease and jargon. All your religion and judgement of each other destroyed each other. We helped create the distension in families, with all this stress on God's Love, God's Flock, God's Rock?

It's Not Over/Daughtery
Their is no justice in this system just like it says in Revelations. We really are serving a machine and taking each other out. Who's paying? From what I can see all of us. You only see my unworthy and the lepers you created out of humanity with the assumption, their is a program to help everyone now. My meek shall inherit this earth and my family who has heart. My beasties, my flock of angels and enlightened beings. My families stars, my families sun. my families moon, my families rock. No heart you don't belong to me, that's the way I see it. Get to stepping in the other direction.

I am so angry in more ways than one I have to go shed my tears now.

Fly/Sugar Ray
Shinedown/Fly From The Inside
The Reason/Hoobstank
1,2,3,4/Plain White T's
Shine/Collective Soul

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