Saturday, August 5, 2017

From A to Z IC

From A to Z IC
About a week ago walking to the Transfer Transfer station from the Urban Bush I took a photo of a green delivery truck. It was a wine truck from Oregon that had one tree with two stems, and up above in big letters it said, "From A to Z. Yesterday morning I didn't feel like music, turned on the T.V. and it was on the History Channel, Ancient Aliens all day. I needed a refresher.
Back In Black/AC-DC
I kept thinking it's all this mythology that is so confusing. Just because I meet them does not mean I know from where they descended from. It's the malevolent energy that I watch for having faith in God that he's not going to introduce me to anything that I'm not supposed to meet at this point.
Right now it's the Greeks and the Egyptians. All these Deities and Folklore's are killing me in this history lesson. Who the flying flock is who again God?
Spirit In The Sky/NG
The shows that came on yesterday went back around and taught me a little more. It was getting hot, the power went out. I can't sit around, it is not who I am. Always moving and if I don't keep moving, I'm gonna pay. Everyday at some point I have to get on this white log. Gage my pain, stretch, extend and hold. My goal is to keep the channels open. If I get a snap, crackle, pop just from stretching then it needed to happen. It's my tree of life not this H.C.S., anymore.
Rock You Like A Hurricane/Scorpions
On Thursday Mike was off. I did my walk in the morning, I get to "Oh thank heaven for 7'11" in the same lot as "Kings Cleaners" there on the ground is a white feather with light grey tips, I should of known it was going to be a dancing day and in this heat. All along on my walk my music is playing. I have a hot pink lighter in my left hand, a feather in my right letting the music move me. Talking to God, I get to my half way point at Mikes work, stick my white feather in the pocket of my sky shirt, grabbed a smoke out of the same pocket, light up I look down and there on the ground, a large black feather. I realize I'm standing on a white diamond shape with a dot in the middle, one line one top, one on the bottom, Here comes my dancing feet, it was then I realized God really did have a plan from A to Z. Mike's work Auto Zone.
There I stood in the morning sun dancing my feet away with my black feather and hot pink lighter. The music playing on shuffle, Rocket Man and this is my calling. My P.D.L. My dancing feet.
Walk This Way/Aerosmith
Have You Ever Seen The Rain/CCR
Hot Blooded Foreigner

Crazy Train/Ozzy
The Ancient Aliens I watched, Past Prophecies Of Iraq, Alien Devastation, The Doomsday Prophecies, Alien Power Plants and Mt Kailosh, Aliens And The Red Planet. I moved throughout my day with the television on, I fell asleep the the Dahli Lama. the Tibetans, beliefs in the reincarnation of souls and beings. Their it is what I have been saying all along, "our bodies are but shells of who we really are inside. I am a vessel." I am comprehending and learning this "one with all", right along with my dreams from my past lives or other dimensions. Only learning a few months back that at the end of these dreams, I meet a man.
Rainbow In The Dark/Dio
Sitting here this morning wondering where to begin I found a site that compared all the mythology names, again. I'm reading through how Horus is the Son of Osiris and ISIS. Horus is the "Great Egyptian Sky God of The Sun and The Moon." Osiris was murdered by his brother Seth. Any of this ring a bell? He cut up Osiris body into 14 pieces and spread them out. ISIS gathered her husbands pieces and re-created her husband. Osiris parents are Ghet and Nuit. then I realized "Atum the Father is a descendant from the nines. At first I thought "oh shit, that ain't good. Not for the asshole beings trying to destroy my rock. Then the tears started to flow, looking through these names and how we are all related throughout times. "This is my family tree God."
Rock and Roll/LZ
Looking through these names and discovering more sisters and brothers whom were wed or cohorts. EWWWW God! Not again. All these in-breads in my family tree, still trying to adapt to this myself.
Apollo- Sun, Music, Healing hands
Ares- Mars, Aries, War, Red planet, twin hills with the Sphinx on Mars. All these Anna's and Mummies are descendants from the Annanaki's.
The Joker/SMB
Atlas- Carried the weight of the heavens on his back. This is the disc in my tree of life that that demon dog, who hit me with rocks like fist. He straightened my TMJ right at the beginning of this journey. Then I discover the name of C1 is Atlas and he shifted that back into alignment which helped my migraines immensely. It was when I went back to the Chakra's spiraling down my tree of life. These Chakra's depending which Hindu spirit you follow names of flowers, mountains and the solar plexus helps humanity connect universally. Then we get to the heart of the matter. Keep ascending up to your voice box. Boy what a curse I've got. The voice chakra and the third eye, this is JC's cross of life and where his head hung. He along with this father own this animal kingdom right down that T-zone of life. In the beasties, and well my honey bee's sweet golden nectar.
You've Got Another Thing Coming/JP
Ra- Great Sun God/Doesn't another religion call Ra, The Great Sun God a demon?
Bat- A fertility Goddess in the form of a cow. Isn't their a religion that worships cows?
Iris- Goddess of Rainbows. Maybe I should be nicer to my family in my discoveries of all this proof of life.
Bast- A cat headed Goddess. Didn't the Catholic church rule the Titans bad because they claimed they were worshiping a cat in private?
Geb- God of earth/Gaia neither male nor female energy. She just is. Like an angel, she is also her own spiritual being.
Priapus- I like his role God. I like his characteristics. I just hope it's a family trait. My first staff went to Kevin's belly button. Imagine my surprise, "wait, let me look again. Where did it go? You mean they aren't all like that God? They come in different shapes and sizes and I have to adapt?"
Ma'at- Another Ma, her role Justice and Law. You dumbshait's in your justice system serving a machine and wiping out humanity. Vultures of my rock. Ambulance chasers trying to make a dime, some just look real good doing it. Meet my Ma.
Ogdoad- another branch in my family tree, another eight IC.
Zeus my big daddy IC, you were quite the player. Quite the man whore spreading his seed. I ascend from a real naughty family tree, but what am I going to do? It is you humans whom set the standards on human behavior not my family. Zeus my big daddy had three for three on the sibling line. Three males and three females. Then Zeus had nine children from six women. Poseidon (poppy seeds, Oz, deep sleep, a sand man of sorts, the nursery rhyme "Ring Around The Rosey" coming back around for what you did to the Jewish in those ovens)  is the story line I watched when the demons came into his restaurant and started sniffing around. I knew then that is why I felt like I felt inside T.A.? That demon sniffing around me trying to take me out. If I had something in me he couldn't spot me. It was that heavy weighty feeling, the smell of the fecal matter and the oil. I couldn't see the computer screen. All those times different stages of awareness I had each time I returned, just trying to do my job.
Another Brick In The Wall/PF
His trinity of three his two brothers Hades of Hell and Hermes. Is this the three I have God against the three brothers I watched in my dream? The one with a cul-de-sac of three houses and three brothers, and the land next to there's a barn full of children's bodies. Stayed in a Motel the middle of nowhere knowing I was being followed. The end of my dream, standing in a house with a man and a woman, one was on some kind of board with the city, but it was the rest of the dream trying to protect these people. I knocked one out, tied him up and put him in the basement, but I still had two more.
More Than A Feeling/Boston
Selene- I loved Selene the moment I read about her. Luna is "The Goddess of the moon and vampires." The blood suckers of humanities energy. Working two to three jobs to pay rent. All these corporations and affiliate's with no S.O.S. (Service On Sales). Always wanting more energy from this planet with all this technology running. Keep humanity running and always hungry. Needing to survive.
Geb and his Twin Nut. Of course the female's name is nut God? Who drives us nut's God? All these nut jobs I get to walk through. The high cost of nuts. The labels we placed on the nuts in these institutions to shut down higher beings. Label them to shut them down, and pay a insurance. Suppression and oppression. Turn them off, so no one will notice while we slowly take over your rock. God I'm getting angry. I want all of these Angels, my family to fall from heaven.
Born On The Bayou/CCR
Nineveh- Now known as Iraq
Annanuki came here seeking gold.
Nike- belongs to this family and on my right twinkle toes I have a pink Nike emblem on my lace. I learn something new everyday.
Aah- LMFLAO! Another five God? Aah and Thoth were playing a game of dice which is another word for die and well Aah lost five days off the  Egyptian 360 day calendar. My family, gotta love them. Brothers never stop challenging each other.
Ramses- the second descendant of Osiris. Another Ram in my family tree.
Atum- I love this description God. Another version of the bread of life of which we ascended from. Atum is the creator of the world who began life as a single hill emerging from the water, created the other God's from his semen. Not the big bang theory, yet it is a symbol for Eve, the dust and Adam's rib. You God the creation of all Atom's are an energy over all these alien races. Humanity like religion, Science, and the Government. I mean all of you across every nation and land are not the highest being on this rock. Not by a long shot. Truth, yet humanity will take it as a threat.
The Dragon is the Monster at the top of the constellations. I strong armed Michael into eating out and sitting in this restaurant, I look up and on the ceiling is a circle. I see a bear and other animals. I looked at Michael and said. "okay Michael this is a strange location to see this, what exactly does it mean? He explained that at the end of the big dipper that it's the tail of a bear and that these are the four constellations to the four corners of the earth." Michael couldn't believe I didn't know all this
Welcome To The Machine/PF
I explained to Michael that over my lifetime I just start to learn something about myself, or I get the knack of something and it all systematically over time kept getting pulled out from underneath me. I only get a chance to learn the concepts of how things work over my life. I went onto explain that astrology is different from all these constellations. Part of the same system that works as one.
Fool In The Rain/LZ
Right down to all these big books, and the four religions of Hinduism, Buddhism. Judaism, and Dowism. Then I got all these man made religions with all these Johns to figure out, using the wrong kind of power, God's word versus sin? It makes me cry in the beginning, family, brothers, doors, and sisters, and all I had to work with was the "Book of Angels" to guide me. Hell I had no idea what the 3,6, and 9 even meant. Biblically no, but I bet I figured it out.
Then I come across something called the Codex, references the numbers 1 and 0. I got a zero and one for you assholes. Aten or a one you pick it's all the same to me. No one owns the keys to the code to this kingdom except me and mine. I got all my numbers from zero to one and no other number from there matters to me.
 Not my issue you dumbshiate's couldn't figure out we are a planet. Sitting in the middle of a universe and you think we are the highest beings? It is clearly stated everywhere in all these books of hope and death that we are not. I mean come on people, I recon the ones at top controlling everything want you to believe that. Like time before the O.T. didn't exist back then. None of those original souls from this rock, all those animals that were here first. We are all descendants from the animals and those animal constellation in the stars.
The Boys Are Back In Town/TL
Hey you want to be a star today, all you got to do is get your own reality show. Become famous, so entitled that you think you can go to court and get a legal document saying you own the name of your child and no one can have it. I have this to say, God owns the names of the children from this planet to the stars and I don't give a flying flock what any legal document in this court say's. Just because that document says it is so, it does not make it true. No one else can have this name, try telling God that you entitled flocks. Shape up, have some respect, have some grace and humility. Only religion makes you entitled right along following the wrong kind of stardom and money tree.
Creation of the Mayan calendar, how it ended in 2012, the difference between these two numbers and today is my other five. From beginning to end, in this lifetime I started in a five and it shall end in Camelot, my other five. I love this name, it's another cleaning place called Snow White Cleaners. Five days in that "Valley Shadow of Death", five pregnancies. Alex was born first "One half of my heart, and then Ki came and I was whole. Aten. God and my flock of angels have had to make this mother stronger than the son. His ten. I also figured out why that is, I have a trinity back up in the sky. That other five? When Walmart shut down five stores without a permit and used plumbing as the excuse. Really God?
Feelin' Satisfied/Boston
First born, un-named son, gave it back to God. I was not mature enough I felt. I did not want to repeat history in my family tree. I wanted to be as whole and ready as possible. Then my first born, Alex, my rock, my five, and my lucky number thirteen born opposite the 3:16 hour, that hour of the dead. My Grandma Bishop in my room all in purple at 3:16 a.m., The hour of the dead. I noticed Alex has mine and Greg's jaw, yet she has a heart shaped chin. (I went to fix a type O and the word chin was twin) yesterday it sunk in the photo I took of Alex on her travels standing in front of an alien display with her arms wrapped around. It's her pointy chin and those dark beings standing in my room. Definitely Alex's chin.
Then number three Kiley, who spoke to me from my womb during a meditation class. My light whom pretty much has dedicated her life and her future to God. So confused about boys, sex, God and her future. Get my baby out of the Convent please God.
Number four was my brother Todd. Miscarriage his name Elijah Todd, so he could have a peaceful name. I knew at the time it was Kiley's Irish twin and I was so heart broken over that. I had just accepted I will be stuck in a rocking chair in a nursery with two children at my feet. I had just accepted I was going to have to man up somehow. Do it once again with an emotionally absentee husband then I lost him. It was my energy drain that concerned me. I felt drained, not unhappy drained and deplete.
Dust In The Wind/Kansas
Then J.J., I wanted my own Jimmie Jane. I wanted my own lil' birdie, like my cousin J.J., but not with this father. He couldn't open his mouth without lying. He provided debt, that's what he provided. I did not like how he manipulated his daughter to get his way. I did not like that he allowed her to break rules at his convenience. I didn't like how he talked about his ex-wife with whom I always had compassion for because of her own mother. This is not a man you ever want to be the father of your children. He cleaned out my accounts and robbed me blind. Not caring about my own babies, all he cared about was his image, and his ego. He felt justified for his lies and actions and that man just in another way stole and destroyed my things that were of value to me.
Heaven And Hell/BS
Jim was a twin, his brother just another John. Jim worked at one of my brothers prison's along I-5, where his ashes used to be in a mausoleum. It was my grandfathers funeral that I walked over and placed one red rose.
Book of Jaguar Priest 13 and 9 Gods came to earth. Apocalypse/Armageddon, end of days. I see this entertainment industry has made a mockery out of Armageddon. We as humans hear and see it all over in the entertainment industry we have become immune to it. I mean really all these "Zombie and Vamp apocalypse movies?' Just another aversion from the Truth. Yet it is the Truth. Everyone being shut down and drugged up in one form or another to numb our emotions and this system does not care. They plan on collecting all that they can until then.
D'yer Maker/LZ
Tesla's murder so humanity stays enslaved to a system paying for electricity.  Newton and the apple, gravity. Gravity has a good place on this rock. However the curse of the apple comes when all the apples here in Washington, this Emerald City are poisoned. All because these aliens wanted to turn our food into a synthetic to poison us while they buy up and control all of this rocks resources. The Sheeple. God's flock is enslaved still.
Cold As Ice/Foreigner
I knew when it started out it had something to do with Washington. I kept seeing President Washington, only to discover I keep confusing two fathers. Einstein and Newton. Einstein and relativity, it turns out it is all relative and we are all related.
On The Run/PF
Jeremiah and the crying prophet. Has something to do with the people whom all of a sudden laugh and cry. That and the two polarities of having a mother and a father inside them. I'm going to kill this industry for all these lies God.
Babylon/Tower of Babel.
Zeus's Nemesis is Typhon, the God of Monsters to take over Mt. Olympus. Look where my Attorney General is located? In Olympia on Cherry Street. The rainbows emanating from the North to South Pole, that Rose Line in the Davinci Code goes North to South. Divine is that me God?
You know God, I don't even know where to begin on my tree of life with the Attorney General? My tree of life as a whole? How I have literally been stuck in a system medically and judicially who just like these corporations turn a blind eye to this tree of life. I mean God where do I begin, the root problem of this planet? My X, the 666 himself, the crux of the issue, that sits at the base of my neck for a car accident he caused 20 years ago, collected and never bothered to treat it?
You Really Got Me/VH
The crime he committed with Mary Stone? The theft of everything that I worked for and created with my own hands. Maybe I should just get to the heart of the matter God? How all these doctors for 19 years turned a blind eye, and this judicial system that works in conjunction. All these heartless bastards running the show making humanity slaves, to cover a health care system. They just re-created the depression and a way to pay for it. All working hand in hand living off this tree of life's suffering.
Good Times Bad Times/LZ
Sirius, The Star of Bethlehem. I had been wondering why this name kept popping up in my head lately? I found Paladies the 7 stars and the 12 signs in the zodiac right down to references in the Qur'an to Job. I found it on Finally learned how to spell Qur'an, my issue it will not be in my spell check once again.
I had been wondering about this name Tammy that has been a part of my life since about five? Their is a God Named Tammuz who was killed.
Shine On You Crazy Diamond/PF

Behind Blue Eyes/The Who
What a song God. It's not a good time for this. My favorite book "Blue Eye's" A woman and two men from another time. All ended up at a castle. Me, I married Cain and well now it ends, with "ole' blue eyes." Back to the son I go, back to the beginning to fix what is broken one last time. Together from the start, no this heart does not part.
Flaming Telepaths/BOC
Crazy Little Thing Called Love/Queen

House Of The Rising Sun/The Animals
Cities On Flame/BOC
Now your talking God. Let's get this party started. Once I read revelations, and I spotted with my lil' eye, a Garden Of Eden in the end of day's, and it was God's plan for my P.D.L. I had a new mission and I felt guilt free, just more determined and accepting of my beasty side.
Rock And Roll Ain't Noise Pollution/AC-DC
Did you know that the Rock and Roll sign is the Illuminati sign? Yeah, but then I remembered what my grand dad told me it meant? "I Love You." For me that's all I need to know. Discovering Anne Rice was closer to the Truth behind the Illuminati and whom holds the Truth behind closed doors? Let's just say I don't need no stinking names but one now, the lessons having been so Revealing about this Illuminati and who's going to get the bad apples out of this families tree of life once and for all. That other big R that IS going to go bye bye when all is said and done.

Lil Wing/JH
Make that a double God. Don't worry it's not R&R, I'm talking about Rules and Rituals on Gods Love, all you need is heart.
Highway Star/Deep Purple
A lil' sun to go with the lil' moon then the trinity is this Holy Spirit, this Rock God gave you to feed yourselves Love and food, forever he will provide. Shove that up Uranus Uncle Satan.
Twilight Zone by Golden Earring
Hey God, getting ready to walk out the door thinking about how cops aren't nothing more than baby sitter's with badges, trying to work with all this insane behavior. I'm not the legal system, I'm more of a Justice System wouldn't you say?
Light My Fire/The Doors
Hotel California by The Eagles
You can stab it with your steely knives but you can never leave. Welcome to Hell
Yes God now let's 69 man, a free exchange, balance. Sounds like a good ending to shut the gates of hell.
Burnin' For You/BOC
Let's see it Big Daddy. Where's my fire? Now stop teasin' and start pleasin' I am part beasty after all. I'm not to proud to get down on my knees the way you like it.
Gallows Pole/LZ
How Feasty. Let's play.
Dogs/Pf on Animals,
You know Big Daddy that website I found on mythology, I haven't even gotten to the Wolf section. I didn't even know there was a mythological story about wolves. Will I get to find out what the representation of the white wolf was sitting in my closet watching me at night? You know the one in Oregon from my childhood, he had all the little girls in red dresses climbing all over him. Then I mentioned the wolf to Kyle, not knowing completely what it meant then?
It had something to do with Oregon/Organ's and the dairy farm/The Milky Way. The evening Gwen ran her mini bike up a tree and left me at the edge of a tree line with all those red eyes lighting up under the moonlight as I drove by.  Then the squashing of the Lyncanthrope, that spirit animal we all carry inside us. The ones these higher powers that be never wanted you to find out. Part of the insanity plea I recon, part of the reason they are slowly eroding away mother nature. Hoping no one would notice the connection.
Black Feather, White Wolf the animal, the beasty, the demon inside you. That Red and Black IC. What is it gonna take God to light up those two days and two nights of no moon, and no sun? This is the end of the line. What that black star did working behind that black pentagon, standing out in plain sight, eating at our tables, pretending to feed us, yet burn out our energy, kill us off and shut down humanity any way it can by getting you hooked into the system any which way it can. Addiction, depression, or injury. Once it does, it has it claws in you. Once in, their ain't no getting out. It's all a numbers game, a monopoly, charging humanity to survive on Gods Rock? I don't think so.
You know what you can do, if you don't like my house rules about love and life running this enterprise? You can get the flock off my rock. Please do let my angel hit you in the ass on the way out. I don't want to see you round here no more. Now God bring me my beasty of a man back home to me, tucked up under my wing where he belongs.
Shoot To Kill/AC-DC
What can I say Big Daddy, a girls gotta eat. I'm hungry, now feed me, like I've never been fed before.


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