Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Pray Tell

Thank God I'm A Country Boy/JD
Mother Flockin' Pandora at it again. Playing the same mother flockin music on quick mix. Yesterday on Quick Mix I started skipping music. The first of many advertisement's to sit through. Then it pops up and said something like

Just When I Needed You Most/RV
"if I don't like my station I should try a new station." It was on Quick Mix playing the same station once again. My God how many more thumbs up can I do? I have a life, all this B.S. making me feel like I'm picking when I'm really not has got to stop. Stop and start is all you do to get music today?  How much more time wasted to not get interrupted to listen to music? Telling me listening to music at high volume is dangerous." So is interrupting me on my time. The old days turn on the radio, yet now you have to have a hook up and hook up. No matter where you go for all this dis-service the customer is always wrong. Since when? I mean how much longer do these corporations think they have anyways before me and mine shut them down?

Groovy Kind Of Love/PC
I recon I still gotta a little baby sister side of me still. Another one of my lovely family nick-names. My mother and sister would call me this, when I called them on their shit growing up. "Lil' Bitch and Pray Tell." You know God this has been quite the kiss and tell. You know that double innuendo stuff you did in your writing? (I am sitting here in my box that my Father so kindly placed me in, and every light is on. I still can't see shit, including my key board)

What It's Like/Everlast
The way the versus match to certain numbers and dates in my life, as well as others around me? Keys to the code is sitting every where out there. In all these proof of life's, I fall into each day. After the Joker card at the A-line I found chocolate Easter eggs and then a woman on the A-line wearing 4 inch ruby reds on her feet. Someday right God? I'm tired of these conventional shoes I sport each day. Someday God, I want to deal with polite congenial people in the customer service industry. I would like people to be pleasant at these front lines, and if you can't use the word "please with a whole body attitude and tone mister A-line, then I have this to say, "their are plenty of people out their whom like working with others, they understand in the customer service industry it's not all about you, but all about that customer that stands in front of you. Leave your attitude at the door Mr. A Line.

Lonesome Loser/LRB

Another Love Song/UK
I don't care the color of someone's skin. I don't care the hat they wear nor the colors, I care about humanity and the customer service industry. You don't want to do your job with humility and Grace serving others then get the flock off my rock. I'm sick of this industry forgetting whom the customers are and well Walgreen's I haven't even started with you. I wonder why your other Corporations serve this State Insurance Poison Apple of a health plan, why don't you service it? The state insurance, the ones your other corporations make a living off of humanities internal organs?

 This IS My Temporary Home/CU
What a profit you make, charging the customers to pay your insurance and fees. You charge your franchises for cash, and we pay the fees at the A.T.M. for all your cards to go in my land fills. Hell the cash value isn't worth the paper its made out of. You can't take this garbage with you after you leave this rock. I want you to think about that. Making the ones whom work the front counters responsible for the keys to the code to your bathroom doors. You make them feel guilt and shame for your hungry shop lifters when they walk out the door. What is persons job when working with customers?  It is to give that customer their undivided attention at the cash register, not to have to say hello to another customer whom walks in the front door. I am so done with this B.S. I am done

Simple Man/Shinedown
You other Pharmacy companies why is their only one person working the counter, filling prescriptions and answering the phones on a Sunday? Why does the richest industry have closing hours during lunch? Walgreen's after what happened to me on Veterans Day, walking in with only a tablet and pen, pricing Glucosamine for the Attorney General, and as I'm walking out minding my own business, I had a scruffy looking homeless man standing right next to me in a very open space.

I took out my head phone, I asked may I help you? He asked if he could help me? I said "no thank you I'm good." I put my headphone back in and continue walking and writing, I realize this man is still next to me, I took out my head phones again, I asked "may I help you?" He comes in close like he's got some secret and he said to me, "your not one of them thieving people are you?" I said out loud "who are you?" Now Mr. A.G. I ask you, how could of this man in security whom was so suspicious of a woman taking notes, how could they of handled it differently? I mean being in the service industry and not the harassment industry. Don't put me on the defense anymore because you lack integrity in your business practices. I want the locks off the library, and the fast food industry doors, as well as any other corporation which makes a living off humanities suffering.

Wide Open Spaces/DC
I want them off these DSHS and Work Source doors. You serve humanity, and you provide a service to lift people up, not make humanity feel guilt and shame for something you created with all your BJ"S. I'm tired of your Dutch ovens, I'm tired of the allergies and the poison in our air while you lock up the stuff we need to breathe all under the guise of addiction. Now humanity wants out of your system, your institutions. Your treatment centers that I had to sit in, the most demeaning circumstances just to appease you? Their is so much abuse in these institutions, in your mental institutions and your labels. You get humanity out of the box you have placed them in.

Burning House/Cam
Just because all you lettered ones sold out humanity feeding your greedy pockets from up above while you make these homeless people in this United States to take the blame. Their ain't nothing I can do about your system and this judicial system selling out humanity, feeding the wrong stock. A machine. I can not help it that you put humanities eggs in one basket all the while you think your safe, You think it will never happen to you two E's I see running humanity. Yeah that's right your Egos and Entitlement. When I heard a young woman on the ID channel say, we go to this college, we are rich we are unworthy to be raped." Who the flying flock do you think you are?

I Hope You Dance/LAW

Let Love In/GGD
I wrote this yesterday sometime:
How can anyone know what love is? How can you judge unconditional love when all along in each cult and club you not only suppress and oppress Gods love, you boxed it in and placed a high value on love. Your sisters, your mothers, your pack mules, that humanity has taken for granted over the centuries. You can't put a price on love. True love from the heart, is freely given and freely taken. It does not have strings, nor guidelines.

God I want the word brotherhood gone, I want it replaced with family, Truth and Honor. Human beings and other life forms are not trophies to posses, they are gifts to share. To cherish and honor each other. I want humanity to have technology. Smart technology that will not create so much garbage on this rock, or the mark-up that is created to build a machine for all, not just a few.Another machine to upgrade and go in my landfills? Who's really paying for the recycling fees for all you corporations to re-create the wheel over and over? I ain't waking up and being left for dead in another land-fill that's for sure. Had enough of those sequential dreams.

Bring On The Rain/JDM
It's what I saw on GOT, the valley of the dead coming back and humanity doesn't understand what this next war is really all about? I don't believe for a minute my family and my God are putting me through all this to lose. You got Love, you got courage, you got God.

American Honey/LA
When I saw on one of the Documentaries on the History Channel, I believe the one with Sudam trying to rebuild Babylon it was the Aliens showing up after an H Bomb going off, they like the angels came and tried to keep the radiation under control. What makes you think all these entities want this rock to die? We are sitting in the middle of one of Gods creations.

White Horse/TS
This rock this universe. Imagine my surprise to discover that God has a brother. Got that clue from the twin planets in another universe, one labeled the evil planet, then all these mythology movies from different sects in this universe from another dimension, another place in time, to discover they really do exist. To discover all the Truth is out their we just allowed another system over time decide what is truth and what is a lie. The worst discovery of all is to discover that the beast is my X, the children of my father. How deceptive of my family and what a predicament they put me in. Thankful for them and horrified for my babies at the same time. All that deceptive brainwashing with the use of his wording. Been there done that. He's had long enough to decide. The Truth or that fake money tree?

A Thousand Years/CP
Yes, I understand how humanity feels to discover that Satan is real. Living in my house, on my rock? My Saving Grace is their heart. The discovery that Cain had a Son, my brother God took from him because this one had heart. Knock Knock! Who's there? My brother Book Of Enoch.

She's Everything/BP
Yes, IC you have slowly over time killed off different branches of this T.O.L. You created the illusion that it is all a lie to shut humanity down and drug them up, carrying the burdens of the truth inside them taking the blame, all to create your buildings, your technology and garbage on my rock is no longer welcome. That H.P.P.A. and your blanket justice, and wars to create purgatory for another human being is no longer welcome. "You may check in, but you may never leave." Only in religion and this justice system do we want humanity to suffer an keep ya' coming back. No longer welcome. It's not justice, nor is it freedom. I am an individual and I will be treated as that and so shall you.

Don't Take The Girl/TM
All your middle men working out front and behind the scenes to keep changing the industry is no longer welcome. Doing a business that holds a character defect over another humans beings head is no longer welcome. You are Gods flock, and as Gods flock we are imperfect humane beings and you corporations all working hand in hand to keep this going, to keep humanity off balance is no longer welcome on my rock. You are no longer welcome to provide the poison and the cure, your no longer welcome to decide the fine nor the time for an injustice you created. Making a living off of all the bullshit that these beings created to destroy mother nature and her beasties is no longer welcome.

Without You/DX
If you have issue meet my Ma. Ma'at she's ready for justice. Hey what can I say, I put my faith in Karma sometimes too.  No more pushing against the grain and working both sides to make a living off of humanity. It is no longer welcome all you blanket justice that you have served up over time? It's now your time to all lie in your bed of thorn's. You see all you whom have an issue with my Lady Justice, I want you to remember whose tree of life you have made a living off of all these years. Hey, Its just business, you understand? Family business.

If I Die Young/TDP

This other discovery is a hard one for me some moments. The discovery that yes, I did raise my right hand and volunteer for this. To marry my other brother from that garden, how much longer do I have to suffer God for that mistake? How much longer do I have to live a loveless life? How much longer living with a man I respect and love, I'm just not in love with?  How mush longer do I have to tow this line alone? Where is my heart God?

My Favorite Mistake/SC
Don't try to butter me up because its not going to work God. I miss my babies, but I can't live a lie and be someone else they want me to be. I am whom I am and they are me. I set the standards. I feed my babies. I can't help who my family is, learning too God because you are there and I'm here, I can't be the one that hung on that cross God, or am I? What the mother flockin' difference does it make anymore?

You could of just downloaded me ya' know. You didn't have to draw this out. Hell I learned to tell the difference at things that were different an the same on Sesame Street. Of course Walt Disney matching the personality with the beasties, hilarious. More Truth in Walt Disney and the show Grimm than their is in some of your books of hope, because this system didn't want you to know that each sect in each it's own way speaks the Truth buried down deep. Is it so bad to believe in everything and all? Is it so bad to learn that their are more to you than meets the eye? We all have different character's inside us, it's what triggers them through the heart. It's just one of the many secrets that the powers that be working behind the iron curtain don't want you to know.

Jar Of Hearts/CP
Just a Kiss?LA

I know one thing, this entity/cult/club wants that bomb to go off. They want this war so we can blame each other and kill each other off. Look at our President, he was already vetted and he is being used as a ploy, while we watch Him twitter away they created another game to keep humanity busy. Gotta keep making more garbage to keep humanity entertained? Those spinnerz, more garbage to go in my landfills IC.

God Speed/DC

Who Will Save Your Soul/Jewel

She Will Be Loved/Maroon 5

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