Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Angels Fall 2

Angels Fall/Breaking Benjamins
She Will Be Loved/Maroon 5
I recon I'm having a issue still with Trust. I recon the dual side of JC the Divine and the human side. I don't care what they show me about this man in my true human heart I can't do this. I can do the divine and this video of Truth they want me to make but it's been to long and to much for me to ever trust another man again. It's like they pull me into the heart. I want to heal it and move on. Not be stuck again. Every time I go to do this video something takes me down. Last night Charlie Horses in my feet I had to keep getting up every 15 to 20 minutes, and try and stretch it. I can sleep 3 hours and go. I can sleep five to 6 hours and go but to fall asleep ten minutes at time. It's a black cloud day. I don't like these days. I know it's more about the Truth of my emotions to get me to the next step.
Secret's/1 Republic
Thinking about Mary's mother and when she stepped away and quit trying gave it up to God then bam she gets pregnant. The Truth is I was done. Done with all of it in my heart. I wanted none of it again. To begin anew with someone else. I have no intention to do this again. A part of me wants to be left alone about it and the other part can't let go. Not that they will let me but I have told him the Truth all the way. I still want to turn and walk away. To me it's another man with a dick that leads and not the heart. I can't do that. I'm to old. I'm to done.
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams/Green Day
It's on Thumbprint radio so I have no idea whats gonna play today. Talk about walking alone. Even in my dreams in my travels, I met up with people. I traveled alone. I'm tired of chords and glasses. I'm tired of this box and for 2 years keeping my body in shape pretty much doing the same thing everyday just to keep moving, then again most days I can't do long walks. I can't get very far. To go from a 10 mile to 15 mile hike a day to this is making it hard. No I'm not depressed. It's called burned out, stressed out doing this video. It's about these elections and when they want me to step out into the light and speak Truth. I have so much to tell in such a short time. I realized that even though I say pick a door it really is about the human behavior and how we treat and judge others. Flock no you don't own the keys to heavens gates. If any of U haven't figured out heaven would be pretty empty by now looking at all this history and bad behavior.
I actually got myself to sit still and watch The Post. Look once again the war that was unnecessary and all those lives for image of man and a machine? Then I hear another tax break for the rich? Still the same pattern. I have to tell my own government in this land of freedom why we are here today? Me? RU fucking nuts? To go back to Egypt, our creator JC? Then I discover the names in the beginning like Bridgette the Druid is in this oracle box. The reason I kept getting shown Atlantis is because I'm Nada. Mary's Equal a queen whom came B4. It's just allot. Finally got to ask the guys from 7 11 about the Seiks and their beliefs? One with God just like Buddha. The Seiks also wear turbans not just the Muslims. Every religion has different sects. Our God our creator is about Love. Period. Then on the other hand the Crone? The Fiery One? The Seraphin and they actually want me to chew ass? Yet I got that divine side? People are going to go yeah U with that foul mouth are Godly?
Angels Fall/Breaking Benjamins
I miss my babies but they don't want input from anyone. Just them and me. The whole reason for this box and two more years of finding out how low and high my family tree line really goes? My mind keeps going back to being a Kennedy? John and Caroline went down in a plane. JC and Kyle I said to Kyle we go down in a plane in 4 years? I'm really not as afraid of flying like U think I just prefer my feet on the ground to feel balance. I discovered their is actually a mental illness for seeing shapes in the cloud? Perfect point, I'm a Native, I have that right. U literally industrialized anyone to feed a machine and not see the light.
World So Cold/3 Days Grace
Yup! I can clearly see why my family is back. Our own people up there fed themselves, poisoned the seed to industrialize mankind to place that scarlet letter A or I on someone to put U one the chain gang. Always a liar or minimizer a blamer, I have no rights to speak? Then I saw on Oak Island the flash of the Sanskrit in his hand. Wondering why I kept getting taken back to Oak Island? Then IC it the Arc Of The Covenant and The Knights Of The Templar. I didn't even know what it was it just flashed in my head in the beginning and I had a name. I keep going back to Greg this depression, what I said in the beginning before I knew why my Cherokee Grandmother of 12, the mother to those 7 Bishops showed up in my room? Then the 2 Grey's. Hell I never knew what these things were called until recently.
Be Like That/3Doors Down
Then it finally sinks in the Grey in the key hole? What I do with my hands when I clear land. It is that pose. Yes I figured out evolution the monkeys and who really evolutionized us? The Grey's. I admit the last time I saw them, I wasn't afraid. I was mad. Then the second threw the blanket over my head. Our blanket laws in more ways than one. We are a diversified society. With lots of color and culture. It has been greyed and squashed right along with my flag. My God. Funny Jesus Christ is the only name U can't say anywhere in a work place or school. Here he is. Right along with Mary Magdalene and that is the reason why this system doesn't want God your creator to come back. Why they can't say Merry Christmas, because they don't want those two names together.
She Talks To Angels/The Black Crows.
The Truth is we are family. It's all relative. We are relative. We count. What right did U have to come into my land of freedom and wipe it out? For man and a machine? That turned all these Gods whom came B4 into myth? U have no right. Those four Horsemen belong to me. Set and Thoth whom is Seth the 3rd part in Cane and Abel is me, I recon.
U know going through all these black shadows in my life? When they came back around from my childhood, my vision with Kiley, the one I threw all my anger into then I said that's it, U hid me under all this pain to hide me from Truth. Then I find out the grays that showed up in my room after my brothers death? I rationalized as the horror show I watched, called The Sentinel. We have a show The Gifted and what do they call the institution that they are trying to break the higher beings out of is called the Sentinel. It's about that Bicentennial in my family tree line. It took me awhile to figure out how we fucked that up? Everyone double dipping in the kitty passing blanket laws to condone it. Finally figured out elite and entitled.
Whiskey Lullaby/AK,BP
Yeah its true even after all this I don't feel love. I don't trust love or whom they made me tell all this bullshit weird stuff to as I'm trying to figure it all out. Biblically. Nativeley, the nativity scene?  Fucking spell check? Its a joke. I just want this video done and I feel cock blocked is what I feel.
Your Man/JT
Fuck you! I can't do it. I've been lied 2 my whole life expecting to think about a 2nd or even a 3rd party that I've been lied about. 2 include them? When I can't include number 2? Go away. You haven't heard a word I've said. All your doing is bottom feeding Kyle. What they want me to do? I can't do it. I don't want to be touched by two men. Especially Michael. I do all I can do today to get through this. I'm not attracted to him. He's let me down to many times. I do not understand why men think it is okay to treat someone so horribly for so long and just because you get it now or want me now after all these years of lying to me, I'm just supposed to forgive and be stuck. Then I've got Kyle whom I want nothing to do with. Yet I've had no choice but to tell him the truth of what I know for his families safety. Still he's bottom feeding for his dick. My whole life I put others first. My whole life I've been shit on. I don't want this. They lied to me from the start. I've always got some third party I have to think about. It's always someone else's feelings. They lied to me up there. I always have to give something of myself even when I have nothing to give. Now I find out I'm the queen of it all? No one can understand, I don't have the weight of a nation on my shoulders, I have this universe, this planet, heavens gates and I'm the big plan?

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