Monday, October 1, 2018

Carry On Wayward Son

Carry On Wayward Son/Kansas
Walking by the TV this song was playing. Michail's Supernatural that he pretty much watches over and over. It kills me how after everything I have told him he still hasn't connected the dots and topics of shows? Name's of show's? Name's of character's over and over?
Remember When/AJ
Yeah back to country I go. It's my country pride not yours. I choose, well they do. Not teary eyed just getting hit with allot. Things are coming in fast as these dot's connect in this family tree line. Especially the oracles the names crossing paths again? Discovering how these names in all this mythology really do keep coming back thru history? The powers that B sitting upstairs know the Truth and C the bigger picture. I told Kyle and Michail yesterday it's the 2 black snakes they represent Corporate America, and Big Brother. Then it hit me this morning, Biblical names came up in the beginning also. I knew this had something to do with C.A. I didn't know anything about the C.A. part until I was standing out there dancing at night. Looking back throughout history what are the 2 from the very start Religion and Politics. Every government keeping control of the human race. Politics using God as guilt and shame to control humanity? It don't matter King nor Queen. President, or  Dictatorship. Just pay these fee's like fleas and taxes. I got a flash of Queen Anne on TV being labeled the Queen of the world. Really U want a queen who said, "This is your last Christmas?" No it may be yours however, it ain't going 2B my flock they can keep coming back after they sit in my families AA.
Please Remember Me/TM
Look what happened to Princess Diana? Talk about marrying a lie and being expected to live up to those expectation's? Then U stalked her? She had a right to privacy, and U killed her. Just because U R a public figure it does not give U that right to stalk someone or take photo's. Label it negatively or even a lie to feed your tabloids. From what I can C even Prince Charles wanted out from under the oppression of your guidelines and rules on love. Let alone your own grandchildren. So no I'm the Queen of this rock. Remember whom Mary Mag's mother is? That's right Anne. I'm the Queen of that RH- race, that reptilian race that want's control. The elite and entitled just keep moving forward making  a living with your old world expectations living in a new world? I didn't carry those four souls, those 4 birth's by that man for U and U only. No I'm back just like Nuburo said, just like JC  "I'm cuming back 4 my slaves." If U think I'm going to go through all this and those Martyrs B4 me to let this continue so U can deplete my people, my rock with your high price of Sin? Not get an earful from your creator and how we came to be here today?
Laughed Until We Cried/JA
I understand why they are taking out Religion. The Muslims and ISIS? The Jew's still fighting for their, rock after all this time? The Catholic's? I'm the Cardinal and I can C very clearly why you don't hold the keys to get into heavens gates? Not U Mormon's, not u polygamist playing God with your harem. Certainly not Scientology. Certainly not Christianity. Not U either Saudi Arabia. My family has one big eye on U. E.T. U choose which one. No, it is U man, the pharaohs and religion that could not except when she sent her son here in her making and he stood in front of that woman.  Of course all women in these Holy books are whores of Babylon. The tempters of sin. U spineless fucks. If you can't get control of your dick with that pee brain some of U men carry inside, maybe U R unworthy to have a dick brain. U as man can't even handle having a dick as power. U abused it. Look how your practices from upstairs in all walks of life have kept your mothers down? 
Fuck me on that bull shit alone. I clearly C why they had me looking up the word misogynist? U don't have 2 hate women 2B a misogynist. No, U just have 2 look down on them. C them as second class citizens. Their 2 serve all U his highness' in bed. Serve up that dick do we? Bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan. Do your dirty cycle of dishes and wash your drawers? Not no more we don't. U will go back to chivalry and I mean that. U don't over power and disrespect these women or bully them anymore. U younger generations are gonna get your ass out of those seats for your elders, and U will show some R.E.S.P.E.C.T. for your elders and peer's. We don't tolerate, I'm done with the hater's, I'm done with U nay sayers and judges. We accept our difference's, we embrace them. It's called culture. Life would B pretty boring if we were all the same. Break bread UR family it's that easy people.
Going through all these twins in the Keepers Of The Light? Yes, their are 13. Another 13, my bakers dozen. Friday the 13th. Alex's birthday and Benevolent Belinda, Friday the 13th. Knights Of The Templar, Friday the 13th. The 13th amendment, slavery and Abe Lincoln. 13 pearls on the dollar bill. Yes! I as a child have always been drawn to Abe Lincoln. Just like the Kennedy's. Just like Ben Franklin. Just like George Washington. How I'd look at my grandma Lily's profile and swear she looks an awful lot like G.W. Yeah! Let freedom ring, baby. I realized how even Mary and JC are labeled myths? How Faith, Charity, and Hope are all twin flames with an Arch Angel. Guess who Faith's twin flame is? Michael.
Heart Like Mine/ML
Hope's twin flame Gabriel. Hey didn't Gabriel scribe the Quran to Mohammad? Oh yes, so who made these books of hope bad? Man and Satan. (Hey Dana Carvey' Saattaaann is back in town) Not wanting to let go of the wrong power when she sent her son here to die for our sins? Money, a machine and man the 666. Not Faith, Not your God. U truly do not know what it is your serving all the way up and down the line. Isn't it the Quran that mention's Mary Mag the most out of every big book out there? Yup, sure does. Why do U want Mary back here, as your Holy mother when U treat your women the way U do? I have to ask Obama why do U not understand that we don't respect or honor that behavior ever here in this land of freedom or any where else on my rock? Did your Ala free the Israelite's and create the 10 plagues 2 get the pharaohs 2 let these people have 3 days off alone with their beasties and God? U don't get to come here and wipe out my God for Ala because my God created Ala. It is U as man and religion that couldn't let go of the ego. Why would U ever think this is a pathway to heaven? Not you personally. This belief and behavior?  I am aware their are different sects. Quite frankly IC that passive aggressive behavior in man in general today. It's just hidden and covered up better. That entitlement because I'm Dick Man. Some bruises U do not C. Some cuts U do not C. Which is why we let a woman whom had more proof of life 2 that Truth of neglect and abuse, not speak in court 2day is an injustice. Her right to defend her civil liberties. That trickle down effect of bad behavior cuming from the top? Because U in political power couldn't let that one issue go. I'm here to let it go and release it.
She'll Leave U With A Smile/GS
I'm here to break all the chain's that bind. I realized last night going through these cards that I am definitely the moon and this rock. That Kyle is the sun. I said to my X in the beginning nothing grows without the sun. Nothing grows with out love and light Greg as I cried.  I might be this families Sunshine, but Kyle is the sun. I realized yesterday three photo's disappeared from my computer. Imagine which 3? One of them was way back in the file. No way someone didn't scroll through and delete them. It's that lion's bridge. Wow! U can't miss it. How his brows arch up and go down 2 lines on each side of his nose. It's uncanny. I have no idea how no one noticed? It's Biblically written. When I saw that I about died. I have a friend named Kylie who saw our apartment under 20 feet of water with seals swimming up above. The breaking of the seals.She was looking West and told to "transfix on the beauty." She said she saw colors of a rainbow arching over JC's head. Yes! A good sign I'm getting to the end of this journey as well as humanity, that U as man and beast did this, not God. Why would God ever destroy Gaia mother Earth that he gave to feed all of humanity? This animal Kingdom this circle of life. Why would God ever send her son here without experiencing love and loss? Give him incentive to keep moving forward, with those 2 tiny seeds.
Unanswered Prayers/GB
Something I have known all my life is that God has many names as well as her son. I never disrespected it. Faith and family is a good thing right? Their right to their God. You have wiped out my God, my freedom, my civil liberties and my pagan holidays. All because this system wants you to think they are myths? God is a myth? That Big Bang Theory that you named a myth? Yet your creating that God Particle in Sweden? So U think your ready 2B the judge and play God? How is that not science?  Your Creator of this rock, this universe, those heavens that animal kingdom that surrounds it? The organic chemistry of the body? How is none of this science and God? All these wars your fighting over God and this rock is creating distension? God does not murder and neither does her son. God does not rape or abuse and neither does her son. It is U on top who never got rape under control with all these timeline guideline and rules on rape. U Corporate America and all your affiliates? Your stock machine and pharma? U hospitals with that HIPPA form and your justified system condone victimizing your victims. To label them up and drop their insurance. To drug up my Truth seer's sitting in those institutions all to hide the truth. Even then when I said to this doctor, I will stand in front of the judge and speak for myself? She said no not allowed, including the lawyer. Yet I have the Seattle Tribe behind me and I can't go on a vision quest with my family? The silencing of my little lambs? Deep Horizon 11 is right. Babylon bitch. IC man, not God all for your own encroachment, sloth and greed. U just come in and take and dole it back like mother natures little beasties are the unworthy ones to live on my rock? No, U never got on top of rape because it is you whom are the rapist raping these people from down under, using them as food for fodder to take the blame for that tally u hold over humanities heads? U can't even do your own math up there and pay your own bills but u expect these people to scrimp on all of mother natures markup on her resources? Her treeline, her seed with roundup to create the need and the value of this western medicine? No U didn't put a cap on nothing and that is why my family is here to put a cap on U. Their won't B no getting off my rock or going down under for this one. I want no stone unturned.
She Wouldn't B gone/BS
I learned last night that Alex is the 10th house, Kiley is the 11th and Kyle is twelve. Well ding dong I'm still number one as well as Horus with that Big eagle head he wears. In the beginning I figured out Alex is January first in line, Then Kiley, Kyle comes up behind me again and I'm number four. Yes! It just keeps getting better on this upswing. In the beginning when they had me looking up, I'm the first planet and house, the key's to the kingdom is me? Yes, as ISIS I do hold that son Aten in the palm of my hands weather he likes it or not. Hey I wasn't happy from the very start that this had anything to do with him. Mr. King Solomon himself whom sits over freedoms head. Only he can remove this demon off of Greg's head. To be honest I don't like violence. Except the ring or octagon. I don't like men to fight over women. I think it's disgusting. Yet I do hope he has a pair of steel toes. I pulled the Venus card for a couple of days, I discovered with her twin flame Sanat Kumara, and in the middle of the 2 Buddha. I discovered that my detriment sign is Libra. Planet Venus, number 7 of all numbers. After discovering that their really is a Venus being I think we as a family have this one in the bag. Even U Vlad. Now U have a chance to give your people a hug like U really said. U were not wrong about another entity being at play here. Cousin It, The Serpent. Imagine my surprise? "Uh serpent, a real live serpent, a real live entity is sitting in that ground?" Yeah those four horsemen are back for all of it. Cause and effect on mother nature. U were to busy feeding a machine and herding mankind like cattle, creating a high price on sin. 
I call Bullshit on this hot mess I'm looking at down here.
Come A Little Closer/DB
Then they took me back 2 the four horsemen this morning. I was dribbling away sitting on the John. Hey we all have our process. It's 24/7 with these guys. Unless I'm sleeping and no I don't focus on my dreams other than what they took me back to. Well not they, JC himself took me through those one's. Talk about feeling thoroughly Scrooged? The Witch In The Wardrobe, Alice In Wonderland, The Silver Fox and The 3 Bears, Dorothy from the Land Of Oz,  Little Red Riding Hood, those aren't Michael's eye's. That's not Michael's mouth and those aren't Michael's teeth. Cinderella is back to clean house. For some Cinder. UC it turns out I'm the sweeper of the stars. Anastasia the Tzar, the little mouse, the tiny dancer. I was wondering what was up with all this dancing? Then I discover I not only have a lil' Shiva in me, no I have another The Shekinah, Sacred Self. Dance to the sacred rhythm of life. That explains the dancing feet again. Love it. Whose twin flame happens 2B The Holy Spirit. Look at that another female presence. Hey do U think their lezbo's? I mean in the heavens it's about energy not gender but love. I want my children happy and free not live with chains that bind on love. Freely given freely taken. God's angels most are androgynous or have a twin flame. Buddha is androgynous being inside he walks one with God inside.
One Day U Will/LA
Well back to those 4 Horsemen. U remember them don't U? War. U as man created war. No better way to feed the world economy than a good war. It was created on credit to boot? Famine. U as man created Famine in more ways than one. Your mother's seed you poisoned. Wipe out the mother, wipe out the children all to get to God and his flock, and the keys to the kingdom. Thy Kingdom Cum Thy will be done, on earth as it is in the heaven. Heaven on earth baby and your nine lives are up. I'll be God Damned if I will let this go on much longer. Catholic church, Famine and Fatima? Mary Mag's 3rd message that Lucy gave U and U took credit, held it back. Don't U ever let me catch U doling out your penance using Mother Mary's name again. Their ain't nothing Holy about U except the holes in my cross u created by cutting out half the heart from the start. Then you made Pope Greg a Saint? No U hold no keys. Pestilence. U created the plague with the signing of that HIPPA to control humanities emotions and spirituality all to create the Sentinel IC. Their ain't no freedom up in this house. Hey you remember the white horsemen named Death? Perhap's the reason why I'm the Lakota. The white buffalo. Perhap's the reason Kyle and I and his ring of fire are white? The illusion of white man IC.
That's Why I'm Here/KC
I'm starting to think Kyle's 3rd eye is never going to open. I mean at this moment in time it can't be expected, but then I was as close to death as your ever gonna get to. Put me in 5 day's of that Valley Shadow Of Death. No I don't want that. Please God no. I don't want to raise Him of all people from the dead. Mr. Jobe has been through enough. Then I think about history? The king's had seer's, however it would of been nice to have an equal. Not the death, the seer thing. The heart reader thing U guy's do 2 me up there. That thing. The reason I called Kyle a Piece Of Shit man the other day? I can't do ego. I can't do control or passive aggressive behavior. IC it plain as day. Ego, it's not just fear.  It don't matter how much proof of life, that man makes me feel like I'm pulling teeth some days. I don't even call people name's until this book. I feel like such a Jack Ass for loosing it. The whole reason he's water and I'm fire. Every conversation he broke me. That's why I wanted him to go away. I don't need 2 take this on at this time in my life. Not even when I was sitting on that red rock. I did not want to talk to this one. I was like "oh cum on, not this one. He kill's me inside."
Leave The Pieces/TW
He break's me every time and he's to nice. It's like I know just what he's talking about. I don't need that when I'm stepping away 2 begin anew. Go from the skillet to the fry pan? 2 old 2 done. When his 2 mothers woke me up? I hopped out of bed. "oh no u don't. I don't even know who I am." Then in the end I'm on the floor with my hands in the air begging them, no! No! No, not until I know who I am. Boy did I ever find out. He's so sensitive he doesn't understand when I say "I can't wait for U to go through this. I can't wait for those God shot's. I'm going to laugh"  I so wanted nothing to do with this one. Not at all. To not answer me about that black growth on his pancreas and about chemo after all this time, all this truth? U think I have trust issue's? He's got trust issues. Like I wanted 2B the one to tell him this shit, especially at this time in his life? Here let me be the bearer of bad news. My burden's have now turned in2 his. He'd hate me if I didn't tell him what I know, no matter how insane. I didn't know what a Druid or a Celt was? When someone called me Jaded and explained to me what it meant? "U don't believe in love. U don't believe in fairy tails. My answer, "well if the shoe fits. Go ahead call that kettle black." Every relationship I have been told to sit in the shit of their cowardice or bad behavior, then it's my job to clean it up too?  I have no reason in my life to think otherwise.
Forever And Ever Amen/RT
Even JC's been a royal pain in my ass since he stepped up to the plate in September 2016. He came right out and told me November 2015, but I forgot. I don't think like that. Just like I asked who was down there in July 2015 and they said the fallen angel? I forgot. When they told me yes, my dancing is moving energy like Tai chi that I'm mother nature's daughter. I forgot. I don't think about that until Justice and I sit down and write and let my fingers do the talking not me.
All I can say if this mother don't get my happy ending to this book? Ain't nobody getting one, not on my rock will I ever let this go on.
Once U Loved Somebody/DC
Still just the messenger.
Carrying Your Love With Me/GS

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