Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The White Eagle

10/3 emerald air sign, sweet cheeks coffee. What is an upside down heart? An ass. A black woman flaming heart on back of coat. White van with white eagle in window. We Danced played. Heart Of Safeway truck. Music Everyday by RF. The white eagle was awesome. They will be judged sitting up there. They are not getting away with this industrializing the human body 4 their organs. Their internal organs. They own everything about the human body. Emotions, spirituality, pain and suffering they're the cancer. The devils advocates sitting up there. They even created their own need and price sitting up there. Supply and demand? They literally put a price on everything. They literally passed a law about everything being illegal. Hostile takeover is right. A purge like U have never seen. U have no idea. Crazy Girl. Eli Young Band. Awesome! UR going 2 make Kyle do this? Be the Lion of this animal kingdom? Weather he wants 2 or not he's gonna have 2 deal. No sex for 2 weeks. Nothing inside me. This procedure bought me an excuse and time. Sweet! The deluge of the sun is about that black square I saw on the cooking sign. The monopoly. Religion, politics, the bank the stock machine. Its true what is sitting in those banks? Debt its air. It's all made up, compounded interest on marked up fees like fleas. On marked up principle on literally everything. It has been setting it's own price for everything for centuries. Unstoppable/RF Compression, Suppression, Oppression, Depression, and Recession. In the body and in life. Over and over. It literally jacked up all the prices on everything on this rock's resources. Mother Mary and Gaia. They don't want U 2 acknowledge this rock that feeds them or that moon mother in any way shape or form. Do not honor the garden or the mother's at all throughout history and time. God gave man power 2 stand over these women all these centuries 2 make a point. Look what U did with it? Especially the elite entitled white man. Where did this shit cum from anyway? Blown Away/CU The white man cracking that whip. The Pilote. No way JC was white. He was olive skinned U dumbshits. Yeah a white man blond hair born in that region during that time? That would B a miracle. Yeah he'd blend. Laugh my fucking ass off. Yet it was prophetic of the man whom painted that. Summer Of 69/BA Okay I figured Kyle's 4 cancers think U could lighten up up there? I mean if your gonna make him do this he's gonna need his strength and energy. Remember my dark cloud? U lifted that so don't tell me U can't lift cancer. U raised Lazarus from the dead and that little playmate of yours as a child. U healed the lame the blind the ill. Hell U lifted demons off of people's heads. ISIS ain't getting away with shit. My Best Friend/TM Their ain't no 17 virgins U dumbshits. One more fist raised 2 a woman, 1 more rock thrown, 1 more slicing of that clit, 1 more rape, 1 more molestation of a child, 1 more murder serving up your own Justice U will have picked a door. Hands down. Better Man/DC I'm not going 2 speak the Truth and allow this mistreatment of another woman or child. Whose raping who now? Since when does JC's flock whom carries love in there heart for this rock not have the right 2 defend? Humble be humble at the humiliation your doling out? To your veterans that fought for your freedom for all U 2B standing in this land of freedom today? Doing business? Profiting off their losses? I don't think so. Using humanity as stock on your profit and losses? Collateral damage right? My freedom fighters for that one God whom stands for freedom and Justice? Seems 2 me JC's flock has defended minimum on this rock for 6000 years now. Knowingly. Meet In The Middle/Diamond Rio  Drunk On U/Luke Bryan.               A Lil' Bit StrongerS/E What is awesome is that I have figured out I'm not only the Redeemer but your Punisher as well. Now do I have 4 horsemen standing up there or do I have 4 families whom have already picked their door? Upstairs or downstairs U choose. U and your justified system saleing out freedom and literally industrialized everything our justified system all these middle men. Slow wheels of justice IC. My families will be swift. Ashes 2 ashes dust 2 dust I don't give a fuck. U industrialized the human body inside out. Supply and demand right? Yes, pay U will up there by the time I'm done with U, it will be U slave drivers that created this hot mess down here? U will have nothing. That U won't need a bank for. Boondocks/LBT I feel no shame. I'm proud of where I came from. I was born and raised in the Boondocks. I keep my heart and soul in the Boondocks. Right down here with "The meek whom shall inherit the earth.? From this mother's perspective it wont B any of U up there. It's true I like my fishing and fucking with with an F. I like the fishing pole the old fashioned way. U can get your phishing and phucking machine off my rock.
What Can I Say/CU
Oh I've got allot 2 say.
My lil' red riding coat, I've worn it a couple times. I realized there is a tiny rose in the center of my hood. On my zipper a heart with a torch in the middle. Sweet!
I thought I was done with the white Eagle turns out I wasn't? There is a white lighter card called the White Eagle. It started to dawn on me all those white feathers I'd have to sweep ever day. Then later I found a documentation that said she will have white feathers flying around her. She will feel like cob webs are in her face. That was at the same time. The dream in Canada. Being kidnapped by two men and driven to the woods. I said I had to pee. I escaped. Another man found me in the woods and released my shackles and told me where 2 go. I was alone in allot of my travels. It was like being in a video game. I went to a cabin and it was a meth lab in the woods in an opening sitting alone. I blew it up. I sat behind a car watched it blow up. I watched it burn for a few minutes. I turned and walked away. There was an open field and a native man was sitting in the center. We spoke. I moved on to get back across the border.

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