Saturday, October 27, 2018

Truly Madly Deeply

Truly Madly Deeply/Savage Garden
How ya' doing sweet pea? Glad 2C your doing better. More lively at least. I recon you were all along. Don't worry I understand fear. I'm used 2 cuming last in others lives. That's the curse and the many I wear thu-out history and time for all those Gods. I can't wait 2 say I am no longer Mary Mag a shit magnet 4 your bad behavior. I'm Mary Magdalene your queen. The Lion. The mother, your judge. What does a mother look at? Behavior of the heart and how we treat others. I can't wait 2 say I am done with with U Christian white bitches and good intentions telling someone else they  R lesser children of God because U feel religion is God. Man and myth. I lit my sage today and it dawned on me this will be my torch for justice. The cleansing of the soul. They can take or leave it.

Human/ CP
I picked up a document on JC and the duel personalities. The human side and divine side. Of course the name St. Catherine my grandmother on my fathers side. You can't run a nation, country or planet without a heart. Look what happened to mankind that couldn't stop feeding that machine following the wrong profit, that bank machine. I truly know why not the elite and only the meek shall inherit the earth. They may pick a door. Snap, crackle, pop get the flock off my rock. Ashes 2 ashes dust to dust I don't give a fuck. Humanity knows the difference between right and wrong. Espe3cially up there. Turning humanity into droids to feed a machine. I think their point is I have nothing more than high school, beauty school, a nurses aid degree, insurance, management, herbology classes and technological classes. U don't need a degree to provide in life. Big Brother and the machine of education to get a pedigree for everything today did that. Round and round I go.

One Last Breath/Creed
Last night I closed my eyes on the couch while Michail watched T.V. I truly don't care 2C another one after this, except children and grand kids. The sound came back to Ancient Aliens, Declassified. I couldn't find the remote but it was the words of what I heard? The Dogan star is a sister or brother star to Sirius. They call it Sirius B. It's a big white door 8 times the size of this rock or the sun. I can't read my notes. When I did this I'd go sit at the end of Tanner Road on a big rock in the river. The rock in front, a big bull with a nose ring. A demon dog and a serpent. Across the way a pirates ship. It was shipwrecked on the shore. To the right a door. When you walked on Tanner Road you could see just like it was around the pirates crash site. Black under the tree's but green on top. Along the lines to the man with the beard and that ship wreck on Tanner Road the same thing.

I ain't broken, just the heart for all they put me through. Making an example of bad behavior in my life. Particularly this justified system that they used to industrialize mankind. Hell they couldn't follow the universal 9 to run this rock. To much greed for a green that doesn't really exist when it comes down to quality in life. I recon I'm still Jaded and sore. Yes, Luna the moon is hollow and they're watchers 2.

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