Monday, November 5, 2018

Total Eclipse Of The Heart

I'm not sure anymore how I feel about all this? Rejected and betrayed by own family tree line? Yeah rejection of the human heart is huge and it can only be rejected so much. Total Eclipse Of The Heart is right. Looking at these politicians and the direction they're going? More taxes and making a living off of insurance? RU fucking nuts? I have so many stories to tell. I loved figuring out the greys but it doesn't mean I want to see another one standing in my room. It weirds me out too, however they are on our side. I don't have the answers our government and humanity wants. What I have is what I know up to this point. That's how they protect and no drug ain't going to bring out that Truth if God and my family tree line don't want U to have it. Look what we have done with what little we do know? U as man play God? I am so sick of hearing some of your advertisments speaking against a womann's rights and God. Not your place not your space. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Man is unworthy bcuz I have seen throughout history and time how man has lied to keep control of the wrong power. It will never be mans place to play God.

Can't fight This Feeling/REO
My left arm and neck weren't working so great or my feet. It don't matter yet it's all matter. U as human carry that God particle. What do U want to do with it? Play God or give it back to Him in Faith and family. Which is what he stands for. It's pretty simple up there, it's purgatory here. I still have hell to empty and send home so we can have our whole heart as one. One unit to protect this rock meant to feed all of God's flock not just the few that industrialized us to feed themselves.

We Will Rock You/Queen
Mine and Kai's favorite CD. Oh God, don't U bother to label me with anger issues. I'm angry at what U as man has done to my rock and God's flock. Take your taxes, your insurance and justified system and get the flock off my rock. Let's just keep feeding the machine that truly has no heart. God and all those God's that came before U do exist, you as man no longer get to disrespect or deny because your such arrogant shits U think your God.

Hit Me With Your Best Shot/PB
I really have no issue with the video that they want me to make. My body keeps failing me. I don't understand with elections coming up what they want me to do. It is literally repeat history. All IC is repeat history that the elite and entitled think they are worthy to do this to Gods flock. Hey if I don't have it neither do U. U may not live in a mansion, but U know what U will be at peace and happy. Truly I don't want a mansion, God no I gotta clean that shit up.

Take It Easy/Eagles
I'm still so angry that it's me. Even after I have been told through different stages about who I am, I don't walk around going I'm your Messsssiiiiiahhhh. I'm mother natures daughter and I will get vengeance.I don't think like that. I walk away. No my Truth after being accosted in more ways than one in this land of freedom protecting your property lines with all your red lining and blue lining to feed your tax system? I do not think so. It's a machine, not man.  It's an entity but the rich and elite will want to take down the mother by taking down the children. Hey how about the father's children? What does he care. Like others U want peace yet U can't stand for peace of humanity and let those four Horsemen that are hear for mankind?


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