Thursday, October 18, 2018


Brown Eyed Girl/
I have no idea where I'm going 2 go with this 2 day. Fell asleep at 10 and awake at 12:12 standing in the center of my living room conversing with this family tree line, I look at the clock 2:22. I put my hands out to my side and I go "oh come on. Why do you have me up now? I'm tired of this spiral. Round and round you take me. Lately it's been laughter then justice as more light is shed down on me. Yet I'm still get me off this treadmill. I feel like a hamster in a wheel. I even went back 2 bed at 5 but to no avail.
Let  me Be The One/Safire
They got me to laughing at Kyle. I mean talk about feeling stuck? Like a rock in a hard place. Their ain't no getting out of this one. I mean "hey I didn't take that King Salmon and slam it against the rocks to make it suffer for my pain? Nope! No siree Bob! I just threw it back in. Nope! I don't think so." To much proof of life to get out of this one. Besides this one just keep's coming back around in one form or another out there. What am I going 2 do let him flounder?  I just decided I could keep throwing him back and pushing him back down, or lift him up 2 make him stronger on the inside. Each step of the way without even knowing the where, the whose, and what to look for. This has been one interesting journey. Not having a compass? Getting literally lost everywhere I have been out here? Yeah, truly be lucky I'm not Superman or Wonder Woman stepping inside a phone booth or box to change. Each time I realized I step out the door, spin around 3 times, "oh come on where am I now? Which way do I go?" Until I get my bearings. Discovering all these guides that have literally each in their own way have been guiding my life all along? Hey what are you gonna do, U can't pick your family. They make me laugh, they make me cry, then they yank my chain and slam me into Justice again. Yes! They like 2 piss me off 2 get my fire back. The Seraphin, that Fiery One. Yes! U bet this angel smokes. Would I trade them in? Not for 1 God Damned minute would I ever do that. I love my family tree line. Still not sure about Big Daddy over there? Fucking asshole for all this? Is this love or is it that G.I.D. he gave me with that big dick of his? When I figured out what that big paper plate size, heavy thing was, I kept pushing down out there? So let me C that's your dick I was carrying and I'm U? So your the big dick and I'm U now and that makes me the big dick?
I Got A Name/JC "Yeah you do. asshole or dick. Pick one"  Still haven't decided about all this. Do I have Faith? Yes. It's just not something I ever expected. When I learned what a Messiah was? "Oh no you don't. None of that looks like fun to me." That's what I always wanted 2B, the Messiah. Fun times this family tree line.When people said they felt like the room got peaceful when I walked in or even rolled in? I'd laugh, yeah right if U only knew what I was thinking?
My Prerogative/BB
The other funny thing is these Catholics think I'm going 2B thankful for all that murder and mayhem? Hiding the Truth all these centuries? What about all that rape of my little boys because U used God as a good excuse for that bad behavior? All because you lied about JC and sexuality? Making JC a virgin? Deciding what hearsay is for God? Cutting Mary Mag out of the bible? Pope Greg of all names? How telling was that name? The Knights of the Templar and that Rose? Yeah I'm going to boot you off the rock alright. Right along with all you others using God as a good excuse for your bad behavior. You couldn't except when she sent her son here in His making, "would anyone here without sin like to cast the first stone?" Your still doing it today? No U and your religions couldn't let the ego of the male pride, you couldn't make your significant others a equal? It is 2018 and IC UR the ones that will never let that go. Look what you're still doing in 2018 because U as man couldn't let that go and create equality in this so called land of freedom?
Come On Eileen/Dexy's Midnight Runners
DO YOU KNOW WHO MADE ALL THESE BIG BOOKS BAD? MAN NOT GOD? YOUR GOD IS A PEACEFUL GOD? ABOUT LOVE AND FAITH? FAMILY PRIDE NOT EGO" Ain't nobody the judge on love, sin or the breaking of those 10 commandments but that family up there, who sees the bigger picture. U allowed man to turn all your Gods in2 myths thru out history and time. All to feed yourselves up there and industrialize mankind. Sign away their civil rights? The right 2 own our own body yet U wouldn't let her practice her civil liberties 2 defend against the labels and lies? Yeah U are an illusion up there. U just past laws condoning your bad behavior. This Kavanaugh character getting in up there? Is exactly the reason they are back. U have no respect for women or rape. After all this time? All the way up and down this line. Talk about trickle down effect of bad behavior?
Love Is A Battlefield/PB
This is the 2nd song that kept playing in my head in the beginning of this. The first  Hell Is For Children. No I would not let that song play in my head.
Funky Cold Medina/TL
I was wondering why they kept taking me back to Queen Elizabeth and that royal bloodline? Fuck me if I didn't figure that out? That these guys sitting up there, in this USA aren't royal lineage. Nope these ones are about money of the elite and entitled. A creation of their own need. Yup they followed the wrong profit and fed the wrong stock. Recon they will get to choose a door? Up or down. The way IC it U all knew better? U all knew what you were doing every step of the way. You knew U had a moral and ethical responsibility to serve your people and feed them. U all knew the laws and what you were signing away. It is immoral, unethical and inhumane what U have done. Now are you the Kings and Queens to take this rock back from this entity once and for all? Can U get that job done? If not ashes to ashes dust to dust I don't give a fuck. I will judge U and serve U up just as you all up there have done to your people. U were supposed to feed and represent, regardless of the God or ethnicity and U couldn't even do that. No U labeled them up to drug em up and drop their insurance down all to industrialize these people. U allowed the same depressors to come in and depress these people and U legalized it with that HIPPA form. U don't want no one to climb Jacobs ladder. No it is U up there that can't handle the Truth. As far as I'm concerned, no home, no job, no retirement, no insurance just like these people is what U deserve, and Oh yeah did I tell U hell smells like SHIT. U will sit in my families shit for 7000 years for this.
Open Your Heart/Madonna
As far as my family and past friend's go? U will be judged for your bad behavior as well. What U did to this woman and her reputation with the filing of that restraining order is not acceptable. My God this woman even with everything going on still showed at her child's school every other week with their favorite lunch then she'd play four square or Chinese jump rope with the kids. She did volunteer work in the class and showed up at those fundraisers. The way this school system treated her with his and Mary Stone's lies U will learn only through me what U have done to one woman's life and her 2 children's. It was like every one assumed it was justified what he and Mary did. She was treated like this every where she went with that insanity label and the drunken drugged out on meth,heroine, and alcoholic. This woman did volunteer work in the valley with another group of women and no one saw any bad behavior. She belonged to a quilting bee for Pete's sake and none of you looked back. No U will all be judged including names. You want to judge this woman for your bad behavior and turning of the blind eye, this woman will judge you. It is her house, her rock and her animal kingdom after all. Don't do this again to another human being.
Take On Me/a-ha
Make assumptions on the consumptions, and that blame game he had going on as well as our justified system whom allowed it. All the way through even sitting in front of that mediator was she allowed to speak the Truth without being told she's no angel. Guess what I am the angel. As for that woman whom verbally accosted her walking out of Safeway. I am now a creation of your own making just like U accused her of even when she tried to turn and walk away. I am done with you elite entitled white bitches on my rock. I will huff and puff. I will burn your house down to the ground. I don't have to make one God Damned move. I do not people like U on my rock. Telling a woman whom has been in the customer service business since she was 15 years old that she in not allowed to speak at what she see's standing on the side of that counter. Apparently she's not allowed to eat either? Only U elite and entitled white bitches have a right to eat on my rock? Is that what I'm hearing? Nope U made your bed with me. 
I know if U treated me this way U have treated others as well. No this was not a one time incident with this woman passing down judgment on others. It was made very clear, be careful what U say to that homeless person? It could be God. Not my problem U didn't have compassion but judgment for others. Instead your to worried about what she is going to do with that money. Well bitch it just ain't none of your beeswax. To me UR a cunt and U can go to hell.
Jack And Diane/JM
U good Christian white bitches are done in my house to. I'm talking to the one's that do this behavior. It is good christian bitches that think your the judge the whole reason why people don't want to cross those doors. People don't go to church to be judged by anyone. They go to get fed. U whom have passed judgment and turned a blind eye to this woman, U will be judged just as well. You as man and woman standing on my rock are not God's judge. U were to guide the flock not persecute, condemn and turn a blind eye upon this woman and her pain. U did it to her I know U have done this to others.
Walking On Sunshine/KATW
Brand New Lover/Dead Or Alive
U landlord tenants are done. They have shown me the abuse U have doled out in what little power U had in the first place. Sig Martinez do U want to tell me why this woman couldn't rent to U in 19 years? Yup! Your toast bitch. Your not the only one. Even at Edgewick Inn shut your doors for what you did to this woman. You refused services on a technicality on a rape victim that you judged? Then you handed her an unwarranted 86 off of the property? You did it on assumption and not fact. Then when she went to speak to the owner the woman whom did this told her, no. Then when she saw Michael with me she 86'd Michail as well. No! You are all finished owning anything on my rock. You have each in your own way abused your power. You no longer have the right to refuse service to anyone on my rock again. No, your not charging a deposit either on these motels and hotels. Shut your doors U R done.
Maneater/Hall And Oats
Corporate America and all you fast food chains refusing to let someone use a restroom? My veterans whom fought for your freedom to even do business here? U have industrialized all up and down my rock. Shut your doors, you R done. I truly see why God wanted to get rid of man when He spoke to Noah. Their is no humility and grace on my rock. Well their is it's just the one's telling these people to have humility and grace should be the ones to have humility and grace. Hell U don't have compassion. You have judgment. No! U up there knew exactly what U were doing.  Get the flock off my rock.
Dont U Want Me Baby/HL

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