Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Twin Oraclest/Twin Flames

Twin Oracles versus those twin towers? ISIS? Your going down. It was right there when that monk said "ISIS is shitting on my mountain." U made it about a monk speaking and swearing, instead of it being the Truth. This rock is my mountain and it don't belong to any of you anymore. U didn't put a cap on anything or get on top of anything up there. God and this family tree line have made it very clear why man does not run this rock? Why they don't own the key's to the kingdom of heaven's gates or this rock? U sold out freedom, you industrialized mankind to feed your God Damned stock machine. Yup you followed the wrong profit. Your banking industry. You passed blanket laws, U justified it. Don't think I don't C the Monopoly U got going on up there keeping humanity suffering and in pain. The Inferno? "Nothing changes a persons behavior like pain." Yes western medicine IC very clearly how you don't want that Lotus flower to open in humanities tree of life? Use your round up in my seed to slowly starve U over 10 years? If not that way then a car accident 12 pills and 12 weeks of P.T. for anything that ales. Then on to your pain clinic to help U tolerate those blanket prescriptions that keep a black cloud over your head. Hell they don't care if U get hurt or sick. U don't want them 2C the light. No, they are depressed. Funny how your PT questionnaire that only covers one area asks about pain then the the next question depression. U started diagnosing pain in the mind over 20 years ago and over ten years ago turning all the pain in2 neurological and U ignored that Tree Of life. All these years? Is that right? The silencing of my little lambs sitting in those institutions? My receivers to the light. My Truth speakers. Oh yeah you created the Sentinel right there. Who got to create and mandate the rules on this scarlet letter A of addiction? Your justified system and your one lane highway to hell of a cure that never lets u off the chain gang? If U were such a moral lot AA then why did U let Big Brother in the door to industrialize humanities right to privacy?

Springsteen/Eric Church
Thinking yesterday about the load I have dropped on Kyle? That little monkey he carries just grew by about a ten. Looking at these Keepers Of The Light Cards, just the name of the creator? Kyle Gray. The girl who handed them 2 me? Kylie White. It is true what they say it don't get better than A1. So why are you reinventing the wheel 2 go in my land fills? I realized yesterday the 3 cards I pulled I had pulled 2 of them for the last couple day's, but I didn't read the other card or catch the first line of Venus? Her twin flame Sanat Kumara, Light activation. Venus, Downloads and understanding. Yesterday the 2nd card pulled sitting in the middle was Buddha. The one I knew inside myself long ago, was 2 walk 1 with God inside U. No it doesn't make U a doormat either that's our justice system and man. That is U bullies whom like to take advantage of a nice person just because U can. I am so sick of this bad behavior in all walks of life. IC quite clearly how U have used religion, God and any spirituality against each other? Even allowing man to turn these beings in2 myth all for the wrong power to keep humanity in fear, suffering and pain. IC as your Holy Mother, the rock that feeds U whom carries your tree of life just what U  and how U created holes in this HOLY Cross? My answer it ain't LOVE it ain't God. Plain and simple. Neither are any of U, not man, woman or child.

I explained 2 Kyle yesterday the role of The Myriam, the twin celestial beings of sacred vision? They represent the 2 mothers that he lost. Then I read the first line of Venus and it said twin flames. Last night I went down the list of twin flames, and all these mythological beings. Well so man says. Where did this start? The British Columbia, the Bicentennial. U took what was already controlled and stolen and kept those rules today. Thought we broke free to begin anew?  Rome this 3rd party U allowed to keep coming in and doling out it's own punishment making choices u should of never been making. U just all create your own armies everywhere in history for the wrong power. This system likes that. U literally allowed the elite and entitled 2 get a hold of mankind and write all the rules. Isn't that the point of the Masonry right from the start? Not to let the elite and entitled get a hold of humanity. Kind of like the Illuminati crossing paths into this club. Buying out their loyalty, so they think. Their won't be paying for indulgences for Sin in my church. Isn't that right Catholic church and anyone else. U have literally let man and money write all the rules and create your own value. Including U Devils Advocates sitting up there. I agree we should not be standing here over 2000 years after my brother, father and son died for your sins still fighting over women's rights and equality. We should not even be discussing a woman's right to choose because you, none of U own those souls but that wo/man upstairs.

Bottoms Up/BG
No Catholic church IC what U did, the illusion that these babies need to be baptized right from the beginning. Just writing your own rules over there to keep the illusion of power? Supply and demand IC in everything.  Ain't none of U writing the rules or do U own the keys to Love anymore. UR the ones sitting up there that can't let that control go. Not these people that UR teaching to tolerate in all walks of life not just my schools and your pharma but U Big Brother and Corporate America. When I sat on that well and the 2 black snake heads that popped up is the representation of U and CA passing your own laws and writing your own rules. Not my problem U sold out my garden to the banking industry and got everyone all the way up and down that line to do their part earn your fee's to buy up my rock, mark it up, that was never yours 2 do in the first place. You carpenters are a disgrace what U have done. Their ain't no carpenter I know that would ever do that to this rock. Greed! Greed! Greed and sloth. When is it enuf Monica Antone working both sides the broker and agent, my God talk about unethical. You John Day? Save some for my children. Their ain't nothing that U as well as U other builders have created that makes U worth that much 2 this little mother. Ain't a none of U a Sunshine State on my rock. So many of you don't pay your contractors isn't that right Sig. I ain't even done with U bitch. U should of been fired long ago. As far as U carpenters that think U swing a big hammer, Ain't none of U the Carpenter on my rock but Keith New. A man whom has had to prove himself over and over. A man and wife whom have had to rebuild their life over and over every where they go only 2 have U egotistical landlords pull the rug out or not do your part making it harder every step of the way right Sig?

White Horse/TS
It started to dawn on me last night the names in this deck of cards, the roles they have each played on this journey? How these names and characters have guided me on this journey? Brigid was the name of a Druid in the beginning when I went to look up names of druids and roles. This is where I came across the name Ellis. The Twin Towers and Lady Justice? Also the name of the first guy that cheated on me. I knew I was on the right path. Her twin flame Cerunnos and he has ram horns. Who knew that Michael The Arch Angel had a wife? Her name Faith. I knew Michail and I were meant 2B on this journey together when I read the Conjuring Of Jack Parsons. The 9 knocks, that 9 again and whose standing there but Michael and ISIS. The first name I said on that blue oil can of peace. Blue is Peace. The second word twin towers. Oh my what a Bermuda triangle  I have here. Mt. Sinai the breaking of those 10 commandments and those 7 deadly sins. I assure U I point my finger up cum judgment day. I am your creator. I am the creation of your own making for sum of you up there and down here. Don't think your not gonna get and earful of Truth for your bad behavior. I am no longer Mary Madgelane, your shit magnet for bad behavior and neither are these women. Then to Washington that State Capital and back to this Washington. Guess what I have that you don't. The Olympics are my Olympians, I got Zeus and that family tree line. I got a pregnant bird blocking me 2U and I got the bruno beard to the East.

Man I Want 2B/CY
I got I-9 times 10. I got I-5 from North 2 South. That rose line. Yes, I got the deluge of the sun, that Big Daddy of 7 with 2 sets of twin towers that stand above freedom's head. ISIS holds that Aten in the palm of her hands for a reason, that trinity his 3 nieces he was meant to take under his wing. Mr. Jobe himself with the lions bridge and bald eagle head that makes me laugh every time. He look's like a big Viking. That man has every major animal from that animal kingdom standing inside him. It is hilarious. I loved that some of the popes names throughout history is Hilarious. Carrying and feeding Michael after all these years for his loss of Faith in God because of what you at Cascade Covenant pulled with your power play thinking U own the keys to get thru heavens gates? Nope Trish Clearman U do not. Sue neither do U and certainly not U Mark. Porky pig with glasses standing up there. U ain't the music, you aint the mountain and your ain;t the man. U certainly ain;t no judge in my house. What did I say, doesn't anyone have the right to come to God? What was your answer no these are God's rules. No they ain;t those are man's rules, playing God. It's not your place ever to play God. UR not God's chosen son or daughters, U did not serve God. U served the entity the beast with your ego, with your heiarchy. Only the meek shall inherit the earth and from this mothers perspective it ain;t any of you. Your to greedy and small minded.

Taking credit where credit shall not be granted. U may still be going to heaven sum of U, inside my heart that is forgiveness enuf. UR not the chosen leaders and guides in my house. What U have done with religion is box yourself in. I saw it the day I saw my neighbor show fear over Kylie's cards. She doesn't understand even Mary Mag and JC are in here. All these celestial Gods are Gods and guides. They are Gods creation that cum B$ us and you as man no longer to own the keys or right your own rules for judgment and Enlightenment. Not in my house U don't. If U truly had faith in your heart you wouldn't have fear. She didn't have judgment she had fear of the Truth. U locked her in with your religious fear of God/JC and your Holy mother which is this rock. Going through these names I realized allot of these Goddesses are representation of other moon mothers. Yup I'm Luna your moon and I love according to the Babylonians that I am sin. Who says God doesn't like a sinner or have a sense of humor? No I fully understand now why my family is here to take back every seed. Humanity is still enslaved from then 2 now. I know U upstairs don't want humanity to know that they are the game that you are using as food for fodder to serve your machine. I haven't gotten to that penalty phase of the game yet? Principals vs. behavior equals how I value U as not only your savior and judge, the redeemer, the author, the finisher. I am also Karmic Justice. I am the Punisher. Your done stoning your women cutting out there essence their clitoris. They're done with U owning their bodies from the inside out. My slave diamonds are done.My women, children and all U bullies are done being hit with fist like rocks. U men no longer hold that leash. UR unworthy. UR done reprogramming my children on sexuality. U know longer own this O ring or theirs. U know longer own their emotions or their right to their God or guides. So yes I call those native treaties that sits on freedoms head back in2 play. The day you allow to discriminate against praying peacefully on native land? Any land because U think U own it. U lost all your rights to anything on my rock.  Especially as a native woman whom asked no one for nothing. I didn't bother anyone. All IC is discrimination. Their are no sales on service going on around here. U discriminate on any technicality to run a business on my rock and tell another human being they can;t use a restroom unless they R a customer? After all these years and all this poison? These are mother natures little beasties not yours. This is my animal kingdom. 
Shake It For ME/LB
I don't know what your thinking? U can't take this garbage that you are producing with U 2 get through heavens gates, so why do u think I'm going to allow U to keep creating it? Especially this revolving door of your hook up every morning? These cell phones and technology that are revolving thru our landfills are not our friend. Your so called electronic friend and family plan, so all U little slaves can get back 2 work. Now Odin kept coming up, I had no idea who he was even after I watched American Gods. I felt exactly like Moon Shadow and the story line was right on. I don't even know him and Thor were from the same sect. When I posted online what were these rituals I was doing a friend came back and said your doing fertility Goddess rituals. Now why am I doing fertility Goddess rituals if I only have 2 daughters? Then on this journey I got walked thru why the 3 other pregnancies? I needed to create the seed, the soul, the life with these fathers whom had curses on their head. Four with Mr. 666 himself. If U think for one God damn minute my children don't have heart, they do. They are the victims because of your justified system. My daughter wouldn't be living like a nun and the other the load she has carried? Already so young and she already had the experience by the age 10 and 12 being sat down right after her mother and repeat history. Being told by 2 different women that they own every thing. While Greg sat there and told her not 2B rude defending herself and her home, job and sister. Repeat history telling my children not 2B rude or your being just like your mother. Not allowed to speak right Greg to cover yours and Mary's Character assassination U did on this mother for 19 years? All to hide a crime? U sick sick sick piece of shit man and woman. I am your judge as well as theirs up there.
I Love The Way U love Me/JMM
One dot, one freckle, one hair on their head on these 15 ladies? My family will huff and puff and burn this house down. U turn a weapon on them, U turn the weapon on yourself and U will have chosen your destiny and your door. One more murder to defend these guys or out of your own fear and UR Gods flock we don't murder but you will have chosen your door. One kidnapping or attempted murder and U will have chosen your door. Like U did 2 John The Baptist, with the head on the platter because Solome didn't like his ruling about her divorce to marry her step uncle? What did Michael's demon tell me? That he Like John The Baptist wanted to cut my children's heads off and mail them 2 me in a box, unlike John's whom was served up on a platter. Spite, Smite, serving up your own justice because U don't get your way. U have proven through history just why God wanted to wipe out the human race. I'm not far behind Him on that perspective. Their will be no more of Gods chosen one's to make their ruling.Quite frankly I don't give a fuck. I heard in the beginning I don't have 2B inside 2 clean any house. My first broom a dirt devil and well now I'm just a sweeper of the stars. Time for the Malakites to go and those Nicolations God hates so much. Yeah who told U God doesn't have emotions? When I picked up that red bible with my name printed in gold, I happen 2 open it to revelations. I threw it and said my God would never do that. I'm here to say Oh yes he would. They all would. This is our second home away from home. It was meant to feed all of her children in all walks of life not just a few. Holy Amethyst and Arch Angel Zadkiel haven't read them yet. I love that my first book of numbers was the Angels 101. I mean who else is going to know what the 3,6, and 9's that I've been working with mean  and what to do with them but Gods first family the Legion. The militia. I love that Hope, Faith and Charity are all married to arch angels. The celestial beings the God's twin flames are married throughout history and time right from the start.
She Don't Know She's Beautiful/SK

Bring On The Rain/JDM
3 Wooden Crosses/Rt
What Do U Want/JN
Against All Odds/PC
Jesus Take The WHeel/CU

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