Thursday, October 4, 2018

Lips Of An Angel

Any Man Of Mine/ST
Oh Kyle U R so fucked on this one, like I said last night, I recon it's Venus and the Venusian's that pulled me back out to these planets. OMG! Major weather conditions on these planets. Like Venus volcanoes number 7, my detriment planet. My X. Well you have 2 planets as well as Kai. Remember the site that was a Ben Franklin history site and it took me right to the stars? The Rams body faces the seven stars over freedoms head, yet I am turning my head and facing three stars behind me Pisces. At the bottom right tip is Kiley. Aquarius. The 70's these songwriters, the psychedelics, free love and our government studied it and realized what's happening and the put it under lock and key made it bad. Ripped out the 2 weed plants that had to 2 B 2 in every yard in the 13 colonies. This is the Dawning Of the Land Of Aquarius?" Ring a bell?

The Truth/JA
I need to change the station but to tired. It's more about the title I recon, then the words inside. I really don't hear it so much as the emotion and beat. I also learned from the oracles that every planet has a being going back through history and time attached to them. Big example is your two planets. I laughed but it's probably not funny from your perspective. Scrolling through the TV yesterday evening I came across a show with the description of the planets thus far called "The Planets." Yes! It was just that afternoon that I looked back to the family charts. Hell I didn't even know we were up to 12 planets' now? Fuck me I just wrote a couple months ago "Oh no that 12th house is Gods house." Allot of energy up there. When I went to school their were nine planets people.

We Danced/BP
Kyle you have two planets. Number 5 the King Planet, is Jupiter is you. Weather storms 1500 miles an hour. It's gravitational pull is off kilter and it affects Uranus. Kiley's second planet. Both Alex and Kiley's planet is Saturn with the 2 rings. Then I find out from Michail last night that his planet isn't a planet but a star the Sun. Yes! Just this last few months he's finally woken up enough to tell me his father was a Mason and that he and V spent a year with the Lakota tribe. I got to explain to Michael after I pulled his card with two others, ISIS of all beings and but of course the Myriam twins. Then I could explain his destiny why he has always wanted to lead something but he can't. He's to angry or turns into a child maturity wise, looking for acceptance out there instead of inside himself.

It was totally what happened at Cascade Covenant that made Michael disassociate from his light inside him. To thine own self be true right? Then I was able to explain why Mark looked like Porky Pig with glasses? JC put the demons in the pigs which is why some religious sects believe it's in the pig and not the essence of a human being.  We had to go through everything Biblically. Why we needed especially me in Mississippi, the racism? My God I was astounded. Michail's cousin which was his boss standing in our house using the word nigger? This man's behavior and ego were off the charts. Of all things back to the eye, he's an eye surgeon.

Road Less Traveled/LA
Kyle your modern planet is awesome it's number 8. A good number in the book of angels. Galileo first thought it was a star. They named it after a so called mythological God, The Roman God Neptune, God of the sea. You were in the Navy, also I if I remember right a seal? Popeye, Bruno and Olive Oil. those last few months of me working at that place in order to get food in me, it was Popeye's chicken tenders and spicy gravy on my potatoes. I couldn't eat unless it was Cream of Wheat or Salmon. I could smell the taint in the meat. I craved Beef Broccoli and I fell out of the car as soon as I opened it dry heaving on my knee's. I could smell the fish oil in the sauce like that rotten fish was right under my nose. When all that all that Iodine I think was in the shrimp. I craved medium to large shrimp.

Don't You Wanna Stay/JA
Then it started to Dawn on me last night like in the past, you have been close to death many times. You have been in delirium states of ascension. You just don't remember them. You didn't remember your dreams. I've been taken back through all of mine. When you go to heaven to write your own book of life like I did here from this planet, you get your answers to your dreams and the ends you kind of remember but not sure? My medication's caused my liver enzymes to rise and I always watched my liver. I wasn't told that I needed to be tested every month for four months. Going into the fourth month, I got sick.

There Goes My Life
Five days of being alone barely able to walk to the restroom maybe once or twice in a 24 hour period. I'd eat real fast, milk, ensure, hot cereal and I'd be back out before my dish hit the head board. I narrated it four months later. Being in a delirium and all this injustice. I'm not afraid to bleed for him. Of course on this journey if I wrote or narrated before I went to sleep. I'd forget and just move forward everyday with the next step. I found it four months later. I could kind of remembered it? Then four months later they tell me the The Black Valley Shadow Of Death. Then like four months or even longer I found the incantation in the bible. I met up with the Hindu woman for the first time right before I did this. She was wearing the same yellow dress that she wore after I made another agreement and I came out of it said Namaste and bowed in my mind.

In My Daughters Eyes/MB
Your third eye is not open. Your heart might be but not that eye.  You've got so much shit going on right now. Which is why I see the animals that surround us in pictures, names and sides of semi's and trucks when I travel. Our auto industry is out new animals. Like you ride a Hog right? Your from the land and the Sea. Your wings and you were in the Navy a Seal at that. I don't want to look back though these messages. Around and around I go. Your wings your a Pilot, and look the Roman that stabbed JC with The Spear Of Destiny his name Pilote.  True intent to kill him faster yet he shed his blood. Alex is my goat yet she's Destiny. My quaking little rock. That thinks if she keeps talking over me repeating herself that my answer is gonna change? Both my daughters are twins to that Sun. Saturn is the twin planet to the Sun. Just start writing from your heart Kyle. Hell do just your kids names, I have not asked that one. I had right after you told me your wife's name? A little Mexican girl whose name is Cecilia. She shows up to visit and play with Chloe. I just looked at her and said in my mind "oh but of course said the horse. Fuck me!"

Red Ragtop/TM
I had to add to the White Eagle blog. He is the Shaman when I was shackled and kidnapped by 2 men in Canada. I used the excuse to pee and escaped. Shackled still of course running through the woods to escape. A man comes along unshackles me and tells me where to go. I told you this. A reminder. I went to a cabin in an opening in the woods and I blew up a meth lab and watched it burn. I turned and walked to an open field with a native man sitting there waiting for me. He told me my next step which was more than likely a semi back across the border. In these oracle cards a Shaman by the name, White Eagle. Before I even made this agreement B4 that Valley Of Death. I had white feathers flying all over my room. I always felt like I was walking trough cobwebs. Later on this journey I found some document saying just that. Lately I've been picking up white feathers. Some day's I'd wear a black feather and a white feather weaved in my hair.. That hawk feather just came along and the owl feather. Hell I had no idea what these feathers were in my path.

Over You/ML
Start out with maybe an outline of names and birth dates. Just let your emotions roll. No matter what they are. You have no one around you. Your alone allot, your in the woods and by water Kyle. This is maybe an exhausting painful time, which CBD will help with that, THC for nausea. I don't know why they haven't awoken you unless they are still just having me be the messenger to move you further along to keep your faith and have trust in those beings. They will point blank ask you to be a vessel first, but you got to get to that stage to want that for this rock, this animal kingdom, and that future garden for all to eat out of eternally. The true emotion of the heart gets you there. Those emotions are your prayers and your strength's. It is your emotion that gives you strength. It's a healthy thing honey, good or bad. Let it roll. Humanity needs to learn to trust and connect as one in order to be stronger with just our energy, intuition and love to protect this rock in the future.

Lips Of An Angel/Hinder
I condensed my journal writing down to the basics to make it easier on you to understand. I read under your sign not only sensitive, but you don't like to go back. You have to go back to move forward, inside and outside. Their ain't nothing out there in that universe that wants you dead. You've just been put through the gauntlet so your children won't have to. I served right under the beast, but you did to taking the hits and getting back up each time to begin anew. Kyle you are a very very old soul. when it comes to me and you they don't get much older than this. I might take snap shots later of these beings and their roles to help you.

Livin On Love/
Faith is here to remind us this is man, not God. It was another being that is here to remind us that God never condemned us in the first place. When I turned around and saw my own father and my uncle Richard swinging that machete cutting the heads off of my classmates whom were sitting in cages with sheep sitting on there heads. It was a symbolism of how the Holy Father feels about sending his own flock down to the slaughter. S/He owns us, that energy and all of them own us. The comet that hit Neptune in 1994 was called Shoemaker/Levy 9. Classmates names and well I told you about Levy Biblically and number 9? The Universal Nine Of Principal's. Hopefully your history lesson is done for the day. It's still early. U never know.

Me And U/KC

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