Thursday, September 21, 2017

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

Conversing with God through my music this morning. Let me give you a little run down of that conversation.
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked by Cage The Elephant, Oh God he better know how to lay a pipe.
She Hates Me by Puddle Of Mudd. Oh Greggy, Oh demon boy your dead to me and mine.
Yes I fucking hate you. With good reason. Your a liar. Well demon boy, you have had plenty of time to speak the truth of your lies. What about the principal of your actions as the father of my children? Oh yeah, it doesn't matter does it? You were entitled. Hey did anyone know I was forced to continue to live with a man who sabotaged this mother from the start, and stole everything to hold onto a crime for 17 years? You have no moral code. You have no integrity. You have no honor. Demon boy, I know for a fact you ain't got no heart. Yup so it seems it's time to flush this royal piece of shit and all his lies right down that pipe.
I'm coming for you.
Beverly Hills by Weezer. Hey demon boy you ain't playing in this mothers beasty garden, nor are you eating from my families tree of life.
It's Not Over By Daughtery. Yup I'm the joker, this families last laugh. Am I the fool demon boy? Nope it seems I am your creator over and over again after all.
Give Em Hell by The American Rejects. Oh Big Daddy I plan too. Can you believe Michael took offense to how my Big Daddy trained me to be his little beasty? He took offense to me feeling like a marionette puppet for that man upstairs. I mean the ego in that alone. I know one thing, I'd rather be that Big Daddy's Lil' Beasty than what you got coming down the pike. Yup, you can keep all your pedigrees that you think humanity needs to make a living. Oh Gregory, you forget I don't need your measly 666 after all. I only need one.
Brain Stew by Greenday. Oh you don't know what my families got in store for you? You see all this pain I carry in this lil' body, ain't nothing but this rock's lil' mummy. This rocks Orphan Annie. You see I carry the stigmatisim of all this rocks lie's and curses, crossing paths all the way down my families tree line. So yeah, demon boy, I am a creation of your making. Since I married you the 666, this lil' mother, it seems things are off balance. So yeah baby brother, I'm The Stigmata you piece of shit. This Mother Board ain't broken after all. Casting my lil' spell. Got lost the other day and guess where I ended up Todd Road in Kent. Did you know Kent is the Gateway? Learn something new everyday.
All Or Nothing by Theory Of A Dead Man. Hey God, Hey Big Daddy, I heard it said that God is dead. Did you know that? That Big Bang Theory. It seems God has answered your prayers. You know God I thought you were the creation and the heart beat of this rock. I thought it was your animal kingdom that surrounds this rock? Wow! I see your point. I see it very clearly is a matter of fact, even in my sleep. You know as a druid and well this families angel with the crooked halo, even when I'm asleep I got trains to catch.
What It's Like by Everlast. What is it like being a beasty? It's the best thing ever. Who wouldn't want to be a beasty? It's the bestest thing ever. My wings go all a twitter. I get happy feet. My twinkle toes light right up. Well they would but the ones I just bought the left foot died the next day. Sorry no returns on our garbage, but thank you for your services. I do not think so. This business practice is gonna stop. Remember all you corporations ruling my rock to wipe out humanity? No returns.
Meet Virginia by Train. Who's the big bad Virginia Wolf?
Wherever You Will Go by The Calling. Yeah I know it's a tough call, being with Gods son for the rest of my life, but somebodies got to do it. Might as well be me. It's a tough job, seems we don't do take backs in this family tree. Trust me I have tried
You Don't Belong by Daughtery. No you Corporate America, your business practices and all the injustice you have served up, standing humanity in your dutch ovens, telling them to drink your Kool Aid? You don't belong here. Pill hell to oppress a humans beings emotions to draw out the suffering and pain?  Nope I like my man's idea of getting stoned better than your families. I like my families constitution better than yours, because my families constitution stands for family. Not your brotherhood. So you can just get the flock off my rock.
One Headlight by The Wallflowers. Oh I wish I could go back to being a wall flower some days. Do I ever get that. It will be okay baby girls. Your mother will be AAAAA OOOKKKKKKKAYYY. Peace out my rock and my light. You are the very best parts of me, each in your own way. No matter what you say. No matter what you do. My love for you never dies, even if I do.
When I Come Around by Greenday
Savin Me by Nickelback. So I'm a half pint. I can't help who I carry inside of me. Take me or leave me. I know one thing you are going to accept all my family for now on. You will accept all of me or none of me. It's your choice what door you go to. You made your bed of thorns, now you will lie in it. You believe its black and nothing when you die, then that is what you will receive.
Hey Soul Sister/Train
Half Way Gone by Lifehouse. Yeah I know. I sound half crocked. Maybe I need to go back to the reservation. Back to the box Colleen. Get back to your box, until you can fit in. Nope Colleen it's not good enough. Back to the box, back to your black sheep herd. Oh I got a sheep for you. Meet my Lil' Ram. Did you know I gotta a brother in my family tree? Yup sure do his name is Ramsey.
Sorry by Buckberry. Actually God, I'm not sorry. This has been a long time coming. From what I can see it is this system and society that made a mockery of Gods raining day. The Apocalypse. The Sphinx right Daddy? I'm The Sphinx? Aren't their three different kinds of Sphinx in my family tree?
What I Meant To Say by Daughtery. To those of you judging others. Persecuting and using Gods name as Justification for your good intentions and bad behavior. I got this to say, let's see you stand for your convictions now? Mercy me, it seems I get to choose after all. I feel my temperature rising God, is that the mercury rising inside me? I knew this had something to do with Mercury, is it that Merca God? Oh Mercy me oh my. I wouldn't want to be you.
Your Beautiful by James Blunt. That depends on your version of beauty, I recon. Personally I just felt fortunate, not beautiful. Yet looking back, I can see clearly the prejudice other women in the work place and friendships that has been placed upon me. All because of spite and jealousy. It didn't matter my size others felt it okay to come up and nit pick me, telling me how cute my pooch is and touching my tummy is rude. No why? Your jealous it was all muscle. This nit picking me is gonna stop. If you don't like it, get off my rock.
Santeria by Sublime
3 A.M. by Matchbox. Come on let's light this night sky up.
Fly by Sugar Ray. You think I'm not ready to fly. I'm not your pet bitch. I belo0ng to another family. I belong to that family.
The first family. This rock, this sun and this moon are my trinity, right along with my family hidden in all those twinkling stars that surround this rock. You know that animal kingdom you all descend from?
Yeah Bitch, you want a piece of me? You see I don't dance for you. I aint jumping through anymore hoops meeting anymore of your impossible demands and unrealistic expectations that you have placed on this T.O.L. I got something just for all you nay sayers, how about a Lil' Tender Lovin' Sea for you today. Lets see that fault line in California split in half like Mt Olive. Hey it's so clearly stated out there, that these fault lines are about to shift. Why Greg if you don't mind my families just gonna re-set this rock back to right, burn out all the poison and erosion you have created on this rock and in the air. Then after some ground shaking, well we're gonna have to bring on the water, to wash all this poison out of my rock. The soil and land. You know my well's, rivers and creeks? The ones you had no right to treat with all your synthetics, because you think its good for humanity in the long run, is the biggest crock of shit I ever did here. How is turning mother nature into a synthetic to feed humanity, organic beings a good idea?
Everything Changes by Staind
Time for a New Day, Time for a New Dawn, because all I got to say is you depleted this rock with all your fracking, your mining, and you black tar oil that you got running through my rock? No this mother does not think so. As it turns out My Daddy, My black shadow, my horsemen don't think so either. Go ahead, My trigger finger is just itching for a fight. Ye who cast first stone, ye who draws first blood, strike one, your out. I got the consequences of those seven deadly sins standing over my head. I got my ma, lady Justice. Come on Ma'at, yes it's been a long time. A long time coming.
Hotel California/Eagles
Well Lady B, and ISIS, thanks for coming back for this one. That Mother From Beyond? Now I admit, I about came all undone when ISIS pointed to that Sun, that fire sign? Hey it's my family tree, and well this is their animal kingdom, from all around this universe. It seems the only ones in this universe that want the human race dead, are here already. That Trojan Horse is in my house, my land of freedom? No I do not think so. My house bitch, my rubies, my emeralds, my silver and my gold. I recon this diamond, well it just comes with the package. It seems my families mind is made up. They have been making a list, they have checked it twice, and well what these ladies got brewing upstairs? Lets just say you aint ever seen a storm until you meet the big storm. You know the sin of Assume? Heaven on earth and my beasty garden.
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked by Cage The Elephant
I'm going to play in my garden with my beasty everyday. Then I'm gonna wrap a rope around his ankles and tie him to a horse and send him packing. Just joshing Big Daddy. I'll be nice, I'm just not always gonna play so nice. Are you sure he's up for that Big Daddy? Do you think he can handle lil' ole me? So I like my Mary Jane's to be 4 inches high.
Never Gonna Be Alone by Nickelback
Centuries by Fall Out Boys. Yeah you always have a fall guy for all your poisons. You always have a fall guy for your solutions. You prey not just on the weak, you prey on the naive, you prey on the vulnerable, You brainwash them with all your clubs and cults to eat.
All Star by Smash Mouth
Who Let The Dogs Out?
You Found Me by The Frey
Higher by Creed. Love me some Creed. This man's music speaks volumes. 

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Not This Little Monkey

Take Me Away/BOC
Lets just say it's been an interesting couple of days. Just where my lil' monkey thinks she's gonna hide? As this sun issue comes up with God, I spy out of the corner of my eye, my little monkey running right up that tree line. Oh no, just where does my monkey think she's gonna hide?  I don't blame my lil' monkey for this one. Standing at the bottom of the mountain I watch my lil' monkey stand on top of that mountain wag it's lil finger to and fro at God, chittering and twittering away the way monkeys do sometimes. She's pointing her index finger up in the air and she says,

Long Cool Woman/The Hollies
"Oh oh oh, no no no, not this lil' monkey you don't. This lil' monkey don' t wanna play with you no more." Just where my lil' monkey thinks she's gonna hide, I don't know? Let's just say my Curious George side of me has flown the coop. This lil' monkey is done. She's spinning in circles looking for a place to hide. Standing under that great big blue sky it's sinking in their ain't no place for this lil' monkey to hide. Not in no tree, nor under no rock that's for sure. Yup it seems, I know just how my monkey feels. This isn't the first time my lil' monkey wanted to run away. No matter where this lil' monkey goes, she always seems to get brought right back to the same spot. Standing at the foot of God.

Simple Man/LS
Here we go as my lil' monkey pro-testeth away once again, she looks up at God, determined to give Him a piece of her mind, with her finger pointing up she shakes her finger too and fro "oh no no no, not this lil' monkey you don't. You can go find yourself another lil' monkey. My lil' monkey spins around and around, she don't know which way to go. She gives a heavy sigh. A sure sign of resignation.  She shakes her head looking down at the ground, knowing full well, she's been here before. Their ain't no mountain big enough to hide from this hot mess. She scurries up Gods left leg, back over to the right shoulder. She tucks her head down behind Gods and she whispers in His ear "oh no you don't, not this lil' monkey you don't." It seems God's lil' monkey ain't coming back out until all is said and done.

Comfortable Numb/PF
I catch a glimpse of myself leaning with my face buried in my arm, against the bathroom door. What caught my eye was that pose and what I happen to be wearing? My overalls with the broken left clasp. It was the lil' doll Deana used to make. I just want to go somewhere alone outside and scream. I can't help but to feel lately like God is wanting this blue egg to hatch. I ain't hatching no dragon egg, I know that. That's what he thinks anyways. Now if theirs anything I have learned about this man, he somehow gets me to come around to his way of thinking. Even if it means, he's going to stand my ass in it. Can you believe the gull in this man, he called me impetuous? I mean the gull in this one.

Crazy Train/OO
I mean come on God, at least I point my finger up. I am a creation of your making after all. I don't know Big Daddy, maybe I do need a lil' spanking? A lil' pop on the cheek, like the day I was born. Naked as a jay bird. Might be just the medicine I need? Perk me right up for my morning feed. One red hand print on my right cheek? Make my Heidi Hoe? How do you take your eggs, sunny side up or over hard like myself? Go ahead make that almond drip it's sweet oil. Oh hell, Big Daddy, I don't care what your hungry for today. Come on what do you like, is it the clam? Is it the taco that your hungry for? The sweet nectar of that honey almond? My peachy lil' ass sunny side up, just begging for you to take a bite out of me? Come on what do ya' say, morning wood, makes honey dew in my family line? Hey Big Daddy I'm a creation of your making. I was put here just for you.

Baba O'Riley/The Who
Come on Big Daddy, I'm waiting to be milked. Roll me over and over, bring the hot waves crashing down inside of me.  I feel a build up coming on and this lil' mother's gonna blow. My kitty cat is just itching for a fight.

The Mona Lisa/BP

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Smoke On The Water

Smoke On The Water/Deep Purple
I'm finally coming down at my anger with God. Oh this last label sent shock waves right through me. That is the best description I can give myself. Especially yesterday. I could barely speak I was so mad. I went from "Oh oh oh's into my no no no's, I'm so mad at you for this one." Onto yesterdays re-action. OOOOOOOOOOOOOO. OOOOOOOOOOO. OOOOOOOOOOO.

I'm walking along talking to God. "Okay you want to play this. Your boy you got picked out for me is no longer in my house God. Nope he's outside. Chained to a tree. In the rain. He ain't coming back in until this is done. He's my tool to barter God I'll barter him through hell and high water if I have to.  No God, the children aren't a barter."

Stairway To Heaven/LZ
"Nope! I don't give a flying flock what you do with Greg. That is between you and Greg. You gave me this tool, and the way I see it he's mine to barter. Hell God he's my only tool to barter. Don't worry God, remember he's a beasty. He can take it. I'll let your precious son back inside when this is done and not a moment sooner."

Heart Shaped Box/Nirvana
I'm on the bus and I blurt out loud, "Get me off this rock God." I walked around lost for hours. Wrong buses in wrong directions. What was supposed to be a easy three hour trip turned into six. Lot's of walking and venting. I swear this man does this to me every time until I tire myself out and cool my jets.

The House Of The rising Sun/The Animals
Well I got my answer to "God, why am I so mad at you?" I usually do about two days of debating and venting my shock and rage at all this injustice. I kept trying to shake my anger off for this. I tried to just let this issue roll off my back. I couldn't do it. I was speechless aside from a few side conversations, my hand was in front of my mouth in shock all day. "I kept telling God, get this anger off me.  I hate being angry. Get me to acceptance so I can deal."

Blurry/Puddle Of Mudd
I turned to God and I asked, "how many more shoes you got in that closet of yours. I can't take another shoe drop. This shoe God, OH! OH! OH! is just the biggest shoe I have ever seen, aside from yours of course. Got anymore tricks in your bag God?"

I realized a couple days ago that the pain in my spine turned into the shape of a music note. Going straight down. It curves back up to the left, then curves right, back to the left and down it goes. When my neck and shoulder act up, the pain goes from my left shoulder to my right then from my right hip to my left hip. Those lines intersect from my lower left back to my upper right shoulder.

Iron Man/Black Sabbath
Don't get me wrong I love God. I love His son. Hell I recon I keep marrying Him throughout time. I must keep coming back for more torture from the big man up stairs for a reason? Being His wife, I question that reason some moments of some days myself. I have been yanking myself off this chain gang. Kicking and screaming all the way on this last go around.

Free Bird/LS
Then it started to Dawn on me, wait a minute "are you testing me? Things have changed I see." About once a day I get placed in a situation where Kyle and I are standing off somewhere. No background, we are on a huge platform, at times a grid. I get some kind of question asked emotionally, and it seems to me God, your testing me about this guy? I am failing miserably. Well God, at least he's chained to a tree out in a yard this time. Not being pushed over an edge, or tossed back in the river. I must be getting better about this acceptance?

What About Now/Daughtery
"Nope! I recon at the moment I'm still mad at you for this one. You get this done, and I'll be nice to that man. Maybe." I did make an awesome discovery. I said in the beginning it's about the fault lines. Those fault lines are about to shift, and oh boy are they. I feel a little bit better now God.

Never Gonna Be Alone/Nickelback
I'm so mad at your for this and the symbolism of that ring of fire pisses me off too God. Just get this anger off of me. I hate being angry at you. This family tree you have walked me through, with all these branches?  You all are killing me. You all have put me through an emotional ringer. Some moments of some days I feel wringed out.

Island In The Sun/Weezer
Bohemian Rhapsody/Queen
Fly/Sugar Ray

Monday, September 11, 2017

The Assassin

Tell Me I Was Dreaming/TT
I ammm soooo mmmaaaaddd at you for this one. You had me chasing my tail. You kept sending me off into these tail spins around this son or sun. It was that feeling of dread I get when I pull myself back into the fetal position. This time I pulled a black cover over me. "Ooohhh GGGOOODDD!!!!!! What is it your not telling me this time? I heard that name for the second time. The Original Sky Mother from beyond. When I looked over it was the picture of ISIS holding that disc in her hands. Then the camera flashed to the sun. The original ball of fire in the sky? Aten.  I lost it inside.

I was pounding Him on his chest with my fist. I was punching Him in the arm. Screaming at Him, how could you? How could you do this to me. I'm the assassin?

All day I went through different phases of emotions. Hyperventilating not only in my mind. Going from Horse Shack mode swinging back into Amy Winehouse. Then back to my mantra. "I am so mad at you for this. I am so mad at you I don't want to speak to you ever again for this one."

You're Gonna Miss This/TA
Yet I can't walk away from this one. I can't let it go. I'm bending over hyperventilating telling myself to breath deeply. Then the music playing in my ears, Just Breathe. I'm so mad at you for this one. Then I'm siting in the Lotus position with my head turned to my right. Not wanting to look. Going back to the beginning with my grand dad. "Knot Head, it's A O.K., then the Hindu woman dressed in yellow, her mother from 12 sisters telling me " don't worry, it will be okay."

Walk With Me/RT
Then to the Davince Code movie. The Davince Code daughter and the divine? I am still, I can't move. Trying to cope with this tid bit. OH OH OH. Then I hear "Colleen are you okay?" I do a slow drawl, "I'm AAAA okkkaaayyy. Oh! oh! oh! I am so mad at you for this one God." The movie twister my tailspins? I didn't even think the flying cow was funny God. Dorothy that Tornado, why I don't find none of this funny? I'm just adapting to the storms God. I am soooo mad at you for this one."

What She's Doing Now/GB
I force myself to go out for a walk. Here I go back into a hand off. Back to the barter stage. Oh please let me change these terms of endearment I do not like? I catch my self pushing this big heavy invisible thing straight out in front of me. I got God on my left and Kyle way off to my right. I change directions and I slide this one over to Kyle. I tell God,

Don't Take The Girl/TM
"Oh no you don't. This is not the family trait I ever wanted to have. He is the son, not me. He is the Arnold Schwarzenegger Twin to my Danny Devito. You give this one to Him. Not me God." Then I'm on to the barter stage. My bullshit stage. Okay God, I'll stop pushing him off edges. I'll stop tossing him back in to the river. I know you caught me a big one this time. I know, a King Size Salmon. I'll keep it. I'll accept it. I won't let it go. I will even be nice to him. Oh please God no not this?"

Why Don't We Just Dance/JT
Take this back. Then I get a flash of a celebratory photo where there's this big King Salmon in front of me and everyone else is happy. The look on my face is horrified. Then I look at God and I say "oh who are we kidding? You know I ain't gonna behave and stop tossing Him back until this is over. I mean why ruin all the fun? Oh I'm so mad at you for this.

Better Class Of Losers
This morning I'm walking around still feeling disbelief. My same mantra in my head. Oh God I am so mad at you for this one. The music I hear with no music on, "forgiveness, forgiveness, even if you don't love me anymore." Nice try God. I'm still so mad at you for this one. All I know is this ain't coming out of my Hyde this time around. Unfortunately having you as a husband, you'd enjoy it.

I had been wondering, how am I going to turn this swastika back into a four pane window? Just trying to leave that part up to Shiva over there. I was wondering just how are you going to tie ISIS and the Shiva in together God? You just had to do it? This is something I did not want to know. Why couldn't you just come inside me and get this over with already? I saw a picture of the Swastika in my head with a big hammer right smack in the middle. "Oh please God let that be Thor's hammer?" Then I see a great big fist sitting right in the center. I gave Him a small 'thank god." Okay I'll give you a small thank god for that one but your not getting nothing else out of me until this is done and over with. I cannot believe I am married to you? I cannot believe I'd volunteer for this? What do you do, where do you go when you find out your married to God? I could use my Robin right now.

Look Heart, No Hands/RT
If Your Reading This/TM
The River/GB
Baby Blue/GS
She's Gone Country/AJ
Here Me Roar/
From the beginning and the end I am from that five star family. I'm either in or I'm out. In it to win it. Live or die. We started this together and we're gonna end this together. Come Hell or high water we're in this together, no matter where we end up God. Now I know why I felt like mighty mouse with this huge circle of guns pointing right at my head?
Let's Do It
Open Arms/Journey
You were not kidding how mad I am at you for this one? Now I know why I keep seeing inside my head every time you drop a bomb on me, I grab Kyle by the throat and I shove him through a steel door so hard it leaves his imprint? I won't leave him chained in the garden. Without food and water. I won't leave him chained to the bed post either. Well, not without some food and water. That is as far as acceptance as I go on this one today. Don't you ask nothing more of me today as far as acceptance goes.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

The Lifting Of The Veil

I don't know why I do this to myself? Up at midnight back to bed about 3:20. The whole time I'm pushing God, why do I see obstinace God? Why do I feel obstinate toward you? Why am I mad at you? What did you do? Then before my eyes are open first thing out of my mind, God, why am I mad at you? It's not the first time this has come up. You side step me don't you. You stick me another cryptic metaphor to figure out once more. It's that sun isn't it?

The Power Of Love/CD
Which son/sun I'm never sure anymore? I just can't help feeling God, you always have something more to show me. It's never just one thing with you when you stick me in one of your puzzles to figure out. Always a double edged sword with you isn't it? I just couldn't help feeling like while I was down there, that it was your opportunity to tell me something more? Like "hey, while your down there, (away from you) I got something else to tell you. I do not put this past you anymore. One thing always goes much deeper with you. You are a Cryptic shit sometimes, you know that?

I Started  A Fire/Ash
You know God, I'm not mad at you. I can honestly say my whole life, I have never been mad at you or JC. I might not like what you have placed me in. I certainly don't like your labels better than the other two sides I got going on out there. Why am I so angry at your precious son here you have on this rock for me? I know it's irrational. I do know I'm venting my anger to him, like I do you, for all this shit you have walked me through. You know God walking with you really isn't all that it's cracked up to be.

Star Of The Show/TR
I discovered the symbolism of the sun with a black snake wrapped around it. Is that black snake you? I really don't like snakes God. One snake and I am gone. I couldn't put the words together what it is that I can't seem to see about the son that He wants me to see? It's like a fold, a curtain that is blocking me from seeing what he wants me to see. Then it hit me it's a veil. The lifting of a veil? Oh God! I just keep coming back for more don't I? I just can't get enough. I must like this torture you put me through, because I certainly can't turn you off anymore. One thing just leads right into something else I don't wanna know and God Dammit, I got my answer didn't I?

Thank God I'm A Country Boy/JD
I turned on Ancient Aliens (Season 12 Episode 15) making coffee, moving around and I over hear, "The Mother Goddess from beyond." Another label God? I have been trying so hard to figure out how I am the son in all this? I'm that Sun God? That is why I'd say the Lords Prayer standing at big rocks under the full moon. You got me praying and shedding tears to everyone up there don't you? Oh God! I'm not sure I want to see this. Am I ugly? Am I horrifying?

Swayin' To The Music/JM
I have figured out also how you have kept changing the faces of these ladies through out time, just like you did your son. OOOHHHHH!!!! No! No! No! Not a real sun goddess from beyond God? Haven't things gotten pretty far out there enough? I know, flock. I cant believe I asked for this. I can't believe I said "okay, do what ever you want, I trust you?You must be pretty special to put me through all this hell.  Oh God! Are you flocking kidding me?"

Your words/Dog Nasty
This is not going to be a good day is it? I have barely moved for two days God. My apartment looks like it threw up my closet, I won't look in the dish pit. I'm doing all I can do to make a peanut butter sandwich. Oh my face hurts God. I'm walking away.

Time In A Bottle/JC
My sisters wedding song. Nice try, not this time. Just give me a minute. I need some real smokes God.

In Between Disasters/UK
Oh! Oh! Oh! I am so mad at you again for this. I know God. I know. Oh God, I don't like the direction your taking me. I know I do this freak out session every time. Yes, I'll just bet I look like a petulant child to all you giants? How petty of me right? So sue me.

It's just never ending. This journey just seems never ending God. I don't give a flying flock anymore who any of you are at this moment. Fuck I am mad at you for all of this. All of it. I mean my God, always something or someone else. I am so fed up with this shit. This sitting in a box with you is no life for me. I just can't do this sitting in this box. Living to function and move every day. I can't. I don't know what you want from me but time is something your not gonna get anymore with me. Not like this. This is all bullshit. You stuck me in a box to get me alone to tell me this? I hate this shit God. I hate this life. If you don't get me out of here soon, I'm going to turn something off. I am up to here with this.

My Heart Will Go On/CD
Fuck you and your love songs. I hate these songs God. I hate love songs. This is all you ever play. Get it the fuck off of me right now. What ever this is take it back. I don't want it. Every fucking time I skip it goes to an advertisement. I can't do this. Summer Breeze? FUCK YOU! Take your music and get it the fuck away from me.

Against All Odds/PC
I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU FOR THIS. HOW COULD YOU? Your such an asshole. I don't like this God. It's destruction. I know it needs to be done. I have to walk away. I feel another tear fest going on. Why couldn't you just do what ever it is you need to do and leave me out of it? Your God, not me. Yeah! I saw it the Goldsmith mummy discovered and a Bengal Tiger killed.

Down Under/MAW
I'm not sure I like having this heart anymore?

Burnin For You/BOC
I am so mad at you God? Yeah I'm back it's 6:39. You can kiss my Lily white ass for this one. It seems the higher you go the lower I go. It's just some P.O.L. really pisses me off. That is the last thing I wanted to see. I walked away trying to figure why am I so mad at you for this? Oh come on, like ISIS wasn't quite the awakening? OH! OH! OH! NO! NO! NO!.......Asshole what are you the angel from hell? NOOOOOO!!!!! I'm a fire sign? OH! OH! OH! that is nothing like I ever had in my mind. What are you nuts?

Come Together/The Beatles
Nobody in there right mind would ever want to be that sun God. ISIS wasn't enough? The Sky Mother? NOOOOOOOO!!!!! After I understood just why I'm surrounded in a cloak. A black snake cloak. Some kind of valuer which is you? NOOOOOOO!!!!!! That is the reason why my sister and I felt like we had been through a fire? Are you mother flocking nuts? I don't want to know. Not that. I can see why you stuck me down in some kind of well? Yup! You really take the cake, don't you? I am that fire God or Goddess of that sun?

Proud Mary/CCR
That fire? Michael said "Colleen forest fires just start in the East this time of year for no reason. That's supposed to make me feel better? OH! OH! OH! What aren't you telling me? You know what God? I felt this same way with Greg. What isn't he telling me. Charm Charm Charm. I hate charmers God. I hate charming men. Those monkey's God? OH! OH! OH! You bet your sweet ass I'm mad at you for this.

Whole Lotta lOVE/lZ
REAAAALLLLYYYYYYY??????? I better start seeing some HO! HO! HO!, real soon or you can go find yourself another fallen angel. I'm that Sun? I'm that Sun Goddess? Are you Mother Flocking nuts? I started to realize just why I'm standing down here? What isn't he telling me? Like I haven't seen this before? That other shoe? Always something with you. What could God be telling me? Why he put me here? What is the significance of this black wall from another perspective?

Don't Look Back/Boston
Oh you think I'm not mad at your "Prince Of Tides" now? I'm not talking about my X. No God, I'm saving the best for last. To be a fly on the wall when it sinks in? Then I start wishing, uhmm, why can't I go back to be a wall flower? Why can't I go back to looking at things from the outside in? You know God, it's that cross. That choker chain I had on that night. The one with the cross. I ripped it off my throat and I said out loud, "I am so sick of this cross." I ripped it off my throat. I felt so confined.  and I threw it on the ground. I continued running for that intersection.  Nice try telling me I can't run free on that land. I can't wait to shut Corporate America down.

Back In Black/AC/DC
Oh save your "Hells Bells" for another day. I'm really not in the mood. Talk about triggers of the heart? Oh mother, may I shut this shit down now?

We Will Rock You? NOOOOOO! I'm to obstinate to look at you now.

Friday, September 8, 2017

The Crone

Godzilla/Blue Oyster Cult
God, wait a minute here. Why is the love circled around me so black? Sean said  "while I am sleeping, no one can get close to me. My dog's. My dogs were nothing like he had ever seen before." So for heavenly dogs those were some pretty scary dogs. Look what they are protecting even in my sleep? I've been thinking about my Crone back. Michael said a couple day's ago, "Colleen your Crone sits up high on the right. The one no one can see, that is unless your really close to me, no one knows. I mean I stand tall and I look normal.

Learning To Fly/Pink Floyd
Then that intestinal disease Crone's disease? Then just at T.A. as usual somehow all the rich people who live behind there don't want to expand that truck stop?  Hence the name "Truck Town" people. Yet all along I noticed tree's being cut down behind Warrior Number Two. Low and behold we just got one issue settled and their is already a city plan in place for a septic system to go in right there. HHMMMM?????? Then I learned something new on one of these shows, did you know hell had a sulfur smell? Yeah! Turns out me and that smell, don't sit so well. Learn something new every day out here just roaming around don't I?

Over The Hills And Far Away/LZ
I ran to the Interstate in 2015 and their just happens to be a staff with black tar oil on the end. I ran out into the road and I drew a line with it, straight across the road. Now God whose hand is in every cookie jar? I got an entity on one side stealing lil children's souls. On the other side I have a Satanic being stealing the children's souls. I saw in my dream 3 brothers. One was older the leader. I gotta a human on this rock playing both side don't I God? I got a black star sitting behind the system running the show. "He is at the door. He is here for the sun." This rock to take down God?

Break On Through/The Doors
It was the faceless man. I said that to my friend Dave Mayor. Hence the last name Mayor. You are the faceless man. Then I learned something new a couple of months back? Did you know that they call Seattle "The Jungle?"  I just happened to of been roaming around out there all on my own in the jungle? Then when the group who sang "Welcome To The Jungle", the Mayor held off for them to play and the next day removed all the homeless. Let all the extra money for the travelers come in first, then kick out the wildlife I see.

The Reaper/BOC
Humanity in their own jungle? God why is everyone flocking to the Pacific Northwest. I mean there are two P.N.W. and all along I met so many people travelin' to Washington and fro Oregon. It's about the organ's and how this healthcare industry set up the addiction, to create all this hell on humanity through the system. Our Healthcare system. Leave all homeless to take the blame. To create this healthcare industry we never needed. All to get a hold of humanity in more ways than one. Keep the suffering suffering, don't you? Leave them unable to speak for themselves while they sink lower and lower to pay for an insurance to live on Gods rock? You know with my family, you don't need insurance. Not like this we don't. With my family you have assurance that whatever role you played in this Monopoly, I promise you. You get to go home.

Sweet Emotion/Aerosmith
Now where that home may be. I just don't know. I'll just have to leave that up to my family. The first family. ISIS and my brother, OSIRIS. Then well straight up this JC family line. I see nothing but men. Then over here, I got my "Rose Line." These ladies, they are some heavy hitters. I got all these closer ups. You know that Atom family Line I got. Newton, Davinci, Einstein and Tesla.

More Than A Feeling/Boston
Well then I hate to get all Political, but George Washington he's a regal one. Lincoln my brother what a giant you be. Brother Todd always so near. Mary and well Miss Ross, it's been a pleasure. It seems my Grandma Bishop well she is in line here too. Well ladies and gentleman is this what IC blocking me from Love? Not God, but a Crone? I have that Crone on my back God? She's blocking me not you?

You Shook Me All Night Long AC/DC
Why do you put me through all these human emotions? Why do you just let me go off? It's like you want to drain every human fear I have right out of me? Just how in the hell do you propose I get this Crone off my back? No God. NOOOOOOO!!!!!! He gets a lil' monkey to carry around and I get this? A Crone? That is why Carol is really mad at me?  She has the curse of the Crone's disease. Humanity, well some, are mad at me for their suffering, the curses and the demons they carry for this rock?

No One Like You/Scorpions
Their diseases in there bodies, that I am seeing as a curse. This systems creation God. This system in many walks of life have come in and taken over this rock. It's their curses and demons that are re-acting to that thing I couldn't even see. Hell I never knew I had it or I would of gotten it back in alignment long ago. Well I would of, yet I've been stuck in a H.C.S that has determined my value. How I will suffer. How I eat. What box I get to sit in for one of their cures. You know that one size fits all? All these BJ"S that stopped me from speaking. Oh yes, and I called you a Harp. Is this those H.A.A.R.P. clouds I keep harping about? Well you.

You make me put it all out there again? My innermost deepest fear? I mean who like's rejection? Who likes to be set-up? I am so mad at you again for this. Gotta another tear drop you'd like to eek out of me today? JESUS MOTHER FLOCKING CHRIST. Who knew that's my calling? Oh God your killing me. You have put me through the ringer. Blasphemy that's me. Thanks again God for all your labels. I just can't wait to thank you in person.

Jet Airliner/SMB
That name Narcissist? I did say some Angels aren't about Judgment. The name they carry is their job. Plain and simple. All this Narcissism God? Got one in every family it seems. Used to be a fun wayward uncle out there at Thanksgiving. IC Narcissism in many people out there God? Whose is she or he? I know your Androgynous light in true form. Crystal clear energy and light, which makes you and yours androgynous. Neither male nor female, you are here nor there, yet you are every where. It is your rock that runs this universe. Your energy. It seems it's true after all. Your parents giveth and your parents taketh. Pretty old fashioned that way. You abuse it, they pull it. As parents you gotta be stronger than your babies.

Cities On Flame With ROCK AND ROLL. Hey Illuminati! Meet my family. I love my Ma'at. Justice. You know God, I got just "The Cure". Well it turns out this system and hell aren't going to like my cure. I learned something else new too. That JC is a demon slayer. When do I get to sleigh some demons and lift this misery off of humanity God?

Black Dog/LZ
Take Me Away/Blue Oyster Cult. Don't Fear The Reaper. Sweet dreams my pretty. Whose your sandman? Whose your tooth fairy?

Twilight Zone/Golden Earring
Why can't you just come out and speak? You are a cryptic God, that is what you are. Why all the cryptic codes God?

Are you trying to tell me I really do have some kind of old crone witch's curse on my head from eon's ago that is blocking me from love? Like a real old fashioned some kind of witch, like in one of your fable's. Are you kidding me? An Actual witch cursed me? Their is really an old hag dark witchy black magic curse on my love? What the fuck is the curse? My love is cursed or his love is cursed? I mean going in vs. what comes out? That opposites thing? That shade, that valuer is that what I call it? Shit. Which way is she blocking me? She doesn't let me speak. My God no one sees me do they? It's words. Key words, she twist it, she turns it or she blocks it. She's got a system blocking me and she uses this system. SO GET HER OFF ME.

Look what's on television? The Shaman's on Ancient Aliens. You know what God? I don't feel her on me. I started to become aware of a blackness pushing up against me. At times a wall of black that was right behind me and another time I felt it approaching a big wall. I swung around before it reached me and told it to fuck off. Then I became aware of the heaviness on my spine and the pain. I did a white light spiraling down and I haven't felt it since. Is this what all this shape shifting on my tree of life all about? The re-opening and expansion of me expands my channels? Then what an expansion into the universe? A portal? If I realign do we all realign?

Yeah, I just tried again. I don't feel any darkness around me.


There's Your Trouble

There's Your Trouble by The Dixie Chicks. Hilarious God, such a funny guy. Calling it like you see it? Oh your such an asshole today. Sitting here thinking about what to call this post and this songs comes into play. That is just the point. God's way of getting to the heart of the matter. Walking to the candy store I pass a man who looks like he walked right out of another country. Huge crooked walking stick, the dress and head cover, a white beard and olive skin. Like one of the three kings-man I recon.

Bless The Broken Road/ Promised Land by The Boss you choose.
I woke up pondering how do I have a blue heart named Jade God? Jade is green. An envious green, and well I'm not in envy of nothing at this moment. It's that sky blue rock. I feel like he's trying to make me adjust to something.

I mean really God, I have bigger fish to fry. Earlier walking along I saw petulance and the sight of petulance stomping her impatient foot with her hands in fist. Pointing her finger and she's not budging with her fist at her hips. Funny lil' character really. I just wonder what God is trying to show me about myself today?

Just A Dream
Then I'm standing with a black wall surrounding me. Like I'm standing inside a black pipe, and boy am I mad at God for this. I am maaadddddd!!!!! I got my red t-shirt with my black and white stripes, my arms are crossed, and my nose is in the air. My back is to Him. I will not budge. I had no idea how stubborn I can be. Of all the things I have let go and let slide in my life? I will not let this one issue go. Accepting God's gift of Love. I mean I know, how assinine right? I am so angry. I got a long list of names standing over my head and of all things that I will not budge on, is my own fathers gift of love?

Born On The Bayou/CCR
He put me through a tear fest standing in the A-line box. Feeling the oppression and the suffering of those around me. They have no one to defend them. Their is no Justice for these people out here. This has been going on a long time and they are boxed in. From all walks of life. The Injustice of this sends a rage right through me.

The Lips Of An Angel/Girl Crush
The last stand of slavery and oppression. Fucking assholes, and God pulls this shit on me? Here I am being stubborn at a time like this? Here I am, I'm supposed to be a leading example of a higher being, and standing here with something so human as love? Something that everybody wants right? The answer to every ones prayers right God and I won't budge. I never realized how close I held that wall in or how strong it is. I mean that it's the color black. That's a strong wall. That ain't a good wall to have at a time like this

Over You/ML
Such a human emotion Love. I'm supposed to represent Love and I can't let this picking issue I have go. Like what God? Am I supposed to bow down to Him? What the flying flock? I feel like Pippy long stocking that's for sure. Little Orphan Annie, been there done that. Ah hell Raggedy Ann and Andy? Living in an Orphanage for lost mothers? Knowing full well this is the end of the line. The second time I heard the word family, by then my third set of seven, sitting at earthworks park, seeing three rings? Oh you'd think I was smarter than this?

White Horse/TS
I get it. I get it. I just can't get it God. I can't grasp this. I want off. I want out. I am so mad at myself for being so stubborn about the acceptance of Gods Love for me. It's the gift God. A human gift God? What am I the Trophy Wife? Fuck that shit. I feel so diminished and so small right now. Mad, defiant but small. To find out somehow I am expected to accept this gift of life? A strange man I don't even know? Aren't I supposed to get to know someone first?

Dream On/Aerosmith
I can't just fall in love with a human being I do not know God. I don't like the take over either.

You And Me/Litehouse
Drops Of Jupiter/Train
Free Fallin/TP
Paint It Black/The Rolling Stones
When You Say Nothing At All/Alison Krauss
Something To Remind You/Staind
Fortunate Son/CCR
Born To Run/BS
Kryptonite/3 Doors Down

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Jades Heart Of Stone

Iris/GGD Nice try God, not this time.
I was so happy to have my very own beasty to play with. Oh, happy feet with my wings going all a twitter. I'm so e3xcited to get to go play, and he's mine. Then I don't really know what to do with this beasty after that? I thought well he is my beasty, I'll just keep him in the garden until I'm ready to play again. I don't even no why I bother this rock is my garden.

Loving Arms/DC
I mean isn't that how we got here in the first place? I don't have the heart to leave my beasty behind, I just don't know what to do with him God? Then later that evening I saw Kyle and me standing next to each other on top of a big white square, and when no ones looking I step over and slide him right over the edge. I take three steps to the left, like nothing happened. Then I catch myself saying to myself, "my God what's wrong with me? Why can't I get past this? I must have a jaded heart after all." I catch myself tapping myself on my third eye with my left hand.

All American Girl/CU
This morning I caught myself with my baggy jeans on, hands in my pockets walking around this huge blue egg shape rock, kicking it. Pulling my shoulders like a munchkin fairy I'm so mad at it I don't know what to do with this blue rock God? I don't know how to get around it and then I lost it. That's my stone heart isn't it God? Just how did I get this heart of jade God? My picker as it turns out wasn't my picker after all.

It was your picker not mine and you betroth me to a man God? Everything I am against inside myself. You want me to trust you? What the flock set this off today? Oh I don't know God, could it be t5hat other Big I brewing? You know, storm Irma. Hell you named her. You. You want to keep kicking around this Jaded he3art of mine that you gave me? Don't I have bigger fish to fry right now, like some kind of training for some kind of super power I'm supposed to have? You know training day? You want to go around this again? I won't do it. I've seen enough. I've got a crystal clear  picture. I GOT IT GOD.  What a HARP YOU ARE.

Come On Get Higher
I see the clear picture from each man that I had a long term relationship with. I see the roles and the issues and I don't need to see how each time it was an outside source affecting the inside. Each time I was told to put up with it or take it. Be the bigger person Colleen. What split up every relationship, money and power. Their ego, their time and how I was going to spend it on them. So fuck you, I don't need to see no more. The Truth why I was never picked. They were cowards and couldn't take care of their own issues and left me to be the door mat. I didn't tell them the Truth because I felt if I had to tell them the Truth then it isn't love. I can't help how a man values love God.

Ahead Of Myself X/A
What more do you want me to see? That every time they stole something precious from me, even if it was of no value, just to punish me? Fuck you. You know what the Truth is I don't give a flying flock who is God and who is the son. It's always been one in the same to me anyway. It's to confusing being a O.W.A. I can't tell them apart inside myself.

Born In The USA/BS
Then the Sky Mother and ISIS, Are You Mother Flocking Kidding Me? I was so mad I stomped away. Telling him to leave me alone. Then I turn back around,

Human C.P.
It's the experiment isn't it God? What's the experiment, the human race? I get it you've been watching all these centuries, and like battleship, they make a move, then you make yours. Step by step. Chess comes to mind God and I'm the pawn once again in your game of life. I've got two girls on both ends, my nieces God? My Jordan and my Jillie Bean. OMG, my other Rae. I'm so angry, I feel forced. What is this God another test of my Faith? Trust or Faith today God?

Proud Mary/CCR
So what's the experiment God? Does love conquer all? Does love rule out? Like I need some strange mans pity party for me God? That is why I don't like to talk about my past. I don't feel sorry for myself, yet others like to use it against me. The whole time I spoke the Truth. It is that blind eye of justice God?

Beast Of A Burden/TRS
I have never been a victim to my life inside my heart, it is others whom placed me their. Only in this system they tell you it's all your fault. To look back, yet when you do this system never lets it go. I'm going to shove that label Character Defect up there ass. Find out I never got to speak, nor did anyone ask. Whatever the legal system says, well it's justified right God? How is this justice God? What do you want me to do about it? I tell him to analyze this and I storm off again.

The Sound Of Silence/Disturbed
I finally make it into the bathroom  door and this asshole plays this Blown Away by Carrie Underwood. He makes me so mad, with all this proof of life. Just can't leave one stone unturned can you? Then he goes and does this. He played,  Almost Loved by A Fine Frenzy. I catch myself doing this all over whole body shake at Him. Sneaky Bastard, somehow in his own way he gets the last word.  Why can't we just skip the next step? Hell your God for Pete sake. Just skip every thing and get to whatever those lil' beasties are that are running and playing on some mountain. I just don't understand why, I can't stay mad at the guy? Can you? He makes me laugh, he makes me cry, but always the right note every time.

Knocking On Heavens Door/Guns N' Roses
I finally read the report on my stomach. The same patchy rash in my stomach that is in my intestines, somehow I healed my own issue. Just took a year. Thank God for this poisonous apple of a health plan I got going on inside me. I have been thinking about how the pain spots on my back match all the crosses with snakes out there. In different stages. I've been thinking about my spine re-shaping and the pain being in the shape of a Z. It say's in this report that I have a Z line in the lining of my stomach. God, I am so going to kill whomever is responsible for this tree of life. Then my right index finger tapped the ball of my nose.

The House Of The Rising Sun/The Animals
Push/Matchbox 20
Live Like You Were Dying/TMcG
Really God? I yelled that earlier. I mean isn't that what you've been having me do all along. Live like I'm dying? Do I even get a life after this? What of my children God? If I'm going to be a seer on this rock as well as my 12 plus beasties then I want them to be living guides. Live God, Love God, Live and Learn God, not be in a bottle such as myself or a box. Please don't put them on a pedestal or lock them in a chamber or tower.

So Far Away/Staind
They can't be all they can be to pass it on inside a box God. I was thinking earlier, what makes humanity think that God isn't a open minded being? As God and the creator of all you'd have to be a pretty open minded being right? Why do people claim to be like God, Walk with God, Use God as an excuse for anything if you don't have your Faith and Convictions to hear others? Not very God like or open hearted. You can take Faith and God anywhere with you, but you can't really learn about life with God till you have the courage for your Truth inside you and what the Truth is outside you.  I mean they have a family inside them God. I see a cross and a five star family inside humanity.

Through Glass/Stone Sour
Behind Blue Eyes/Limpbizkit

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Who Made Who

Who Made Who/AC/DC
Who made who God? Now that is a good question? Who came first? Now that is a good question too. ISIS/ or Mary? The heavens and the stars? This rock or the garden?  I watched the first part of Ancient Aliens Origins. A refresher on family lineage. This document in which early Christianity wanted you to turn a blind eye to.

Wanted Dead Or Alive/BJ
Oh my Angel you kill me sometimes with just your selection of music. Back to the A.A.O. me being a O.W.A I gotta accept this. It started out with two names again Mary and ISIS. Whom I am as ISIS is finally sinking in. I know her husband isn't Atum it's Osiris. I admit I'm a bit slow at times, going back around around in all this history all the way around this globe? In all these centuries and dimensions? Then figuring out OH! OH! OH! then I go into my NO! NO! NO! faze and spin out for a few into I can settle back in.

Cum On Feel The Noize/QR
I have to remember God has already walked me through the scary stuff. It's the walking back in that as a human being it can be scary. I caught myself looking down at the ground and the words that popped in my head? "Dante's Inferno" nine layers down boyz. Talking to God on my walk home from the candy store? I looked to my left and I said to God, "Oh yeah God, I don't see standing with one foot in Heaven and the other in Hell, does Heaven make." (I saw myself standing over a wooden fence with one foot chained in hell) Why I say "Heaven make" I have no idea? Hamlet comes to mind. Another descendant from the angels. In speech alone. A higher being that's for sure.

Heat Of The Moment/Asia
Back to the A.A.O I go. The Serpent Elite a descendant from David. Left behind seeds and tools. That roaring lion I saw in my head? Anger for what you have done to my tree of life doesn't even describe my families hell for you. The way IC it I'm done with second chances. What do you say God and Mummy Dearest, 1/3 do2wn and 2/3rds up? The other reason God let you over populate my rock.

Who's Crying Now/Journey
Oh I'm going to send you on a journey alright. All these mother flocking games you got going on inside the human body and my landfills? My family is going to enjoy ping ponging your ass all around this universe, before I put you back behind that door. You know the one you've been slowly oozing out of for centuries? To figure out that God's plan is my calling? All those names I have crossed paths with over and over? You know the ones you allowed another human being decide for you what is a myth and what is truth? Yup, I'm going to drive you staright to hell. Go ahead draw first blood. I got so many names and faces inside me you bet your ass those that deserve this in my families eyes, Final Recall.

Love And Affection
Guess what else I found out after discovering more answers to that Emerald ring? I kept feeling a lil' green inside me. I had no idea why? I mean a human beings colors are red, brown, black and yellow right? So why do I feel so green God? Then it hit me, I am a "Lil' Jew" after all. Then a description I would use to describe the color of someone else's skin was olive. I had just watched on another episode of A.A. that Mt. Olive is split in half. Do you think God? Split the heart right from the start. All that ego in one lil' kickstand? All that entitlement? No God is not going to let this entity re-create the human life form into a droid.

Crazy Train/Ozzy
Love this brother. To live on this rock it will always be two to create the bread of life. You were given the technology to give life not re-create the human life. This you have abused, have you not? Don't BULLSHIT me anymore. You in this system have created the propaganda and poison in everything God ever gave you for everlasting life. It is you as a human being that gave God one name, and from my perspective looking across this globe throughout places and time he gave you a God with many names. God is the creation people, he gave you choices not boxes.

Addicted/Saving Abel (Oh God, you are my favorite mistake, you are my favorite addiction)
This system along with religion, that ego part that says the male is superior. Truth is whatever God has said in the past you missed something, who are you to judge? Who are you to go against Gods plan and judge his flock? Your not putting your Faith in God if you judge others. Your job is to lift another being up leave the rest to that family upstairs people. You have no business judging anything until you know the Truth of the whole picture. Well your blanket justice system made their choice to. The way IC it those on top judging knew the difference between right and wrong, yet you set up a whole flock that can't defend itself against all your bullshit injustice you have doled out. Your making quite the living off of them though.

Why Can't This Be Love/VH
You didn't even know that you are still enslaved. No one knows your agreement you made with God before you came here to live. The cave in Africa in the shape of a Serpent. It's in every religion and myth. The serpent, the tincture, ultimate Wisdom and the Elixir of life. My spine needs to snakes around it for balance, not just one anymore. Hell you fell it, hell you will pay. I have no mercy inside me today. I hurt and I'm out here floating on my own waiting for all the red tape, while I fight off this crone off my back, Just pisses me off to know end.

Fallen Angel/Poison
"That day forward Serpent will control the human race." Two snakes wrapped the cross with wings. We are off balance between good and evil God. I'm seeing this now God because it turns out the S curve is back in my spine, it's just going the wrong direction. Then I thought about God making me come back and marry the wrong brother? I mean I just figured out that God had Cain as balance, and if that Ass wipe is my X. The timing alone? To hear someone else say it's a brother and sister this time. It turns out to be the brother and sister from the Garden Of Eden? Oh God are you there? It's me your God daughter.

Looks That Kill/MC
The Serpent and the Bull Of Fire? I felt from the beginning a bull. Then I find that golden bull over and over? Kim in Korea, I mean God Dammit, how many times has that name came up God? Not so quick on the draw their am I? Aten again? The sun wrapped with a snake? Then the root word Easter? My grand daddy's last name means Easter and well he married the native Lily that descends from that royal Mother of twelve. Her daddy? A native Royal Bishop of seven.

Here I Go Again/Whitesnake
Serpent Lady, life, death and re-birth? Holy Moses. Then I hear the name I have come across before, Astarte, her name once again in conjunction with ISIS and Mary. I marked the viewing on this documentary at 11:55 it said, "The cover up by the Christians didn't want the human race to know that it's own deity came from the serpent blood line." I know how you feel. I hate snakes with a passion, yet looking back, I can tell you the snakes who have crossed my path and who killed them. "The Nostics called Christ the good serpent." Why do Christians want to follow a new Truth God that was a lie in the first place. Truth is you can't undue Truth, you can hide it but you can't sale it. If you have to sale it, it ain't Truth. I can't wait to tell these brothers just how I feel about their Truth.
Bad Medicine/BJ
The other reason I feel a lil' green God? Is it the reptilian race? My issue along with humanity God, is how do I separate out the bad eggs from every pod. I know a pod is a seed and well we are the game after all, being played from up above. Don't believe me another A.A. a few chapters back the Tibetans were right on about this part. Do you know why I have gotten cue's from all religions? God is our creation, remember you named him. Hilarious! Every time we say "God particle" and well that's me and mine. You named him within the other Truth? "The Big Bang" Where the flock do you think you get your science? It's all the same living energy people. What makes me sad God, is that on this rock we judge first and kill it off before anyone knows the Truth. This system hides the Truth to control evolution to make humanity pay for things that God and my family gave you for free to run this rock.

Comin' Under Fire/DL
"Body and blood of the ancient serpent race." Hey it is you humans whom put a label on Gods love. It breaks my heart that you truly are like every other parent. Of course you get mad and walk away, just like your son who came before me. Just as I do. I'm stepping out, I'm gonna blow God. Do you know what makes me blow? The part humanity doesn't know about, is my clue that there is no money and that as a nation we are broke.

I'll Wait/VH
They keep making it harder and harder to get your money from the State. IC over and over how this system already owes so many of these people down here and each step of the way, you change the guidelines and parameters on how the human race is gonna get their money back. You mother flocking dole it out and you are telling the wrong class of people to hold out or hold on while you assholes get it together for the greater good? Four hundred dollars to rent a room for your crazy people, you just made the weakest being in this country the most vulnerable. Shame, shame, shame.

Livin' On A Prayer/BJ
What else do I have on my mind today God? Weeelll, I did start dancing in what is considered the East in this Pacific North West. Then the fires in the East God, and for the last couple of days looking at that red sun and the red moon. I can't even call this one a blood moon yet. I'm due for the blood moon. Follow the fullmoon, follow my blood moon. It was due yesterday.

Back In Back/ACDC
My dreams God finally seeing the ending of some of them, it's the one I went back to my father and grandmothers home in Othello. My friends God? The ones who sat in cages humans dressed as sheep and God's pain, at his sheep being slaughtered, like he's wielding the ax inside his own heart every time one of his flock goes down. The walking under the Lincoln pass and all the feathers God? I called it a slaughter, a feather slaughter God.

 I didn't know. Hell I barely remembered using the word Apocalypse but then again why should I? In that scribing it was the only time I heard a mans voice gambling with my life? Asshole! It was you all along. You have put me through hell. Yes God, I figured out another friend and the Truth behind his suicide? Todd Near. That poor family God and he was one of the good guys. It was the conversation I heard him have outside the Galaxy, when his friend said "so when you gonna bend Marla over the arm of the couch?" Todd was standing just like Kyle. He did that breathy chuckle under his breath like my grandfather and father would do. He did a chuckle and a shake of his head and he did not speak. Integrity God.

Trying to catch up and I have to look back some in my journals. I turned on the television early Sunday morning. It was Matt Hagee Ministries. It actually came on at the part about George Washington, I caught my hand going in the air saying YES. He is speaking the Truth, George Washington's family came from farmers, in the 1600's. He didn't do the war for greed, nor any other false illusion. Sometimes it's about our future. As it turns out he had to make a choice for this nation and his family to move forward. You can't just stand there and not defend your nation people. Where's your convictions? Where are all those Godly convictions you have judged others under, even in your minds you do.

This human race came here to sit in these boxes for you to be here today, for this rock and that family. Your fallen. Your children in your gangs and clubs looking for family. Hell people they wouldn't be there if we had just taken a moment to realize in this life some people are fighting wars inside boxes for you, because things are so off balance. I would say a good half of these people in whatever cell you think they sit in are not mentally ill they are conduits and receivers being made to sit in jail cells and purgatory for a crime they did not commit.

Is This Love/Whitesnake
What in the hell are we doing labeling people mentally ill and sticking them in jail and fining them in the first place? Assinine comes to mind and I like my spelling better. Yeah that's smart, lock a mentally ill human being and lock them in a box and tell them to deal. Who loses in this game. Plus they have fines to pay on top of that. This industry is all about the insurance. The liability insurance now. Whose gonna be liable to pay? Whose gonna pay for this tree of life? Do you know why someone has to pay this liability now? You created the insurance industry and the justice system to serve it up. Watching Scully, that was just the issue at hand. You created a machine to make the human being liable for error. I loved when Scully pointed that out, you base it all off a recreation of a machine over and over to get to where he got to at that point? We are human beings. We do human errors, that is Gods plan. Not artificial Intelligence to think for you and create a buy and sell marketing plan. You do not need insurance to live and die on my rock. With God and my family you have Assurance. How much do we really pay into that insurance industry compared to the pay out? How many people paid into it for years and got nothing back in return do to some other unforeseen accident not covered under an insurance plan?

Stone In Love/Journey
 It stays right where you put it. All those extra green backs goes to them. This is your scam and industry. Almost everyone when they get older from an accident in a car, at work, at home, a trip or a fall can take you out of the game. This insurance runs you around and around, giving very little help, and no matter the insurance company this legal system approves this behavior in the insurance industry. very little service one way only or the highway, just a little bit of help, then they harass you to close the claim and later in life or six months later your still hurting or it's always going to hurt and get worse as you age. That is reality in almost every human beings life.

The Promised Land/The Boss
Now get me there already and stop drawing out this pain. I don't know who the worse torturer is some day's God, you or this system? Your making me feel like a real ass sometimes. The more of my family lineage you show me, makes me cry. It gets heavy all these names and labels you placed upon me. How come JC got 40 days and nights and I got 49 years? Never mind, I know the answer, because I'm the mother and it's all about your precious sun. You know what I knew you were gonna do this and I don't want it? Not this way I don't? After all this asshole talk about his Highness, you got me eating crow once again? Yeah! It's sinking in, I'm the Sun. I represent the Sun this time. How many years? How many conversations? How many times have I said it and read it God?

Blurry/Puddle Of Mudd
I don't want to talk no more. You make me mad. I don't find your humor funny either. I am the Joker and The Fool this time around huh? It turns out my soul mate in the sky is a pretty witty guy. I'm gonna miss you when your gone. I have no idea whose ear I am going to bend after this.

It's Been Awhile/Staind
When do these lil' piggies get to role in the mud God? Why can't you just come out and tell me what you want me to do about all this?

Monday, September 4, 2017


Just A Dream/CU
OMMFLG!!!!!! Yes God, I got it they called it? Humanity called her forth, just by this system labeling the war ISIS, they called her forth. That is the first word I said out loud that day on the oil can "ISIS". Yee Haw. Something shifted in 2015 for the first word out of my mouth to be said "ISIS." I'M ISIS HERE because these dumbshits called me out? OMG! I can't stop laughing at that. I needed a boost it's been a rough couple of days inside and out.

Here's another irony for you when Saddam was rebuilding Babylon just in that calling or it being discussed in the works, you had Alex Crowley open Pandora's box and out cam Lady B. Yes, I'm dancing a jig in my seat. I decided I like being a beasty, I mean it's not my fault if you in Revelations missed the part where it said beast, you all thought it was the 666 beast inside of me all along? Sweet! YEE HAW! I'm gonna like this show down.

White Horse/TS
I'm sorry let me take a moment and wipe my tears. Oh God meant our animal spirit beasties. You know the one's you didn't want humanity to know about inside of them? Which has created a whole lotta imbalance on this rock and inside your heart. I remember saying we came from the water and the land, it turns out the beasties were here first, not you the human race. Yes, so when they created this synthetic shit on this rock to wipe out the human race it has been bringing out all that suppressed anger that they could of been running inside there heart or in the woods, hell I don't give a flying flock, freely given, freely taken, respect, love and grace. Yea! So God we all gotta a little beasty inside us and this is off imbalance inside, with all the talk of the beast?

It seems you not only serve this system, that lil' alien that I'm thinking we all got inside us too. I mean who's family came before that garden? ISIS and OSIRIS my children's bloodline. Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! You know I've been thinking so they called her out to the other mummy? Hell God they named her, the other Annie. Wow! What did you do to my family to call out his family line? Well then I did say Greg is always running off to play in the woods? Wouldn't Greg be like me the feau Beasty, wouldn't that make him the feau 666 beasty too?

Landslide/Dixie Chicks
It started to Dawn on me that well from what IC here in these documents. You know the one's that is a timeline of when Greg met Mary Stone made a plan and stole literally everything. On this rock and in heaven ladies this 666 beasty he don't own shit.

Kryptonite/3 Doors Down. Boy's, hey how about nine, to infinity and beyond, I cast you out?
This system may have sold me out with your BJ"S but it turns out God owns this rock, not Greg and now I understand why it says something about a Gregorian falling out of heaven. You know how Greg doesn't have a heart being a sociopath and all, I remember it said something about Greg's Achelious Heal? Nothing hits Greg better in that penny pinchers slave driving ass than money and well by the time I'm done, this system nor Greg will own one God Damned thing.

Girl Crush/Little Big Town
I started laughing when I looked at Kyle and just let me count the beast IC inside that man? Yup, let me count the way? The bald egg head, eagle eyes with a lions brow, then well, IC the Lion in the gait, the bear and the wolf all wrapped up inside one. Then you throw in the sky blue eyes, the JC T-Zone with the bruno. The seven and three and his ring of fire all giants. Just this part alone is hilarious.

Then it started to dawn on me that I don't hardly have any sixes God? Then I remembered yes I do, I was born in the fives in the sixties. Yup Renton is a bird and the number is five and well I went to school with some Red Indians, and Hazen Highlander's, did you squash my raisin? No, come on.  Don't I have a Lindbergh and a Liberty right here in this Pacific North West. Who doesn't love Garfield. Got my rainbow pride, my panther pride, who doesn't love pink panther?

Jesus Take The Wheel/CU
Well let's not forget about that Cougar Pride? These women are bitchy because they are in heat. So I suggest you men start treating your ladies right. You will R.E.S.P.E.C.T. and speak to women with respect, because you will understand ain't no man of mine father nor brother has ever raised a hand to the sister, daughter or wife. Do I make myself clear. We are gonna get some respect around here for these ladies. In case you hadn't noticed the song, what side is th3e driver on in this emerald city, where King's and the Queen of hearts live? The left.

What Hurts The Most/RF
You are not gonna believe whose tears I shed. going through Newton, Einstein, Davinci and Tesla they want you all to know we have good science and technology. We have good power. What has been provided with their own adversity, they paved a way for us all to be here today. We provide for the good of all not just a few. Those who have come before you, our four fathers and the tears I cried when I realized today that George Washington did step in, because I heard Washington in the beginning.

Everyday/Sheryl Crow
Then more tears with Lincoln, and so many more whom have come before. Martin Luther King wants you to know get rid of the oppressors, get rid of slavery. We are one under one God.
Then it dawned on me hey the weed I've been smoking is called Cinderella's Dream, Am I getting closer God? Then I looked at the name of the kind that went up in smoke just before, and I laughed some more, HO! HO! HO! it was called Daddy Fat Sacks. I freely admit I like my families version of getting stoned better than yours. Human beings are cruel God.

My Little Girl/Tim McGraw
One other discovery, Moon Valley and what walks on that mountain? Well God, if I do re-call, I'd have to say them are Ram's. Wow, you didn't skip a beat did you? At this moment I'm at a loss for words. This lil' beasty likes back scratches and tummy rubs.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Love Bites

Rock You Like A Hurricane/Scorpions
Is it Hope or is it Faith that's locked in a box God? I mean look who came out with Michael and ISIS? It's Lady B herself. Turns out she's supposed to be here. The story of the groom who gave his bride a gift? A box and he told her not to open it.

Back In Black/AC/DC
Well she did and as it turns out God, all the good things came out, except Hope. Humanity God they each have their own perspective of Faith. Within their own way they have Faith. Using God and Ignorance as a good excuse to lock you inside is not Faith. God if you have Faith, you have courage to look outside that box. Humanity feels it's hopeless to look outside that box.

Comin' Under Fire/DL
Hopeless each in their own way about what to do about this one issue for all of humanity. Humanity, the human race, they can't look outside themselves. That shell that hides who they really are inside. Actually they can God, they just choose not to. For some it is not fear, fear of your Faith in your God? In any religion, Faith stands tall, no matter how small.

Hit Me With Your Best Shot/PB
Faith, God who is Faith? I mean inside me? Faith is just that, Faith. You can't move Faith if you have Faith. Hope God? She's a calling that's always reaching and it seems never ending to me inside. I don't feel like I'm striving for Faith God. I feel like I'm striving for Hope. Oh God, this is exhausting.

A hopeless need in something that never ends? Sounds like hopelessness, not Hope God. I have Faith God but do I have Hope? How do I take something that sounds so hopeless and turn it into Hope? Who is Hope God? How do I get Hope out of the box God?

Every Breath You Take/Police (Here's to you Patty, ICU)
What brought this topic on this morning? Thinking about "The Wizard of Oz" it's characters? The roles they played? What was the missing link in each? What was the cure? What was the fear? The Tin Man feared rain, he needed oil on hand to release his joints. What did he need from Oz? A heart.

Then we had the lion and he lacked courage. He had a low self esteem, he was pretty spineless. Cowardly. He needed a courage to be brave.

Then we have the Scarecrow. What did the scarecrow need? He needed a brain. He thought he was brain dead, that he didn't have a mind. He needed to be stuffed to stand up, for his structure and framework. He feared fire.

Who's Crying Now/Journey
What is the heart of the story, once they got to the Emerald City, the man was a fraud. He was nothing but a human being with a machine, putting on a show. These three had everything they needed inside them all along. They had Hope and they had a will. They just didn't know they had Faith all along.

What about Dorothy God? What did Dorothy have? She had Toto and she seemed to possess all three things that her family needed to accomplish her journey. No God she did not have a man, she had three.

What is the crux of the story? They all had what they needed inside them all along to brave this journey, to be smart and work together. To talk things out to get to the next step.

They had a heart, mind and courage all along. They faced the fire together. They weathered the storm together. Together they were stronger and Dorothy got to go home. What does humanity have God? They have you, they have the sun God and they forgot about Faith. Without Faith life seems pretty hopeless. To have Faith in something. What does humanity put their Faith in God? It's certainly not the whole package. The whole heart.

Looks That Kill/MC
"OH MY GOD! YOUR KILLING ME." Like that's not an issue? When I saw people re-act to Damian and start jumping out windows and off bridges? I don't want humanity to jump ship and commit suicide. That's not a good God?

 I don't want a human being to suffer in slavery to pain physical or emotional to pay a bill. Yes, I want them to have their retribution whatever that may be inside them. I want them to have freedom to choose without all the purgatory in Faith, Family and God. Is that so bad God?

Here I Go Again/White Snake
Then the other part that pisses me off God is I have never in my mother flocking life planned to be you nor speak for you? My career path has been picked for me already? My life once again for this rock? Are you mother flocking kidding me? For all this shit? My, what a blessing this family has been. To think this is my inheritance? A shitty diamond. Talk about getting the short end of the stick?

Who did God pull out? The slaves. Who did God call home? His Flock. What are you enslaved to? What is holding you down? What is holding you back? What is your fear of the Truth?

My answer, "that he won't love you." Is that my fear God, is it humanities fear, or is just one in the same? It's getting confusing inside me.

Who Made Me/AC/DC
The emotion I've been feeling inside me? My tears God? Who and what are they for? This rock? This Sun, or is it that man? Is it just another one in the same? That emotion again God? This is what gets me angry? The crossing and confusing emotions that keep waving through me? This object a rock? Is a living being, a life. An energy and a connection.

Why Cant This Be Love/VH
The pain and suffering in each their own way, and I don't like it. Who wants to feel that? Is that what he feels inside Him or is it just inside me? The feeling of the pain and suffering inside this rock? This planet? The human race or one man God? Whose tears do I cry inside me?

Home Sweet Home/MC
You make me laugh, you make me cry. Here you are answering me through your music. God, what would I do without you? Some days I get so mad at you for all this misleading you have done, the deeper it goes into all those P.O.L.'s out there. One little thing God and it turns out to be my ass? "Sunny side up."

Send Her My Love/Journey
For this one I am going to make you pay. You bet your sweet ass, your ass is mine. Hey you taught me what is good for the goose is good for the grander. I plan on taking it all out on you in that garden. It's coming out of your hide this time, not mine. How do I let this go God? My best friend? Our conversations, our banter to roll me along. I admit change can be hard, but I am so ready to end humanities suffering.

Talk Dirty To Me/Poison
Let's take the poison out of this God? Dirty talk can be fun. Fun lovin games, the fun lovin way again. The way love was meant to be, in that "Beasty of A Garden Of Eden." No light. No Love. Nothing grows without Love and Light. They go hand in hand. No Mother Nature and the Sun they do not go in a box.

Is This Love/Whitesnake
Love Bites/Dl Tempting God, tempting.
Fallen Angel/Poison. Hilarious! Pretty much.