Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Is this my heaven or your hell?

Stairway To Heaven, by Led Zeppelin

What the Flock? Do you know how many times I had to input this library card number in the last fifteen minutes just to get back on the internet?

Desperado by Eagles

Furious, Simmering, My mind is Brewing for the V of Vengence. Is this about Faith or Fate? What level of D's Inferno am I at now? Funny thing about Faith in my family. We don't budge. We don't let you make the rules. No one chooses not this time, except you. It just depends who you pray to when the shit hits the fan and you all start saying those Oh Shit Prayers. Truly I am not a fan of this family or the names. A few of these names I have compassion. It's another Patty. Just her last name alone speaks volumes. I think she has had a hard road of it. What a set up it was for her too? The accusations of Rape and the Injustice. The kidnapping and the brainwashing. Yeah talk about a character assination, and using the legal system to twist and turn just to make the rules fit there needs. I have always had a soft spot for her since I was a little girl. Is she another Angel? Is she another example, of all the Injustice and the insanity plea? The injustice of all these insane labels.

Come Together by the Beatles,

I'm going to Down load my findings and show you how certain names keep popping up. I mean in history alone it's documented. Even some theology is labled wrong on the history channel.

Edge Of Innocence by Don Henley

Okay. I'm back. Once again, not even the librarian can get this file to download onto tree computer to download on this site.

Not my day. I'm going to take a cat nap and pray I don't kill somebody.

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