Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Angel Eyes by Love and Theft

HumFitting God. Even the band name Love and Theft how true. It must be the mornings. I don't know. The way I process I guess. Mad again God.
My Girl by D'S
How God? How do I break the news  to people? I mean no matter what I say it's bad. It's all bad.
I mean really, Kimmie and I always said, my God imagine if that woman ever had to be truthful about what she has done to her children? She couldn't do it. It would kill her. Now  look. Thanks allot.
Back roads Song by D'S
Now I have to somehow say oh by the way mommy dearest I gotta story for you. A lil truth serum about who your son is. Oh and where do I begin with my sister? Well you have just been such a lucky charm in my life. Yeah God see, I can't even be nice. I'm not nice. I'm not no JC.
Then let me see how do I tell Shari who her Father is? You know the one she's never met? The one who somehow turns out to be in my wedding. The Father she always wondered about is my brother Todd, hence, JC. Yeah I'm not crazy. Thanks for this.
Think A Lil Less
Then there's my cousin. To tell her why Darcy lost her twin the way she did. I mean they were horrified alone already just with that. My cousin Belinda, the dark grey house on Lilac street. She's suffering with P.O.T.S.  disease. The last name. Her energy drain is because of who her Father was. She's going to be just a little benevolent when she finds out.
Irony is for years I have said to her in a subtle way. I hated the color of that house. Now I know why. Hell God, I had a picture of a depressed woman hanging over my bed. From the back she looked like a pear or a fig. Now I know why. That man is dead and we in my family chose to keep that darkness close, to absorb that dark energy one last time. They are dead and gone. My family suffered because we have heart enough to absorb the poison and know who our family is upstairs.
They Can't See
To have to tell my cousins that, you two have been staying close to my mother, and it turns out I've been hanging with my crazy Aunt Hoogie in my dreams. Their mother. So many nations and dimensions with this crazy aunt of mine. Later we will have a good laugh at God's plan for my family. Till then, not so much.
Life's A Party
Then a perfectly strange man you betrothed me. You set me up. You lock me in a box. Box after box, in my bedroom, in a crooked lil house I've been chained too. I have tried to get out of dodge. I have tried getting as far away as I can. Back to that mountain I go. It pisses me off.
Lonely Call
Locked in another box. Hell God I'm up and bouncing by five. I mean these two ships passing is working out quite well for me, however get me out of this box. I leave just as Michael is getting up. I open the windows and blinds. Come home around four. It's a beautiful day. I didn't want to go back inside. I open the door and it's dark but one lamp, it's muggy, (I have one question for this man that for the last two weeks I have literally pulled up the web site even and said to get this done.)He's playing video games instead. Lucky ducky me. I always did say my picker is broken. Thanks again God. I just can't thank you enough.  I have met men with God hearts. It's sad. Jaded they are. Looking back, a maid to cook, clean, do the laundry, earn her keep. Then flock her over some more right God?
Like pulling dead weight. A great big dead weight child. You expect me God to take on an even bigger dead weight? You wonder why I've tried and tried to walk away. Another man my God, are you flocking nuts? Always keep me at a disadvantage don't you?
Dibs DB
I looked at Michael I said what in the hell Michael? I'm losing my cool God. I'm just not very good at biting my tongue. I just can't hold anything in anymore. It's like blah. Blah. Blah.
I try to keep my cool however. Michael for seven years you have done this. In a apartment, in a house. It doesn't matter what or where. I open a window, a door, a blind, you walk right along behind me and close them.
Dust SUB
Michael the sun is out. He said well I got chilled. Omg. A grown ass man. The last few times I've tried opening  the door for even a few minutes all of a sudden he's got a fever or a chill. I yelled then put on a sweater. Hell Michael let the sun in and air this box out. I can't live in the dark Michael and I certainly can't live in no box.
Hometown Kane Brown
I know I'm not ready, I have more work to re strengthen my spine. I didn't make it this far to turn back now, however I want to put my backpack back on, grab my tent and move back to the woods.
A Long And Happy Life by Delta Rae
How the flying flock God do I tell my children the demon on Greg's head is Pope Greg the First? Please God get my daughter out of the mission. This nun shit is done. God she was in the Montessori as a child. Give her a free life God. Don't do to her anymore. Please God. Bring her home. 704 time for my morning cry as I prepare myself for another day in a box I don't want to have.
Hold You Back
To learn I can process from anywhere I stand all I have to do is Tune in then I pick up on ones true emotions, or a nations. I don't have to sit in no box to do that God. Now get me out of here. I'm starting to feel like a genie in a bottle.
I Can't Be A Backstreet Driver
You know God, we have not discussed any terms to any agreement I may have made. Okay I clearly made a agreement. It appears several agreements as you've been showing me the wrong kind of beasties standing on quite a bit of humanities heads.
Danny's Song
Just A Phase by AJ
I don't want to walk anymore through this healthcare system gathering answers and truly pissing me off.
People Watching
I don't want to go back to the maintenance man and or landlord to get the mother flocking mold out of my closet and bedroom before my allergy appointment. I told one maintence man don't you bother to do this half ass with a bottle of bleach. Low and behold he knocks on my door at not a good moment of discovery with a bottle of bleach. I can speak clear English and they go and do the opposite. Then I get dinged for not excepting this bassackwards system they call help.
I have no rod in my closet, and the other main closet I can't use.
My body is tired of putting a fire under someone's ass. While I get half ass service at best, but I get nickled and dimed for all my patience.
Used To You
Then when I finally blow my stack not even cussing and swearing about all the disservice. I either get fined, or I lose the whole kit and caboodle let's face it, I ain't got much and they know that. They control the money, they control your power, your energy while you burn out all your resources just trying to get help anywhere. They control your welfare they write humanity off as waste.

There's A Girl
Keep fineing you, keep making you pay over and over. Just for a connection, just to get my foot through any door is a joke. Please God, Justice God. My bodies tired God. For the longest time every time I'd walked  through any front door of any corporation especially the entry of a restaurant if it was a mess. I had the biggest urge to slam my fist down on the counter and ask what is the meaning of this? Pay ten bucks for a meal and I get dinged on napkins, condiments, straws, and cups. It's absurd. Dirty tables everywhere. There is no excuse to put a lock on a bathroom door.
Two Black X's
Indignity and injustice. Come on God let me step forward and hand Michael to whom ever his true love is. I know one thing God it ain't me.
I learned what taint was the other day. It taint me.
I Ain't Livin Long Like This
I heard a new word the other day. Yeah me, quantum physics. I want to get through this shit. So I can tune into Freud. I mean how fun is today 8. I meant to say that. Instead today and eight popped up. Oil kept popping up on my screen in the beginning and now all my the turn to thy. My there turns into tree. I can't make this shit up.
My kitchen is tree size of a walk in closet. I admit, being mother nature I can't cook. I keep testing this theory out about a kitchen witch, lil mice, dish fairies, they don't come round my kitchen anyway. I'm it. I told Michael when this is done and over, I'm gonna get me one of them electric machines to do my dishes.
Fly by RK
Michael said, how about a maid? I laughed. No way. Noooooo! I don't want no one living in my house. I like my freedom. I can be naked if I want. I get up between 3 and 5 a.m. I would not do well on someone else's schedule roaming through my house. Gong through my stuff.
Beat Of The Music
Looking back God because of this family upstairs, I have literally had everything stolen. If I  buy something for myself my mother would hound me. Either she just had to have it or one of her friend's. I have had people give me stuff and take it back. No other reason than entitlement. Like all my cars.
Even when I pay for it. My diamond rings, my wedding ring all stolen. By whom?
Dirt On My Boots
I wonder? My family God happens to be yours if I recall.  Now terms of my agreement God. So far my body is coming back.
GOTTA Know You
You have no idea how many times I looked in the mirror and had to remind that man, I'm not Eve God Damnitt. Give me my body back. Still not happy about the loss of T&A.
Thunder In The Rain
Remember God I had two. I did not give birth to no dozen. If I recall God I did have a couple things that have since gone missing.
All Country In You
Terms of agreement? Hhhmmmmm!
Shall we do the numbers God? Times 49 years. Times two daughters. Three more lost babies. Each pregnancy about killed me energy wise. Then let me times that 666 brother of mine I married. Throw in a demon named pope Greg the first who just happened to write a lie about Mary, JC and their children.
Love Triangle
Throw in a demon mother to raise me. I'll just tack on another 49 years of hell for this one. What a Cybil. What a hot mess. All these fines, jail time for other men. Treatment centers, hospitals. Cost of all these fees, and fines. Cost of the labels now that is going to cost you interest. A lil compounded interest.
Now God I'm sorry. I can't afford to keep you. I'm gonna have to sale you off. You know that stock in trade bullshit I have been through?
Stay A Little Longer
Don't worry God, I'll buy you back. I just gotta get my worth out of you. Cain every vessel, drain every vein, while humanity pays for all this vanity, I get to sit here and stew. Compounded interest for the air loans.
Rock On
Cost to my body with all this poison in the air, yet I smoke a lil tabaccy. I get labeled the poisonous one. Just to use a service they provide I'm gonna pay. Pay I have. I'm done paying for all this bullshit injustice. Please God blow it up. If you don't I'm gonna go out in space with my families lightening rod, I'm going to find the biggest Meteor I can find and I'm going to batter up right for this rock if I don't see some action.
You Look Like I  Need A Drink
Funny I still have no desire. I learned all I needed. My job traveling universally is done. Right God?
I don't know if I can take one more shoe drop.
Worth The Wait
Really God? Kiss my Lily white ass today. I'm not afraid to die God. I'm afraid for my children's heart God. It's really that simple.
Hope You Get Lonely Tonight
No matter what I can't even say this has been a God like journey. With all the feeling and touching God. I'm ready for tree light even if humanity isn't. Burned out doesn't even describe how much I want this done and over with.
Yes I hope your as lonely as I am even with someone. I hope your lonely. I hope you hurt for this.

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