Saturday, May 6, 2017

Rocky Mountain High by JD

Cecelia by S&G
Who am I God? Who am I really this time around?
First comes the toad, the birdies, the lil boy's. The fly swatter my grandmother carried searching me out? I'd be hanging by the train tracks with the rest of the bums. Pink apartments and a dairy of all things God.
Dream by NGDB
The Lakota woman on my bed, the wolf in my closet. The little girls in red dresses climbing on him? Then I find out the Dog standing outside my window is a Sphynx. The bags of rocks I'd drag under my bed.
The ants, the bee's, the Colts, the shapes in the clouds. The Gold fields, farms, trees, and the rainbows.
Onto Barnes, Ross Street, The Cowboy, whittling wood, standing by my door. The rainbow egg to my left. That flag and my dreams, being chased by vampires and Frankenstein with my step brother Keith. We escaped on a motor cycle. To discover my brother sat in juvie right up the road on the left? I was eight years old. My brother 16. Then I  moved onto the Olympics and Elvis Presley the King died. I 've cried inside ever since. I  was eight.
If I Could Save Time In A Bottle.
Rainer Oregon left in storms, my first ritual at five. It was my first
Highcotton Alabama
Family grassroots ritual, performed by Tammy and this lil beasty. She packed my lil doorway of my lil mouse with grass for protection, from any tainted spilled seeds. Black snakes, Oregon my first drowning. Rescued by sister. My second drowning, grabbed by the hand, cousin James. My Catholic Irish grandmother Catherine Anne gave me my first rosary. A cross necklace with the Lord's prayer. Another family protection came along at just the right time, age 5.
Dude Lookin Out My Back DoorCCR
Bad Bad LeRoy Brown
Then onto index street. The Sentinal, and the black things waking me up shaking my bed. My first prayer. The Lord's Prayer, My first protection chant, In the name of Jesus Christ I Rebuke You.
In my room my brothers Gold Bible, a picture of JC hung over my door. My Precious Moment's, Love Is.
My brother escaped jail one last time, flew out a window in a love bug, Christmas Eve. It was a sign that said curve ahead, as it turns out, it wasn't a curve up ahead, low and behold it was right there.
Let It Be
He layed in a Coma for three weeks, hooked up to tubes looking like a vampire my mother said.  The date of his death God? Was the date Kileys birthday God? Is the date of my brothers death, my daughter's birth? Please God this I don't want to know.
Tiny Dancer by EJ
The first black shadow Ross Street, I'd scream run across the hall and climb in bed with my sister. Truly the only time she was happy to see me. I'd lie awake and there standing in her doorway was a black shadow.
HERE CUMS THE SON by The Beatles.
Are you nuts God? Are you mother flocking nuts God? Beam me up Scotty,
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by EJ
Brothers, Doors, Sisters, the family ritual, the awakening God? The Rise of the New Dawn?
Oh flock, no you don't. All I have now are bombs going off in my head. Just what did I agree to God?
Danny's Song

Hotel California
Your hot God, but this Hot? Not even your precious son, who as far as I can see got the easy way out this time around.
Don't Let The Son Go Down On Me by EJ.
After all this shit God, that is all that boy will be eating. His service work had better be performed daily. Milk this mother, rock and roll me. Get me off this rock God. God Damn you. You set me up once again. What a naive fool I've been.
Amie By PPL
Don't try buttering me up this time. That shit ain't gonna work this time. There ain't enough weed fields in my garden enough to make me happy.
Brown Eyed Girl by VM
Nice try. Not gonna happen. I don't give a flying flock about past memories and God times. I want this torture done. We better be knocking boots all over this rock that's all I got to say. Your still an asshole BTW.
Lonely People by America
Good one God. Now I'm gonna, go outside, smoke pace dance and cry my tears. Red rocks, black feathers, my wings, our markings. Who the mother flock knew. Not me anyway. Who knew tree was such a thing as me? NIAVE NATIVE MORE LIKE IT.
Cat's In The Cradle by HP
I loved this song growing up. I knew just how he felt. My father never came home either.
Get Together by The Youngbloods
Fitting God. I'm still mad. I loved this song too.
Dixie Land Delight by Alabama
Yeah onto the next step God? Good times, that's a good dancing song.
Somewhere Over The Rainbow by Israel IZ K.
Carefree Highway by Gordon Lightfoot.
Now your talking. That sounds nice.
Thank God Your A Country Boy by JD.
Landslide by FWM
Can I do this God? Fitting song. Just how I feel. Melancholy and longing inside my heart. I feel so stuck God.
American Pie by DM
Omg your flocking killing me with just tree truth in your music selection today. Thanks. Thanks. It's finally sinking in all these Dawnings are sinking in. Oh please God get Trump to blare his horns. Let him be a good calling? Let him be a blessing in disguise? Let him be a true brother in arms to circle around me and hear my words. Hear my families chants. Hear my families cries. It's about our nation, it's about our planet. Our universe. Please God let him here me when I say let the money go. The money tree is just a decoy.
The Sound of Silence by S&G
All I ever wanted was peace. Peace on earth. I get handed this crock of shit. A heavy load of shit at that.
Sister Golden Hair by America
Please God, let him hear my cries. Please God let him know how sorry I am. I tried to tell him but somehow I  just couldn't get the word's to come up at the right time.
Spirit In The Sky by NG.
Good one. So telling this morning just in the music and what we as mankind got coming up. Humanity people. The love of a nation. The love of family. The love of the son that you extend from in this families tree line. Turns out is a free line, to the good stuff. Your higher power, your vessel, you DNA and your families code of honor. Right down to your heart. Your life, your light and the Truth about God's love and his plans for your extended life time plan.
IC Fire and IC Rain
Please God let him here me when I say bring on the storm. I  don't care what it takes. It's about our wheat fields and in this FAMILY we are the cure for all that ailes humanity. We don't need a corporation with no heart to feed our family love and everlasting light.
This is the Truth, my brother. It's about our families code of honor. From the heavens to the earth and these gardens. Eve DUST of the earth and Adams rib. Well honey it's about that Apple that Eve gave Adam in the garden.
Fire In The Mountain by TMTB
It's about this families stock exchange. It's about the mountain's the sun, the garden's. This families tree of life. The code of honor is one love as two heart's entwine to shut down this enterprise. It's now or never to bring this entity to light.
Peace Train by Cat Stevens
I am lady justice. It's about our country and our families pride. We always have family Kyle. This family don't leave this rock for nothing Kyle. We can't ever be bought off Kyle. We don't give into terrorism Kyle.
Goodnight by LaRocca
You Made It Right by TOMB.
Yes God. Yes God I'm seeing the light in the tomb alone. Fitting song. As I sit on this throne letting off steam. You know that leak I sprung. As I sit here stopping and starting. I dribble away. You can call me Puddles. It's going to be one of those days IC.
Listen To The Music by TDB
I don't care what it takes. Just turn up the music in your head and heart. Just do whatever it takes to keep moving.
You Can't Have It All by AJ
Who says God? All you need is a lil' courage, a lil' light, a lil' spark of hope. One tiny tear drop to bring back the light.
Closer To You By NP&TLC
I'm doing the best I can anyways. On any given day. If only That Thy Will was really my will. If only for one day. That one moment in that right place. At just the right time. Kismet  chemistry, or Destiny?
Folsom Prison Blues by JC
Please God get me out of this box, this jail, get me out of purgatory and hell God. I'm tired of rooting around this family tree, digging for answers.
Nothing Like The Lonely by PPL
I've done the best I could, to turn around and walk away so many times. Yet every MOTHER FLOCKING day a sign, a flower. A red, a seed, a garden and well honey no matter how hard I tried to stop it all roads and highways lead straight to you.
Ne Mosquitos Path by Joan of Arc
Wow not a nice song. Angry guy. Yet nothing wrong with putting your anger in words and song. Feed the emotion, vent the emotion.
Down On Main Street by BS&TSBB
I love people. I love people watching. The behaviors, the spark of fire. The light of life. It don't matter where your standing when it comes to light. Over the highway under a freeway. Just find her.
I've Got A Name by JC
Hard O or Soft O, I don't care what you call me. Just come to me with love in your heart and God intentions and I may even let you lead once in awhile.
In My Life by The Beatles
I Am A ROCK by S&G
Fishin In The Dark by NGDB
You bet your sweet ass we're gonna fish. We're gonna root around. We're gonna rough and tumble. We're gonna play just the way I like to play. Under the stars, in the woods, we're gonna do nothing but feel each other all up and down this families way. Freedom to play with my Big Beastie is just what I need.
Back to Operator and JC
I was hoping it wasn't real. That's why I'd hang up. I didn't want to know where this was leading either. I didn't want to know what the feathers meant or why it was gonna hurt. My pride is my pain. My pain is my family pride. Who knew?
Take It To The Limit by Eagles
Against The Wind by BS&TSBB
You have know idea. I'm still here. I ain't taint and I certainly ain't dead or short on oxygen. I ain't suicidal and I assure you I'm seeing things perfectly clear.

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