Saturday, May 6, 2017


You know what's really pissing me off? My taxi service had the kran. Finally somebody to ask, what does it say about the entity in the quaran? What's the symbolism of the entity?
When I'm Sixty Four
Is it a corporation? Is it an actual alien? He says explain what you mean entity? What's the context? That's just my question? In what context is it written? Does it mean something foreign like it doesn't belong here? How do you mean Colleen, he asks?
Every Highway
Like A foreigner from another country who is here illegally? Like this entity doesn't have a green card. It's foreign it doesn't belong. What's the context? I need to understand.
Then he says it. It's Ahmed. Bells and whistles went off in my head. I said in the beginning. Greg can't eat until Ahmed feeds him. Three days.
Bad Moon On The Rise.
Ahhh, come on God. He went on, Ahmed will feed us, give us answers to why we are here? Then something about love? I kinda phased for a moment. As my mind screamed inside with a smile on my face.
Landslide. I'm sick of this same song and dance. Back to Ahmed, the feeding, the answers. The light. No it's not what I wanted to know. One more proof of life, you might say. One of the questions, I finally get to ask. Speak freely, the answer to my prayers knocks on my doors. Not the answers I was hoping for.
I mean  God why can't it just be as easy as a Big alien ant creeping tunnels through my planet? Why can't it just take a lil raid? A lil deet bomb maybe? Noooo. Once again it's me.
Peaceful Easy Feeling by Eagles
Yeah! Holy shit doesn't even begin to describe how I feel? Like a slug.
I look the part too and so does my hovel. The sun is out and I don't want to go outside. Not even to check out the view of Mt. Rainier.
Got my hair in a fallen down braid. Two days in the same clothes. Pink and purple sports bra. Navy tank. Pink stripe thermals, A grey gravy stained t shirt. Huge zit on the side of my schnoz and I don't give a flying flock.  Get me off this rock. Out of this Universe another dimension.
Come On People now. Smile on your brother. Spirit In The Sky. Back around again huh God Damn you anyways. Once again, your a God Damn Harp, that's what you are God
Thank God I'm a Country Girl you mean.
You are a God Damn Harp. Their. I said it. Now let's get back to my handle God. What was it honey? Rainbow Cherry Blossom.
I now know why Little Bo Peep lost her sheep? Lazy ass lil boy blue asleep behind the hay perhaps. Like finding a needle in a haystack. You bet your sweet ass this mama's gonna need some 409 to clean up this diamond in the rough. Just look at the mess you boy's left your mother?
ICFire and IC Rain. Round and round we go. Ring around the ROSIE? Pocket full of POSIE. What's the lock and heart key nursery rhyme I'd read to my children? It was a book I held onto from my childhood.
Fortunate Son by CCR.
Yeah well God you might want to ask him how he feels about all this? Especially the BETROTHED part. I just bet he's going to take that part about as well as I have.
Mister Bojangles.
I've had a two year adjustment, to unload all this shit.
Here Comes The Son. Please God change your tune already. I don't care what Pandora box I open. It doesn't matter the genre I pick. You keep playing the same shit.
American Pie. Yup. It seems I'm the crazy aunt Jean this time. This wall flower is the wild flowers. I knew I loved pink houses and wild flowers the day I saw them surrounding my sisters house. All that drinking I did standing in front of the judge God. I know prohibition comes to mind.
Here's To You Misses Robinson. The Graduate. Is this education about over daddy?
Highcotton by Alabama

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