Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Country Girl Shake It For Me

I just don't even know where to begin once again. The insurance company turned down my second and better of the three choices they approve of my pee medicine. I already did the time on the first one. The third one is the worst. So it's up to me and the doctor and the pharmacy to do all this back and forth on a pill just to pee. Yes I found a warning on one of my medications when I was so laid up hurting and tired. When I had screaming low back pain, All knotted up and twisted, stuck out of alignment. Gee all those warnings were my symptoms and I was told to take more and they collapsed my bladder. One thing I know about myself, is my bladder and liver were fine before all this last round of pills. I chugged water all my life especially when I drank to protect my organs. When I don't take the pills and just have coffee I'm good.
Blow Me Away by SCR
Yeah this is a gauntlet highway of hell and the biggest set up I've ever seen in my life. We serve a machine people. We serve a banking system that is making it's own laws and rules. Our houses will never be paid off but they keep building them. So yeah all that money all that past debt around the globe is so illegal. Create the wars and disease and have a mandatory healthcare system to cover it. Poison mother natures seed you poison her children. Her system suffers we suffer. Our gardens soil and my my all those poison apples I see going on around me. No this mother gives this system a big fat F. Don't need those ovens to kill off humanity, lets just kill them off from the inside. Fascist Pigs, you know the ones that JC placed you demons in. Don't forget I know it's the Fascist Behavior behind that iron curtain trying to kill me off and my family.
Lets not acknowledge that S shape in the spine, or take care of it naturally so humanity won't ascend. You know discover you don't need a box to learn about God. This is his rock, this is his flock, hence that circle of life that feeds you all. Those gardens and all his little beasties. Anger doesn't begin to describe how I feel. Why do I have to do this attorney Generals job? Why do I have to pay for a lawyer for something that should of never happened to my constitution in the first place. Diagnose and make you zombies in the spine and the neurological system for pain, blame the addicted. The good one is the mind. The diagnosis of the mind and the numbing of natural emotions to keep you numb and unaware in a box is inhumane. Come along and plant labels on humanity all to feed the machine of the healthcare system, owned by the same banking system.
That vacuum is a machine people, those behind the iron curtains funding this bullshit consider yourself standing on the wrong side of the door when this goes down. Things are going to get very hot it seems. Nothing in this system is moral, you have no principals and this system has no heart, to make any choices for anyone.
Your heart by RaeLyn
Can't touch a keyboard without venting my rage when I have so much other shit to do. You know pointing out to the attorney general all the injustice. I want to know where my justice is for all these guidelines and parameters they placed upon me. All those labels on humanity is bullshit. I mean who is in charge of the job market and how we apply for a job and how it just keeps changing? Yet it keeps us attached to this computer and smart phones that really make you stupid, keep updating and filling my landfills.
Act Like You Don't by Brooke Eden
So yeah I watched a couple more documentaries and I kept hearing Hindu again, So I looked it up and I went through the three names and their jobs. I wanted to scream. Brahma and Vishnu, the creator of life, fertility Goddess, yet the destroyer.
Parachute by CP
It certainly explained people dying around me, looking back, No I didn't know any of this two years ago. Some people piss me off I get angry, I don't say anything. I walk away. I let it go, then something tragic. Not proud, yet in defense, my family has the right to defend me and my children. All of them in each their own way I recon. I might not like their choices, yet I have to honor their wishes and goals for this rock.
Talks about the Shiva side and the weather. Well it certainly explained the dancing feet. Then the theologist wonder what the ring of fire means with me doing the dance of death in the middle. That was not a good visual for the human part of me. I believe I'm supposed to be dancing with a partner, whether on the ground or on my feet, that is my next fear. God Damn you God. I hate knowing the answers sometimes.
Something Bad by ML
Are You Mother Flocking Kidding Me? It doesn't matter what I watch. Reality TV pisses me off. Just the principal and the illusion that this is what you do to succumb, to survive or be loved. This is how you get rich, it's all bullshit. Just look at the titles and the names of the characters in the TV shows. The bad behavior in every sect of life. All that crime, all that drama to keep you glued to the boob tube and well not mother natures breath of life.The cost for this service and all these bundled packages. The shady fee's for everything in the service industry. Their ain't no service.
Dirt on My Boots
I know where humanity learned to do all this character assassination on each other. You politicians.Now it's legal and you can get paid at that. Yup mine and all my nosing around, and curiosity, opening doors and creating names, to nose around in these places. Investigate humanity. I always wonder what makes people tick. I like a lil fire. To be a destroyer is a hard pill to swallow.
Then the Curse of King Tut. OMG! This is bullshit. The guy that got bit on the cheek by a mosquito, is that the Zika Virus perhaps? The one that hasn't been around since the 60's that affect the fetus if the mother is bitten. The one who's house burned down and flooded. Oh yes and the one with the cobra and the canary found in it's mouth? Could that be me singing like a canary destroying all your lies and bullshit as I tear down that house of cards?
International Harvester by CM
That canary is also the coal mines and didn't they use a canary when they ran out of oxygen? Also it's the whistle blowers at these corporations. So yeah "eat that bitch." I want this shit done. He even said if you open this "It is I who hindered the sand from choking the secret chamber and that one who repel him with the dessert flame. I have set a flame the dessert, I have caused the path to be mistaken. I am for the protection of the deceased". Dessert Storm comes to mind. So many curses coming to head and no one wants to acknowledge this.
Diamonds by Brooke Eden
 Well between the God Particle and Religion is right where I stand. To discover I'm the answer yet the destroyer, to recreate makes my human side want to run to God and strangle Him. Kiss Him, Hug Him, Throttle Him, then love him all up and down. It's all so confusing. Angels and Halo's. Clueless thats me.
Barefoot Blue Jeans
Sun Disk is called Aten = A Ten
King Tut's father Ankhkeperure who's other son is Moses. Imagine that. History tried to erase him because he got his information just like the other geniuses on the earth and they want to hide the truth Sun God, One God, Sun Disk, Aten. Ring of Fire. Now if any of you are thinking about touching my children I want you to read back how my families justice works. When it comes down to protecting my children, I am not ashamed to put the fear of God in you. I mean any thing I wrote is a fact about my life and can be verified. So here I am this families bait.
These Mummies look like caterpillars wrapped in silk, don't ya think? Buried like Russian dolls.
Moses Son of God, Thoth Son of Moses.
Osiris Chapel. Osiris Device function as a stairway to heaven, biblical art of covenant. I took pictures of red staircases going up into the clouds in the beginning. The day I turned 17 doing a kitty kat river dance.  Mythology and the bibles and science each in their own way hide the truth. To many similarities in each sect to be lies. Jaques De Moley was killed by King Phillip the fourth and Pope Clement the fifth. Curses coming back around. I took a picture of a candy wrapper protruding from the ground outside my door a couple days ago. It was a tiny red Templar cross. I found a red apple jar yesterday that says if you cut it in half you find a star. Anothers garbage is ones treasure.
Hillbilly Deluxe
Funny how those apples keep popping up. You remember the one at King Street staion sitting on the shelf in the womens restroom? The day I noticed the number of lights, and the eight doors and I did a lil dancing there too. Just after I learned their is more than one door to heavens gates. You just had to poison mother natures fruit?
Jaques Cursed them, yes he did. Phillips family line died out and well the pope died of a disease and the church where they were going to hold the procession burned down. This is why you don't get to pick and choose in religion who gets through God's gates. I mean look at the bullshit Issac Newton had to go through because of your guidelines and rules to be close to God? You make God scary and well now thank you, my God is gonna get a lil scary. I mean who wouldn't after watching all this and all these warnings everywhere. No one listens do they God?
Oak Island, big cross with middle rock being a head with a sword. Goliath 6 ft 9. David five foot three. Yes God some day's I want to kill you for this. Season One Episode four, well all of it so telling, yet the one that sticks in my mind is the Angel of Death, and the experiments he did on children. The melon heads. His name Dr. Crow, I wrote when the black crow falls and well it reminds me on the curse on, oh my mind draws a blank, The martial arts guy who was killed and so was his son in the filming of the black crow. Humanity created the monsters and the myths and well just the lies and destruction of mankind. The inhumane behavior that we do to one another comes back around after all. Once again I can't thank you assholes enough for burying the truth. Bad Medicine and Bad Science.
Jealous Girl
Humaneez chimps and humans, trying to breed once again. Jesus Christ people are you so unhappy with humanity and who you are that you have to recreate Gods gifts of life and perfections? You have to slice and dice any creation and recreate perfection to create droids and monsters on my rock is done. I love my family and children just the way they are. They look just fine to me, I want them to ascend naturally in their own time however. With out all the garbage and lies creates in my landfills and in the human mind. Keeping them repressed so they stay hidden and miserable looking for the truth in the light that you all carry inside you.
X's and O's
Oh Yes and Dr Crow and Cleveland. Cleveland Ohio. My granddaddy. Colleen what got two O's on the end and hi in the middle? Then I end up in Cleveland Mississippi for six weeks and Michaels racist cousin who stood in my house and casually used the word nigger. I'm tired of you racist pigs, living off humanity and think you are entitled because you got a education and your skin is white. No wonder people hate white people. Truth is we didn't create this mess. It's the blowhard assholes centuries ago. We just kept piling on the shit, blaming someone else, dodging bullets all while you politicians back stab and castrate each other, why don't you do your job and set a good example?
I am going to say this one more time today. God is a celestial, light being. That would mean he is a what? Androgynous, in human form male. Dark hair, shoulder length, and a beard. He shows himself arms crossed, always a smirk no matter what I do. Some days I don't know who I'm arguing with when he shows me how attached we are. Yes as a human I want to run. Funny I still don't want the bottle. After all this, I still have no desire to be addicted to anything.
My Mistake by Cam Untamed
I discovered a back door out of this wedding shit. I know it's not going to hold up. Jesus and Mary God, they were companions and in those days companions were married. I don't like to be the center of attention God. I'm only doing this for my children.
Close Enough by BY
Yes I have discovered watching all these documentaries and history channel just how much the queens had to sacrifice their bodies as well as their children for the Kings. Still they got a bad wrap and were ostracized, murdered, raped and labeled whores without so much as a thought.
Pontoon  by LBT
Well truly no one back in the day owned that O ring. Whoever owns the keys to your kingdom, owns and decides everything. What are you going to sell of yourself to protect you and feed your children? Would you sell your soul to feed and protect your children? My children are my heart, my soul. The parent dies, the children dies. Sounds pretty hopeless, right?
Now let's talk about hope and that Pandora's Box. God Pandora pisses me off. Then to find a documentary where a wife opened her gift when told not to. I mean what a set up, right? The only one left in the box is hope. For the life of me, I can't get out of the box, to even speak to feed people life back into them. Truth helps with humanities wisdom and the choices we make. To bad past kings didn't see it that way. Yes I label all you different President's, ruling lands, kings. No I didn't say good ones. Don't go putting words in my mouth to save your ass anymore.
Better In Boots by TY
Now I never envied a politicians job, ever. Yet this has been going on for to long. When is enough enough? When are we going to stop tolerating and have acceptance?When are we going to stop the blame game and let the money go and feed the people again? It makes me cry just to write this part.
Man I Fell Like A Woman by ST
Walking here today I found cherries spilled on the sidewalk and a white napkin shaped like a star. Who says my family doesn't speak to me. I love cherries. Well not cooked in my food. I like my cherries raw, on the stem even. Yes as a woman, as a human being, I have a right to eat my food the way I like to eat my food. Don't anyone tell me what I need to be thankful for again. I was thankful all along. It is you humans who judge and make those choices if I am worthy to eat. As far as I'm concerned after this, you all can get your food and leave me alone. You don't feed me, my family does.

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