Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Champagne Corolla by JTE

To whom it may concern,

Hello my name is Colleen LaNae Mulligan. My Birth date is 04/01/1968. I was born here in King County. Renton Washington to be exact. I am writing this to you because I have been a recipient in your office two times now. It took me two years to get there. I didn't like any of how it went down.
Boondocks LBT

Seein Red by DL
Just to give you more of an idea of who I am. I am a recipient of this healthcare system for about fifteen years now. Truth be told I should of been sitting in your office fifteen years ago at a minimum. More like seventeen to twenty, instead of being bounced to four different neurologist. All of which said the same thing. We do not know why you have migraines but it is well documented that I get two types of migraines. Muscular Skeletal and Cardiovascular. That is the truth. Even if this doctor who propped his feet up on the desk said to me "Colleen, I don't know why you get migraines. As far as I can see you just do. They are hereditary from both sides of your family. Now I didn't like his bed side manner but that is still the truth today, however now we can tack on allergies and sinus migraines.

My Cherokee great grandmother who came from twelve got them. My great granddaddy ( a Navajo) offered her $100.00 cash to do with as she will, if she would just cut her hair. My grandmother said no. Then we got my Catholic Irish side. My own father who was a alcoholic. No I spent very little time with this father but when I did, he was a kind giving man. He was kind of the Jack of all trades. He was intelligent, and when I was a fourteen year old I walked through his old high school and there in the display case was a photo of my father. He was the quarterback. He was a tall lanky man and highly intelligent and very gifted with the numbers and a hammer. You needed a barn built or a ambulance ride drunk or sober it was my daddy who got you there. My grandfather John his daddy didn't even need keys to the ignition to start their cars. When your at a bar most evenings especially after pay day, well who needs to search for a set of keys? How inconvenient. In this small town when my father got pulled over he didn't get taken to jail, they gave him a ride home.

My granddaddy John had a fruit stand, and my grandmother was quite the eccentric to say the least. Phyllis Dillard hair and night dress, and that cackle of a laugh. She was also a kind woman. She would not shower, and she sat in her chair smoking her lettuce leaves with the air conditioner roaring twenty four seven and the front door open. I had an Aunt Judy who got menanagitious when she was six weeks old. She was packed in her bassinet full of ice with her lil face sticking out. Screaming.

These last two years has been the most enlightening two years. Especially on my body. Where my pain really stems from. Which would be my spine. Not my mind, and most certainly not my heart at this point in my life. Now after what I have been through in just the last two years and discovered about my spine. This healthcare system, this legal system and all the injustice and bullshit you doctors serve up I have the right to speak the truth about my body and spine. Now I have done this systems way for the last fifteen years. I have not had one diagnosis. Not one correct one anyways.

Aw Now by CY

It was over two years ago that I finally hurt so bad I had to beg to have a full set of x rays taken of my spine. I couldn't get you doctors to do it. So I had to go to a old friend who was a chiropractor in the valley which I served in for over twenty years in one form or another. Now I don't have cash to pay this man. So I see him only when I really hurt.
Barefoot Blue Jean Night

There have been times it took me 4 weeks to even get into a chiropractor office because of my spine and you doctors. So you will have to excuse my anger as I write and tell you exactly what it has been like for me not only in the last two years, but twenty, and well my life is my history. You doctors want to know every little detail about my history now don't you? Including my spirituality. Which really is none of your business, but it's on every health form now. I am a organic imperfect human being who believes in God yet stuck in a system that tells me how I believe in God. How I pray to God, and how I see and serve God.
A candidate has to belong to somekind of religious instition to show he has morals today. The biggest hippocratical oaths are this healthcare systems, and this justice system, and religion. Truly they should of never crossed paths. However it did long ago. It did in the beginning when we served under kings. Like Henry the eighth who changed his wives and had them beheaded as aften as he changed his religion. He used Religion to rape and pillage all for the wrong kind of power and to steal something that didn't belong to any of these kings in the first place. Yet they could come along, change the religion, cahnge the rules, and they can be indian givers and take back what you already worked for because of that gold coin they served instead of humanity.

Now I am going to tell you this much about who and what I believe in spiritually and it's not your God or this healthcare system that coiled up my spine and told me I'm lying for aminimum of fifteen years now. It's not anyone persons politics that I follow because to place truth and politics in the same category is the biggest lie ever told. I do not serve under any one religion when I speak of my spirituality higher power, God, God Particle, I know one thing is true. God created this rock, he created this universe, he created this solar system.

God is a celestial being of light. He is a spiritual being of light, he is a life force and entity. Whether you believe in God or not, I don't give a flying flock. God created the Atoms, and God created your heart, your spine, your mind, your body and soul for a reason. All God cares about is what you carry in your heart. If you believe in the atoms and Science that is oklay with me too. As long as you carry love you got his son. Whatever you wish to follow that sun in tha sky or the other one JC it's okay with that family upstairs.

Only in this system, healthcare and politics and religion do they want you to find God, yet you go to rehab and jail and it's a bad thing. No I did not find God in no box either. Hospital, institution ,cult or church. I follow none of it. Truth is I believe in all of it. Not religion but humanity. For the last two years, I have been to school the old fashioned way. Actually two to three years now, I took that x-ray to that hospital, the very which one that told me I'm lying. The very same hospital who I went to the director for services on my pain. NO diagnosis, yet I am told, how I can get a migraine, how often and it can only be treated within this guide line. You ask why I did that? I hurt. I wanted answers to my pain. Not in my mind. Not in my heart, or any AA room. In my spine which if you remember has 33 vertabrae which spreads it's tenacles all across your spine webbing all around and up and down your body.

Now it's right here that I will tell you my work history upto this point including my schooling. To make very clear, I ain't stupid any minute of any day. It is not rocket science when you look at that x ray. It's not rocket science to put a back pack on your back and work through all these second chance progrrams. The ones you insurance compainies serve now. The head games you doctors play on humanity when they hurt, the way you now choose to shut down the pain is the reason for this depression. It's actually just one small part, however.

I went to Hazen High School, In my sophmore year I worked as a cashier at Pietros Pizza. My Jr. Year I got my CNA certificate, my senior year I went to beauty school, after I graduated both in 1986, I was the youngest person working for Gene Juarez at eighteen years old. Now I am pointing this out because I did this during high school. I might not of been able to sit still very long in a classroom, I just learn more productively, touching, it seeing it, writing it, and experiencing it. Even a scent or a smell can trigger a emotion. My first grade teachers name was Mrs. Gates in Rainier Oregon, and she did not like me. I was wiggly and squimy and I could not sit still for very long. If I tuned out, she dug her nails in my neck, she pulled the hair on the top of my head and she threw me around my desk and chair.

My sister was in the fifth grade and she was the TA and she went home one day and told my mommy what this teacher did. My mommy went back to that school and said if you touch my child again, I'm coming back here and I'm laying my hands all over you. You see in my family only my mother gives permission who can lay their hands on me. The solution these two came up with in the mean time, was that my bony butt needed a pillow. So I carried a pillow for the next couple of years.

Now your healthcare system calls children like me ADHD. Well I beg to differ. I know one thing, DR. Leon Eisenberg and his death bed confession. I know now it is labeled as fictiousious, yet what I have experienced and witnessed in my lifetime, he is not lying. You can just follow the history of these drugs and timelines. About the time my oldest daughter was five years old the schools started this thing called the system and education. The new way we teach our children. This was not good. These children are Indidgo children. Look it up on google and you will find it says ADHD children vs. Indigo children. So once again, Indigo children came before your system. My native family, and my irish family. Now I want you to look up on Google Tolerate. It clearly states tolerate is a allergy. To drugs and our children of each other, just for not following this system of numbers in your society.

Rainier Oregon is where I lived from about four to eigth years old. I was surrounded by farms and land. Some days I was allergic to nothing and others everything. I had two pets. My brothers white rat and my little dog Tambo. If their was any creepy crawlie anywhere whether on the ground or in the air, I got bit. Bit up by everything one hundred times and others would have nothing. As a child, I took that blue antihistamine, I wasn't old enough to swallow it so I melted that bitter pill. I was also asthmatic. by the time I was in eight grade I had a allergy test done. In my day it was the small syringes in the back. Yup I was allergic to everything. I went into shock and I slept for three days after and when I awoke, I promise you no more allergies until about 19 to twenty years old.

In the last two years I have learned allot about energies. The Atom's, the molecules, the Ion's, the protrons and neutrons. That synapsis. How energy moves through our spine. I must of been about thirty when I started meditating, I pictured my spine as a level of energy. I would envision that energy moving up my spine. I was tired. Deep sleepy tired behind my eyes, just llike I was during my first pregnancy. When doctors blew me off and said your just a little tired from being RH negative. No I was not just a little tired. I was about twenty years old when I first became pregnant by my x.

By the time I was seven weeks, I looked four months pregnant. I was a C size cup going into a D from a B cup. Even my mother and asked my sister at about four weeks if I was pregnant? I had a abortin at seven weeks. I was just startin life. After my childhood, I did not want to repeat history. I wanted to learn what abuse was before I had children. I don't like trigger happy people. Especially when it comes down to tempers. A baby crying is the only way they can communicate. I wanted to be as mentally healthy as possible. I might of grwon up in a messed up family, truth be told, I grew up no different from anyone else. It just depends on your perspective and compassion that you have for others.

I grew up knowing one thing, my mother ain't normal. She was the only who could have emotions. They were eradict, violent and vindictive. Her children took the blame for even being born. To her we were nothing but a commodity. A posession. Truth is I didn't get beat. In my family I had a big brother and a big sister to protect me and they took on the brunt. Not me. My mother before that yes. You step away from mother as peacefully and silently as possible and you will suffer and pay. Just like my x. I grew up very aware and educated on exactly what I never want to be like.

By the time I was twenty one, I worked at boeing in all the engineer vaults I ran on my own. I was a manager of a salon for a year also. At about twenty one I married my x and moved to California. I took hismanil 10mg. and Doxycycline. At the age of about nineteen I woke up one morning broke out. All down my back, face and chest. Huge cyst like zits. For one year before I went to the sermatologist I ruled out everything and tried everything on my own before I took that pill. I don't like pills, but I might believe in alternative healthcare, I too believe in doctors and science.

At about the age of fourteen I developed a knott on my toe and the doctor I had since my childhood, wanted to treat it like a corn. I was starting to get headaches. Truth is looking at my mother I started to get nauseeuous at about the age of six or seven. My whole life my stomach has burned. I got referred to a osteopath, turn out I had raynauds disease. I went to biofeedback therapy and brought my 62 degree toes back upto normal. He gave me zantac and I took motrin or tylentol for my headaches and he adjusted my neck. Which helped. I have been through a number of car accidents. Only one my fault. Going five miles an hour texting went into a ditch. All the others sitting in plain sight. In a dark car every time. Stop light, parking spot, stop sign. It did not matter.

After awhile I just started collecting cash for my cars. My point is this. Energy. I have always been a high energy person. I am intelligent. I have supported groups of 30 as a administrtor at Apple and Microsoft. I do very well with logistics. Pulling things together and I can take on allot and keep a clear head. It's just the way I was wired. My doctor told me to start drinking coffee and move somewhere warm. Instaed I worked out. Not OCD. Just and average of five days a week at intervals. I usually had two or three different routines and different types of exercise. I liked it this way. If I missed a day or two, no big deal. If I couldn't sleep I went for a run. I attended many churches growing up, and many church groups for teens. Still not religious. All I see in religion is a buch of rules to be closer to God or your higher power. It freely gives people permission to judge others. Nothing like making you feel less than, than knowing full well you are reduced by fifty percent by the time you walk in the door if your a woman.

As a woamn your job anywhere is to serve. Especially in religion and politics. Especially with the policeman you call needing help for being a woman for a crime that was committed against my body. Not yours so don't judge me. By the time I am finished with this to you and your service you provided me with your pills I no longer give a flying flock about your HPPA form's. I know longer care about your insurance, I no longer care about your laws and the bullshit service that have been created by your hospitals, and this judicial system. I kn0ow one God Damn thing. Your all a bunch of hypocrites. My whole life I'll be damned if I do and damned if I dont with you all. Who gets the label and the fine for all the bullshit experimwentation you have done to my body, leaving me laid up for months at a time, because you all crossed the line long ago.

You even did it with your labels of gateway drugs and how you use them. I am angry because doing it your way has reduced me and devalued me. I have lost my two daughters to a socio path who stole my two busineesss and four bank accounts because I was not allowed to speak or show proff or documentation of the financial, mental, and neglectful abuse he served up his wife. He did this before rehab and your pills. Your judicial system and this healthcare system. All so you can collect a check and leave me to take the blame and the fine.

Now I have read your Oath and these lawyers oaths which serve corporate america not mankind which is me by the way. This mother. All I wanted when I walked through the door once again, was answers to get me to the next step. Now I have been through the highway to hell walking through this system of bullshit service for two years. I haven't drank or touched anything addctively in three years. I haven't taken a pain pill addictively, in more than ten. I have been mistreated, mislabeled, and even lost walking this all this red tape just to get to your door. If you don't mind it's been a long two years.
I have been raped and eighty sixed off a land for a corpaoration I worked for three times and a valley I started doing volunteer work for, aver twenty years ago. Now I lost my life, my children, and my spine. If you don't mind, I'm taking it back, right along with all the bullshit labels you placed on my mind.

What do you think it does to a human being to never be heard? What do you think it was like for me with a crooked spine to put that back pack on my back, only to discover my body has gone through so many physical transformations in the last three years alone. The last two have everything to do with my spine. My CNS that you all have mislabeled and misdiagnosed all these years. All because now we live in a society so seperated and a healthcare system of doctors so seperated and egotistical all think your covered by your laws huh? I got news for you, I will be on the five o clock news here by this summer telling everything I have learned about you doctors, and your ignoring of the pain and how you treat and diagnose. All the character assination you doctors and politics do in just one ush of a button or swill of your pen. I don't need a lawyer. I am not suicidal, I am not insane. I am fed up and done.

Even in physical therapy I said, don't box me and try to label one area. It is not just one area it is my whole spine. I never know what is going to happen from minuter to the next. I know one thing these questionaires don't ask how long of a gauntlet of hell have you walked through just to get anywhere in this ystem? It did not ask if I was frustrated angry or fed up with all this bullshit red tape that I walk through being bounced from doctor to doctor. All while you collect a check off my body, my time, my suffering and my pain. All the while ignoring the truth of the issue. I am fighting muscle memory in my spine and tendons. While I rebuild and restrengthen these ligaments and muscles, you doctors all treat one part of one thing. I have one whole body. I have one whole spine just like you. If you don't mind I like my spine, I like my heart, and I like my mind. I like my God or higher power, I like my families way of showing me the answers. Not yours if your not going to listen to how I got curvature in my spine or take a look at the whole picture then you have no God Damn business shutting me down emotionally. With all your way of treating one pain one way. When I promise you their all differnet sides to me. We all have triggers and characters no matter who we are and I am sick and tired of the character assination you have done on me in your charts and diagnoses. No spine doctor has any business asking me if I was molested. I fully understand the context being a shaman, and a seer. Now I promise you in the last two years I took my Q's from society. All of you. Everywhere I was sent, I went. It was this system that didn't show up. Out here its all a numbers game in everything. It is the biggest joke. Funny joke is this system and diagnosis to pay a insurance to cover that hospital stay.

I am going over my history also because of the types of questions your doctors asked me in just the few minutes I was in the office. I could not speak about my history in the last two years without being cut off. Told he needed a x ray of my right hip. When what I was trying to do was tell him, it's no longer a issue. I was clearly there about my spine.

 Very telling in the last fifteen to twenty alone and the services you doctors provide. This spine is mine. I have one tree of life, not nine like you doctors seem to think. It did not take any type of degree or major to look at those x rays and not see clearly there is something wrong with my spine.
Fastest Girl In Town by ML

He looked at them and he said, "Colleen I have never seen anything like that. I don't even know what to call it, but I know one thing you are fucked up. Not even I can help you." Yes he did help me is a matter of fact. Next step I took was to the very hopsiatal I have gone to for twenty years, according to doctor and insurance that is. However this hospital and it's practices and any other hopsital or doctor that serves this entity of a system is serving a system, a computer, a bunch of numbers. It is not serving humanity. Looking back twenty years you doctors and your pills, your guidelines and your limitations and liabilities stop helping humanity who suffer, about the time that HPPA form came into play, then along came the Obama healthcare plan. Managed healthcare. Created by Walmart and the BS they pulled when they shut down small business and once again took over pharmaceuticals. Also they hired allot of impoverished and foreigners at minimum wage part time. They kept humanity sitting just under the belt of poverty. So now these people who work for them get to collect food stamps, and the State pays for the healthcare.

Oh No the State pays for health insurance? I owned two alternative healthcare businesses and I remember one thing about being incorporated, any employee's over the number ten, yo paid for health insurance. After this it planted a lie about this system, the doctors and the service. As usual for any small business to survive now we serve two things now the monopoly behind this healthcare system and the doctors who serve it take the blame for any mistep of service you provide. Threat of job loss and hell everybody has to eat right?

Made Me Wanna by TR

You know the one, the one that says enter at your own risk. We are free, to label you, keep you, poison you and decide how and when you get to leave. Oh yeas and we get to bill this Cobra plan. You know the one that was about $600 p.p. and well it has changed its name to Washingtone Apple Health Care. Which takes care of nothing but itself and the disease and illness it has caused over time. Putting a nice name on something and calling it good isn't going to work for me anymore. You diagnose me and I'm going to diagnose you right back. Truth is you this healthcare system made me who I am today. Just think of me as a inoculation. Gotta have a little bit of poison to create the antedote.

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