Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Angels Fall 2

Angels Fall/Breaking Benjamins
She Will Be Loved/Maroon 5
I recon I'm having a issue still with Trust. I recon the dual side of JC the Divine and the human side. I don't care what they show me about this man in my true human heart I can't do this. I can do the divine and this video of Truth they want me to make but it's been to long and to much for me to ever trust another man again. It's like they pull me into the heart. I want to heal it and move on. Not be stuck again. Every time I go to do this video something takes me down. Last night Charlie Horses in my feet I had to keep getting up every 15 to 20 minutes, and try and stretch it. I can sleep 3 hours and go. I can sleep five to 6 hours and go but to fall asleep ten minutes at time. It's a black cloud day. I don't like these days. I know it's more about the Truth of my emotions to get me to the next step.
Secret's/1 Republic
Thinking about Mary's mother and when she stepped away and quit trying gave it up to God then bam she gets pregnant. The Truth is I was done. Done with all of it in my heart. I wanted none of it again. To begin anew with someone else. I have no intention to do this again. A part of me wants to be left alone about it and the other part can't let go. Not that they will let me but I have told him the Truth all the way. I still want to turn and walk away. To me it's another man with a dick that leads and not the heart. I can't do that. I'm to old. I'm to done.
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams/Green Day
It's on Thumbprint radio so I have no idea whats gonna play today. Talk about walking alone. Even in my dreams in my travels, I met up with people. I traveled alone. I'm tired of chords and glasses. I'm tired of this box and for 2 years keeping my body in shape pretty much doing the same thing everyday just to keep moving, then again most days I can't do long walks. I can't get very far. To go from a 10 mile to 15 mile hike a day to this is making it hard. No I'm not depressed. It's called burned out, stressed out doing this video. It's about these elections and when they want me to step out into the light and speak Truth. I have so much to tell in such a short time. I realized that even though I say pick a door it really is about the human behavior and how we treat and judge others. Flock no you don't own the keys to heavens gates. If any of U haven't figured out heaven would be pretty empty by now looking at all this history and bad behavior.
I actually got myself to sit still and watch The Post. Look once again the war that was unnecessary and all those lives for image of man and a machine? Then I hear another tax break for the rich? Still the same pattern. I have to tell my own government in this land of freedom why we are here today? Me? RU fucking nuts? To go back to Egypt, our creator JC? Then I discover the names in the beginning like Bridgette the Druid is in this oracle box. The reason I kept getting shown Atlantis is because I'm Nada. Mary's Equal a queen whom came B4. It's just allot. Finally got to ask the guys from 7 11 about the Seiks and their beliefs? One with God just like Buddha. The Seiks also wear turbans not just the Muslims. Every religion has different sects. Our God our creator is about Love. Period. Then on the other hand the Crone? The Fiery One? The Seraphin and they actually want me to chew ass? Yet I got that divine side? People are going to go yeah U with that foul mouth are Godly?
Angels Fall/Breaking Benjamins
I miss my babies but they don't want input from anyone. Just them and me. The whole reason for this box and two more years of finding out how low and high my family tree line really goes? My mind keeps going back to being a Kennedy? John and Caroline went down in a plane. JC and Kyle I said to Kyle we go down in a plane in 4 years? I'm really not as afraid of flying like U think I just prefer my feet on the ground to feel balance. I discovered their is actually a mental illness for seeing shapes in the cloud? Perfect point, I'm a Native, I have that right. U literally industrialized anyone to feed a machine and not see the light.
World So Cold/3 Days Grace
Yup! I can clearly see why my family is back. Our own people up there fed themselves, poisoned the seed to industrialize mankind to place that scarlet letter A or I on someone to put U one the chain gang. Always a liar or minimizer a blamer, I have no rights to speak? Then I saw on Oak Island the flash of the Sanskrit in his hand. Wondering why I kept getting taken back to Oak Island? Then IC it the Arc Of The Covenant and The Knights Of The Templar. I didn't even know what it was it just flashed in my head in the beginning and I had a name. I keep going back to Greg this depression, what I said in the beginning before I knew why my Cherokee Grandmother of 12, the mother to those 7 Bishops showed up in my room? Then the 2 Grey's. Hell I never knew what these things were called until recently.
Be Like That/3Doors Down
Then it finally sinks in the Grey in the key hole? What I do with my hands when I clear land. It is that pose. Yes I figured out evolution the monkeys and who really evolutionized us? The Grey's. I admit the last time I saw them, I wasn't afraid. I was mad. Then the second threw the blanket over my head. Our blanket laws in more ways than one. We are a diversified society. With lots of color and culture. It has been greyed and squashed right along with my flag. My God. Funny Jesus Christ is the only name U can't say anywhere in a work place or school. Here he is. Right along with Mary Magdalene and that is the reason why this system doesn't want God your creator to come back. Why they can't say Merry Christmas, because they don't want those two names together.
She Talks To Angels/The Black Crows.
The Truth is we are family. It's all relative. We are relative. We count. What right did U have to come into my land of freedom and wipe it out? For man and a machine? That turned all these Gods whom came B4 into myth? U have no right. Those four Horsemen belong to me. Set and Thoth whom is Seth the 3rd part in Cane and Abel is me, I recon.
U know going through all these black shadows in my life? When they came back around from my childhood, my vision with Kiley, the one I threw all my anger into then I said that's it, U hid me under all this pain to hide me from Truth. Then I find out the grays that showed up in my room after my brothers death? I rationalized as the horror show I watched, called The Sentinel. We have a show The Gifted and what do they call the institution that they are trying to break the higher beings out of is called the Sentinel. It's about that Bicentennial in my family tree line. It took me awhile to figure out how we fucked that up? Everyone double dipping in the kitty passing blanket laws to condone it. Finally figured out elite and entitled.
Whiskey Lullaby/AK,BP
Yeah its true even after all this I don't feel love. I don't trust love or whom they made me tell all this bullshit weird stuff to as I'm trying to figure it all out. Biblically. Nativeley, the nativity scene?  Fucking spell check? Its a joke. I just want this video done and I feel cock blocked is what I feel.
Your Man/JT
Fuck you! I can't do it. I've been lied 2 my whole life expecting to think about a 2nd or even a 3rd party that I've been lied about. 2 include them? When I can't include number 2? Go away. You haven't heard a word I've said. All your doing is bottom feeding Kyle. What they want me to do? I can't do it. I don't want to be touched by two men. Especially Michael. I do all I can do today to get through this. I'm not attracted to him. He's let me down to many times. I do not understand why men think it is okay to treat someone so horribly for so long and just because you get it now or want me now after all these years of lying to me, I'm just supposed to forgive and be stuck. Then I've got Kyle whom I want nothing to do with. Yet I've had no choice but to tell him the truth of what I know for his families safety. Still he's bottom feeding for his dick. My whole life I put others first. My whole life I've been shit on. I don't want this. They lied to me from the start. I've always got some third party I have to think about. It's always someone else's feelings. They lied to me up there. I always have to give something of myself even when I have nothing to give. Now I find out I'm the queen of it all? No one can understand, I don't have the weight of a nation on my shoulders, I have this universe, this planet, heavens gates and I'm the big plan?

Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Chains That Bind

She Talks 2 Angels/The Black Crows
I love it the Black Crows.
These chains that bind? I admit I can't go back. I can't be told to sit in someone else's shit. I can't be told I have no rights. I can't speak because I haven't earned my keep. My self worth and that value of the human heart, the dollar versus what I bring to the table? For someone else's money or disrespect I haven't earned my self worth to live and love freely? Someone else making the decisions about what I carry in my heart? Got to live within some else's program and diameter. Another program or system I have to report to. Telling me I must live this way or I don't count, unless I bring in that green? Spin the hay into gold. Make it work. My daughter pricked at 15 for that prick just like her mother who came before?  Told I can't speak, this blanket blame game and whose gonna pay? Not I.
It's Not My Time/3 Doors Down
I can't do it . Another marriage of drudgery with these chains that bind me? I don't give a fuck who or what you are. I don't give a fuck who they are. The divine and the human heart don't match up inside of me. I can't after all this let this one issue go. No matter how thoroughly scrooged I've been in this life. All for a test of what kills me to say, the unworthy. So much bad behavior.
She Don't Know She's Beautiful/SK
Marriage, the illusion of love and the chains that bind? I can't do it again no matter what they say.
Marry You/BM
I don't give a fuck if you are the wolf in my closet with little red girls climbing all over you. Truly you were not phased. I can't do this again. I don't have it inside of me.
My Memory Ain't What it Used To Be/JA
Oh my God not after this clearing it ain't. Finding out who I really am? BTW proud to say who and not whom because of the Greek'. Proud Mary, I'm the angel I'm the owl of wisdom not you. Not you.  Take your proper grammar, shove it up your ass.
Cowboy Take Me Away/DC

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Truly Madly Deeply

Truly Madly Deeply/Savage Garden
How ya' doing sweet pea? Glad 2C your doing better. More lively at least. I recon you were all along. Don't worry I understand fear. I'm used 2 cuming last in others lives. That's the curse and the many I wear thu-out history and time for all those Gods. I can't wait 2 say I am no longer Mary Mag a shit magnet 4 your bad behavior. I'm Mary Magdalene your queen. The Lion. The mother, your judge. What does a mother look at? Behavior of the heart and how we treat others. I can't wait 2 say I am done with with U Christian white bitches and good intentions telling someone else they  R lesser children of God because U feel religion is God. Man and myth. I lit my sage today and it dawned on me this will be my torch for justice. The cleansing of the soul. They can take or leave it.

Human/ CP
I picked up a document on JC and the duel personalities. The human side and divine side. Of course the name St. Catherine my grandmother on my fathers side. You can't run a nation, country or planet without a heart. Look what happened to mankind that couldn't stop feeding that machine following the wrong profit, that bank machine. I truly know why not the elite and only the meek shall inherit the earth. They may pick a door. Snap, crackle, pop get the flock off my rock. Ashes 2 ashes dust to dust I don't give a fuck. Humanity knows the difference between right and wrong. Espe3cially up there. Turning humanity into droids to feed a machine. I think their point is I have nothing more than high school, beauty school, a nurses aid degree, insurance, management, herbology classes and technological classes. U don't need a degree to provide in life. Big Brother and the machine of education to get a pedigree for everything today did that. Round and round I go.

One Last Breath/Creed
Last night I closed my eyes on the couch while Michail watched T.V. I truly don't care 2C another one after this, except children and grand kids. The sound came back to Ancient Aliens, Declassified. I couldn't find the remote but it was the words of what I heard? The Dogan star is a sister or brother star to Sirius. They call it Sirius B. It's a big white door 8 times the size of this rock or the sun. I can't read my notes. When I did this I'd go sit at the end of Tanner Road on a big rock in the river. The rock in front, a big bull with a nose ring. A demon dog and a serpent. Across the way a pirates ship. It was shipwrecked on the shore. To the right a door. When you walked on Tanner Road you could see just like it was around the pirates crash site. Black under the tree's but green on top. Along the lines to the man with the beard and that ship wreck on Tanner Road the same thing.

I ain't broken, just the heart for all they put me through. Making an example of bad behavior in my life. Particularly this justified system that they used to industrialize mankind. Hell they couldn't follow the universal 9 to run this rock. To much greed for a green that doesn't really exist when it comes down to quality in life. I recon I'm still Jaded and sore. Yes, Luna the moon is hollow and they're watchers 2.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Wind Beneath My Wings

Every Little Thing/CP
OMMFLGOD! So many things have been cumming 2 light these last couple day's? In my heart I want it over. I want it to end. I'm done, how much more? I can't even have a thot without not even being aware until later seeing myself in what ever location or position asking that question.

Ain't No Sunshine/BW
I realized after I was handed the Keepers Of The Light Oracle cards that these are all the beings whom have moved through my life in one form or another. When I discovered the actions and names of these beings? That they are my twin flames in one form or another and that I literally saw some of them in my dreams and behaviors out there, I was so excited. All those twin's? Those God Damned twin towers, back to Sodom and Gomorrah I go. Sumthing or sumone I knew nothing about. Hell Sumone had to explain sodomy to me. The difference between molestation and rape on a boy, girl or woman. Sodomy being raped in the ass. Like what that guy said he wanted to do to me, only he said nut me up.

I finally figured out Prometheus vs. Poseidon, King of the sea. They kept taking me back to the bowing horse in front of JC? My nickname Colt? The disabled my aunt Doris? It was the eagle head again of Horus. It was Prometheus and well he just happens to get his liver eaten every night by what? An Eagle of all things. Funny a mythological being up there with a jar of livers of all things? What they were trying to show me was the curse of Zeus and Prometheus, well heat. Don't disobey those daddy's, I recon. My X, having to fight for the right to have heat all those years. When I changed out our heating system 3 times and got our bill from 300 to 85 dollars a month. Truly since when did it become my responsibility to even have heat for me and my children with that man? Fuck you! It was Zeus that lightening rod. The call of the Siren? Is it from my mermaid's or is it from my brother or is he my father? Here I stand in Olympia. Where do U stand bcuz I'm tired of this curse? Another mother flocking curse at the gateway with Horus whom just happens 2 have a eagle head. Yet here I stand in the land of hawks. Where do U stand?

Take It From Me/JD
I forgot it was Ancient Alien days again. I turn it on to Season 12 Episode 5 at about the last ten minutes and their is my answer? The Curse Of The Pharaohs. That King Philip and I can't remember that Pope's name again. The Knights Of The Templar. The Rose. They literally have me saying after I literally judge my family being the shit magnet for Mary Mag. I ain't your shit magnet for bad behavior anymore. I'm The Rose, I'm your Queen of this nether nether land and U can take me or leave me pick a door. Every Rose has it's thorn. Up for eternal life or down in Dante's Inferno for 7000 thousand years. U can sit in that hot smelly shit for just what U have expected me and mine to sit in.

Hanging By A Moment/Lifehouse
OMMFLGOD! This AA talked about the connection to Oak Island. The Knights Of The Templar. Scotland and their flag was the opposite of the Knights Of The Templar. Then they talk about the Arc Of The Covenant again. I am ready to kick those 2 brothers ass that are drilling that island that is in the shape of an elephant. Now RU ready 2 stand against mother nature all the while U disrespect my rock? Thailand and Alex? That first day my phone went ding just after IC my brother and father in Earthworks Park. Seeing 2 rings. Telling them I don't trust that Japanese woman and German man to bring them home. Just before I write something somewhere about Alex and Elephants. The phone goes ding and she tells me she wants my signature to go to Thailand for 6 months. I jump up off that bench fuck you all it ain't gonna happen. The first day there she's playing with baby elephants. This one really gets my goat.

Come Alive/TFT
Oh fuck me! The next AA S/11E/2 Destination Mars. On the human body and the fallen angels. It was the ruin's, the Buddha and statues that caught my eye. Everything that is there is here. Even your theorist on ancient aliens figured out that that red rock and it's inhabitants are here. You know the Aries, the ram, I'm Gods little lamb. The shadows of the humans messing with our shuttle? The reason why they want to go back. Convince us we don't need to be here but there? Are the Malakites, the serpents and the reptilian elite and entitled that led U wrong. Why would God want you to go live there when S/He gave us this rock to feed all of our children. This is what happens when we keep everything so separated. Oh yeah, Cousin It the Serpent that sits at Mt. Si of all places.

How Deep Is Your Love/Bee Gees
I don't click on Kyle's Facebook. I don't go any further than what he's told me. He will tell me when he's ready. It's been awhile since he's read anything. Makes me worry how he's doing? It's a heavy load. I scrolled a couple of his post and the name Tammy Adcox came up. It was the way she looked to me. Just like Shannon Gleason sister whom just died from breast cancer. I kept looking at her and asking are you sure your not related? Yet her last name sounded so familiar? It was Gleason's brother that I called Brother Red standing at the end of the counter in red and black. Same position and place as Kyle. Then I saw Brother red in the woods that day. Then she isn't showing up for work. Missing the good shifts as a new person leaving us to pick up the load. She is the crazy Tammy that someone else told me I know her. She's crazy Colleen, don't listen to anything she has to say. I don't know if she is? I don't really care, not the point. It was the name, the timing, my asking her my questions? That God Damn connection coming around again. I shut it down well after reading some of his humor. Hilarious! 

Under The Bridge/RHCP

Thursday, October 18, 2018


Brown Eyed Girl/
I have no idea where I'm going 2 go with this 2 day. Fell asleep at 10 and awake at 12:12 standing in the center of my living room conversing with this family tree line, I look at the clock 2:22. I put my hands out to my side and I go "oh come on. Why do you have me up now? I'm tired of this spiral. Round and round you take me. Lately it's been laughter then justice as more light is shed down on me. Yet I'm still get me off this treadmill. I feel like a hamster in a wheel. I even went back 2 bed at 5 but to no avail.
Let  me Be The One/Safire
They got me to laughing at Kyle. I mean talk about feeling stuck? Like a rock in a hard place. Their ain't no getting out of this one. I mean "hey I didn't take that King Salmon and slam it against the rocks to make it suffer for my pain? Nope! No siree Bob! I just threw it back in. Nope! I don't think so." To much proof of life to get out of this one. Besides this one just keep's coming back around in one form or another out there. What am I going 2 do let him flounder?  I just decided I could keep throwing him back and pushing him back down, or lift him up 2 make him stronger on the inside. Each step of the way without even knowing the where, the whose, and what to look for. This has been one interesting journey. Not having a compass? Getting literally lost everywhere I have been out here? Yeah, truly be lucky I'm not Superman or Wonder Woman stepping inside a phone booth or box to change. Each time I realized I step out the door, spin around 3 times, "oh come on where am I now? Which way do I go?" Until I get my bearings. Discovering all these guides that have literally each in their own way have been guiding my life all along? Hey what are you gonna do, U can't pick your family. They make me laugh, they make me cry, then they yank my chain and slam me into Justice again. Yes! They like 2 piss me off 2 get my fire back. The Seraphin, that Fiery One. Yes! U bet this angel smokes. Would I trade them in? Not for 1 God Damned minute would I ever do that. I love my family tree line. Still not sure about Big Daddy over there? Fucking asshole for all this? Is this love or is it that G.I.D. he gave me with that big dick of his? When I figured out what that big paper plate size, heavy thing was, I kept pushing down out there? So let me C that's your dick I was carrying and I'm U? So your the big dick and I'm U now and that makes me the big dick?
I Got A Name/JC "Yeah you do. asshole or dick. Pick one"  Still haven't decided about all this. Do I have Faith? Yes. It's just not something I ever expected. When I learned what a Messiah was? "Oh no you don't. None of that looks like fun to me." That's what I always wanted 2B, the Messiah. Fun times this family tree line.When people said they felt like the room got peaceful when I walked in or even rolled in? I'd laugh, yeah right if U only knew what I was thinking?
My Prerogative/BB
The other funny thing is these Catholics think I'm going 2B thankful for all that murder and mayhem? Hiding the Truth all these centuries? What about all that rape of my little boys because U used God as a good excuse for that bad behavior? All because you lied about JC and sexuality? Making JC a virgin? Deciding what hearsay is for God? Cutting Mary Mag out of the bible? Pope Greg of all names? How telling was that name? The Knights of the Templar and that Rose? Yeah I'm going to boot you off the rock alright. Right along with all you others using God as a good excuse for your bad behavior. You couldn't except when she sent her son here in His making, "would anyone here without sin like to cast the first stone?" Your still doing it today? No U and your religions couldn't let the ego of the male pride, you couldn't make your significant others a equal? It is 2018 and IC UR the ones that will never let that go. Look what you're still doing in 2018 because U as man couldn't let that go and create equality in this so called land of freedom?
Come On Eileen/Dexy's Midnight Runners
DO YOU KNOW WHO MADE ALL THESE BIG BOOKS BAD? MAN NOT GOD? YOUR GOD IS A PEACEFUL GOD? ABOUT LOVE AND FAITH? FAMILY PRIDE NOT EGO" Ain't nobody the judge on love, sin or the breaking of those 10 commandments but that family up there, who sees the bigger picture. U allowed man to turn all your Gods in2 myths thru out history and time. All to feed yourselves up there and industrialize mankind. Sign away their civil rights? The right 2 own our own body yet U wouldn't let her practice her civil liberties 2 defend against the labels and lies? Yeah U are an illusion up there. U just past laws condoning your bad behavior. This Kavanaugh character getting in up there? Is exactly the reason they are back. U have no respect for women or rape. After all this time? All the way up and down this line. Talk about trickle down effect of bad behavior?
Love Is A Battlefield/PB
This is the 2nd song that kept playing in my head in the beginning of this. The first  Hell Is For Children. No I would not let that song play in my head.
Funky Cold Medina/TL
I was wondering why they kept taking me back to Queen Elizabeth and that royal bloodline? Fuck me if I didn't figure that out? That these guys sitting up there, in this USA aren't royal lineage. Nope these ones are about money of the elite and entitled. A creation of their own need. Yup they followed the wrong profit and fed the wrong stock. Recon they will get to choose a door? Up or down. The way IC it U all knew better? U all knew what you were doing every step of the way. You knew U had a moral and ethical responsibility to serve your people and feed them. U all knew the laws and what you were signing away. It is immoral, unethical and inhumane what U have done. Now are you the Kings and Queens to take this rock back from this entity once and for all? Can U get that job done? If not ashes to ashes dust to dust I don't give a fuck. I will judge U and serve U up just as you all up there have done to your people. U were supposed to feed and represent, regardless of the God or ethnicity and U couldn't even do that. No U labeled them up to drug em up and drop their insurance down all to industrialize these people. U allowed the same depressors to come in and depress these people and U legalized it with that HIPPA form. U don't want no one to climb Jacobs ladder. No it is U up there that can't handle the Truth. As far as I'm concerned, no home, no job, no retirement, no insurance just like these people is what U deserve, and Oh yeah did I tell U hell smells like SHIT. U will sit in my families shit for 7000 years for this.
Open Your Heart/Madonna
As far as my family and past friend's go? U will be judged for your bad behavior as well. What U did to this woman and her reputation with the filing of that restraining order is not acceptable. My God this woman even with everything going on still showed at her child's school every other week with their favorite lunch then she'd play four square or Chinese jump rope with the kids. She did volunteer work in the class and showed up at those fundraisers. The way this school system treated her with his and Mary Stone's lies U will learn only through me what U have done to one woman's life and her 2 children's. It was like every one assumed it was justified what he and Mary did. She was treated like this every where she went with that insanity label and the drunken drugged out on meth,heroine, and alcoholic. This woman did volunteer work in the valley with another group of women and no one saw any bad behavior. She belonged to a quilting bee for Pete's sake and none of you looked back. No U will all be judged including names. You want to judge this woman for your bad behavior and turning of the blind eye, this woman will judge you. It is her house, her rock and her animal kingdom after all. Don't do this again to another human being.
Take On Me/a-ha
Make assumptions on the consumptions, and that blame game he had going on as well as our justified system whom allowed it. All the way through even sitting in front of that mediator was she allowed to speak the Truth without being told she's no angel. Guess what I am the angel. As for that woman whom verbally accosted her walking out of Safeway. I am now a creation of your own making just like U accused her of even when she tried to turn and walk away. I am done with you elite entitled white bitches on my rock. I will huff and puff. I will burn your house down to the ground. I don't have to make one God Damned move. I do not people like U on my rock. Telling a woman whom has been in the customer service business since she was 15 years old that she in not allowed to speak at what she see's standing on the side of that counter. Apparently she's not allowed to eat either? Only U elite and entitled white bitches have a right to eat on my rock? Is that what I'm hearing? Nope U made your bed with me. 
I know if U treated me this way U have treated others as well. No this was not a one time incident with this woman passing down judgment on others. It was made very clear, be careful what U say to that homeless person? It could be God. Not my problem U didn't have compassion but judgment for others. Instead your to worried about what she is going to do with that money. Well bitch it just ain't none of your beeswax. To me UR a cunt and U can go to hell.
Jack And Diane/JM
U good Christian white bitches are done in my house to. I'm talking to the one's that do this behavior. It is good christian bitches that think your the judge the whole reason why people don't want to cross those doors. People don't go to church to be judged by anyone. They go to get fed. U whom have passed judgment and turned a blind eye to this woman, U will be judged just as well. You as man and woman standing on my rock are not God's judge. U were to guide the flock not persecute, condemn and turn a blind eye upon this woman and her pain. U did it to her I know U have done this to others.
Walking On Sunshine/KATW
Brand New Lover/Dead Or Alive
U landlord tenants are done. They have shown me the abuse U have doled out in what little power U had in the first place. Sig Martinez do U want to tell me why this woman couldn't rent to U in 19 years? Yup! Your toast bitch. Your not the only one. Even at Edgewick Inn shut your doors for what you did to this woman. You refused services on a technicality on a rape victim that you judged? Then you handed her an unwarranted 86 off of the property? You did it on assumption and not fact. Then when she went to speak to the owner the woman whom did this told her, no. Then when she saw Michael with me she 86'd Michail as well. No! You are all finished owning anything on my rock. You have each in your own way abused your power. You no longer have the right to refuse service to anyone on my rock again. No, your not charging a deposit either on these motels and hotels. Shut your doors U R done.
Maneater/Hall And Oats
Corporate America and all you fast food chains refusing to let someone use a restroom? My veterans whom fought for your freedom to even do business here? U have industrialized all up and down my rock. Shut your doors, you R done. I truly see why God wanted to get rid of man when He spoke to Noah. Their is no humility and grace on my rock. Well their is it's just the one's telling these people to have humility and grace should be the ones to have humility and grace. Hell U don't have compassion. You have judgment. No! U up there knew exactly what U were doing.  Get the flock off my rock.
Dont U Want Me Baby/HL

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Lips Of An Angel

Any Man Of Mine/ST
Oh Kyle U R so fucked on this one, like I said last night, I recon it's Venus and the Venusian's that pulled me back out to these planets. OMG! Major weather conditions on these planets. Like Venus volcanoes number 7, my detriment planet. My X. Well you have 2 planets as well as Kai. Remember the site that was a Ben Franklin history site and it took me right to the stars? The Rams body faces the seven stars over freedoms head, yet I am turning my head and facing three stars behind me Pisces. At the bottom right tip is Kiley. Aquarius. The 70's these songwriters, the psychedelics, free love and our government studied it and realized what's happening and the put it under lock and key made it bad. Ripped out the 2 weed plants that had to 2 B 2 in every yard in the 13 colonies. This is the Dawning Of the Land Of Aquarius?" Ring a bell?

The Truth/JA
I need to change the station but to tired. It's more about the title I recon, then the words inside. I really don't hear it so much as the emotion and beat. I also learned from the oracles that every planet has a being going back through history and time attached to them. Big example is your two planets. I laughed but it's probably not funny from your perspective. Scrolling through the TV yesterday evening I came across a show with the description of the planets thus far called "The Planets." Yes! It was just that afternoon that I looked back to the family charts. Hell I didn't even know we were up to 12 planets' now? Fuck me I just wrote a couple months ago "Oh no that 12th house is Gods house." Allot of energy up there. When I went to school their were nine planets people.

We Danced/BP
Kyle you have two planets. Number 5 the King Planet, is Jupiter is you. Weather storms 1500 miles an hour. It's gravitational pull is off kilter and it affects Uranus. Kiley's second planet. Both Alex and Kiley's planet is Saturn with the 2 rings. Then I find out from Michail last night that his planet isn't a planet but a star the Sun. Yes! Just this last few months he's finally woken up enough to tell me his father was a Mason and that he and V spent a year with the Lakota tribe. I got to explain to Michael after I pulled his card with two others, ISIS of all beings and but of course the Myriam twins. Then I could explain his destiny why he has always wanted to lead something but he can't. He's to angry or turns into a child maturity wise, looking for acceptance out there instead of inside himself.

It was totally what happened at Cascade Covenant that made Michael disassociate from his light inside him. To thine own self be true right? Then I was able to explain why Mark looked like Porky Pig with glasses? JC put the demons in the pigs which is why some religious sects believe it's in the pig and not the essence of a human being.  We had to go through everything Biblically. Why we needed especially me in Mississippi, the racism? My God I was astounded. Michail's cousin which was his boss standing in our house using the word nigger? This man's behavior and ego were off the charts. Of all things back to the eye, he's an eye surgeon.

Road Less Traveled/LA
Kyle your modern planet is awesome it's number 8. A good number in the book of angels. Galileo first thought it was a star. They named it after a so called mythological God, The Roman God Neptune, God of the sea. You were in the Navy, also I if I remember right a seal? Popeye, Bruno and Olive Oil. those last few months of me working at that place in order to get food in me, it was Popeye's chicken tenders and spicy gravy on my potatoes. I couldn't eat unless it was Cream of Wheat or Salmon. I could smell the taint in the meat. I craved Beef Broccoli and I fell out of the car as soon as I opened it dry heaving on my knee's. I could smell the fish oil in the sauce like that rotten fish was right under my nose. When all that all that Iodine I think was in the shrimp. I craved medium to large shrimp.

Don't You Wanna Stay/JA
Then it started to Dawn on me last night like in the past, you have been close to death many times. You have been in delirium states of ascension. You just don't remember them. You didn't remember your dreams. I've been taken back through all of mine. When you go to heaven to write your own book of life like I did here from this planet, you get your answers to your dreams and the ends you kind of remember but not sure? My medication's caused my liver enzymes to rise and I always watched my liver. I wasn't told that I needed to be tested every month for four months. Going into the fourth month, I got sick.

There Goes My Life
Five days of being alone barely able to walk to the restroom maybe once or twice in a 24 hour period. I'd eat real fast, milk, ensure, hot cereal and I'd be back out before my dish hit the head board. I narrated it four months later. Being in a delirium and all this injustice. I'm not afraid to bleed for him. Of course on this journey if I wrote or narrated before I went to sleep. I'd forget and just move forward everyday with the next step. I found it four months later. I could kind of remembered it? Then four months later they tell me the The Black Valley Shadow Of Death. Then like four months or even longer I found the incantation in the bible. I met up with the Hindu woman for the first time right before I did this. She was wearing the same yellow dress that she wore after I made another agreement and I came out of it said Namaste and bowed in my mind.

In My Daughters Eyes/MB
Your third eye is not open. Your heart might be but not that eye.  You've got so much shit going on right now. Which is why I see the animals that surround us in pictures, names and sides of semi's and trucks when I travel. Our auto industry is out new animals. Like you ride a Hog right? Your from the land and the Sea. Your wings and you were in the Navy a Seal at that. I don't want to look back though these messages. Around and around I go. Your wings your a Pilot, and look the Roman that stabbed JC with The Spear Of Destiny his name Pilote.  True intent to kill him faster yet he shed his blood. Alex is my goat yet she's Destiny. My quaking little rock. That thinks if she keeps talking over me repeating herself that my answer is gonna change? Both my daughters are twins to that Sun. Saturn is the twin planet to the Sun. Just start writing from your heart Kyle. Hell do just your kids names, I have not asked that one. I had right after you told me your wife's name? A little Mexican girl whose name is Cecilia. She shows up to visit and play with Chloe. I just looked at her and said in my mind "oh but of course said the horse. Fuck me!"

Red Ragtop/TM
I had to add to the White Eagle blog. He is the Shaman when I was shackled and kidnapped by 2 men in Canada. I used the excuse to pee and escaped. Shackled still of course running through the woods to escape. A man comes along unshackles me and tells me where to go. I told you this. A reminder. I went to a cabin in an opening in the woods and I blew up a meth lab and watched it burn. I turned and walked to an open field with a native man sitting there waiting for me. He told me my next step which was more than likely a semi back across the border. In these oracle cards a Shaman by the name, White Eagle. Before I even made this agreement B4 that Valley Of Death. I had white feathers flying all over my room. I always felt like I was walking trough cobwebs. Later on this journey I found some document saying just that. Lately I've been picking up white feathers. Some day's I'd wear a black feather and a white feather weaved in my hair.. That hawk feather just came along and the owl feather. Hell I had no idea what these feathers were in my path.

Over You/ML
Start out with maybe an outline of names and birth dates. Just let your emotions roll. No matter what they are. You have no one around you. Your alone allot, your in the woods and by water Kyle. This is maybe an exhausting painful time, which CBD will help with that, THC for nausea. I don't know why they haven't awoken you unless they are still just having me be the messenger to move you further along to keep your faith and have trust in those beings. They will point blank ask you to be a vessel first, but you got to get to that stage to want that for this rock, this animal kingdom, and that future garden for all to eat out of eternally. The true emotion of the heart gets you there. Those emotions are your prayers and your strength's. It is your emotion that gives you strength. It's a healthy thing honey, good or bad. Let it roll. Humanity needs to learn to trust and connect as one in order to be stronger with just our energy, intuition and love to protect this rock in the future.

Lips Of An Angel/Hinder
I condensed my journal writing down to the basics to make it easier on you to understand. I read under your sign not only sensitive, but you don't like to go back. You have to go back to move forward, inside and outside. Their ain't nothing out there in that universe that wants you dead. You've just been put through the gauntlet so your children won't have to. I served right under the beast, but you did to taking the hits and getting back up each time to begin anew. Kyle you are a very very old soul. when it comes to me and you they don't get much older than this. I might take snap shots later of these beings and their roles to help you.

Livin On Love/
Faith is here to remind us this is man, not God. It was another being that is here to remind us that God never condemned us in the first place. When I turned around and saw my own father and my uncle Richard swinging that machete cutting the heads off of my classmates whom were sitting in cages with sheep sitting on there heads. It was a symbolism of how the Holy Father feels about sending his own flock down to the slaughter. S/He owns us, that energy and all of them own us. The comet that hit Neptune in 1994 was called Shoemaker/Levy 9. Classmates names and well I told you about Levy Biblically and number 9? The Universal Nine Of Principal's. Hopefully your history lesson is done for the day. It's still early. U never know.

Me And U/KC

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The White Eagle

10/3 emerald air sign, sweet cheeks coffee. What is an upside down heart? An ass. A black woman flaming heart on back of coat. White van with white eagle in window. We Danced played. Heart Of Safeway truck. Music Everyday by RF. The white eagle was awesome. They will be judged sitting up there. They are not getting away with this industrializing the human body 4 their organs. Their internal organs. They own everything about the human body. Emotions, spirituality, pain and suffering they're the cancer. The devils advocates sitting up there. They even created their own need and price sitting up there. Supply and demand? They literally put a price on everything. They literally passed a law about everything being illegal. Hostile takeover is right. A purge like U have never seen. U have no idea. Crazy Girl. Eli Young Band. Awesome! UR going 2 make Kyle do this? Be the Lion of this animal kingdom? Weather he wants 2 or not he's gonna have 2 deal. No sex for 2 weeks. Nothing inside me. This procedure bought me an excuse and time. Sweet! The deluge of the sun is about that black square I saw on the cooking sign. The monopoly. Religion, politics, the bank the stock machine. Its true what is sitting in those banks? Debt its air. It's all made up, compounded interest on marked up fees like fleas. On marked up principle on literally everything. It has been setting it's own price for everything for centuries. Unstoppable/RF Compression, Suppression, Oppression, Depression, and Recession. In the body and in life. Over and over. It literally jacked up all the prices on everything on this rock's resources. Mother Mary and Gaia. They don't want U 2 acknowledge this rock that feeds them or that moon mother in any way shape or form. Do not honor the garden or the mother's at all throughout history and time. God gave man power 2 stand over these women all these centuries 2 make a point. Look what U did with it? Especially the elite entitled white man. Where did this shit cum from anyway? Blown Away/CU The white man cracking that whip. The Pilote. No way JC was white. He was olive skinned U dumbshits. Yeah a white man blond hair born in that region during that time? That would B a miracle. Yeah he'd blend. Laugh my fucking ass off. Yet it was prophetic of the man whom painted that. Summer Of 69/BA Okay I figured Kyle's 4 cancers think U could lighten up up there? I mean if your gonna make him do this he's gonna need his strength and energy. Remember my dark cloud? U lifted that so don't tell me U can't lift cancer. U raised Lazarus from the dead and that little playmate of yours as a child. U healed the lame the blind the ill. Hell U lifted demons off of people's heads. ISIS ain't getting away with shit. My Best Friend/TM Their ain't no 17 virgins U dumbshits. One more fist raised 2 a woman, 1 more rock thrown, 1 more slicing of that clit, 1 more rape, 1 more molestation of a child, 1 more murder serving up your own Justice U will have picked a door. Hands down. Better Man/DC I'm not going 2 speak the Truth and allow this mistreatment of another woman or child. Whose raping who now? Since when does JC's flock whom carries love in there heart for this rock not have the right 2 defend? Humble be humble at the humiliation your doling out? To your veterans that fought for your freedom for all U 2B standing in this land of freedom today? Doing business? Profiting off their losses? I don't think so. Using humanity as stock on your profit and losses? Collateral damage right? My freedom fighters for that one God whom stands for freedom and Justice? Seems 2 me JC's flock has defended minimum on this rock for 6000 years now. Knowingly. Meet In The Middle/Diamond Rio  Drunk On U/Luke Bryan.               A Lil' Bit StrongerS/E What is awesome is that I have figured out I'm not only the Redeemer but your Punisher as well. Now do I have 4 horsemen standing up there or do I have 4 families whom have already picked their door? Upstairs or downstairs U choose. U and your justified system saleing out freedom and literally industrialized everything our justified system all these middle men. Slow wheels of justice IC. My families will be swift. Ashes 2 ashes dust 2 dust I don't give a fuck. U industrialized the human body inside out. Supply and demand right? Yes, pay U will up there by the time I'm done with U, it will be U slave drivers that created this hot mess down here? U will have nothing. That U won't need a bank for. Boondocks/LBT I feel no shame. I'm proud of where I came from. I was born and raised in the Boondocks. I keep my heart and soul in the Boondocks. Right down here with "The meek whom shall inherit the earth.? From this mother's perspective it wont B any of U up there. It's true I like my fishing and fucking with with an F. I like the fishing pole the old fashioned way. U can get your phishing and phucking machine off my rock.
What Can I Say/CU
Oh I've got allot 2 say.
My lil' red riding coat, I've worn it a couple times. I realized there is a tiny rose in the center of my hood. On my zipper a heart with a torch in the middle. Sweet!
I thought I was done with the white Eagle turns out I wasn't? There is a white lighter card called the White Eagle. It started to dawn on me all those white feathers I'd have to sweep ever day. Then later I found a documentation that said she will have white feathers flying around her. She will feel like cob webs are in her face. That was at the same time. The dream in Canada. Being kidnapped by two men and driven to the woods. I said I had to pee. I escaped. Another man found me in the woods and released my shackles and told me where 2 go. I was alone in allot of my travels. It was like being in a video game. I went to a cabin and it was a meth lab in the woods in an opening sitting alone. I blew it up. I sat behind a car watched it blow up. I watched it burn for a few minutes. I turned and walked away. There was an open field and a native man was sitting in the center. We spoke. I moved on to get back across the border.

Twin Oraclest/Twin Flames

Twin Oracles versus those twin towers? ISIS? Your going down. It was right there when that monk said "ISIS is shitting on my mountain." U made it about a monk speaking and swearing, instead of it being the Truth. This rock is my mountain and it don't belong to any of you anymore. U didn't put a cap on anything or get on top of anything up there. God and this family tree line have made it very clear why man does not run this rock? Why they don't own the key's to the kingdom of heaven's gates or this rock? U sold out freedom, you industrialized mankind to feed your God Damned stock machine. Yup you followed the wrong profit. Your banking industry. You passed blanket laws, U justified it. Don't think I don't C the Monopoly U got going on up there keeping humanity suffering and in pain. The Inferno? "Nothing changes a persons behavior like pain." Yes western medicine IC very clearly how you don't want that Lotus flower to open in humanities tree of life? Use your round up in my seed to slowly starve U over 10 years? If not that way then a car accident 12 pills and 12 weeks of P.T. for anything that ales. Then on to your pain clinic to help U tolerate those blanket prescriptions that keep a black cloud over your head. Hell they don't care if U get hurt or sick. U don't want them 2C the light. No, they are depressed. Funny how your PT questionnaire that only covers one area asks about pain then the the next question depression. U started diagnosing pain in the mind over 20 years ago and over ten years ago turning all the pain in2 neurological and U ignored that Tree Of life. All these years? Is that right? The silencing of my little lambs sitting in those institutions? My receivers to the light. My Truth speakers. Oh yeah you created the Sentinel right there. Who got to create and mandate the rules on this scarlet letter A of addiction? Your justified system and your one lane highway to hell of a cure that never lets u off the chain gang? If U were such a moral lot AA then why did U let Big Brother in the door to industrialize humanities right to privacy?

Springsteen/Eric Church
Thinking yesterday about the load I have dropped on Kyle? That little monkey he carries just grew by about a ten. Looking at these Keepers Of The Light Cards, just the name of the creator? Kyle Gray. The girl who handed them 2 me? Kylie White. It is true what they say it don't get better than A1. So why are you reinventing the wheel 2 go in my land fills? I realized yesterday the 3 cards I pulled I had pulled 2 of them for the last couple day's, but I didn't read the other card or catch the first line of Venus? Her twin flame Sanat Kumara, Light activation. Venus, Downloads and understanding. Yesterday the 2nd card pulled sitting in the middle was Buddha. The one I knew inside myself long ago, was 2 walk 1 with God inside U. No it doesn't make U a doormat either that's our justice system and man. That is U bullies whom like to take advantage of a nice person just because U can. I am so sick of this bad behavior in all walks of life. IC quite clearly how U have used religion, God and any spirituality against each other? Even allowing man to turn these beings in2 myth all for the wrong power to keep humanity in fear, suffering and pain. IC as your Holy Mother, the rock that feeds U whom carries your tree of life just what U  and how U created holes in this HOLY Cross? My answer it ain't LOVE it ain't God. Plain and simple. Neither are any of U, not man, woman or child.

I explained 2 Kyle yesterday the role of The Myriam, the twin celestial beings of sacred vision? They represent the 2 mothers that he lost. Then I read the first line of Venus and it said twin flames. Last night I went down the list of twin flames, and all these mythological beings. Well so man says. Where did this start? The British Columbia, the Bicentennial. U took what was already controlled and stolen and kept those rules today. Thought we broke free to begin anew?  Rome this 3rd party U allowed to keep coming in and doling out it's own punishment making choices u should of never been making. U just all create your own armies everywhere in history for the wrong power. This system likes that. U literally allowed the elite and entitled 2 get a hold of mankind and write all the rules. Isn't that the point of the Masonry right from the start? Not to let the elite and entitled get a hold of humanity. Kind of like the Illuminati crossing paths into this club. Buying out their loyalty, so they think. Their won't be paying for indulgences for Sin in my church. Isn't that right Catholic church and anyone else. U have literally let man and money write all the rules and create your own value. Including U Devils Advocates sitting up there. I agree we should not be standing here over 2000 years after my brother, father and son died for your sins still fighting over women's rights and equality. We should not even be discussing a woman's right to choose because you, none of U own those souls but that wo/man upstairs.

Bottoms Up/BG
No Catholic church IC what U did, the illusion that these babies need to be baptized right from the beginning. Just writing your own rules over there to keep the illusion of power? Supply and demand IC in everything.  Ain't none of U writing the rules or do U own the keys to Love anymore. UR the ones sitting up there that can't let that control go. Not these people that UR teaching to tolerate in all walks of life not just my schools and your pharma but U Big Brother and Corporate America. When I sat on that well and the 2 black snake heads that popped up is the representation of U and CA passing your own laws and writing your own rules. Not my problem U sold out my garden to the banking industry and got everyone all the way up and down that line to do their part earn your fee's to buy up my rock, mark it up, that was never yours 2 do in the first place. You carpenters are a disgrace what U have done. Their ain't no carpenter I know that would ever do that to this rock. Greed! Greed! Greed and sloth. When is it enuf Monica Antone working both sides the broker and agent, my God talk about unethical. You John Day? Save some for my children. Their ain't nothing that U as well as U other builders have created that makes U worth that much 2 this little mother. Ain't a none of U a Sunshine State on my rock. So many of you don't pay your contractors isn't that right Sig. I ain't even done with U bitch. U should of been fired long ago. As far as U carpenters that think U swing a big hammer, Ain't none of U the Carpenter on my rock but Keith New. A man whom has had to prove himself over and over. A man and wife whom have had to rebuild their life over and over every where they go only 2 have U egotistical landlords pull the rug out or not do your part making it harder every step of the way right Sig?

White Horse/TS
It started to dawn on me last night the names in this deck of cards, the roles they have each played on this journey? How these names and characters have guided me on this journey? Brigid was the name of a Druid in the beginning when I went to look up names of druids and roles. This is where I came across the name Ellis. The Twin Towers and Lady Justice? Also the name of the first guy that cheated on me. I knew I was on the right path. Her twin flame Cerunnos and he has ram horns. Who knew that Michael The Arch Angel had a wife? Her name Faith. I knew Michail and I were meant 2B on this journey together when I read the Conjuring Of Jack Parsons. The 9 knocks, that 9 again and whose standing there but Michael and ISIS. The first name I said on that blue oil can of peace. Blue is Peace. The second word twin towers. Oh my what a Bermuda triangle  I have here. Mt. Sinai the breaking of those 10 commandments and those 7 deadly sins. I assure U I point my finger up cum judgment day. I am your creator. I am the creation of your own making for sum of you up there and down here. Don't think your not gonna get and earful of Truth for your bad behavior. I am no longer Mary Madgelane, your shit magnet for bad behavior and neither are these women. Then to Washington that State Capital and back to this Washington. Guess what I have that you don't. The Olympics are my Olympians, I got Zeus and that family tree line. I got a pregnant bird blocking me 2U and I got the bruno beard to the East.

Man I Want 2B/CY
I got I-9 times 10. I got I-5 from North 2 South. That rose line. Yes, I got the deluge of the sun, that Big Daddy of 7 with 2 sets of twin towers that stand above freedom's head. ISIS holds that Aten in the palm of her hands for a reason, that trinity his 3 nieces he was meant to take under his wing. Mr. Jobe himself with the lions bridge and bald eagle head that makes me laugh every time. He look's like a big Viking. That man has every major animal from that animal kingdom standing inside him. It is hilarious. I loved that some of the popes names throughout history is Hilarious. Carrying and feeding Michael after all these years for his loss of Faith in God because of what you at Cascade Covenant pulled with your power play thinking U own the keys to get thru heavens gates? Nope Trish Clearman U do not. Sue neither do U and certainly not U Mark. Porky pig with glasses standing up there. U ain't the music, you aint the mountain and your ain;t the man. U certainly ain;t no judge in my house. What did I say, doesn't anyone have the right to come to God? What was your answer no these are God's rules. No they ain;t those are man's rules, playing God. It's not your place ever to play God. UR not God's chosen son or daughters, U did not serve God. U served the entity the beast with your ego, with your heiarchy. Only the meek shall inherit the earth and from this mothers perspective it ain;t any of you. Your to greedy and small minded.

Taking credit where credit shall not be granted. U may still be going to heaven sum of U, inside my heart that is forgiveness enuf. UR not the chosen leaders and guides in my house. What U have done with religion is box yourself in. I saw it the day I saw my neighbor show fear over Kylie's cards. She doesn't understand even Mary Mag and JC are in here. All these celestial Gods are Gods and guides. They are Gods creation that cum B$ us and you as man no longer to own the keys or right your own rules for judgment and Enlightenment. Not in my house U don't. If U truly had faith in your heart you wouldn't have fear. She didn't have judgment she had fear of the Truth. U locked her in with your religious fear of God/JC and your Holy mother which is this rock. Going through these names I realized allot of these Goddesses are representation of other moon mothers. Yup I'm Luna your moon and I love according to the Babylonians that I am sin. Who says God doesn't like a sinner or have a sense of humor? No I fully understand now why my family is here to take back every seed. Humanity is still enslaved from then 2 now. I know U upstairs don't want humanity to know that they are the game that you are using as food for fodder to serve your machine. I haven't gotten to that penalty phase of the game yet? Principals vs. behavior equals how I value U as not only your savior and judge, the redeemer, the author, the finisher. I am also Karmic Justice. I am the Punisher. Your done stoning your women cutting out there essence their clitoris. They're done with U owning their bodies from the inside out. My slave diamonds are done.My women, children and all U bullies are done being hit with fist like rocks. U men no longer hold that leash. UR unworthy. UR done reprogramming my children on sexuality. U know longer own this O ring or theirs. U know longer own their emotions or their right to their God or guides. So yes I call those native treaties that sits on freedoms head back in2 play. The day you allow to discriminate against praying peacefully on native land? Any land because U think U own it. U lost all your rights to anything on my rock.  Especially as a native woman whom asked no one for nothing. I didn't bother anyone. All IC is discrimination. Their are no sales on service going on around here. U discriminate on any technicality to run a business on my rock and tell another human being they can;t use a restroom unless they R a customer? After all these years and all this poison? These are mother natures little beasties not yours. This is my animal kingdom. 
Shake It For ME/LB
I don't know what your thinking? U can't take this garbage that you are producing with U 2 get through heavens gates, so why do u think I'm going to allow U to keep creating it? Especially this revolving door of your hook up every morning? These cell phones and technology that are revolving thru our landfills are not our friend. Your so called electronic friend and family plan, so all U little slaves can get back 2 work. Now Odin kept coming up, I had no idea who he was even after I watched American Gods. I felt exactly like Moon Shadow and the story line was right on. I don't even know him and Thor were from the same sect. When I posted online what were these rituals I was doing a friend came back and said your doing fertility Goddess rituals. Now why am I doing fertility Goddess rituals if I only have 2 daughters? Then on this journey I got walked thru why the 3 other pregnancies? I needed to create the seed, the soul, the life with these fathers whom had curses on their head. Four with Mr. 666 himself. If U think for one God damn minute my children don't have heart, they do. They are the victims because of your justified system. My daughter wouldn't be living like a nun and the other the load she has carried? Already so young and she already had the experience by the age 10 and 12 being sat down right after her mother and repeat history. Being told by 2 different women that they own every thing. While Greg sat there and told her not 2B rude defending herself and her home, job and sister. Repeat history telling my children not 2B rude or your being just like your mother. Not allowed to speak right Greg to cover yours and Mary's Character assassination U did on this mother for 19 years? All to hide a crime? U sick sick sick piece of shit man and woman. I am your judge as well as theirs up there.
I Love The Way U love Me/JMM
One dot, one freckle, one hair on their head on these 15 ladies? My family will huff and puff and burn this house down. U turn a weapon on them, U turn the weapon on yourself and U will have chosen your destiny and your door. One more murder to defend these guys or out of your own fear and UR Gods flock we don't murder but you will have chosen your door. One kidnapping or attempted murder and U will have chosen your door. Like U did 2 John The Baptist, with the head on the platter because Solome didn't like his ruling about her divorce to marry her step uncle? What did Michael's demon tell me? That he Like John The Baptist wanted to cut my children's heads off and mail them 2 me in a box, unlike John's whom was served up on a platter. Spite, Smite, serving up your own justice because U don't get your way. U have proven through history just why God wanted to wipe out the human race. I'm not far behind Him on that perspective. Their will be no more of Gods chosen one's to make their ruling.Quite frankly I don't give a fuck. I heard in the beginning I don't have 2B inside 2 clean any house. My first broom a dirt devil and well now I'm just a sweeper of the stars. Time for the Malakites to go and those Nicolations God hates so much. Yeah who told U God doesn't have emotions? When I picked up that red bible with my name printed in gold, I happen 2 open it to revelations. I threw it and said my God would never do that. I'm here to say Oh yes he would. They all would. This is our second home away from home. It was meant to feed all of her children in all walks of life not just a few. Holy Amethyst and Arch Angel Zadkiel haven't read them yet. I love that my first book of numbers was the Angels 101. I mean who else is going to know what the 3,6, and 9's that I've been working with mean  and what to do with them but Gods first family the Legion. The militia. I love that Hope, Faith and Charity are all married to arch angels. The celestial beings the God's twin flames are married throughout history and time right from the start.
She Don't Know She's Beautiful/SK

Bring On The Rain/JDM
3 Wooden Crosses/Rt
What Do U Want/JN
Against All Odds/PC
Jesus Take The WHeel/CU

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Killer Queen

Ruby Tuesday/The Rolling Stones
I recon they are taking me back around to some past memories and names. Kinda like "Gaia just download me already." Then it takes me 2 family. I find out Venus is in charge with downloading, on this rock and in the heaven's. Who  say's it's not Jack's house? A couple other fairy names came up in the beginning, Wendy and Tink. I didn't know why but I felt like it had something to do with the lost boys? We all have a war to fight. These gangs and clubs standing on the corners in their colors. The Hells Angels with wings on their back and Castle Rock. Now look Stephen King how telling. My last mistreatment center. What a joke. "Are U my mother? Are U my father?" Looking for family people. Hey we all have our crosses 2 bare. We all have our wars to fight. Then Pan. Peter Pan and the Gin, Pan. My X again. The whole jumping from the skillet to the fry pan. I was wondering why I was seeing myself standing inside a bottle like I dream of Jeannie hitting the cork with my fist "let me out of the bottle?"
Foreplay, Long Time/ Boston
Awesome title. Last night I got taken back to the gifts people brought in to the "Orphanage For Lost Mothers." I was usually gone, thank God. I appreciate it but give it to someone who needs it. I don't need another item, or bag to saddle me down. Then the girl scouts come in and drop off gifts with our names. I had to accept. U know accept anything freely given. I cried when I opened them they were red gloves with black bats. How very Wednesday of me. Back to the Adam's family I go. Mr. Wednesday on American Gods turns out 2B Odin. I recon my family and I have a dark sense of humor. That mother nature side, that lil' beasty side of my family tree's whit and humor. "The Wicked Witch Of The West" here to take down this house of cards, wall street and religion. Then I remembered the song, "Little Red Riding Hood" this morning remembering Michael telling me "he wants to cut off my children's heads and mail them to me in a box?" Not Michail himself but that dragon he had on his head. His Big Bad Wolfe came to light. Right after I stepped out with my back pack, standing in front of mama bear? Talk about "The Silver Fox And The 3 Bears" feeling by the second time around apparently still being hidden from the serpent in Revelations. Learning the bear is a Lakota thing.
I Got A Line On U/Spirit and Road Less Traveled/LA
Sitting on the couch this morning about 4, I got a flash of me literally picking Kyle up and swinging him over my head and throwing him. What was going through my mind? The word's "HOT MESS IS RIGHT." That was someone's answer to me when I asked "if they knew him? U don't want none of that. That man is a hot mess." I saw that just in a different way. The loss and having to keep going. The loneliness and the cancer. I mean even if they are gone that is quite a history. Then what do I say in my mind walking up2 take his order? "Great, just my luck, fall in love with a guy and he up and dies on me." Boom cancer again, being kidnapped, shot three times, 1 missed and while in the hospital cheated on, and cancer again. That is drive. That is your Jobe. That one with his ring of fire that he is still not sure about all this himself..
Feeling Alright/JC and I Go Back/KC
Having to tell someone "your a Freyr not the monk and she is Freya, turns out your fertility Gods?" The answer when he got up with his coffee going out to smoke, "hmmmm! 7 kids, all girls, all ADHD with 2 set's of twins and 2 bout's of cancer and I'm still alive, isn't that odd?" I was thinking in my head "yeah, that is pretty odd." Not good odds this ones life span and love. No way. Then I'm standing on an oil can doing fertility Goddess rituals, and well plenty of other rituals it turns out before that day? Then my reply "uhm why am I doing fertility Goddess ritual's when I only have 2 daughters? Then I say to Alex after seeing Big Ben with the kite, "that's mother natures lightening rod, our nine lives are up." Then I'm working with the 3,6, and 9's? Then I trek into town and used Angels 101, those names and numbers as my guide's. Then the 9 knocks in "The Conjuring Of Jack Parsons. Then the alter that was set up, after the 10 plagues that God and your mother created with Moses, the burning bush and those 10 broken commandments. Yeah I rocked back between the 9's and 10's for awhile.  Kyle telling me 3 more. The little boy standing in Michail definitely a 10 year old boy with 2 Egyptians standing behind him.  What number on God's altar 9? The 7 with the 2 candlesticks. The blood of God's lamb sacrificed and spread up above the doors for God not to touch when H/ER storm's tore through. That sure is some energy in that story line in just those four element's wouldn't you say?
Rock Steady?BC I'll Be/EM
Is God just a theory? Is H/er son, Jesus Christ? How about that daughter? Mary Mag? How about that Holy Mother,? Mother Mary? Didn't she weep bloody tear drops? That's a miracle right there? Then I find out mother nature's name is Mary. Being raised by Zion Mary for this rock? Fuck me in the ass and get it over already. Hey how about that name Mary Cochran Stone? Her emotions when I say her name right out on my video? Goal release date Halloween. Just going through some namesakes in this family tree line.
Green Grass and High Tides/The Outlaws and When The Stars Go Blue/TM
Just that word being mentioned again this last week? Namesake, God Dammit to hell already. On both sides of this treeline. Someday Alex will laugh about some of the hell her mother has been through getting hooked to the chain gang upstairs in this family tree line. When some one said Alex is pregnant, I about lost it. Never this. To throw babies in the ring in this family tree line, not at this time. Then the other shoe dropped. Oh yeah always another God Damn shoe in this family. You know that "Murphy's Law" thing I used to say allot to myself in my younger years, "if something is going to go wrong it will." Why? no better way to learn than personal hand's on experience. It is you upstairs whom hasn't learned anything. No it is you that literally just keeps repeating history. You just look better doing it. Talk about repeat history.
Reason 2 Believe/Rod Stewart finally some Rod. and Waitin' On A Woman/BP
Kyle keep's asking "why are you so mad at me? What did I do?" I feel like such a jack ass. I keep trying to explain I'm not mad at you personally, it's the situation. It's what we represent. He doesn't understand why others keep being angry with him too and behaving liking Judas all of a sudden? It's the fear inside people of who we represent. The end yet the beginning. He doesn't understand that no I am not in love with you. Nothing personal. Regardless of what they've shown me, get real! I said in the beginning to him, "I agreed 2 look crazy." Then they make me look like a stalker. He even got interviewed somehow after I was raped? I didn't know his name when I went in to ask what the protocol was?  I told the police he's on camera and the time he walked out behind me. It was this clerk that called the police and said "theirs a a hooker on the lot. Where's the proof of that? I never approached anyone or asked anyone for anything. I paid for my shit on that lot. Truth is after all this I still don't know him. He's still a stranger, in a weird way not. That my anger at him in the beginning was the turmoil inside without knowing what and whom we represent up there. Yeah it sucks being in the Mary Madgelane family tree line. The shit magnet for bad behavior. Eve, naive Eve who just happened to of had such a broken picker she married the serpent from the garden? No I don't need saving it's his family tree line and my family tree line that has me worked up.
Sweet Home Alabama/LS and 2night Looks Good On U/JA
Oh and it gets better, I'm the kid sister, the mother and the wife? Every day I say in my head "I hate this rock." I know Gaia nothing personal. Your getting sucked and pumped. Mined and fracked each day in one form or the other just like me. I wrote in my blog yesterday, "I really did place my burdens on Kyle."  The reason for that monkey he carries growing by 10 at a time like this? Then it sunk in like The Titanic, I too got handed his load right from the start. By ten and now 13 or 14, I've lost track. Forgive me. Sarcasm intended.
Killer Queen/Queen and You'll Think Of Me/K
Thinking about Gaia, how she kisses her beasty's on the head?  I do the same thing. Forehead, head and the tip of the nose. Children and beasty's alike. Seeing the original mother standing alone in her animal kingdom? To me in an odd way that is heaven. My circle of life not mankind. My destroyer's of the very hand that feeds them. I got flashed in to a scene where I was stomping through the woods one morning tired of this long wet walk out of the woods just to get a pack of smokes. I yelled up "ain't no man worth all this." They agreed. I was shocked but happy with that answer. I step out of the woods and a biting chill tore through me. I said "bitch." Referring to mother nature, then I laughed realizing that is just the point. My mother is this animal kingdom and yes she can be a bitch. It's her job. She was feeding this animal kingdom and this circle of life long B4 you as man came along. Then that evening the next answer came, I recon the other side. The male side of the family tree line. What did I hear? "No, but your brother and father are." I didn't need the question to that answer.
Runnin With The Devil/VH and 2day Was A Fairy Tail/TS
The cards I pulled today on whom it is I am working with was Green Tara, compassion and love. Lady Nada, another energy of Mary Madgelane. Awaken to the divine acceptance of love. Give and receive in balance. Not! Nada! That has never happened. I have never had balance in love. She's from Atlantis and the spiritual priestess of love. She helps awaken us to the divine love we deserve. To remind us when true love and divine love is present their are no obstacles. Except one, well two?  Me and trust? Not trust in the divine plan it's me and him I don't trust. I don't trust you with this part right here and that is the Gods honest Truth. It's not attention or pity. I just really don't trust this. I feel like I'm being forced with this part, knowing what your knowing is, as a human I don't trust it or that with him, let alone anyone. Even after all this why the flock should I? Sorry Big Daddy your gonna have 2 do better up there, because it ain't working to get me over this hurdle. Of course I have compassion and passion. I could do that all day long, just not trust.
Mother/JL and Boondock's/LBT
The third card Krishna which is Devotion, whose twin flame is Radha. He is an Avatar. Sweet! He even say's you probably feel like you've been on an emotional rollercoaster ride? You think? He is Wisdom and a God of the feminine spirit. He is to help with fear. Imagine that? Out of everything I don't fear, I recon it's love I fear? I admit I'm devoted to you all up there, whatever you want me to do. Aside from compassion, and well passion for him and his children, all they've gone through? Still yet to go through? On both sides of the fence? It's this man thing? Maybe I'm being to human and realistic? I feel love for mankind just not sure about the man? Can't I just go home skip this part, the happily ever after I still don't believe in for myself?
A Broken Wing/M.McBride
Magic Carpet Ride/Steppenwolf/ and Who I Am/JA
Yeah, a crazy white cracker that need's to go back to the reservation. Asshole family. I don't care how much love I reject. Talk about "Big Daddy" issue's I ain't ever asked for? Upstairs nor down stair's. You all up there literally want me to go back on the chain gang? Tie myself to another man and sit in their shit? Thank you and no thank you!
The Jack/AC/DC
The End/The Doors

Monday, October 1, 2018

Carry On Wayward Son

Carry On Wayward Son/Kansas
Walking by the TV this song was playing. Michail's Supernatural that he pretty much watches over and over. It kills me how after everything I have told him he still hasn't connected the dots and topics of shows? Name's of show's? Name's of character's over and over?
Remember When/AJ
Yeah back to country I go. It's my country pride not yours. I choose, well they do. Not teary eyed just getting hit with allot. Things are coming in fast as these dot's connect in this family tree line. Especially the oracles the names crossing paths again? Discovering how these names in all this mythology really do keep coming back thru history? The powers that B sitting upstairs know the Truth and C the bigger picture. I told Kyle and Michail yesterday it's the 2 black snakes they represent Corporate America, and Big Brother. Then it hit me this morning, Biblical names came up in the beginning also. I knew this had something to do with C.A. I didn't know anything about the C.A. part until I was standing out there dancing at night. Looking back throughout history what are the 2 from the very start Religion and Politics. Every government keeping control of the human race. Politics using God as guilt and shame to control humanity? It don't matter King nor Queen. President, or  Dictatorship. Just pay these fee's like fleas and taxes. I got a flash of Queen Anne on TV being labeled the Queen of the world. Really U want a queen who said, "This is your last Christmas?" No it may be yours however, it ain't going 2B my flock they can keep coming back after they sit in my families AA.
Please Remember Me/TM
Look what happened to Princess Diana? Talk about marrying a lie and being expected to live up to those expectation's? Then U stalked her? She had a right to privacy, and U killed her. Just because U R a public figure it does not give U that right to stalk someone or take photo's. Label it negatively or even a lie to feed your tabloids. From what I can C even Prince Charles wanted out from under the oppression of your guidelines and rules on love. Let alone your own grandchildren. So no I'm the Queen of this rock. Remember whom Mary Mag's mother is? That's right Anne. I'm the Queen of that RH- race, that reptilian race that want's control. The elite and entitled just keep moving forward making  a living with your old world expectations living in a new world? I didn't carry those four souls, those 4 birth's by that man for U and U only. No I'm back just like Nuburo said, just like JC  "I'm cuming back 4 my slaves." If U think I'm going to go through all this and those Martyrs B4 me to let this continue so U can deplete my people, my rock with your high price of Sin? Not get an earful from your creator and how we came to be here today?
Laughed Until We Cried/JA
I understand why they are taking out Religion. The Muslims and ISIS? The Jew's still fighting for their, rock after all this time? The Catholic's? I'm the Cardinal and I can C very clearly why you don't hold the keys to get into heavens gates? Not U Mormon's, not u polygamist playing God with your harem. Certainly not Scientology. Certainly not Christianity. Not U either Saudi Arabia. My family has one big eye on U. E.T. U choose which one. No, it is U man, the pharaohs and religion that could not except when she sent her son here in her making and he stood in front of that woman.  Of course all women in these Holy books are whores of Babylon. The tempters of sin. U spineless fucks. If you can't get control of your dick with that pee brain some of U men carry inside, maybe U R unworthy to have a dick brain. U as man can't even handle having a dick as power. U abused it. Look how your practices from upstairs in all walks of life have kept your mothers down? 
Fuck me on that bull shit alone. I clearly C why they had me looking up the word misogynist? U don't have 2 hate women 2B a misogynist. No, U just have 2 look down on them. C them as second class citizens. Their 2 serve all U his highness' in bed. Serve up that dick do we? Bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan. Do your dirty cycle of dishes and wash your drawers? Not no more we don't. U will go back to chivalry and I mean that. U don't over power and disrespect these women or bully them anymore. U younger generations are gonna get your ass out of those seats for your elders, and U will show some R.E.S.P.E.C.T. for your elders and peer's. We don't tolerate, I'm done with the hater's, I'm done with U nay sayers and judges. We accept our difference's, we embrace them. It's called culture. Life would B pretty boring if we were all the same. Break bread UR family it's that easy people.
Going through all these twins in the Keepers Of The Light? Yes, their are 13. Another 13, my bakers dozen. Friday the 13th. Alex's birthday and Benevolent Belinda, Friday the 13th. Knights Of The Templar, Friday the 13th. The 13th amendment, slavery and Abe Lincoln. 13 pearls on the dollar bill. Yes! I as a child have always been drawn to Abe Lincoln. Just like the Kennedy's. Just like Ben Franklin. Just like George Washington. How I'd look at my grandma Lily's profile and swear she looks an awful lot like G.W. Yeah! Let freedom ring, baby. I realized how even Mary and JC are labeled myths? How Faith, Charity, and Hope are all twin flames with an Arch Angel. Guess who Faith's twin flame is? Michael.
Heart Like Mine/ML
Hope's twin flame Gabriel. Hey didn't Gabriel scribe the Quran to Mohammad? Oh yes, so who made these books of hope bad? Man and Satan. (Hey Dana Carvey' Saattaaann is back in town) Not wanting to let go of the wrong power when she sent her son here to die for our sins? Money, a machine and man the 666. Not Faith, Not your God. U truly do not know what it is your serving all the way up and down the line. Isn't it the Quran that mention's Mary Mag the most out of every big book out there? Yup, sure does. Why do U want Mary back here, as your Holy mother when U treat your women the way U do? I have to ask Obama why do U not understand that we don't respect or honor that behavior ever here in this land of freedom or any where else on my rock? Did your Ala free the Israelite's and create the 10 plagues 2 get the pharaohs 2 let these people have 3 days off alone with their beasties and God? U don't get to come here and wipe out my God for Ala because my God created Ala. It is U as man and religion that couldn't let go of the ego. Why would U ever think this is a pathway to heaven? Not you personally. This belief and behavior?  I am aware their are different sects. Quite frankly IC that passive aggressive behavior in man in general today. It's just hidden and covered up better. That entitlement because I'm Dick Man. Some bruises U do not C. Some cuts U do not C. Which is why we let a woman whom had more proof of life 2 that Truth of neglect and abuse, not speak in court 2day is an injustice. Her right to defend her civil liberties. That trickle down effect of bad behavior cuming from the top? Because U in political power couldn't let that one issue go. I'm here to let it go and release it.
She'll Leave U With A Smile/GS
I'm here to break all the chain's that bind. I realized last night going through these cards that I am definitely the moon and this rock. That Kyle is the sun. I said to my X in the beginning nothing grows without the sun. Nothing grows with out love and light Greg as I cried.  I might be this families Sunshine, but Kyle is the sun. I realized yesterday three photo's disappeared from my computer. Imagine which 3? One of them was way back in the file. No way someone didn't scroll through and delete them. It's that lion's bridge. Wow! U can't miss it. How his brows arch up and go down 2 lines on each side of his nose. It's uncanny. I have no idea how no one noticed? It's Biblically written. When I saw that I about died. I have a friend named Kylie who saw our apartment under 20 feet of water with seals swimming up above. The breaking of the seals.She was looking West and told to "transfix on the beauty." She said she saw colors of a rainbow arching over JC's head. Yes! A good sign I'm getting to the end of this journey as well as humanity, that U as man and beast did this, not God. Why would God ever destroy Gaia mother Earth that he gave to feed all of humanity? This animal Kingdom this circle of life. Why would God ever send her son here without experiencing love and loss? Give him incentive to keep moving forward, with those 2 tiny seeds.
Unanswered Prayers/GB
Something I have known all my life is that God has many names as well as her son. I never disrespected it. Faith and family is a good thing right? Their right to their God. You have wiped out my God, my freedom, my civil liberties and my pagan holidays. All because this system wants you to think they are myths? God is a myth? That Big Bang Theory that you named a myth? Yet your creating that God Particle in Sweden? So U think your ready 2B the judge and play God? How is that not science?  Your Creator of this rock, this universe, those heavens that animal kingdom that surrounds it? The organic chemistry of the body? How is none of this science and God? All these wars your fighting over God and this rock is creating distension? God does not murder and neither does her son. God does not rape or abuse and neither does her son. It is U on top who never got rape under control with all these timeline guideline and rules on rape. U Corporate America and all your affiliates? Your stock machine and pharma? U hospitals with that HIPPA form and your justified system condone victimizing your victims. To label them up and drop their insurance. To drug up my Truth seer's sitting in those institutions all to hide the truth. Even then when I said to this doctor, I will stand in front of the judge and speak for myself? She said no not allowed, including the lawyer. Yet I have the Seattle Tribe behind me and I can't go on a vision quest with my family? The silencing of my little lambs? Deep Horizon 11 is right. Babylon bitch. IC man, not God all for your own encroachment, sloth and greed. U just come in and take and dole it back like mother natures little beasties are the unworthy ones to live on my rock? No, U never got on top of rape because it is you whom are the rapist raping these people from down under, using them as food for fodder to take the blame for that tally u hold over humanities heads? U can't even do your own math up there and pay your own bills but u expect these people to scrimp on all of mother natures markup on her resources? Her treeline, her seed with roundup to create the need and the value of this western medicine? No U didn't put a cap on nothing and that is why my family is here to put a cap on U. Their won't B no getting off my rock or going down under for this one. I want no stone unturned.
She Wouldn't B gone/BS
I learned last night that Alex is the 10th house, Kiley is the 11th and Kyle is twelve. Well ding dong I'm still number one as well as Horus with that Big eagle head he wears. In the beginning I figured out Alex is January first in line, Then Kiley, Kyle comes up behind me again and I'm number four. Yes! It just keeps getting better on this upswing. In the beginning when they had me looking up, I'm the first planet and house, the key's to the kingdom is me? Yes, as ISIS I do hold that son Aten in the palm of my hands weather he likes it or not. Hey I wasn't happy from the very start that this had anything to do with him. Mr. King Solomon himself whom sits over freedoms head. Only he can remove this demon off of Greg's head. To be honest I don't like violence. Except the ring or octagon. I don't like men to fight over women. I think it's disgusting. Yet I do hope he has a pair of steel toes. I pulled the Venus card for a couple of days, I discovered with her twin flame Sanat Kumara, and in the middle of the 2 Buddha. I discovered that my detriment sign is Libra. Planet Venus, number 7 of all numbers. After discovering that their really is a Venus being I think we as a family have this one in the bag. Even U Vlad. Now U have a chance to give your people a hug like U really said. U were not wrong about another entity being at play here. Cousin It, The Serpent. Imagine my surprise? "Uh serpent, a real live serpent, a real live entity is sitting in that ground?" Yeah those four horsemen are back for all of it. Cause and effect on mother nature. U were to busy feeding a machine and herding mankind like cattle, creating a high price on sin. 
I call Bullshit on this hot mess I'm looking at down here.
Come A Little Closer/DB
Then they took me back 2 the four horsemen this morning. I was dribbling away sitting on the John. Hey we all have our process. It's 24/7 with these guys. Unless I'm sleeping and no I don't focus on my dreams other than what they took me back to. Well not they, JC himself took me through those one's. Talk about feeling thoroughly Scrooged? The Witch In The Wardrobe, Alice In Wonderland, The Silver Fox and The 3 Bears, Dorothy from the Land Of Oz,  Little Red Riding Hood, those aren't Michael's eye's. That's not Michael's mouth and those aren't Michael's teeth. Cinderella is back to clean house. For some Cinder. UC it turns out I'm the sweeper of the stars. Anastasia the Tzar, the little mouse, the tiny dancer. I was wondering what was up with all this dancing? Then I discover I not only have a lil' Shiva in me, no I have another The Shekinah, Sacred Self. Dance to the sacred rhythm of life. That explains the dancing feet again. Love it. Whose twin flame happens 2B The Holy Spirit. Look at that another female presence. Hey do U think their lezbo's? I mean in the heavens it's about energy not gender but love. I want my children happy and free not live with chains that bind on love. Freely given freely taken. God's angels most are androgynous or have a twin flame. Buddha is androgynous being inside he walks one with God inside.
One Day U Will/LA
Well back to those 4 Horsemen. U remember them don't U? War. U as man created war. No better way to feed the world economy than a good war. It was created on credit to boot? Famine. U as man created Famine in more ways than one. Your mother's seed you poisoned. Wipe out the mother, wipe out the children all to get to God and his flock, and the keys to the kingdom. Thy Kingdom Cum Thy will be done, on earth as it is in the heaven. Heaven on earth baby and your nine lives are up. I'll be God Damned if I will let this go on much longer. Catholic church, Famine and Fatima? Mary Mag's 3rd message that Lucy gave U and U took credit, held it back. Don't U ever let me catch U doling out your penance using Mother Mary's name again. Their ain't nothing Holy about U except the holes in my cross u created by cutting out half the heart from the start. Then you made Pope Greg a Saint? No U hold no keys. Pestilence. U created the plague with the signing of that HIPPA to control humanities emotions and spirituality all to create the Sentinel IC. Their ain't no freedom up in this house. Hey you remember the white horsemen named Death? Perhap's the reason why I'm the Lakota. The white buffalo. Perhap's the reason Kyle and I and his ring of fire are white? The illusion of white man IC.
That's Why I'm Here/KC
I'm starting to think Kyle's 3rd eye is never going to open. I mean at this moment in time it can't be expected, but then I was as close to death as your ever gonna get to. Put me in 5 day's of that Valley Shadow Of Death. No I don't want that. Please God no. I don't want to raise Him of all people from the dead. Mr. Jobe has been through enough. Then I think about history? The king's had seer's, however it would of been nice to have an equal. Not the death, the seer thing. The heart reader thing U guy's do 2 me up there. That thing. The reason I called Kyle a Piece Of Shit man the other day? I can't do ego. I can't do control or passive aggressive behavior. IC it plain as day. Ego, it's not just fear.  It don't matter how much proof of life, that man makes me feel like I'm pulling teeth some days. I don't even call people name's until this book. I feel like such a Jack Ass for loosing it. The whole reason he's water and I'm fire. Every conversation he broke me. That's why I wanted him to go away. I don't need 2 take this on at this time in my life. Not even when I was sitting on that red rock. I did not want to talk to this one. I was like "oh cum on, not this one. He kill's me inside."
Leave The Pieces/TW
He break's me every time and he's to nice. It's like I know just what he's talking about. I don't need that when I'm stepping away 2 begin anew. Go from the skillet to the fry pan? 2 old 2 done. When his 2 mothers woke me up? I hopped out of bed. "oh no u don't. I don't even know who I am." Then in the end I'm on the floor with my hands in the air begging them, no! No! No, not until I know who I am. Boy did I ever find out. He's so sensitive he doesn't understand when I say "I can't wait for U to go through this. I can't wait for those God shot's. I'm going to laugh"  I so wanted nothing to do with this one. Not at all. To not answer me about that black growth on his pancreas and about chemo after all this time, all this truth? U think I have trust issue's? He's got trust issues. Like I wanted 2B the one to tell him this shit, especially at this time in his life? Here let me be the bearer of bad news. My burden's have now turned in2 his. He'd hate me if I didn't tell him what I know, no matter how insane. I didn't know what a Druid or a Celt was? When someone called me Jaded and explained to me what it meant? "U don't believe in love. U don't believe in fairy tails. My answer, "well if the shoe fits. Go ahead call that kettle black." Every relationship I have been told to sit in the shit of their cowardice or bad behavior, then it's my job to clean it up too?  I have no reason in my life to think otherwise.
Forever And Ever Amen/RT
Even JC's been a royal pain in my ass since he stepped up to the plate in September 2016. He came right out and told me November 2015, but I forgot. I don't think like that. Just like I asked who was down there in July 2015 and they said the fallen angel? I forgot. When they told me yes, my dancing is moving energy like Tai chi that I'm mother nature's daughter. I forgot. I don't think about that until Justice and I sit down and write and let my fingers do the talking not me.
All I can say if this mother don't get my happy ending to this book? Ain't nobody getting one, not on my rock will I ever let this go on.
Once U Loved Somebody/DC
Still just the messenger.
Carrying Your Love With Me/GS

Colder Weather

I'm listening to "Colder Weather" by Zac Brown Band on Pandora.