Monday, April 30, 2018

Truth big brother. How about some Truth and we knock of the blame game. We knock off this Monoply game IC you got going on down here. You know how this country is really making a living off the little people down here? How you used your labels, you fine's your fee's that high cost of sin on that scarlet letter A. How you big brother allowed a machine to profit on the little people down here? How you allowed this Insurance to create an Industry using humanities body parts right here in my land of freedom?  You know your other big I you created with that scarlet letter A? Those institutions that were created? That true revolving door of Insanity you got going on those treatment centers? We both know those treatment centers aren't a cure for all the pollution you allowed to be created when you allowed Insurance to come in and make it's own laws, and set its own standards on the one's you label the little people. The ones you label unworthy to eat after you allowed Corporate America to come in and buy up all of this United States of America's farm lands. You allowed the banks to bully these people to get them off that land. Over and over big brother through out history IC you are still allowing the indigent ones to be stolen and bullied. Now IC just with your lables and this system treats a rape victim to fill your instittuions. That HIPPA form and you rigged ICD codes.

You were told not to sale out our gardens to the entity? From what this mother can see you did that just in my life time. What's another word for entity?  Corporate America. Wasn't it your job to prevent Corporate America the elite and entitled from getting a hold of humanity? Wasn't it your job to protect these people? Wasn't it your job to feed these people, to ensure they had jobs. Yet you allowed Corporate America to come in and turn twenty dollar an hour jobs down to eight dollar an hour jobs. You allowed Walmart to re-set the standard didn't you? You allowed during generation X's lifetime three of our major industries to go to other countries all while another major corporation moves in from another country and re-set the standard of service here in this united states. You cut full time hours to part time. You allowed a major corporation, another one and the same if you ask me, to come in and build all over this United States and you shut down small business right there.

How about that 90 day timeline that you allowed corporations or small business to hire and fire for any reason. U allowed the excuse to be the benefits of insurance. Whose gonna pay for these people to get insuranced now? Truth is Corpoarte America was to provide insurance to any business you owned with more than 10 full time employees. It was right here that you allowed Walmart to use the state to pick up the slack for those part time hours? You the state picked up the tab for medical and food stamps to pay the difference to this major corporation to it's people.

All the while you are getting the United States of America to jump on board and fuel the wrong stock and in return you fed the wrong flock. You didn't turn around and invest in your people that you on top swore to serve. Instead you created more institutions, more HMO's, more middle men industry to help these down trodden right big brother? Who are theses downtrodden and homeless? Could they be your veterans? Your physically challenged? The one's you are making quite the living off of with that Schizophrenic diagnosis? I want to know since when is it against the law to make an agreement with your higher to put your back pack on your back, and live cum what may every day? To walk back through your hell care system again to begin anew in your system and to try and get a diagnosis for this tree of life that I wear upon my back.

You know for 30 years I have complained about pain between the shoulder blades, then 20 years later the pain takes an all time high right along with chronic migraines, I still couldn't get a diagnosis for something that started out so simple and not one of your Western medicine doctors figured it out. About 3 years ago I pushed and went around the system to get an X ray done? You know what the Chiropractor said that I got to order it? He's never seen such a mess. He doesn't even know what to call it. It took me 3 nights of scrolling through X rays but I found the diagnosis, scoliosis that turned into Kyphosis and it only got worse from there in just 3 years. I took this X ray to begin anew and try and get help.

 I found I couldn't even get a diagnosis because well since Obama care came along we don't bother to diagnose pain in that tree of life, no we treat it all the same. Yet you doctors, these HMO's and this insurance doesn't see it that way? You have designed a system to not recognize muscular skeletal pain. You can't see that right? What if you could and these doctors could all these years but you allowed, these , HMOS's, these doctors, and this insurance to make blanket choices and decisions about another humans beings rights about how we suffer? Whether we are are lying or minimizing when we speak, always drug searching right? You made these doctors responsible just like a bartender, and you used what happened to Michael Jackson as an example. You Big Brother and the this insurance, and this pharma hell to make choices and decisions on another human beings right to live a quality life with that blanket label and high price of sin you placed on that scarlet letter A.

Sinners Like Me/EC
What a monopoly system I found what you have done to the human race in this United States of America? How you have allowed all these affiliates to come in and get in on the game and the billing of those ICD 9 codes? You have the gull to take mother natures gardens, sell them off to the wrong carpenters building all these track houses along my highways cutting down my families tree line to build your marked up boxes another industry we have abused in more than one way. For example ?????? America's housing from California is just the minimum State standard building warranties. What an industry that creates to keep coming back and repairing these cheaply built track houses? On top of that should I talk about all the mark up on rent. The abuse I have had to live through right along with the rest of the human race putting up with these investors buying and selling up these buildings and lots? All these turn overs and changing of the guidelines and standards? When the human race complained about the abuse and labels on these background checks, all you did was put a cap on that. You put a cap on the price, but the complaint was the abuse behind it. You couldn't be bothered.

Make You Feel My Love/Adelle
Yet you couldn't bother to put a cap on these hospitals and all this mark up on hell care just to get service today? That would mean putting a cap on that stock market wouldn't it. Those investors that you got to invest into the wrong flock. How you have abused that HIPPA. I can't believe you in this United States would ever allow it to write it's own prices, labels and rules to get help today. All to label up and fill your institutions. How about how you treat a victim in your hospitals? Especially a rape victim? My insurance lessoned with that label. You gave me less of a right to speak when after I was raped, you institutionalized me would not let me stand in front of a judge to speak for myself. This mother you labeled up for walking peacefully on Native and some Corporate land, with my back pack note book, you have set up a system to allow anyone to call the police and I have to defend myself. I have done nothing but sit on a gold mound, a red rock, a corner and an intersection in the dead of night.

You allowed a woman whom about 19 years ago come into my life and in 90 days time steal and remove my name off of 3 alternative healthcare businesses and four bank accounts to come and take a photo of me praying peacefully with my right hand in the air call the police and in one she told the police I was lying in the road. When the police man spoke to me, I said that is my point you didn't ask? You allowed a woman whom walked in2 my life about 19 years ago come in an steal my good name, my pride, set me up and label me to come back around and steal from me, my dignity, my time and my pride again. All because your blanket laws back then and you blanket laws Big Brother in all walks of life to cover a potential liabilty insurance industry. The biggest hoover vaccuum machine today if I've ever seen. You allowed them to use this rock to profit off the little peoples losses. Their hearts bodies minds and souls you sold out to the wrong power.
Better Day's/UK
After Jack In The Box, the E-coli you went around to land and the wells and took control of that industry too. The one's that were grandfathered in you put a high price on that water and well didn't you? You poisoned mother natures seed fer fertilizer to feed in all walks of life right here in this United States. You took her organic gardens and added synthetics to feed an organic human race. You put flouride and other synthetics in my water to feed a hell care system. I ask you this since when is it ever a good idea to flock with mother nature and her flock.

Can't Help Falling In Love/AB&KM
That's right it never dawned on any of you from up above that part of that trinity whether of science or your creator that big bang theory is this planaet this rock that God created to feed all of her children ever lasting love and life? That weather u beleieve in the creator the atom or the creation of her son Jesus Christ, it's all the same from the same Adam's family ass long ass u carry love in your heart. Love of your higher power, that sun in the sky that feeds this rock all of life, Some call her Aten, others the sun.

There's A New Kid In Town/
This is your creations garden, it don't matter where you think you evolved from, that ocean, those beasties weather the land or sky, it's all the same. As long as u have Love of your higher power, and your pride your family that feeds you love and light every day. It doesn't matter what u think it is that ignites your heart to keep u moving the 01, or the Big A in the sky. No I'm Sirius, Jah it's True we are all mother natures children's and we carry her essence inside us. Theirs a reason why this essence has been poisoned from the inside and out in all walks of life and it is not because of your creator, God, Freya, that little worm in life that feeds the soil, the birds and the fish.

Sister Golden Hair/America

I am a mother. I believe that as a mother in order to save our children's lives sometimes we got to kick them down low to kick them up higher some day. Who doesn't want your children and grandchildren to have a better life than we had? Isn't that why we are here in this United States? Isn't this why we fought all these good wars,? All these Holy wars? For freedom, food, jobs, and the right to choose a God of our own making? Whatever that higher power that lights up your heart and feeds you love and light that is your right?

All these wars are good business right? At least that's what the man says. Right big brother? Gotta feed your machine? At what cost and whose really paying to feed that machine?

Burn Down The Mission
God has many names? IC she has provided. She has given you many names, higher powers, spirituality and religions to look up to. So don't you Big Brother go blaming all this hot mess I'm looking at on God. I mean it didn't dawn on any of you just why God would want you to destroy this very rock she gave you to feed you and her children everlasting light to fight all your Holy Wars. Why would God your creation, that little atom, that big bang theory that energy that created this rock ever want you to be ashamed of the color of your skin? You know it was your creator, that maker that gave you your colors, not man so I want this being ashamed of the color of your skin to stop. It didn't dawn on any of you that as part of the trinity God that son that this rock that you were born of and on is part of your trinity. That you are all mother natures children. As mother natures children we come in all different colors shapes and sizes. Well this mother thinks kit is those imperfections that make you unique. It is those imperfections that give you character. I think as mother natures children and her little beasties you should be proud of who you really are. It always makes me cry this part right here. The shame we have created just with the color of ones skin. I want all of you to know in all walks of life that God didn't give you that shame, it is man.
Small Town/JM
Well Big brother this little mother is here to tell you some things IC that is happeneing to humanity, how you sold out the wrong flock to the wrong stock long ago. I recon you never bothered to step back or this little mother, this little atom, this little creation of your own making is why I'm standing here to speak today in this way. Perhaps if you'd let me speak oh about twenty years ago when I kgot my divorce in this United States Of America, we wouldn't be standing here in this hot mess today. IC we already had blanket laws created by insurance and big brother to fill your institutions to cock block this little mother from speaking. It makes me wonder in 20 years of not being able to speak without that label that was placed on my head and never able to defend myself how many other brothers and sisters this has happened to with that scarlet letter A. The right to speak again without being told, I'm minimizing, blaming or lying about anything I had been through in the last 12 years being married to the Beast himself? The Gin and the high price of sin they seem to go hand in hand today don't they.

Energy God is energy, anything that is out there is in here? Universally so.

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